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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Well thank you for explaining. I've never really paid attention to operas. Some musicals those. And I would never have guess the middle part until you pointed it out. I'll star it out on my end then. I understand a little now.

    Ok this isn't that great,but it's for Loss. I did a wallie last night, it's in the galleria, but I'm not that happy with it either. The blending distorted some of the pics. *sigh*

    S4 story.

    It’s been days since Teyla found out that her people were missing. Thoughts raced through her head, “Maybe if I was there more…. maybe I could have saved them, protected them.” As she sat in her quarters in darkness, tears flowed down her face. All she could think about was those she had recently lost.
    When Atlantis lost Carson, it was a great loss for her as well as those around her. Oh how she wanted to comfort John during that time. She knew that he was hiding his true feelings to be strong for everyone else.
    And when she lost Charin, Carson was wonderful in how he tried to help her and when she died he was a good friend to her. She missed Charin so much and she thought that the grief she felt then was so unbearable, but this was far worse than anything she could imagine. Tears flowed even harder as she thought of the loss of her people and family. She lied in her bed crying with her head on her pillow and soon she fell asleep.
    Hours past by before she woke from another nightmare. She started to feel restless and decided to take a walk. Maybe she should get some fresh air, but as she started to walk through the corridor she found herself standing in front of John’s door. She lingered there momentarily and was about to leave, but then John’s door opened.
    John was surprised to see her standing there. “Teyla, how are you doing?” he said sympathetically.
    A sudden urge sprung from her, she couldn’t control herself. She quickly embraced him for comfort and in the first time she felt peace. She could feel him hesitate briefly, but soon he returned her embrace. For the time, in what seemed to be an eternity, she felt all that was wrong in her life melt away. Even if it was only for a little while.
    Oh this was really touching!!!. You wrote Teyla's emotion soooo well!!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Well thank you for explaining. I've never really paid attention to operas. Some musicals those. And I would never have guess the middle part until you pointed it out. I'll star it out on my end then. I understand a little now.

      Ok this isn't that great,but it's for Loss. I did a wallie last night, it's in the galleria, but I'm not that happy with it either. The blending distorted some of the pics. *sigh*

      S4 story.

      It’s been days since Teyla found out that her people were missing. Thoughts raced through her head, “Maybe if I was there more…. maybe I could have saved them, protected them.” As she sat in her quarters in darkness, tears flowed down her face. All she could think about was those she had recently lost.
      When Atlantis lost Carson, it was a great loss for her as well as those around her. Oh how she wanted to comfort John during that time. She knew that he was hiding his true feelings to be strong for everyone else.
      And when she lost Charin, Carson was wonderful in how he tried to help her and when she died he was a good friend to her. She missed Charin so much and she thought that the grief she felt then was so unbearable, but this was far worse than anything she could imagine. Tears flowed even harder as she thought of the loss of her people and family. She lied in her bed crying with her head on her pillow and soon she fell asleep.
      Hours past by before she woke from another nightmare. She started to feel restless and decided to take a walk. Maybe she should get some fresh air, but as she started to walk through the corridor she found herself standing in front of John’s door. She lingered there momentarily and was about to leave, but then John’s door opened.
      John was surprised to see her standing there. “Teyla, how are you doing?” he said sympathetically.
      A sudden urge sprung from her, she couldn’t control herself. She quickly embraced him for comfort and in the first time she felt peace. She could feel him hesitate briefly, but soon he returned her embrace. For the time, in what seemed to be an eternity, she felt all that was wrong in her life melt away. Even if it was only for a little while.
      How could I not have seen this! This is beautiful Scifan! Very touching.
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Thanks Ruby.

        Here's a couple of presents for you.

        Since you got jipped your shirtless scene in MrsB's story.
        You want to give me a heart attack scifan with those gorgeous pics of Joe!!!! LOL!!!...well if i did, it would be totally worth it! LOL!

        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Part 13 - The Trial

          John opened his eyes and groaned loudly. His head was pounding and his chin was already a huge purple bruise. He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the blurry vision. He sat up quickly and looked back.

          The giant was still perfectly centered and positioned, just waiting for Sheppard to get back up. His face was expressionless, but he motioned with his large hand, taunting John to come back for more.

          "Lucky shot," John slurred as he grappled at the stone wall for support, standing shakily. "Lucky shot?" he heard Rodney exclaim. "Andre the Giant just knocked you off your ass!"

          John flashed Rodney a dirty look as he massaged his swollen jaw finally getting his bearings back. He took a deep breath, cracked his neck loudly, and then began circling the giant again.

          "Are you completely insane?!" Rodney cried.

          "No, I just needed a different strategy is all," John answered as he smirked at his opponent. His eyes were playful and calculating while he kept circling and circling to the point where Rodney called across the room. "What the hell are you gonna do? Dizzy him to death?"

          Suddenly, the giant lifted his massive arm and sent it flying towards John's head again. This time, John had been prepared. He ducked instinctively feeling the swish of the hand just graze his spiky dark hair and he leaned forward and kicked the giant as hard as he could in the groin.

          The giant froze. His ugly face puffed up and his yellow eyes started to water. John took this opportunity to throw an elbow in his stomach. "That's for the Hulk!" He proceeded to pummel his fists repeatedly into the giant's sputtering face as blood started seeping from its nose. Rodney yelled over, "Yeah! Keep going! I take back what I said!! I'm gonna call you Van Damne from now on! Woo hoo!"

          As the giant fell sideways to the floor, still grasping at his groin, John knelt down, burying his knee deep into his chest, throttling him with one hand while the other grabbed his heavy spear. John's eyes were burning with hatred as he spoke through gritted teeth, spittle flying. "This is for her."

          He lifted the spear high over his head poised to strike, when the giant reached up and brutally swatted him. John flew a few feet, dropping the spear as he did. Rodney watched, stunned, as the giant regained himself, standing slowly, reaching for his fallen spear.

          His mind was wracked trying to think of what to do when he suddenly remembered the hieroglyphs from the hall.

          John was lying there, gasping for air, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, desperately attempting to stand. He had only made it to his knees, when he knew it was no use. The giant stood looming over him with his massive shadow, spear gripped tightly in his hand.

          He cocked back his mighty arm, his eyes shining with glory. John closed his eyes in defeat, praying for it to be over with, when he heard Rodney's voice as he came running over throwing his body in front of John's just as the spear came tunnelling down piercing through his chest.

          OMG!!! poor Rodney!!!...oh wow!. You know, if this was the show, as much as Rodney acts like he is scared, i think he would have done what you just wrote, give his life for John's

          Very nicely done MrsB!...i can't wait to see what you write next!

          Sig by Camy


            She did. She did. Mayra. She posted Part 14 tonight!!
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
              Too lovely!!! I love that scene! It definitely had a romantic feel to it

              Here's one I did for Incurable, i posted it in the Gallery earlier...

              And here's one for Mercy...
              Oh Wow!!! these are beautiful girlinabox!!!. i love the colors for Incurable and Wow, i love the pic for Mercy!!!. Awesome work!

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                She did. She did. Mayra. She posted Part 14 tonight!!
                Ah!!! thank you Elflinn!!! you could see i'm sooo behind on the fics!!. This is cool, i'm going to read it right now!

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                  Ah!!! thank you Elflinn!!! you could see i'm sooo behind on the fics!!. This is cool, i'm going to read it right now!
                  I also got the weekly round up done for this week if you missed anything else.
                  I know that there are quite a few fic and vid recs in it. It starts on page
                  1402 it like three pages. Boy, we sure can spread the JT Love!

                  I'm done for tonight!!

                  I will be back tomorrow! Take care!!

                  I Scifan is still on. Not sure. She only has a couple more posts before she
                  hits 1000. I'm trying to get her to hit tonight! So, encourage her to post for

                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Part 14 - The Trial (Big Finale)

                    John placed Rodney’s hand gently onto the sand. He took a long look at the face of the man who had given his life for him. And then he turned and never looked back as he walked through the hidden door from which the giant had come.

                    He took only a few steps before he came to the edge of a cliff. Almost stumbling off, he skidded slightly, as tiny pebbles scattered down, echoing. This was it, the end of the line, John thought. He looked out into the great emptiness before him. He extended both arms into the air and puffed out his chest. “Hello! I’m here! I made it! Show yourselves, you cowards!”
                    His voice echoed many times until there was only silence. John stood peering into the nothingness, his thoughts lost and scattered.

                    Suddenly he felt a presence and he turned swiftly to find the old woman from the hologram standing beside him. He looked at her, peering closely. “Are you real?” he asked.
                    She smiled. “Yes, Colonel Sheppard. I am very real.”


                    “Yes, that is your name. And yes, I know many things, Colonel.”

                    John looked at her angrily. “Why have you brought me here?”

                    She smiled innocently. “It was you and your friends who trespassed, Colonel. I assure you, we did not expect you, as much as you did not expect this.”

                    My friends……My friends are all DEAD! Your stupid tests, your trials…….I should kill you where you stand,” he said recollecting all that had been done.

                    She looked alarmed but only for a moment. She smiled widely. “But Colonel…You have passed The Trials. Be disheartened no longer and lay your burdens down, for your reward is great.”

                    She extended her robed arm towards the great darkness and it suddenly started to grow lighter and lighter until John had to use his arm to shield his eyes. Hundreds of thousands of bright shiny tubes stretched on for miles.

                    John looked at her confused. “I won a bunch of night lights?”

                    She pursed her lips. “Ah, Colonel. When your memory returns, you will remember that these are a sacred source of power, one that your people greatly rely on.”

                    My people? My people?” John scoffed, his eyes flashing. “The only people I can remember are all dead back there! I don’t give a crap about your precious power source lady! All I want is for all of them to be alive again!” He paced back and forth. “If you can’t offer me that, then there’s nothing you could possibly have that I would want!”

                    She looked thoughtful and murmured to herself as if she were speaking to someone else. “That can be arranged,” she spoke firmly.

                    John looked at her a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. His face was filthy, he was beyond tired, and his heart couldn’t handle anymore sorrow. “Lady, if you’re messing with me-“

                    She interrupted. “If you are willing to trade your life for theirs, we can bring them back.”

                    He didn’t miss a beat. “I’ll do it.”

                    He stared at her waiting. She laughed. “Oh Colonel, we aren’t murderous people. This is a task for you, and you alone.” She held her arm out, motioning towards the edge of the cliff.

                    He walked over, peering down carefully. “They’ll be all right then, won’t they?” he asked without looking at her.

                    “Yes, Colonel. They will be all right.”

                    John stood, the tips of his toes just barely hanging over the crevice. He closed his eyes and pictured Ronon saving Rodney’s life, he remembered Teyla’s warmth and the happiness he had felt when he was with her, and Rodney, brave Rodney who had died saving him. He wished he could see them all one last time, but just knowing they were going to be okay was enough for him.

                    “I’ll find you in the next life,” he said as he thought of them, leaning forward, letting his body fall into the depths.

                    John awoke to someone talking loudly. He could barely crack his eyelids open until the loud voice became more clear to him. He sat up quickly, looking around for the voice.

                    “I can’t believe it. I just can’t believe it! How you fail to grasp basic concepts Ronon, is just beyond me. When we get back to Atlantis, I’m going to write a book solely about you. I think I’ll call it ‘A Day in the Life of a Caveman’. It’ll have a lot of grunts and groans in it. Do you think people will read it?”

                    John held his breath staring at Rodney and Ronon before him, arguing. John looked at them in absolute awe. Ronon caught his expression. “Sheppard?”

                    “I’m not dead?!” John exclaimed. “You guys can see me??” he said, getting to his feet excitedly.

                    “What kind of a ridiculous question is that? Of course, we can see you.” Rodney made a face.

                    John ran over and hugged Rodney tightly.

                    “I didn’t know being able to see was such a cause for celebration,” Rodney said uncomfortably.

                    Ronon looked at him strangely. “What is it?” John clapped him on his shoulder, grinning wildly. “Nothing, big guy, nothing. It’s just really, really good to see y—“


                    His eyes turned and rested on Teyla’s face. She was looking at him, with such worry in her brown eyes. He took two steps to her and grabbed her face, kissing her passionately. She was surprised for a moment before surrendering to him and pressing him closer.

                    “Oh my God! Are you guys kissing?” Rodney cried.

                    Ronon smiled and slapped Rodney on the back, distracting him. Rodney started. “So anyways, like I was saying, people don’t just go leaving things like this laying around, Ronon! ‘Oh yes hon, I think I’ll just take my ZedPM for a walk today. Oops it fell off its leash. Silly me.’ No, Ronon it just doesn’t happen. There must be some kind of trick—“

                    John broke away from his deep kiss with Teyla to look questioningly at Rodney. “You found a ZPM?”

                    Rodney looked exasperated. “Yes, Colonel. Thank you for finally catching up with the rest of us. A ZPM was just lying here and I was explaining to Ronon that it might be some sort of a –“

                    “Take it.” John said smiling, looking back at Teyla.

                    “That’s it, just take it?” Rodney questioned.

                    “Yup. C’mon let’s head back to the gate.”

                    “Well, there’s this cave over here I wanted to check out for that energy reading—“


                    “Well, you don’t have to scream about it….”

                    “Let’s go home……” he smiled, looking back to the cave once, with his arm around Teyla as they walked to the gate.
                    YAY!!! i'm glad Elflinn told me you had the last chapter up because you practically had me crying with the last chapter! LOL!

                    Awesome job once again MrsB!.. the ending was perfect!
                    Especially the kiss between John and Teyla! LOL!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      I also got the weekly round up done for this week if you missed anything else.
                      I know that there are quite a few fic and vid recs in it. It starts on page
                      1402 it like three pages. Boy, we sure can spread the JT Love!

                      I'm done for tonight!!

                      I will be back tomorrow! Take care!!

                      I Scifan is still on. Not sure. She only has a couple more posts before she
                      hits 1000. I'm trying to get her to hit tonight! So, encourage her to post for


                      Thank you Elflinn! i actually read some of your re-caps of what's been going on! Makes it a lot easier! thank you for this!

                      Sig by Camy


                        Mrs.B I loved the fic so much that I felt I should make you something to thank you....I"m warning you though, this is not doing your fic any justice. But I"m exhausted and my eyes are about to drop soon.

                        But I couldn't go to sleep without making you something. Maybe you can post it in your blog or something to link it to your fic in fanfic...I don't know...

                        Whether you use it or not is not the point...

                        I just wanted to show you a little of my appreciation...I LOOOOVED the ending and the fic is FANTASTIC! Thanks!

                        By the way guys, Yogo updated her fic...I"m so loving it!


                          Thursday nights are busy here! Woo boy!

                          MrsB, great ending to your story! Awesome stuff!

                          Camy, you found my story, I see. And I don't like reading WIPs, writing them on the other hand... Beautiful artwork for Trials, BTW!

                          Girlinabox, dang girl! You rock the art scene! The best I can do is stick figures, even on the computer.

                          mayogaelz, wow!! You have talent!

                          Sci, my goodness, girl! Nearly one thousand!! That's a lot of JT love!
                          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            You want to give me a heart attack scifan with those gorgeous pics of Joe!!!! LOL!!!...well if i did, it would be totally worth it! LOL!
                            LOL. I promise to try and remember to leave a warning label on him next time.

                            Thanks both Mayra and Elflinn for comment on fic.

                            Here's my last arkwork for tonight. Absolute.

                            S4 spoiler cap


                              Congrats to Scifan on 1,000 Posts!

                              WTG! I knew you could do it tonight!!!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Mrs.B I loved the fic so much that I felt I should make you something to thank you....I"m warning you though, this is not doing your fic any justice. But I"m exhausted and my eyes are about to drop soon.

                                But I couldn't go to sleep without making you something. Maybe you can post it in your blog or something to link it to your fic in fanfic...I don't know...

                                Whether you use it or not is not the point...

                                I just wanted to show you a little of my appreciation...I LOOOOVED the ending and the fic is FANTASTIC! Thanks!

                                By the way guys, Yogo updated her fic...I"m so loving it!
                                Very Cool Camy!!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

