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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
    Well, 'rofl' means 'rolling on the floor laughing', so wouldn't 'rof' just mean 'rolling on the floor'? I think? Well, anyway...

    I've just uploaded a new fic on It's called 'Complicated' and here's the link:

    I hope the link works! I'll finish it tomorrow. Good night!

    WOW! Ruby that was sooo awesome. I loved your fic! I can't wait to read your next chapter. Pheww, is it hot in here? Great job! I posted my review. Keep up the good work.


      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
      Well, 'rofl' means 'rolling on the floor laughing', so wouldn't 'rof' just mean 'rolling on the floor'? I think? Well, anyway...

      I've just uploaded a new fic on It's called 'Complicated' and here's the link:

      I hope the link works! I'll finish it tomorrow. Good night!
      Make sure you post to JTC as well! We need all our good authors!


        Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
        I'm sorry but Joe slightly downgraded that kiss because he puffs out his cheeks and lips. Maybe he did it for impact but I hope that when (because it will happen) he kisses her again he won't do that.

        Some great pics of RL on JM's blog and great pics camy!
        Thanks for the update. RL always looks so cute.


          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          Boy do we EVER need another kiss! But I love the way you put that John's motivations were overwhelming him! And unless I miss my guess, if he'd tried again the next moment, she just might have kissed him back! At least, JF and MG thought so!
          Was that said on that eps commentary? I'll have to listen again if yes.


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Well, his actions before, during and after say it all! Btw, I was looking over the caps from Conversion but the ones for that last scene at the end there and one thing struck me that didn't hit me before.

            John comes looking for Teyla and you see that he's neither ashamed, or embarrassed or guilty as his expression upon the doors to the gym open is one of joy and just glad to see her and that's before she smiles back at him.

            If John remembered everything, he must have also remembered how she reacted and or at least responded to that kiss. And all I can think of is that if Teyla was in anyway disgusted or sickened by that kiss while he was kissing her, he would have somehow remembered that. A guy can feel when a girl enjoyed a kiss or not, right? I mean it's been so long..I mean, I kiss hubby of course, and he kisses me, but we've always...Ah, you know what I mean.

            so my point, if this kiss was so awful or even against Teyla's wishes, John's post reaction afterwards, I would imagine would have been different as well. I mean all I can think of is if John felt anything wrong with Teyla and he remembered it after the fact, his conversation, his mannerisms, his words would have been different instead of him speaking lightheartedly and very comfortable. I mean, I think he was a bit embarrassed but he clearly demonstrated as Joe himself admitted, he wasn't sorry but most importantly, I think the fact that he wasn't sorry was because he didn't feel that Teyla was sorry for it either!

            Does that make sense?

            I think John is a gentleman in everything that he does and if any part of him would have felt that he did something horribly wrong to Teyla, he would have approached the situation a bit more serious and more apologetic than he seemed.

            Gosh, I hope I"m not screwing this up and making some sense. It is hot today!

            Good observation. I like your thinking. They both seemed to except what happened and let it go. And I forget what Joe's comment was when Teyla exhailed after she turned away from John. I think they changed something in the scene. Awe, now I gotta watch to hear what he said.

            I'll be back.

            Thanks for the beautiful caps Camy.


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              It was definetely not a tender kiss or a mutual one as in Teyla wasn't quite expecting it and/or responding to it. The way I see this kiss is that here we have another example that this was John kissing her. This kiss was a stolen kiss. It was not meant to be a two way thing. John wasn't acting on her behalf but simply on his own behalf and his own desires, which is why this kiss can be construed as controversial.

              I remember my sister telling us the story of how on her high school graduation day, one of her male best friend on stage suddenly grabbed her and kiss her, in which she pulled back and slapped him across the face!


              Then I remember my first kiss...*sighs* and well, it wasn't stolen, but I wasn't expecting it!

              Mind you I was....moving on...

              Point being, I didn't see the puffy cheeks, but I did see the squishy face tightly up against each other. Meaning, John was doing most of the kissing but Teyla wasn't backing off either and I think she was very capable of it, at the very least she could have attempted and she never did anything but towards the last bit there when she raised her hands up for him to stop and he did.

              We've seen different things here. Some see that Teyla pushed him back, I see it that John reacted once her hands were up in the air and he pushed away.

              In either case, this was not romantic. This was not a Chaya/Teer/Meira kiss where both parties were engaged. This was John kissing Teyla and in between and during she got to taste John and I personally think she was surprised as well just how good..*clears throat*

              Moving on.

              So, I agree with you that we need a better kiss. But one thing I love about that kiss...well two told me that John wanted "BADLY" to kiss Teyla. And Teyla, if anything, found that kiss "interesting" as well.
              Camy, I'm telling you, look at a clip of him kissing her. You can't see it in the pics.


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Was that said on that eps commentary? I'll have to listen again if yes.

                Well, technically they said she looked as if she wanted him to "stop it some more" And they all laughed. And yes it was on the commentary.


                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  Well, technically they said she looked as if she wanted him to "stop it some more" And they all laughed.
                  Did ne1 post the commentaries on the web? I really would like to see them.


                    Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                    Did ne1 post the commentaries on the web? I really would like to see them.

                    These comments were in the audio commentary for the episode "Conversion". It was done by Joe Flanigan, Martin Gero (the writer for this ep and JT shipper!) and David Hewlet. The three of them are a hoot. I think the commentary is still on JTC for download if you haven't heard it.


                      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                      These comments were in the audio commentary for the episode "Conversion". It was done by Joe Flanigan, Martin Gero (the writer for this ep and JT shipper!) and David Hewlet. The three of them are a hoot. I think the commentary is still on JTC for download if you haven't heard it.
                      What section would it be in?


                        Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                        What section would it be in?
                        Dang, I was afraid of that. I took them down I think.... give me a minute to look and see if they're still on the file server.


                          Well, don't I feel stupid now! I deleted everything after the DVD's came out! If I can figure out a way to rip the audio off of mine, I'll reload it onto JTC. If someone else out there still has the audio file, let me know. Sorry about that!


                            Thanks anyway Sanssong!


                              Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                              Camy, I'm telling you, look at a clip of him kissing her. You can't see it in the pics.
                              "k...I"ve only seen it a thousand times...LOL

                              Um...what am I looking for again?

                              I"m with Suz...he can kiss me like that ANYTIME!


                                Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                                Thanks anyway Sanssong!
                                This has been talked about in this thread so many times it's not even funny! But it was so refreshing when these videos came out because until that time I beleive there was a lot of different ideas out there as to how this kiss was meant to be.

                                Two things you need to look, Rachel's comment about this kiss. I can't remember where she commented it on but if someone has it could you please repost it.

                                Basically, Rachel confirmed what I saw all along and wrote here as so many others did as well. If Teyla was totally against that kiss she would have the means and the skills to be able to defend herself. Of course, that's not how Rachel described it but that's how I understood it.

                                Next, was that audio commentary from Season 2. I personally have the DVD's but believe it or not have never had the time to actually listen to it, but everyone commented it on in here and it was just that... Joe jokes that Teyla was acting or meaning with her hands up like stop it some more....those were his words. And I guess Martin Gero mentioned something as well.

                                Joe also mentioned that he didn't want that last scene to look like he was apologizing for kissing Teyla and I take his actions and his words to reflect just that as well as Teyla's actions to reflect what Rachel mentions. Teyla could have defended herself but didn't. Why? because she never felt threatened.

                                There are a couple of things that I see when looking at this clip. Again, John is doing the kissing. He's stealing that kiss. He is making sure that he gets what he wants because he knows that this is not something that he's really meant to do.

                                As for your question Scifan, John says to Teyla that he's not certain what just happened and then he says, that was "interesting". Right after that he asks her in his usual tone, "are you okay" but with more concern and feeling than he's used to asking her.


                                There are a lot of emotions going on in that scene. One thing is for sure, Teyla wasn't prepared for that. Next time, she will be. Next time I think the tables will be turned! LOL

                                Q...I"m not sure I"m seeing what you are seeing. I know that the kiss is not romantic. I know it's forceful. I know that it's coming stronger more from John's end than from Teyla's end. But I also know that Teyla puckered her lips and so did John. Their faces were tight and I"m sure that for a second there, there was a loss of breath.


                                I agree though, the next kiss has to be done with more delicacy and definetely slower and tender.

                                We'll get it!

                                Added: I also think we discussed here that this clip looks like it's more than one scene put together, right? So one minute you see John's hands on the back of her neck and then next you see him with his hands on her arms.
                                Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 26 June 2007, 08:26 PM.

