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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    About the scene in season 4,....

    I didn't either see her being uncomfortable ... she seems more sad/upset about something,,, and is seeking comfort...she knows she can always count on John... she didn't jump on him,,,she went in gracefully... and I don't see either anything wrong with how she hugs him...

    Roo ,,,girl help me out here...but I think there are some non-shippers that doesn't see anything wrong with this scene...they say it's a lovely moment..seems so heartfelt,,some are refering this to the touching scene in Sateda..just as meaningful... that they look sad and upset about something,,something major must have happened... but they see the hug as touching and a sweet moment...haven't heard anything about them seeing it as an uncomfortable... well that's atleast some of what I've read...then of course there are the ones who don't like ship at all... that really don't want to read more into the scene... I even got the feeling of a very few that this would be the end of the *oh one hug between main cast and the show is doomed .,,it's a soap opera all of the sudden* but that is just a few of the thoughts around the forum... not that I want to venture around to much... some threads just makes you depressed
    We all see different things...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      About the scene in season 4,....

      I didn't either see her being uncomfortable ... she seems more sad/upset about something,,, and is seeking comfort...she knows she can always count on John... she didn't jump on him,,,she went in gracefully... and I don't see either anything wrong with how she hugs him...

      Roo ,,,girl help me out here...but I think there are some non-shippers that doesn't see anything wrong with this scene...they say it's a lovely moment..seems so heartfelt,,some are refering this to the touching scene in Sateda..just as meaningful... that they look sad and upset about something,,something major must have happened... but they see the hug as touching and a sweet moment...haven't heard anything about them seeing it as an uncomfortable... well that's atleast some of what I've read...then of course there are the ones who don't like ship at all... that really don't want to read more into the scene... I even got the feeling of a very few that this would be the end of the *oh one hug between main cast and the show is doomed .,,it's a soap opera all of the sudden* but that is just a few of the thoughts around the forum... not that I want to venture around to much... some threads just makes you depressed
      We all see different things...
      I'm with you on this Nina:

      The hug was a need for comfort and reassurance on the part of Teyla from John. It's not so much that he was uncomfortable, but just for a moment unsure how to respond. When we see the whole scene we will be able to tell better his full response.


        Fly by.....

        Welcome Quania!

        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        Dang it Dee...I miss you! You need to come by more often. I know you are trying to tell me something here...but either I"m too tired or I have too many real things going on my head at the moment, like shopping for a new outfit and getting my little guy a new pair of shoes, and getting my hair done, and maybe a manicure and a pedicure isn't a bad idea...and dang it I really wanted that Calipso Yorkie, and I have to go and buy some dye for something...jeepers, and a new shirt for hubby...since we are going to go out this weekend...and ah, what was it I....

        Oh, I know you are telling me something here..I"m going to have to think about all your wonderful fics, you never had John bitten by a Wraith bug, did you ?


        I like your thinking...girl you don't write much, but this whole thing..

        that John is connected somehow...I love that...I so agree with that....I sure hope so. And that bit of John and Teyla already together....hmmm.....I don't know....then why in The Ark when they were finally alone was he so....hidden and closed up in his feeling while they were no witnesses? I wish it were true...but I just don't think so. It would however explain how Teyla got changed for Carson's funeral. And hey, I"d go for the idea. *g*
        ???? My point was that I knew the bite would be an issue for John and turn him into sometype of Wraith; or nearly so, shortly after the episode aired.

        That's Camy's sig.

        S4 Spoiler/Video:

        PERFECT!!! Not only is John touching Teyla's back, but his thumb is brushing the ends of her hair. He's leaning slightly into the hug and his face is resting against Teyla's head (or vice versa). With Weir he stood straight and awkward with a WTF expression. I can’t wait for Season 4!


          Originally posted by vaberella View Post
          I can stomach the love. I'm still blown away by Teyla. If there is this competition as to who's hug is better. Nothing but nothing really changes the entire dynamic of what we're seeing by just the fact that Teyla had full body contact in such a way, when she has NEVER done so in the past.

          Weir is from Earth, so you know that stuff is common place. After John rescued Teyla and her people from the Wraith in Rising, she only gave him a head touch to know she considers him a friend. Not a hug of gratitude. She has never hugged anyone of her people. Shoot remember the guy from LFP, who knew her dad, look at her "Hello" that time, several yards away. What of when he narrowly escaped death or John in LFP. She never gave up anything like that. S2 or S3 over and over again when there was a chance of it. She NEVER did anything.

          This is bloody serious. And I'm not talking about the things that caused the hug. I just find that superficial at this point. The storyline really when I think more and more and more on it is superficial. Due to the fact that Teyla did something so "radical" so "out of norm". That in itself, as I said before can be OOC; or, positively speaking work as a symbol of a relationship that has even went beyond basic Athosian customs. But if a hug is an Athosian custom, what the hell does it mean?!

          Now, let me get a very objective opinion on the hug. Who hear thought Teyla looked uncomfortable in the position and approach? Be truthful. I ask this because I found it very realistic based on these two people and found the embrace choice very enveloping. Maybe due to the wider stance.

          I got from a shweir, who might not have a problem with me naming her, but I'll refrain. That she didn't look comfortable in the process. I didn't get that estimation and wanted to know opinions, and try to be unbiased, as a casual viewer.

          Actually Roo if you're reading this, maybe you can ask some whumpers/thunkers/slashers what they thought of it. Cause I'd really like to know. I know a few of my own of those groups and they had already posted their opinions on it. I'm trying to garner whether it might be a biased view point of comfort from a shipper end or discomfort (as expressed by the other sect)...or if it's seen as a very comfortable action by those indifferent to ship.
          i thought my ears were burning lol im needed tonight!!
          ive gotta go out in a mo but
          the whumpers think it looks like a sweet friendship moment or a possibly more- some even said they could get into the ship paring...a few others are against shipping full stop and are woried thats where tptb are going..its mixed reviews but essentially they see a sweet moment, but we cant tell whether its teyla comforting shep or the other ay around, because we shep rarely has such a sad face as he does there. they seem to think the hug is uncomfortable-ala the weir one, because thats just how shep is when it comes to expressing his feelings!!

          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          Oh my gosh, that is a GREAT explaination for what might be happening BA. It would explain both of their expressions and John's hesitation.

          I for one don't think Teyla looked uncomfortable in the least, I think it what we're seeing is her emotional state. So, sorry to the sweirs who want to hold on to that straw, it doesn't fit.

          I did have another thought about what ep this scene is from. What if it is actually from Doppelganger? What if this is "doppel John" in Teyla's dream and she's going to him for comfort and in the scene following it turns into something more? I could easily see that happening given the setting- where they are and the time. It's perfect for just sliding back into John's room. Who knows, there may be some major kissage after this lovely hug!
          hey sanssong!! been a long time!!! shame i wont be here for a chin wag lol!!
          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          About the scene in season 4,....

          I didn't either see her being uncomfortable ... she seems more sad/upset about something,,, and is seeking comfort...she knows she can always count on John... she didn't jump on him,,,she went in gracefully... and I don't see either anything wrong with how she hugs him...

          Roo ,,,girl help me out here...but I think there are some non-shippers that doesn't see anything wrong with this scene...they say it's a lovely moment..seems so heartfelt,,some are refering this to the touching scene in Sateda..just as meaningful... that they look sad and upset about something,,something major must have happened... but they see the hug as touching and a sweet moment...haven't heard anything about them seeing it as an uncomfortable... well that's atleast some of what I've read...then of course there are the ones who don't like ship at all... that really don't want to read more into the scene... I even got the feeling of a very few that this would be the end of the *oh one hug between main cast and the show is doomed .,,it's a soap opera all of the sudden* but that is just a few of the thoughts around the forum... not that I want to venture around to much... some threads just makes you depressed
          We all see different things...
          Nina i agree with you..there seems to be mixed responses but generally its an aww moment, even from those who dont ship.

          if i had more time id go a bit more indepth but i gotta go out clubbing now so ill speak to ya tomorrow!! night guys, happy shipping!!



            Night Roo...have fun clubbing... don't scare anyone in the club if you suddenly find youself in a squee moment..
            Sigs by Scifan


              OT to Roo:
              Clubbing in London? Beware the ringing in the ears. The one thing I didn't miss about London.
              Click statement above to read article.


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                I hope so too.

                I'm not trying to be a party pooper, but I also notice that in that very little clip, he doesn't turn his head or eyes to look at her. I'm sure further into the scene that will change. And you're right they cut right before we see how close he touches her. I definately believe this is what take them to the next level. SHE HAS BROKEN THE ICE!!! I wrote to JM but I doubt he'll write back. I asked if he can say what ep and why does she hug him.We'll see.

                Goodnight and SWEEEET DREAMSSSS!
                Me Too!

                I hope JM answers your question but most likely he will at most tell you the episode but the why she hugs him, probably not. It sucks that they cut it right in the moment when John was finally going to touch her with his hand. They only showed him taking whatever teyla was saying to him in, so they cut the clip before we could see how he was going to respond to her embrace.

                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post

                  hey sanssong!! been a long time!!! shame i wont be here for a chin wag lol!!
                  Howdy Roo! It has been a long time. Sorry bout that. With me working full time, I'm maxed out. I was just lucky to be on vacation when this lovely news hit.

                  Just a side note. To help Love Conquer's out so her server doesn't crash, we at JTC also have the converted clip posted there as well. The link is in my sig.


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Finally got to watch the video! I snapped this pic of it. Camy, I think you were right!
                    I think there IS a small baby bump! It's really hard to tell with this poor quality, but I caught this frame where it seems to be noticeable for a fraction of a second before she leans into him. (LOVE the hug by the way!!!! Most definitely a comfort hug. Something huge has just happened, and they're both upset over it and she's coming to him for comfort. She's practically clutching at him. Awww...!!!!!

                    Anyway, back to the pic. If you zoom into her belly, you can sort of see it I think. What do you think??

                    I did notice it the first time i saw it but wasn't sure. So thanks for posting the pic!. Now getting to see it better, it is more obvious that she might be pregnant. You could see the little bump but it's so quick it's hard to be totally sure but my guess it that she is.

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      And for a completely OT pic, here's the newborn puppy pic of my new puppy!!! She is only five days old here, her eyes aren't even opened yet. I'll get her in August when she's ten weeks old. Still can't believe someone abandoned them!!! But here's a little preview for you. There'll be more at my LJ in a few minutes for anyone interested. She fits right in the palm of my hand! Now I need a name! LOL!

                      Spoilers for OT pic:


                      Thanks Steph! OMG!!!! they are adorable!!!. I go all mushy seeing puppies! they are just too cute!. How in the world could someone just throw them away like that!!!. Well, i'm just happy they are getting a better life now and that one of them is going to a good home, yours! .

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                        Hi, I'm new! I was a long time lurker but I decided to let my presence be known I made two videos about the ship so please watch and review! and

                        Welcome Quania!!!! Thank you for showing us your lovely vids!. They are awesome!, its always nice to welcome a fellow J/T shipper to our GW family!.

                        Sig by Camy


                          Caps of the S4 moments:




                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            You could be right Donna... what if Teyla is telling John that she is leaving Atlantis because she needs to go and find her people, and she knows that John has responsibilities on Atlantis and doesn't want him to come with her.. so they would BOTH be sad.. Teyla because she is doing what she feels she has to out of her loyalty to her people .. but of course doesn't want to leave John.. and John is devastated that she is leaving.... so she could be saying goodbye ... but instead of the head touch .. she is using the earth customs out of her love and respect for John..

                            so angsty moment ensues and both are upset... but I'm sure John will go after Teyla anyway..

                            I love the way you think Blue!

                            I can't believe that idea didn't even cross my mind and it's a very possible thing to happen. Oh the angst! that could take place as teyla is letting John know she is leaving "alone" to look for her people. He better go find her! LOL!!! i'd be "GO AFTER HER JOHN!!!" LOL! but i know he would. I can't picture him letting her go off on what maybe could be a suicide mission on her own or at least without him following her without her knowing to keep an eye on her.

                            Sig by Camy


                              You could be right Donna... what if Teyla is telling John that she is leaving Atlantis because she needs to go and find her people, and she knows that John has responsibilities on Atlantis and doesn't want him to come with her.. so they would BOTH be sad.. Teyla because she is doing what she feels she has to out of her loyalty to her people .. but of course doesn't want to leave John.. and John is devastated that she is leaving.... so she could be saying goodbye ... but instead of the head touch .. she is using the earth customs out of her love and respect for John..

                              so angsty moment ensues and both are upset... but I'm sure John will go after Teyla anyway..
                              Thanks blue
                              im having a gut feeling that the episode is missing she maybe telling john that she needs to look for her people on her own as we have already seen she is on her own in missing or it could be where she has come back not having found nothing or any trace and that could be a scene where she has confided in him and she needs his support

                              PERFECT!!! Not only is John touching Teyla's back, but his thumb is brushing the ends of her hair. He's leaning slightly into the hug and his face is resting against Teyla's head (or vice versa). With Weir he stood straight and awkward with a WTF expression. I can’t wait for Season 4
                              yes i also noticed that he seemed like he was setling into it and he did indeed have his hand on teylas back like he was going to comfort her back and he was gently going to stroke her why did they have to cut it outi can't wait to see if there is anyting more to it
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Thanks LC for putting link to S4 vid on your LJ!!
                                I finally got to view to see what everyone was talking about!!!

                                The pic of your puppies are precious!!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

