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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Toomi View Post
    Hiya... still haven't gotten past all of season one but I caved and started reading spoilers. From JM's blog yesterday.


    Doesn't this sound good? And he said at the end that while no ideas have been dropped, some have changed. Hopefully this isn't one of them.

    I would have killed to see that storyline come to fruition. LOL! Maybe it'll make it's way back yet.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      I soo need Stephie, Mayra...

      she always knows what to write to me to make me calm down *rolls eyes*

      Her and Cyn....

      Others that I won't mention any names.....*wink* have only depressed me more! And this is not implying at anyone in here....she knows who she is....

      Aww, I'm here now!!!! It's 5am, can't sleep because of the jetlag, so trying to get caught up on the thread. I have a friend who knows way more about computers than I do coming over to help me get the new one set up. I already hate Vista, just for the record. LOL! Nothing is compatible with it yet and the stupid thing doesn't give you administrator rights "for your own protection," so you can't do anything. *rolls eyes* I really hate Microsoft playing big brother and deciding what I can and can't do on my own desktop. I'm hoping my friend can disable some of these annoying features and get me up and running quickly. It helps to have a computer tech as a friend.

      Anyway, sending you big hugs!!!!! Don't worry, it will all be just fine!!! I have no worries!!!!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
        LOL!! Tell me about it, i miss Steph!. She is definitely needed right now because i'm not all that happy right now and if you feel depressed, don't read my last comment too you LOL!!!. I don't think i helped much. I can't help feeling a little worried about this new spoiler but i'm trying to think positive...not doing a very good job at it sorry. But don't worry, Steph is do to come back i believe saturday if i'm correct. She last told me before she left that her computer was officially dead but that she was going to buy one before she leaves so it can be waiting for her when she comes back, so i hope she has her computer so she can cheer us up because i really do need her insite at the moment .
        Oh, you guys are awesome!!! I can't tell you how nice it is to be missed and to be back!!!! YAY!

        I don't want to spam the thread anymore, so huge thanks to everyone for the welcome back!!!! Bear with me for a few more days and hopefully I'll be back up and running like normal.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Hey J/Ts, sorry to intrude

          As you know I'm a sparky shipper and for sure a TH and JF fan. I'm not into the SEW campaign or anything but on friends' suggestions I made a song technically I was forced into making one , and I know some of you are Weir fans as well ( V's gonna kill me for sure ) and I'm gathering vocal messages to add 'em in the final mix of the song. PM me if you're interested and of course if you like the character of Weir and how Torri portrays it .

          Thank you guys for taking the time to read this. Other than that, I can't wait for Teyla's arc and how John's gonna help her through it ( a little bit of sarcasm in my tone? I think not I'm a pro-season 4 anyway )

          Long live J/T, huh?!? ... *delurks now before it's too late*


            has it been comfirmed if Rachel is really pregnant in real life.


              new photos have been put up for the atlantis episode irresponsible
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                Camy - I LOVE THIS!!!!!!! IT'S BEAUTIFUL 8-0,

                That is the best J/T picture I've ever seen!!!


                  Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                  Hey J/Ts, sorry to intrude

                  As you know I'm a sparky shipper and for sure a TH and JF fan. I'm not into the SEW campaign or anything but on friends' suggestions I made a song technically I was forced into making one , and I know some of you are Weir fans as well ( V's gonna kill me for sure ) and I'm gathering vocal messages to add 'em in the final mix of the song. PM me if you're interested and of course if you like the character of Weir and how Torri portrays it .

                  Thank you guys for taking the time to read this. Other than that, I can't wait for Teyla's arc and how John's gonna help her through it ( a little bit of sarcasm in my tone? I think not I'm a pro-season 4 anyway )

                  Long live J/T, huh?!? ... *delurks now before it's too late*
                  Hi BG! That sounds like a really cool project! If I can get myself caught up here soon, I may PM you. Unfortunately fighting Vista at the moment. Hate it, hate it, hate it! LOL!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by Jodi518 View Post
                    has it been comfirmed if Rachel is really pregnant in real life.
                    Hi Jodi!

                    From what I understand, Rachel has no made no formal announcement as of yet.

                    Which is why I was rather surprised to see the news come from a comment by JM in his blog. He indicated the baby story line was not planned originally for Teyla, but was a necessary adjustment in support of the actress. He then made comments of what options a writer has in dealing with an actress' pregnancy. So the meaning was rather clear.
                    I hope that means that Rachel gave her blessing in sharing her news with the fandom. The latest con pics also show a bit of baby as well, so while there has been no official or formal statement, I think we're safe to say it's true. Mostly from JM's comment, and I assume he did so with Rachel's permission.
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      That is the best J/T picture I've ever seen!!!
                      Hi Scifan!!!! In case I haven't said it yet, Welcome to the thread!!!!!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                        That wasn't meant as a slap, but a nudge to encourage you to trust your gut. And we all have a gut feeling (which has been backed up by TPTB) that JT are meant to be together.
                        *feels the loving*


                          Obviously, if the father is John (not AU John or doppelganger John) then the issues for John/Teyla are more along the lines of "how are they going to keep this storyline fresh?"

                          But that's another debate entirely.

                          Good points as always Sel...I especially would like to open this one to the forum for perhaps sometime in the near future......

                          But I agree with many of your points....thanks for has been quite a couple of days....LOL


                            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                            No, you misunderstand. I'm there with every lovely J/T moment we've had so far since Rising- I've personally shouted them from every rooftop I can find. I see how John is so in love with her he can't see straight, and I see Teyla opening herself to the possilibities as well.
                            Her comments in Sunday are a testiment to that.
                            But these two have been dancing around one another, afraid to take that final step. Do I believe that they *could* take it very very soon? Yup, I do. They are ready to move into that next phase if everything I'm seeing is for real.

                            Do I think that our dear PTB's will go that route? Nope, I don't. Like it or hate it, these writers haven't done straight out romance for the leads of either Stargate. Yes, we've seen it with Teal'c and Rodney, (respectively, not together!) but not with the main people. I guess for me the question becomes will they change their tactics and write a solid full front romance for John and Teyla? I would LOVE LOVE LOVE for them to do that, but I honestly don't see it happening. The closest they will get- and this is what I'm crossing my fingers for- is an AU type relationship that leaves them both aware of how the other feels and leaves the door open for them to explore it when they're both ready.
                            Oh, Suz....I like this...and you worded this very nicely...thank you for clearing that up....

                            I was thinking.....after seeing the awful SG-1 episode...sorry for those of you who liked it...

                            Actually I thought of this before I saw that episode.....but what if this Teyla...somehow, from another seems that this season we might be dealing with the likes of sort....Tabula Rasa has some inclination to something dealing with a "clean slate" but more importantly I'm thinking of this....again...I somehow think that in the Seer Teyla will still continue to keep this a secret...from what I've correct me if I"m wrong here....Teyla and Davos spent sometime together and he admits to her his knowledge of her condition while in we don't know that she's going to confess it to the others just yet, and assuming that at that point she is still able to conceal her growing bundle, then it's plausible that only the next episodes will it be what if she is from another universe, or another reality and somehow, either Teyla has switched or has gone missing...or they've traded places....whatever, and this Teyla is pregnant but she's from another time....and then she is trapped there..but maybe there is a reason like Sam said in this episode that just for eventually the team does learn the truth...but they also learn that she's not their the only thing I have to figure out is why she would keep it a secret anyways.....*sighs* one thing at a time....LOL

                            but the idea here is that we will never know who's Teyla's father, cause at the end of the season she leaves back to her time and the team gets their Teyla back.....whatcha think?...but the catch here is that John and Teyla will get closer and then what if like Suz suggest, at the end they become closer and maybe Teyla even kisses him..hinting that he's the father...Oh, man! wouldn't something like that be great!

                            I guess my point is that I"m certain that if we've thought of so many different scenarios, I"m sure the writers thought of more ...and better ones!


                              After Spamming the thread....Stephie...I knew there was a reason I like you and missed you!

                              Never been a TV persona myself...I Know....I"t unbelievable...but it's true.....the last show that I think I saw consistently, and not even I think was Voyager....LOL

                              so, yeah...I don't know about Farscape, only what I"ve read, X-Files again...I probably watched 10 episodes all together....*scouts honor* Um...what was the other show you either case, very, very good it! You know, you guys keep saying that I"m the shippiest shipper that ever lived...but I think all of you have proved me wrong!

                              I'm still not thrilled.....but I"m definetely feeling the loving...I do know one will be awesome, awesome, to see overprotective you remember his face when he found out she had Wraith DNA in her and how he replied to Bates.....can you imagine when he hears about this...not only is it going to send him on an emotional roller coaster will certainly get them closer together...and I can't wait to see that unfold...and Teyla is going to look AWESOME! So cute and adorable....nothing like that natural glow!

                              Thanks everyone! Scifan...WELCOME! and thanks for the nice comment on my wallie! That one was a hit! Mind you I did it in like 10minutes.....the ones that I spend hours, aren't that popular! LOL


                              so, Where is BP with her report for Irresponsible...

                              I saw a new scene that I hadn't paid attention before...
                              After John and Teyla's little encounter and they go up to hide and see that Lucius gave them away, John and Teyla are by the window and he leans over her and says something like, let's go out and come up with a plan that won't include endangering the locals.....course those weren't his exact words but it was in that content...again...even after it being over, he still listens to her and although he said sarcastically to shows again, how much he values her opinion and even when he's not completely and overly convinced, he listens to her....reminds me of my husband and I ....I tell him to go left and he wants to go right, but in the end, frowing and pouting he takes the left!


                                Welcome scifan Hope you have a great time here...and join in with the fun
                                Sigs by Scifan

