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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Whooo! A lot of reading I need to do...but I am fairly sure that I agree with Stephie on this one...

    I have never seen Teyla back away from John...and if you really think about it, neither one of them have come forth blatantly with each other enough for either one of them to think that one or the other have more feelings than that of just friends and admiration.

    With the exception of the kiss and that doesn't mean LOVE, John hasn't said or done anything to Teyla that he hasn't done to any one else. The kiss in Conversion can be blamed to the iratus bug, so why would Teyla allow John to say to her, that wasn't me, that was the virus, she cut him off....I also think it was because she wasn't ready...but I think it opened up many scenarios and possibilities for her.

    If we are to understand Teyla we need to see that she is different...and if anything that is why Teyla fits John perfectly and vice versa. John is attracted to Teyla for many reasons and one of them is her strength and her control. We aren't going to see Teyla cry her eyes out and scream NO JOHN, everytime he is out on a suicide the best way that TEyla shows John just how much she cares for him is by standing beside him and agreeing with him even when she's against his decisions.

    Like she did in Michael and Allies..

    I think one of the best scenes that show both of them just how much the other means to each others is the scene in Allies. For Johh to know that Teyla was upset but most importantly to come and tell her that he only wants her to be okay with it...says a lot! For me anyways, and for Teyla to turn around and tell him that I put my trust in you...should tell him that she puts all of this trust in him..

    Now, of course this doesn't show that these two are in love with each other...but again, besides that kiss and that confrontation in TLG which shouldn't even count....what has John done differently that Teyla hasn't done for him...risk his life for her? he's done it for all the others as well.

    For me, this is John and Teyla...this is how they show their affection to each other..this is why they are so compatible with each other, because they understand one another better than anyone else...just like Teyla can quiet John, so can John quiet Teyla...may I remind you, Suspicion...and so many other..

    In reality, for me, these two have both shared that they care for one another, equally....Teyla has stood there by him when no one else has...and their understanding for each other go beyond words. They rely on each other and they look to each other for support. That is something that they only do with each other and for me it defines their relationship.

    In Sunday, Teyla

    shows that she has no doubt that this person feels the same, she is confident about it....

    I think John and Teyla's love is different and it's unique...because before they are able to get into anything romantic, they are getting to know one another...see, this is what I meant when I mentioned Devines' fic..when and if John and Teyla ever do get together..they won't need to go through that period of getting to know each other....they will have mastered each other by then.....they know each other perfectly....and Teyla knows this and John knows don't think that John knows that Teyla has him wrapped around her finger? and vice versa...and John knows that he's the only one that can go to Teyla and make her see his way....he knows that!
    Why else chase her in Allies...he was determined to make her be okay with it....

    In the end, I agree with Stephie, Teyla hasn't held back on John or if anything, Teyla has held back on John just like John has held back with her. One kiss with an iratus bug is not a declaration of love, and certainly one that Teyla didn't completely shut down like Stephie wrote that she did glance back at him and playfully called him John....I forgot about that part! good point!

    In then end, assuming that Teyla
    is referring to John...she is determined to get him to do something....and John certainly got a different perspective when Ronon mentioned them.....

    You know what this means right? John has no clue as to the pool going on in Atlantis between him and Teyla? lOl

    I think it's interesting how we all see a bit differently these two characters...and I guess the interesting question is, are the writers deliberately pointing in a new direction for the characters as well for Season 4...

    Certainly this episode opened up the possibility of a shift in this relationship whether it be with John and Teyla or Teyla and someone still questionable...

    Great convo guys...loving the different perspective...

    remember there is no right or wrong...just a difference of opinions!


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      I think she has always had feelings for him from the very first moment they met - but she chose not to act on them while I thought John did - I never ment to imply that she suddenly realises in season three that she is in love -far from it - she may have loved John from the moment she saw him - but she kept these kind of feelings to herself. Maybe it just wasn't the right time for her - I don't think it had anything to do with confidance. She had other things on her mind - most importantly the Wraith and she wanted Johns help in defeating them. So she covered up her feelings and when John did give some hints that he WAS interested in something more she held back - she did not give him the heads up that she was interested in anything more than friendship - so he backed away.

      I believe that they were both definitely attracted to each other but this doesnt mean that they were interested in taking it further. I am not disputing that they BOTH had feelings for each other but whether they were ready to do anything with those feelings. To me Teyla was not ready - but John made more of an attempt to hint at his feelings but got nothing back from Teyla. John didnt intentionally go and make a move on Teyla when he kissed her in Conversion - he was as you say acting on feelings he already posessed due to his inhibitions being lowered, but it still got the message across no matter how it happened - for me it showed that John had feelings for Teyla. Now i didnt see Teyla acknowledgeing those feelings at all. She brushed them aside and made it clear that she was not interested in persuing anything with John. Again she wasnt ready for anything more at that time - but if she had acted differently and not been so quick to brush off John how would things have turned out. Again I got the impression from that moment on that John backed off because of Teylas reaction. He still has the same feelings for her - but he doesnt think she feels the same for him.

      Blue, thanks for clarifying your viewpoint as well! I really appreciate it. It's funny how we're so close on some things and so different on others with this topic!

      So it seems we both agree that Teyla had feelings that she covered up. I said because of confidence because of comments in Sateda.

      I'm not talking about traditional self-confidence, I'm talking about the reassurance that she is accepted. She is the alien and she feels that almost every minute of every day. The fact that she still felt this way in Sateda, after two years, is extremely telling. It took talking about it in Sateda for her reveal these hidden fears--fears which I believe are a big part of what held her back--and it took John's actions throughout season three to really show it to her. She is not the alien outsider, she can feel confident in her acceptance among them.

      For me, this is the key reason and also several other possible reasons like you listed, wraith, etc.

      And it seems we both agree that both had feelings from the start.

      Where I think we're differing is again how we interpret John's "showing interest" and Teyla's "not giving him the heads up she was interested in more than friendship" and that this in turn caused him to "back away." I don't believe his actions in these episodes or any episodes were his signalling interest in taking things further. I believe they were wrenched out of him, and he latched onto the escape she afforded him.

      As you said, John didn't intentionally go to make a move in Conversion or TLG. So yes, I totally agree that this still shows he has feelings for her.

      What I don't see is John backing off because of her responses to those key moments.

      We're all going to have our own interpretations of Teyla's responses in both those moments.

      But I don't believe John would have used either moment as a gage for her receptiveness. He himself was not ready to go there, he himself apologized or did not bring it up after the moment of battle and tension had passed. He himself only revealed his feelings because it was in moments against his control. And I believe he himself was and is somewhat in a state of denial about the depth of those feelings.

      I don't think he's truly let himself go there any more than she has. So I don't see him using her equally fumbled responses as being disinterest, simply because he himself was not looking for it at that time.

      There have been example after example of moments of deliberate tension between them. I believe they have both felt every one of these moments, and I believe neither pursued them because neither were ready to act. When brought out into the open and forced to deal with them in a couple of awkward moments, they both backed away. I see this as acknowledgement, but not readiness on both parts. I do not see this as Teyla's only wanting friendship and/or John's backing off because he interpreted those moments that way.

      Now, after the events in season three, I believe Teyla is finally opening her heart to possibilities and that John is the one still somewhat in a state of denial.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        JB...Now, onto the thoughts of ignoring the "he cares for you more than you know" comment in TLG the simple answer to this for me is she doubted the sincerity of his words.
        Being honest, if I was in her position, I would have doubted the sincerity of them too.
        The thought of Thalen saying something like that simply to save his own life would have probably entered her mind at one point and that is entirely understandable. I think that, amongst other reasons, is why she either chose to ignore them or simply not mention it.
        It's not something anyone would like to bring up... "Hey, you know when your body was taken over by an alien entity, is what it said true?"
        It would always be in her mind that the alien simply saw the way she was reacting to the ultimatum and took a stab in the dark simply to save his own life.
        Though, from an outside perspective it's pretty safe to say that that point is void: Thalen knew he was going to cease to exist anyway so why bother trying to live that little bit longer? No, I think what Thalen said was from what he knew from being inside Johns head which makes the sentiment as true as if John had said it with no influences... well... no... I dont think thats entirely true but you know what I mean?
        Still, I think Teyla is still going to be questioning the truth behind the statement and I think that it is probably the most likely reason as to why she hasn't mentioned the exchange again.
        Good points..the only one I have to disagree with is Teyla not taking Thalen's words seriously or believing them. When Teyla went up to John in Sateda, she told John how she knew that he and Weir trust her and have opened the doors for her. Teyla has to know that John cares for her, what she doesn't know is just how far that caring goes. And again, a kiss isn't going to say that either, even while being under the influence. By John coming up and attempting to apologize, Teyla could have easily taken that as a sign that he was indeed apologizing for what he did.....he even started the conversation by saying that he was remembering what he did while under the influence, which clearly tells Teyla...that wasn't he kind of killed himself in that way too....he was skeptical about the conversation and so was she outsmarted him....and I give her credit for that....but did leave things open and clearly John could have seeing it as she wasn't interested, but then again, she did turn around and smiled and called him John....I agree that both of them have handled it a bit differently...but again, if John wants to pursue this relationship seriously...he should at least ask about her culture and her ways....Teyla has given him enough to at least doubt or question what her real feelings for him are and if there is any interest....clearly Teyla thinks that they guy she was mentioning is very much interested in her...

        but for me, Teyla never questioned or doubted that John cares for her, simply that I don't think she interpret it as romantically....she cares for you more than you know can be interpreted many ways just like the word, "like" LOL
        Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 22 January 2007, 04:29 PM.


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          In the end, I agree with Stephie, Teyla hasn't held back on John or if anything, Teyla has held back on John just like John has held back with her. One kiss with an iratus bug is not a declaration of love, and certainly one that Teyla didn't completely shut down like Stephie wrote that she did glance back at him and playfully called him John....I forgot about that part! good point!

          In then end, assuming that Teyla
          is referring to John...she is determined to get him to do something....and John certainly got a different perspective when Ronon mentioned them.....

          You know what this means right? John has no clue as to the pool going on in Atlantis between him and Teyla? lOl

          I think it's interesting how we all see a bit differently these two characters...and I guess the interesting question is, are the writers deliberately pointing in a new direction for the characters as well for Season 4...
          Yep, I think we're agreeing on this one, Camy. Although I would say that John is fully aware of that office pool, LOL, but won't admit it to anyone, not Ronon and probably not even really to himself yet. I think Sunday was the first beginnings of his own admittance.

          And oh, the big question about next season! I fear the writer's will play on this card for a long while, keeping John in denial for all the possible reasons, for way longer than humanly conceivable, LOL, and perhaps even having Teyla get tired of waiting and temporarily turning to someone else. They've set it up now in a classic character outline. I've seen this setup in so many shows and in so many books, it's not even funny. In fact, I used it in one of my own stories once. The next move could go in so many different directions. But I fear they'll keep us in this holding pattern for a while yet. It gives them the perfect excuse to keep up the UST and to delay the fulfillment. Which as we know, they are, in my opinion--wrongly, convinced is necessary for a show to survive.
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
            Hope everything turns out alright at work LC.
            You're quite welcome about posting the list, though I forgot one of my favourite ones in Hide and Seek... the look she gives him at the end when he says "Now that's a Hail Mary" That look was so... is loving the right word?

            Anyway, time for bed- need to be up early tomorrow so have a good night guys! Keep the discussions going!

            Thanks JB! Speaking of which, I better get back to reality for a while and get some things done!

            And oh, great moment in Hide and Seek too! That's a perfect example I think! That little half smile, shining eyes thing again that she does so well...
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Yep, I think we're agreeing on this one, Camy. Although I would say that John is fully aware of that office pool, LOL, but won't admit it to anyone, not Ronon and probably not even really to himself yet. I think Sunday was the first beginnings of his own admittance.

              And oh, the big question about next season! I fear the writer's will play on this card for a long while, keeping John in denial for all the possible reasons, for way longer than humanly conceivable, LOL, and perhaps even having Teyla get tired of waiting and temporarily turning to someone else. They've set it up now in a classic character outline. I've seen this setup in so many shows and in so many books, it's not even funny. In fact, I used it in one of my own stories once. The next move could go in so many different directions. But I fear they'll keep us in this holding pattern for a while yet. It gives them the perfect excuse to keep up the UST and to delay the fulfillment. Which as we know, they are, in my opinion--wrongly, convinced is necessary for a show to survive.
              Good one...and one thing I learned from Sunday is just that....things can go into a completely different direction...I think we will always get our looks and glances but this will play out for the long haul......


                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                And oh, the big question about next season! I fear the writer's will play on this card for a long while, keeping John in denial for all the possible reasons, for way longer than humanly conceivable, LOL, and perhaps even having Teyla get tired of waiting and temporarily turning to someone else. They've set it up now in a classic character outline. I've seen this setup in so many shows and in so many books, it's not even funny. In fact, I used it in one of my own stories once. The next move could go in so many different directions. But I fear they'll keep us in this holding pattern for a while yet. It gives them the perfect excuse to keep up the UST and to delay the fulfillment. Which as we know, they are, in my opinion--wrongly, convinced is necessary for a show to survive.
                Well, I don't mind that really. As long as they become aware of their feelings at some point I'm okay.

                Look, I'm patient. I don't 'ship' on a lot of shows if the relationship is not firmly rooted from the beginning anyway. The only real 'ships' I've followed turn out like I hoped. On ER, Doug and Carol finally got together and she followed him to Seattle. Luka and Abby got back together after FIVE YEARS and have a family now. So, yeah I'm patient even if they throw kinks in the road.

                I'm pleased with how their relationship is going, though. Slow and steady.
                Sig by Camy


                  JT Birthday Bash!


                  Just a reminder to everyone about the John and Teyla Birthday Bash in honor of Joe and Rachel's birthdays this month. The party is this Saturday on the sheppard_teyla LJ and the Sheppard Teyla Fever (STF) yahoogroup.



                  Everyone is invited! We'll have games, discussion, fic challenges and hopefully art and vids. There will be goodies and conversation and a great time. Bring goodies if you want. Challenges to do before the party have been posted on the list and LJ with more to come. Save your answers until the party on Saturday and unveil them to the crowd. Ratings up to NC-17 are allowed. Okay, we like our smut. ;-) No real people fic, please.

                  Join us and wish Joe and Rachel Happy Birthday, and enjoy John and Teyla fun! Hope to see you all there.



                    Originally posted by Doxymom View Post
                    JT Birthday Bash!


                    Just a reminder to everyone about the John and Teyla Birthday Bash in honor of Joe and Rachel's birthdays this month. The party is this Saturday on the sheppard_teyla LJ and the Sheppard Teyla Fever (STF) yahoogroup.



                    Everyone is invited! We'll have games, discussion, fic challenges and hopefully art and vids. There will be goodies and conversation and a great time. Bring goodies if you want. Challenges to do before the party have been posted on the list and LJ with more to come. Save your answers until the party on Saturday and unveil them to the crowd. Ratings up to NC-17 are allowed. Okay, we like our smut. ;-) No real people fic, please.

                    Join us and wish Joe and Rachel Happy Birthday, and enjoy John and Teyla fun! Hope to see you all there.


                    oooh great! i'll be there!!!
                    Thanks for the head's up!!



                      Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                      Well, I don't mind that really. As long as they become aware of their feelings at some point I'm okay.

                      Look, I'm patient. I don't 'ship' on a lot of shows if the relationship is not firmly rooted from the beginning anyway. The only real 'ships' I've followed turn out like I hoped. On ER, Doug and Carol finally got together and she followed him to Seattle. Luka and Abby got back together after FIVE YEARS and have a family now. So, yeah I'm patient even if they throw kinks in the road.

                      I'm pleased with how their relationship is going, though. Slow and steady.
                      Oh, I totally agree Trippy! I too am probably more patient than most. I know I was one of the few X-Files shippers that actually didn't feel cheated after waiting over 8 years for Mulder and Scully to finally kiss! I enjoyed the long, slow ride to get there.
                      So I have no problem with slow. I'm just afraid sometimes these writers will freeze them. As long as they're moving, even at a snail's pace, I'll be happy too. I just find their reasoning for this slow growth...that fulfillment kills a be a bit frustrating! I know EC agrees with me there! She's summed that one up better than I ever could, LOL!

                      Thanks for the reminder about the party, Anna!!! I totally forgot! Er, um..yeah. Not looking too good for a vid there. So sorry!!! Maybe I can throw together a little 30 second something or other... LOL! Can't wait to see what others do though!!! Thanks for doing that!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                        Oh, I totally agree Trippy! I too am probably more patient than most. I know I was one of the few X-Files shippers that actually didn't feel cheated after waiting over 8 years for Mulder and Scully to finally kiss! I enjoyed the long, slow ride to get there.
                        So I have no problem with slow. I'm just afraid sometimes these writers will freeze them. As long as they're moving, even at a snail's pace, I'll be happy too. I just find their reasoning for this slow growth...that fulfillment kills a be a bit frustrating! I know EC agrees with me there! She's summed that one up better than I ever could, LOL!
                        Exactly- as long as there's some forward momentum I'll be okay. I think this 'it'll kill the show' stuff is bizarre. From the beginning, Sheppard and Teyla have show an interest in each other. What that means to everyone may be slightly (or majorly) different, but it was established in the pilot. They just seem to be taking their time. Like I said, as long as something happens that moves their 'story' along each season, it's good for me.

                        Also, I never felt cheated by Mulder/Scully, or even Sam/Jack. I'm probably in the minority though, lol. I think they set up parameters for these characters and their relationships that didn't allow for what lots of fans seemed to want, though. I think the nature of Teyla's role on the show is a way around such roadblocks. I'm not sure how I got on this topic but there it is...

                        So, LC, are we doing the spoiler tag-team buddy thing tonight?
                        Sig by Camy


                          i haven't seen Sunday yet. can someone fill me in one what happens between shep/teyla? i've seen stuff bout her sayin she knows someone's got feelings for her, and stuff about a poll going around atlantis. can someone please fill in the blanks?


                            Hi guys I posted here a very long time ago, however I've since gone back into lurk mode, but i just have to pop in and say that coming in here brings a smile to my face, because I leave here always with a number of ways in which I can view/assess J/T’s relationship; it’s really great; and the conversations of late have been really insightful--just a delight to read.

                            Just wanted to say that before sauntering back into lurk mode.

                            Whenever, Where ever, Whatever, I'll risk life and limb when it comes to you.
                            Pretty Sig by Annie Shep.


                              Originally posted by majortrip View Post

                              So, LC, are we doing the spoiler tag-team buddy thing tonight?
                              LOL, I'll be here! CAn't wait!!! Although I do have an early work meeting tomorrow, so can't stay up until 5am this time! Hehe.
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by iceman2333 View Post
                                i haven't seen Sunday yet. can someone fill me in one what happens between shep/teyla? i've seen stuff bout her sayin she knows someone's got feelings for her, and stuff about a poll going around atlantis. can someone please fill in the blanks?

                                Hi Iceman! If you go back to page 1049 on this thread, you'll find some detailed summaries and a few transcripts for Sunday. Look for posts by both myself and MajorTrip.


                                Hope that helps!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

