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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    It's been speculation on both... but most seems to think it will be Sunday after reading schedule on the Canadien channel ...and same for UK...
    But we'll see for sure soon enough...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Hi guys! Just finished a new J/T video! This one is called A Breaking Heart and is meant to be a companion video to A Hurting Heart. This time it's from Teyla's point of view. We don't know much about how she felt about having to say good-bye to John or being separated from him. So this is my take. The song is My Immortal by Evanscence. It didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, but hopefully you'll enjoy it! I think Hurting Heart came out better, so I'm a bit disappointed in this one, but I'm now really sick of this song, so happy to have it finished at least.

      Huge thanks to SC for helping me find stars to use for this video and to Camy and Cyn for being my preview-testers, LOL! Huge thanks also to Snoopoony for her invaluable insight.
      (Cyn, I'll try to lighten up that one clip if I can....Moviemaker is being a beast right now and won't even let me re-open the project. This one was huge with over 400 effects, so I think I killed it, LOL! Even cut into three parts, it could barely handle it. So still fighting it at the moment. But I'll try!!!)

      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
        Thx to all the Weir fans on J/T for showing your support, I know from Vaberella ( yeah I actually like her a lot lol ) that of course some of you don't like Weir... but for those who appreciate her on the show thx from the bottom of my heart for your support ( Just_Breathing thx for coming on the Shep/Weir thread ; oh and by the way you used my sentence :"The Evil X's back/delurking/droping by" lol -> and I'm so glad you did ^^ )

        And also, can't wait for Sunday tonight, I want to see the Weir/Teyla interactions
        Thats quite alright BG! I wanted to post a little something to let you know we- or at least I- felt your pain. And I knew there was somewhere I'd seen that line posted before!! lol

        How long til Sunday airs? I suck with the whole time difference thingie ma bobs..

        LC, I'm taking a look at your vid now. My net is uber slow at the minute so I might be able to get it tomorrow morning.

        I'm heading to bed in a few so g'night guys!

        Someone notices you. Someone somewhere notices you the second you walk into a room. Find them. Because they’re waiting for you. Waiting for you to turn your head, say hello, and make their day the way you’ve made every single one of theirs. Find them.


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Hi guys! Just finished a new J/T video! This one is called A Breaking Heart and is meant to be a companion video to A Hurting Heart. This time it's from Teyla's point of view. We don't know much about how she felt about having to say good-bye to John or being separated from him. So this is my take. The song is My Immortal by Evanscence. It didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, but hopefully you'll enjoy it! I think Hurting Heart came out better, so I'm a bit disappointed in this one, but I'm now really sick of this song, so happy to have it finished at least.

          Huge thanks to SC for helping me find stars to use for this video and to Camy and Cyn for being my preview-testers, LOL! Huge thanks also to Snoopoony for her invaluable insight.
          (Cyn, I'll try to lighten up that one clip if I can....Moviemaker is being a beast right now and won't even let me re-open the project. This one was huge with over 400 effects, so I think I killed it, LOL! Even cut into three parts, it could barely handle it. So still fighting it at the moment. But I'll try!!!)


          I think we are our own worst critics when it comes to our own stuff...because I have to say WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this video.... the clips you chose for in present time thinking of the times with John,,,wow...they are so heart wrenching...seeing her sadness, her tears... I could feel her pain of loosing him,,and feeling of being lost, not knowing when or if she will see him again....
          Then the song to the clips...just great...a song that in a way feels a little haunting,,hrmm if that is the right word for it...but works so well to such a video....
          Awesome two videos...the first by showing John's point of view and then now showing Teyla's point of view...and in both videos you can feel how much they miss being together....
          Wehn I saw you posted this...I knew I had to see it before going to bed..I didn't wanna wait until tomorrow... so I guess my final word will just be WOW!!! *lol*

          Can't wait to see more from you....
          Sigs by Scifan


            part of:
            Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

            wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


              Originally posted by Just_breathing View Post
              Thats quite alright BG! I wanted to post a little something to let you know we- or at least I- felt your pain. And I knew there was somewhere I'd seen that line posted before!! lol

              How long til Sunday airs? I suck with the whole time difference thingie ma bobs..

              LC, I'm taking a look at your vid now. My net is uber slow at the minute so I might be able to get it tomorrow morning.

              I'm heading to bed in a few so g'night guys!

              About 3 hours and 18 minutes to go, LOL!

              Thanks JB!! I hope you're able to download it, sorry it's so big! It was the smallest I could make it and still have half decent quality. Any smaller and it was horribly fuzzy. It's already at half the size that MM reccommended it to be. But anyway, thanks for trying!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                I think we are our own worst critics when it comes to our own stuff...because I have to say WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this video.... the clips you chose for in present time thinking of the times with John,,,wow...they are so heart wrenching...seeing her sadness, her tears... I could feel her pain of loosing him,,and feeling of being lost, not knowing when or if she will see him again....
                Then the song to the clips...just great...a song that in a way feels a little haunting,,hrmm if that is the right word for it...but works so well to such a video....
                Awesome two videos...the first by showing John's point of view and then now showing Teyla's point of view...and in both videos you can feel how much they miss being together....
                Wehn I saw you posted this...I knew I had to see it before going to bed..I didn't wanna wait until tomorrow... so I guess my final word will just be WOW!!! *lol*

                Can't wait to see more from you....
                Oh, thank you so much Nina!!! You just made my day! I wish I could have found the right kind of clips that had the camera pans like I was envisioning in my head for this one. But I'm so happy to hear that the "haunting" idea came across! That's exactly what I was going for! I wanted it to be more than just simple memories of her thinking back, which I did use in parts, but also wanted it to be like his memory is haunting her, so as she's moving around the tent, going about her day and night, she's "seeing" moments when he was there with her. I had fun playing with my new ghosting effect, LOL! And I wanted to give a nod to Hearting Heart without making them too similar either since it should be able to stand on its own as well.
                But anyway, sorry for rambling! Thank you again so much for the awesome feedback!!! I really appreciate it!

                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Really excellent vid, yet again LC!!! And just after i finished watching that one i had to go back and watch 'A Hurting Heart'....but now both of these are on par!!
                  -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                  Thanks Camy!!


                    Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                    Really excellent vid, yet again LC!!! And just after i finished watching that one i had to go back and watch 'A Hurting Heart'....but now both of these are on par!!
                    Oh, thank you so much!! And thank you so much again for finding those stars for me, LOL! I never would have found them on my own, thank you!!!
                    I'm so glad you liked it! Thanks so much for the comments!!

                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      LC u did a great job on them both, hope u make more sheylaness vids casue they rock.!
                      part of:
                      Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                      wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                        Hi guys! Just finished a new J/T video! This one is called A Breaking Heart and is meant to be a companion video to A Hurting Heart. This time it's from Teyla's point of view. We don't know much about how she felt about having to say good-bye to John or being separated from him. So this is my take. The song is My Immortal by Evanscence. It didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, but hopefully you'll enjoy it! I think Hurting Heart came out better, so I'm a bit disappointed in this one, but I'm now really sick of this song, so happy to have it finished at least.


                        Huge thanks to SC for helping me find stars to use for this video and to Camy and Cyn for being my preview-testers, LOL! Huge thanks also to Snoopoony for her invaluable insight.
                        (Cyn, I'll try to lighten up that one clip if I can....Moviemaker is being a beast right now and won't even let me re-open the project. This one was huge with over 400 effects, so I think I killed it, LOL! Even cut into three parts, it could barely handle it. So still fighting it at the moment. But I'll try!!!)

                        Magnifico y Perfecto!


                          LC - Your vid is AMAZING! You never disappoint us shippers!!


                            Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                            I basically have the same opinion as everyone else who has posted in this thread, so there isn't much I can say that hasn't already been said.

                            I personally probably wouldn't miss Weir that much if she becomes a recurring character permanently or not, but I do think that it's really unfair to Torri (unless it was her decision) and to her fans. I was hoping, like many other people, for some more friendship development between Teyla and Elizabeth, but unfortunately I don't see this happening much if she becomes a recurring character...

                            As for Amanda Tapping coming to SGA, I was all for it until I found out that she was gonna be in 14 episodes!! That's 70% of the season! (Yes, I did the math for lack of anything better to do, I think it's I love AT and Samantha Carter on SG-1, but this is too much.

                            We have other characters that desperately need some more development, especially Teyla. She's been there since the beginning and we've barely begun to scratch the surface with her. Like a few other people have said, I hope season 4 isn't centered around Carter and McKay. I'd like it if McKay took a backseat for a while. Not that I don't like McKay or David Hewlett, they're both great, but he's had enough screen time to last him a while and his attitude gets kinda old really fast, IMO.

                            Now for John/Teyla since this thread is dedicated to them...I love the interaction we get between them, especially the latest stuff we've seen. I love that he opens up to her, they're just so great to see together. The cast changes better not get in the way of that, because I've been a J/T shipper ever since I saw Rising and I would really like it if nothing got in the way of that.

                            Well, I'm pretty sure that's all I wanted to say for now...I can't wait until Sunday airs, these are the times I wish I lived on the west coast!!
                            Hi, welcome.

                            Your words caught the mood of all that has gone on and how many feel just right i would say.

                            And yes S3 has had some goldem moments for JT. We could talk about the quantity but the quality has not been lacking. In Sateda, Phantoms, The Return P1, The Ark....and hopefully in not much more than an hour [or whenever we see it], we can add Sunday to that list.

                            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                            Hi guys! Just finished a new J/T video! This one is called A Breaking Heart and is meant to be a companion video to A Hurting Heart. This time it's from Teyla's point of view. We don't know much about how she felt about having to say good-bye to John or being separated from him. So this is my take. The song is My Immortal by Evanscence. It didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, but hopefully you'll enjoy it! I think Hurting Heart came out better, so I'm a bit disappointed in this one, but I'm now really sick of this song, so happy to have it finished at least.


                            Huge thanks to SC for helping me find stars to use for this video and to Camy and Cyn for being my preview-testers, LOL! Huge thanks also to Snoopoony for her invaluable insight.
                            (Cyn, I'll try to lighten up that one clip if I can....Moviemaker is being a beast right now and won't even let me re-open the project. This one was huge with over 400 effects, so I think I killed it, LOL! Even cut into three parts, it could barely handle it. So still fighting it at the moment. But I'll try!!!)

                            If you want to feel a bit disappointed about it, no problem, i'm sure i am happy enough with it for two people.

                            I've said this before, all of you in here who do these vids, you're your own worst critic and i can't see the justification meself. Maybe it's because i am a simple viewer of music vids, not a creator like yourself, although i doubt it.

                            I think the music and the scenes went together v well, up to your usual high standards LC, thanks a always.

                            If you'll excuse me, i'm off to find a Hurting Heart.

                            expendable_crewman, just want to say thanks a lot for posting a link to that interview, never would've came by it without you or this thread. The section on Rachel did make me .
                            Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 15 January 2007, 07:41 PM.


                              Originally posted by 4prettierships View Post
                              LC - Your vid is AMAZING! You never disappoint us shippers!!
                              Sheylafan, Camy, and 4PS, thank you all SO much!!! AH!!! I've been a nervous wreck all day! I always get nervous posting a new vid and then with the ep tonight, I can't concentrate on anything else. How pathetic am I?! LOL!

                              One more hour to go!!!!

                              Thanks guys so much for all the amazing feedback!!! I was really nervous about this one, thank you!!!

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

                                If you want to feel a bit disappointed about it, no problem, i'm sure i am happy enough with it for two people.

                                I've said this before, all of you in ehre who do these vids, you're your own worst critic and i can see the justification meself. Maybe it's becaeu i am a simple viewer of music vids, not a creator like yourself, although i doubt it.

                                I think the music and the scenes went together v well, up to your usual high standards LC, thanks a always.

                                If you'll excuse me, i'm off to find a Hurting Heart.

                                expendable_crewman, just want to say thanks a lot for posting a link to that interview, never would've came by it without you or this thread. The section on Rachel did make me .
                                Hi Nick! Thank you so much for your comments!!! I really, really appreciate it! Hurting Heart is at the same link by the way, I keep all mine housed at the same place. Thank you again so much for helping to make my night!

                                Lady, welcome to the thread!!!!! I too love your comments!

                                EC, I totally missed your post somehow!!! THANK YOU so much for the link! I hadn't read it yet!! Like Nick said, the part with Rachel was cute. Loved his comments about her hair and how she captures a room. I think Teyla does the same.
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

