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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip View Post

    For the people who 'want it all' I hope you're a patient lot. If TPTB want SGA to last as long as SG-1 has (if that's even possible these days) then whatever happend between Sheppard and Teyla will be a drawn out affair.
    Well, want and expect are two different things, LOL! I want it all, but I don't expect a whole lot. Keeps the disappointment down that way and is unfortunately in keeping with these writers.
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      All I know for sure is this...

      I WANT A CONFESSION, I WANT A WEDDING AND I WANT little chubby JT's running around with spiky black hair, DANG IT!

      and since I'm not picky, it doesn't have to be in that order either.....
      *Whipping the tears from my eyes* OMG, chubby little JT's with spiky black hair. LMAO. Thanks for the visual thread mommy.


        Man, I came here to get pumped up and I get this....

        Yes, Trippy there is another one of me out there...


        You must email me...If we meet, I promise to make it up to you somehow if hubby and the kiddies didn't deliver....maybe I'll bring my twin pics live! wasn't me! If I wanted to share something as graphic as that to you guys I would have posted it here...*hint hint, Trippy* There are little ones in here! Perverting their innocent little minds...And I"M THE THREAD MOM for goodness!


        I see where you guys are going with this....rhe way i see it...the relationship in Stargate SG-1 wasn't as blatant and as consistent as in Atlantis..

        so, I'm hoping that since the whole Teyla and John began differently and was so blatantly exposed even before the show aired...that this is something that will be different...different from the approach that was given to Sam and I know there have been some similarities...but even the fact that Teyla is not subordinate to John tells me that the possibility is more there than any other....even the subtle things with John and Teyla are different than that between Sam and Jack...Sam and Jack knew that as long as they were in their positions, they couldn't make this happen....and neither one of them wanted to give that up...Teyla and John don't have that hanging over their heads..and if at the end of this season, the expedition team will be completely,

        anhialated from Earth...which is what I think might happen, then the probability of the team seeing the Pegasus and Atlantis as their home is even greater...and a place where they can move on....

        at least I"m hoping that's the angle that they are going for......

        I just think that there is a time for change....the shows nowadays are getting away from the idea of not pairing the characters with each other and they are making it work...I like the way that they are doing John and Teyla right now because they are developing a strong foundation, but like someone wrote earlier, how long can we wait and how long will it be belieable....who knows...

        I know that the underlying feelings are there and they are written there..and for now, I like it..I just hope that the writers see that it can happen and it can work...and I'm not in agreement that just because they get together, we still can't discuss things here..on the contrary...I think we could discuss more!

        I personally would love it, if they have their relationship a secret for awhile...wouldn't that be cool...

        I mean can you imagine Rodney walking in the early hours of the morning and as he passes by he sees John just stepping out of Teyla's quarters....

        Rodney: Hey, Sheppard.....*stops mid-sentence and looks at Sheppard accusingly*what are you doing up so early in the morning...

        Sheppard: Rodney, why aren't you bothering someone else on the other side of the city...oh, I don't know, Weir or Zelenka maybe.

        Rodney: Well, as a matter of fact, I was hoping that you'd come up.... isn't that Teyla's quarters?

        Turns and looks at Teyla's door.

        Sheppard: Yeah, it is.

        Rodney: *wide eyed* What are you doing coming out of Teyla's quarters in the early hours of the morning, Sheppard?

        Sheppard: *sternly*We were watching the Princess Bride again, Rodney. You know how much she loves that movie, and I had to share the last bag of popcorn with her. Why, are you insinuating anything more?

        Turns and starts walking down the hallway.

        Rodney: Oh! No, I just wish you had invited me along.

        Rodney continues to walk down the corridor talking about his new discoveries as Sheppard rolls his eyes, and lets out a long breath.

        Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 08 November 2006, 08:13 PM.


          Originally posted by WikkedAngel View Post
          *Whipping the tears from my eyes* OMG, chubby little JT's with spiky black hair. LMAO. Thanks for the visual thread mommy.
          Well, I do see little a mini Teyla beating up Uncle Rodney and Uncle Ronon in the hallways and scaring the bee geezies out of Uncle Zelenka with her banta sticks! and escaping from Uncle Carson's infirmary after getting treated with a bump on her head since she just got whipped by her older brother JT who doesn't quite ever listen when Mom is trainning him in their sparring lessons, so she suffers the consequences..but of course, I also see her having morning tea with Auntie Lizzie who is teaching her how to speak all sort of different languages since she is expected to go and visit Earth as promise by her daddy Colonel Sheppard...who is totally against his daughter learning 4 languages to begin with but has already surprised everyone by her unique ability to grasp everything taught to her in a very suprisingly short amount of time....but certainly she loves to fly the puddle jumper and Daddy makes it a habit to sneak out in the wee hours of the morning before Mom wakes up...course JT chooses not to go and instead cuddles up with mom in bed... and that leaves just Daddy and his little sun- kissed skin baby girl all to themselves flying across the stars in their own private puddle jumper! Daddy's little girl....beautiful and graceful as her mother, but spunky and stubborn as her dad! She's got Mommy's golden skin but shares daddy's light green eyes...with a soulful heart and an adventureous spirit!


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Well, I do see little a mini Teyla beating up Uncle Rodney and Uncle Ronon in the hallways and scaring the bee geezies out of Uncle Zelenka with her banta sticks! and escaping from Uncle Carson's infirmary after getting treated with a bump on her head since she just got whipped by her older brother JT who doesn't quite ever listen when Mom is trainning him in their sparring lessons, so she suffers the consequences..but of course, I also see her having morning tea with Auntie Lizzie who is teaching her how to speak all sort of different languages since she is expected to go and visit Earth as promise by her daddy Colonel Sheppard...who is totally against his daughter learning 4 languages to begin with but has already surprised everyone by her unique ability to grasp everything taught to her in a very suprisingly short amount of time....but certainly she loves to fly the puddle jumper and Daddy makes it a habit to sneak out in the wee hours of the morning before Mom wakes up...course JT chooses not to go and instead cuddles up with mom in bed... and that leaves just Daddy and his little sun- kissed skin baby girl all to themselves flying across the stars in their own private puddle jumper! Daddy's little girl....beautiful and graceful as her mother, but spunky and stubborn as her dad! She's got Mommy's golden skin but shares daddy's light green eyes...with a soulful heart and an adventureous spirit!

            Ah these are all so cute - I really want a little JT now

            I don't know why TPTB have this idea that if you keep the audience hanging with this will they wont they business, that it keeps people watching. Why on earth would a show be over just because a relationship is realised. I can understand if this was some soap, and purely based on just John and Teyla.

            But it is the oppposite, the show is primarily a Sci Fi show and it will never just be about relationships - so in reality the relationship side would be something that just went on in the background and the viewer would still have plenty to entertain them and keep them watching.

            Its a shame that the writers feel that they couldn't make a relationship interesting either and that they feel if two people get together the viewers would loose interest, while its actually the other way round. You cannot drag a relationship out forever and expect viewers to stay interested in the outcome.

            It doesn'nt help when the writers start to tease and hint at different pairings again thinking that they are keeping everyone happy. I'd rather have no hints at all of any relationships than have the writers flip from one paring to the other. I realise that some will interprut scenes as being shippy when they were never ment to be, but sometimes the writers deliberately throw in scenes that are ment to be ambiguous.

            But it looks like they have finally decided to go back to their original plan and continue building up JT, and so far I am very happy with how they have approached their relationship, and I am hoping that they will take it even further and that we are not going to get the same treatment as Sam/Jack got. I agree that both relationships have been very different. I must say that I never really saw anything shippy between Jack/Sam in the early years at all and the writers never really obviously hinted at it. It was only in later years that they started to imply that there were feelings between them, but then they went and dragged it out forever and pretty much butchered it IMO.

            But JT have gotten off to a great start and now that we keep hearing that they have no intention of going with a Shep/Weir relationship, I'm hoping to see the continued build up of JT - which will end up in a wedding, little JT's and happily ever after - well that is what I would also love - but what I expect as LG says it a different matter - though all JT interaction is GOOD!!!


              oh u people have the best imaginations i have such a solid image of them little john and teylas running round getting up to all sorts of mischief around the base the little teylas picking fights with all the boys and all the little johns wanting to play on all kinds of new technology and winding their sisters up the wrong way that they would be sparring each other and hiding inside puddle jumpers having everyone searching for them and they hve their wisdom of their mother and their mischievousness of their father and those cute little jts
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


       said this beautifully....but's good to dream...

                I have no doubt that JT will be there in some sort of way...unless John suddenly decides for someone else or even Teyla....

                but you guys are will be a long way off before we see anything concrete!

                still, I love their relationship now and since the beginning...and I do want to see it grow...and like's the subtle background things that give it away as something so real and so sweet that it can most certainly be done without it turning soapy! we've seen it in other shows, why not here! right?

                but hey....whatever...

                and Trippy..I'm not mad...I'm excited that you loved it....that's why I did it!

                to make you smile...and because I know you love your Sheppard and since the show isn't going to give you more than a simple black T-shirt or once in awhile an exposed chest..I thought I'd fill in the blanks!




                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Hehehe! good point, NM....

                  I guess I'm going to have to schedule to see him to know what that feels like...LOL

                  this week is Catch UP WEEK!

                  so, those of you who didn't participate or forgot...or have been busy, there have been a couple of interesting challenges and ideas floating around....we've had some good themes this month....

                  We did a lot on that week...we had some great fics that came out as a result and we had some really good discussions....

                  One thing that I'd like to see and this was all Bella's idea....An Athos about it....

                  Then we had...The Beginning...

                  who can forget that first time these two saw each other and gaze into their eyes...we had some great discussions here on how and what and when you thought this happen....really great points....

                  We discussed of the possibility if Sumner had not died...what if....
                  What do you think would have happened if John did in fact kiss Teyla in the cave or anywhere in Season 1 for that matter..not the induce bug kiss...but a real kiss...would it have changed things....

                  Then We had the Past....what could have been what did happen...and how that affected where they are now...

                  We had Angst Week and We had Harvest and Halloween Week.....

                  So, overall, do you like this you hate a weekly thing too much....what would you like to see, what would you like to have improve...suggestions, comments....

                  I was a bit dissapointed that we didn't have that much participation on the Oct. 31 party...but that's okay...Bella and I work very hard to bring this to you guys and you guys are awesome...from what I gather we seem to be one of the most motivate group in this bunch during the hiatus...but we are doing this for you guys...I am excited about next week....Hidden Talents...that should be fun....

                  I'd love to see what you guys think was your best week and what you've enjoyed the most so far..give us some suggestions and let us know how you feel....if it's not worth doing this, then Bella and I will back off....but it's all for you guys...and remember this is not written in stone..things can go on as normal in here...if we are ever normal!

                  Thank you guys for a FABULOUS MONTH! and let's hope this month and next month are even better...

                  I know that there will be several fics coming up for this month and next month...I have to do both! so that should be good....

                  and some good fics have been going around...but we need more..
                  so, get those writings going.....and we need more vids...

                  I have a fanmix for you guys that Nytel made....coming up!

                  It's Still Catch Up Week and I think Witchy or someone asked what it was so, here it is...Next Week...HIDDEN TALENTS!


                    Hey Everyone! I've been gone for a while(stupid school work)
                    But everyday I try to drop by to see wats up.

                    This Hiatus is killing me!!!!

                    J/T 4eva



                      Really wish i could take part in the Hiatus fun...but i had my first University exam on wednesday and now i am studying for my last one on extremely stressed...but i love reading/looking at all the stuff you guys produce...really good procastination material!
                      And then i wont be online for yonks come wednesday the 15th...well ok not yonks...but till 2nd December! to thailand and cambodia for me!
                      BUt i might get onto the net over if anything happens btw our love birds...say with the Canadian viewing...then i want to hear all about it!

                      *rant finished

                      to keep this OT....
                      J/T forever
                      You know what i noticed...we dont have to go sorting through piles of screencaps or what not to get caps, which show the fantastically adoring respect and love they have for each other!
                      anyhooo...back to study for me!
                      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                      Thanks Camy!!


                        Hey people!!!

                        Just dropped on by to check up on things and wow am I amazed. Camy awesome poster.

                        Thanks giving is around the corner. No school tomorrow. Veteran's Day!! Hope you guys have a nice holiday.

                        Closet J/T shipper,

                        Valent: Renee Elise Goldsberry/Evangeline Williamson Fansite
                        by Sheylafan87


                          Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                          Really wish i could take part in the Hiatus fun...but i had my first University exam on wednesday and now i am studying for my last one on extremely stressed...but i love reading/looking at all the stuff you guys produce...really good procastination material!
                          And then i wont be online for yonks come wednesday the 15th...well ok not yonks...but till 2nd December! to thailand and cambodia for me!
                          BUt i might get onto the net over if anything happens btw our love birds...say with the Canadian viewing...then i want to hear all about it!

                          *rant finished

                          to keep this OT....
                          J/T forever
                          You know what i noticed...we dont have to go sorting through piles of screencaps or what not to get caps, which show the fantastically adoring respect and love they have for each other!
                          anyhooo...back to study for me!
                          Good luck with your exams and enjoy Cambodia and Thailand.

                          We'll certaintly let you know if anthing happens between our beautiful couple - but as you say you can see the love and respect they have for each other in ALL of their interations.

                          Happy travelling


                            just popping in to say camy u are doing a wonder ful jb with all the hiatus challenges i have just go the all clear frm my doctor so ill be taking part in some of them i have just downloaded gimp its diffrent from paintshop but i am hoping to do some more wallpapers could anyone please give me any tips how to use it plzzz
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              Thanks...DB...and SC...have a great time...and be safe!

                              Um...DB...Witchy uses she might be able to help.....

                              Hmmm...what can I ask for today...where's Bella?


                                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                                just popping in to say camy u are doing a wonder ful jb with all the hiatus challenges i have just go the all clear frm my doctor so ill be taking part in some of them i have just downloaded gimp its diffrent from paintshop but i am hoping to do some more wallpapers could anyone please give me any tips how to use it plzzz
                                I'm glad you have the all clear Donna - and look foward to your wallpapers.

                                Sorry I can't be of any help on using gimp.

