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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I just made one for her! she's special!

    She's my twin sister....LOL

    Oh, sorry! more John and Teyla...

    so, I have more details but I need to get my facts straight...

    but I know Joe is in favor of JT and so is Rachel..and everyone else for that matter....why can't they just DO IT!



      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      but I know Joe is in favor of JT and so is Rachel..and everyone else for that matter....why can't they just DO IT!
      Because darling if they just did it, there would be nothing for us to ask numerous questions about anymore

      ...ahh who cares about the questions, I agree.. JUST DO IT!!!!!!!

      I understand it is sci-fi and "romance" isn't what it is all about but seriously... I'm going nuts here!!!!!!

      sorry.. the smilies will stop, I promise!


        hehehe! you know....I read that it's not the writers persay..but the executives who are testing the audience to see what they like...



        is that clear enough!


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          hehehe! you know....I read that it's not the writers persay..but the executives who are testing the audience to see what they like...



          is that clear enough!
          Maybe they are looking for a cross cultured appreciatiation of the two.. maybe if we say it in other languages too

          wij houden samen van John en Teyla (Dutch)
          nous aimons John et Teyla ensemble (French)
          wir mögen John und Teyla zusammen (German)
          gradiamo insieme John e Teyla (Italian)
          tenemos gusto de Juan y de Teyla juntos (Spanish)

          ok, I think that's all the languages BabelFish will allow me to translate it to without having GW hate me for the character usage! Hopefully it clears up a few things

          (and on that note, it's time for me to go to bed before they lock me in a padded room for being utterly crazy! )
          Last edited by 4prettierships; 07 November 2006, 09:25 PM.


            Happy Birthday Trippy!!!


              Originally posted by Camy View Post

     did you guys read that Joe kind of confirmed that something is going to happen in the second half of season 3...

              when he was asked about Shep/Teyla or Shep/Weir he said something like a threesome or something like that...but the he went on to say that there was something for the second half of season 3 and that just watch the show....

              Once I get the details straight I will bring you the exact thing that he said..if I can....

              that has to be the rumor going around about John

              confessing to Teyla but without her knowledge and I think it will be in the Ark....

              anyone heard anything different or can clarify this....?
              Camy, where did you read or hear this from? I've read several reports about the NJ Con and only saw comments about his jokingly replying "he should have both of them," when asked about J/T vs J/W. This is the first I have seen about any comments about there being something for the second half?! I would love to know more about this or if this is accurate! Please let us know once you get the details confirmed!!!! That would be very cool if he actually made some reference to that!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                For those interested I did want to give a heads up. I have a new fic on I cann't post here because it is for M readers(& my first, so if you do read be kind).

                And I wanted to thank Steph for the beta and Wedjati for the encouragement.

                No problem, Cyn!!!! I know I've already said it, but I'll say it again, LOL! I love this story!!! You did a wonderful job on it! Thanks again for writing it and sharing it!!!!

                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Happy Birthday Trippy!!!!!!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    I hope it's ok to say this, but I just found out two of my J/T vids were nominated for the Stargate Music Video Awards! Thank you to whoever it was that nominated me! What a wonderful surprise! Thank you!

                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      i was just thinking woudn't it be great if we could just have 1 episode with teyla and shepard stranded on a planet or in the puddle jumper as we could with no communiacation or anything then they would have to rely on each other im just saying if they did then we would all have a field day posting and probably attract alot more jt fans and i could defnatley do some wallpapers with an episode like that i guess 1 can only dream anyway what do you guys think let me knowoh and happy birthday trippy
                      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                        hey is anyone aware that canada is airing the second part of season 3 on november the 30th
                        Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRIPPY!!!

                          Hope you have/had a fantastic day...and hopefully it was a nice day to do whatever you please!!!

                          John and Teyla forever!!
                          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                          Thanks Camy!!


                            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                            hey is anyone aware that canada is airing the second part of season 3 on november the 30th
                            I heard it was Nov 20th and there are goin to skip two episodes after the return part 2 airs *i think*, from what the schedule said. I found it on one of the threads here
                            part of:
                            Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                            wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                              Steph, let me go back to my sources....I should have done that from the beginnning...but I'm almost positive he mentioned something or hinted something....


                                Okay, Joe said that

                                "something" is going to happen in the second half of the season.... and it was in reference to the ship question in which he replied about the two female characters....and its a bit unclear to me how my friend wrote it, but he either said it would be interesting, nice or great!

                                He also mentioned that the higher ups use testing audiences...and that either the testing audience don't know what they want or the higher ups are not understanding what they addition he said that these higher ups were not good at making decisions...uh...don't quote me on this...but also he mentioned that there is the understanding that the audience or fans want to see the characters wanting each other...and that's what we are seeing now, btw!

                                so, I'm assuming and putting two things together...

                                there's been lots of talks about the actors saying something big is going to happen and it will have the internet on fire...or something like, could it be that John finally admits his feelings..I don't know...I'm only guessing....

                                I don't think it's going to be huge, I think it's going to be subtle and again many times did we not see Jack and Sam admit or clearly show their feelings, and yet it went no, I think this is just another way of the writers giving us a bit more....but not taking the plunge and leaving this to be able to change if needed to...but that's why I"m saying that the writers and the actors want this...but there are others holding them back!


                                something else he said, that I'd like to bring that I guess mentioned that Ronon was giving John the run for his money for Teyla...or something along those lines and ...and he said never... there will never be quarreling or rivalry between them...because friends don't let woman get in the middle...

                                I'd like to add that John clearly pointed out in Duet where Ronon and John stood as far as Teyla..and there was no friendship there yet! LOL

                                so, take that as you wish!

                                hope this clarifies things...but you guys can go and verify with the others who went if you like...

