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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    First post in a loooong time. Just wanted to say that I think I had the hugest grin on my face during that entire episode. Much cuteness all the way around, shippy and otherwise, but
    the Athosian goodbye was just lovely. It was so private and so sweet and sad. For me, it said a lot that Shep was the one who initiated contact and that he purposely used her culture's way of expressing farewells. The fact that he said goodbye in front of the rest of his friends only weeks after saying he had trouble expressing his feelings is interesting.
    So yes, much love to that episode -- good for character and relationship development and a great way to break for hiatus.

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      Originally posted by majortrip
      I think the majority of the people who responded to that issue made clear that they have no problem with non-romantic relationship postings as long as the John/Teyla relationship is portrayed in a positive light. I'd like to throw my hat into that ring. I have no problem with any posters in here as long as they respect the overall tone and varying aspirations of the frequent posters in this thread.

      Many moons ago, I posted in a ship thread I didn't support romantically but found 'fun' and never received any harsh treatment myself. I'd like to think we're capable of returning that attitude. That's all I'm going to say on the issue.

      So, people, how close did I come? Should I do this type of spoiler thing when I get the good word on my cousin in the Yukon about "The Return, Part2"?
      Personally, I like to post in different ship threads it's a good way to make friends, half my LJ flist are from different shipper traditions. I like to read what other people think.

      Which reminds me.. I haven't visited the McWeirs for a while...

      I do like J/T as friends a lot. I'm not Sheppard's greatest fan (although I believe he's getting better) but I do like them together. I'll never be a romantic-shipper though, but I'm not for that kind of ship for anyone (except for fun!)


        I rewatched the Return and on second viewing I enjoyed it more..

        The whole family feeling was lovely and there were some great moments between John/Telya and Rodney/Carson and Carson/Elizabeth. It really brought home just how much they all care for each other. I was a bit surprised that except for Rodney and John they didn't seem to really have much contact once they got back to earth. John didn't really seem all that bothered that he hadn't seen Weir so again that shows that there isn't anything more between them than just friendship. Yet I got the distinct feeling throughout the whole ep that John was missing Teyla and practically jumped at the chance to get back to the Pegasus Galaxy to see her. The looks they shared in Johns room when she said goodbye and the head touching was very emotional. You could feel the sadness between them. I loved how Teyla seemed to know that she would see John again and little did she know how soon that would be.
        Great to see that John still thinks of Atlantis as his home and wants to be back where he belongs - in Atlantis and with the woman he loves.


          Originally posted by LoveConquers
          Hey Green-eyes! Good question! And I'm not sure I can really answer that, LOL! I think overall, my favorite eps are still Conversion and LFP. However, in terms of favorite J/T moments, this one is right up there with Rising for my favorite moment between them!!!!

          For me, as BA said, the ep is a little slow, so overall, not my favorite. But one of favorites for the beautful emotion in it between all the characters, but of course especially between J/T! I love our new head touching scene, especially with the deliberate way they are singled out!!! Awww!

          The cave is probably still my ultimate favorite, and then the kiss second, but this would definitely be number three for me.

          And just think! You'll be seeing Return 2 in only a month or two, so then we'll be the ones clamoring to you to spoil us with everything! LOL!

          Hey Steph!!! Glad you liked the question, lol. Great answer! I can't pick a favourite scene, but the kiss, and the "he cares for you..", and the cave and many from season one are waaay up there lol!

          Haha yeah...I just gotta hold out for a month or two more! I'll try to be as diligent as I can with the spoilers, but I just started my finle year of highschool (unless I stay the extra year), so I may not be able to post too often... lol.

          Welecome Mighty girl and other newbies
          Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


            I loved this episode....

            I loved the goodbye between John/Teyla/Ronan,,,so they kind of needed to say out loud that John was welcome to stay with them or that they were welcome to come back with him...
            I especially loved the head touching at the gate...just how sweet...their looks ,,their smiles,,and the touching farewell/take care...
            Sheppard sure seemed bored on earth,,not even glad that he still working with the whole Stargate program....I do think he seemed only be in contact with Rodney...and no one else...
            Then the sweet scene when he came to the Athosian settlement,,,how he looked at her,,,he could hardly take is eyes of her,,,and that smile on his face...and her reaction to seeing happy she was to see him again...
            Going to be intresting to see part 2....
            Sigs by Scifan


              Awww...Can I get a Squee!!!



                you asked.....
                and i deliver....

                SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is an awesome comparison!!!
                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                Thanks Camy!!


                  I loved this episode! Great shippy moments in it!

                  The Return Part 1 Shippy Moments

                  First, it should be mentioned, John is deceptively calm about what is going on. We only get glimpses of his aggitation throughout the episode. His expression is one of suspicion when the blonde places her hand on the hidden control that pops out of a panel in the floor. His look of extreme dislike when the blonde announces that Atlantis is now under her control. The way John jumps up when Woolsey and Jack come out of the conference room. They are told they have 24 hours to leave. John (Low, Agitated Tone): We should've left them there. John's unhappy, "Yes sir." when he is told to oversee the evacuation of Atlantis.

                  The blonde thanks Elizabeth for watching over Atlantis. Elizabeth: We did what we could. Teyla turns her head but doesn't turn completely to face Elizabeth. Either she is looking at Elizabeth out of the corner of her eye or she is looking in the direction John was shown to be at.

                  John is packing. Ronon and Teyla enter John's room. After exchanging a few brief words with Ronon John asks Teyla if the Ancients are allowing the Athosians to stay on the mainland. Teyla informs him that they have found a planet for them to relocate to. Teyla offers John a small smile and adds that it is complete with their own stargate. John's expression is not happy. John: How that go down? John studies Teyla closely as she answers. Teyla (Frankly): It was not the homecoming of the Ancestors my people envisioned. Teyla seems to offer John something that is between a small smile and a cringe. John stands there his eyes raking the floor as he thinks over what she said. John decides to change the subject. John: You guys want any of this stuff? He goes on to offer his poster, skateboard, and some of his books. Teyla looks at Ronon and gets this sweet/sad smile on her face. She then looks at John's bed then up at John. John stares at his bed, sighs, and walks over it. He sighs again and sits down. John looks up at Teyla and stares for a few seconds. Then he looks at Ronon. John: You know you guys are welcome to come back with us right? Teyla stares at the floor. Teyla: My place is with She looks up at John. my people. Ronon: And I can't leave this galaxy until every last wraith is dead. John looks down at the floor. John: Well... He looks at Teyla then looks away at the floor. I just had to say it out loud. He shakes his head, quickly glances at Teyla, and then looks back at the floor dejectedly. Teyla: You too should know we would be honored She smiles at him. if you decided to stay with us John. She continues to smile at him. John smiles. John: Yeah. Well I think the airforce has other plans for me. Teyla: We also just had to say it out loud. She smiles sweetly and also a little teasingly. John stares at her. John: Right. John smiles briefly though there is no real humor in it. He looks away, then back at Teyla, and then decides to stare at the space between Ronon and Teyla. John: Well... John looks at Ronon. This sucks! He glances at Teyla then stares back out into space. Ronon (Sadly): Yeah. John who was looking at Teyla when Ronon said this looks away and shifts uncomfortably. John: I'm not- I'm not... He looks down at the floor. I'm not good at He looks up at Teyla. goodbyes. Teyla straightens and rubs her hands down her pant legs. Teyla: Our paths will cross again Teyla leans toward John and smiles. John Sheppard. She straightens up. (Assuredly) Of that I am sure. John: Well before our paths uncross. John looks Teyla over then looks at Ronon. Would you give me a hand with these boxes? He glances at Teyla. Teyla turns away and her expression seems to be a mixture of exasperation and disappointment. John (Glancing between the two.): I'll throw in pizza and some beer. Teyla steps toward him. Teyla: Popcorn? She smiles up at him. John turns away and messes with the books on his bed. John (In a playfully exasperated tone.): And popcorn for you. Ronon grabs John in a bearhug and picks him up. (Groans) God! Ah! Teyla chuckles and glances over her shoulder at them. Ronon puts John down, and John chuckles also.

                  Teyla and Ronon are seeing them off. Though Rodney is still up in the control room giving advice to the blonde about the city. Elizabeth tells Rodney to get going. Teyla is smiling at John as this happens. Then she turns to Elizabeth and Carson. Teyla: You have been good friends. She looks at John. To all of the people of this galaxy. John is smiling at Teyla. He nods and walks to Teyla. Ronon steps back giving them room. Teyla who is now smiling at Elizabeth immediately gives John her attention. She appears to be a little surprised. She steps forward meeting him and smiles up at him. John looks into Teyla's eyes with his smile still in place. Simultaneously they close their eyes and touch foreheads. Teyla takes a deep breath. Farewell. She opens her eyes. They pull apart. John looks into her eyes. John (Husky Whisper): Take care. John smiles. Teyla smiles and nods. Cut to Ronon's expression.

                  Through out the next scenes, while John again pretends to be okay, we get hints he really isn't happy with his new life. John isn't impressed with his new team. He takes great interest in what is happening with Atlantis. He is eager to help out with Atlantis any way he can, and he is unhappy when told he can't. When told about the replicators and that it was for the best that they left when they did he seems depressed. He seems to be trying too hard to keep himself preoccupied during his conversation with Rodney. When their conversation about missing those they may never see again ends he isn't happy. Infact John hangs up on Rodney when he tries to start on a new subject.

                  The group is discussing "hypothetically" what they can do to save Atlantis and possibly Jack and Woosely from the replicators. John: You know, hypothetically, Teyla and Ronon will be more then willing to help. If we asked. Rodney mentions he has a way to get through the shield. Elizabeth asks if he can rewrite his gate bridge. John: Somewhere like uh... Just talking here. John smiles, steps toward Rodney, and cocks his head. The Athosian settlement where Teyla and Ronon are? As they come up with the finishing details for their plan John becomes clearly excited.

                  Teyla and Ronon are arguing about what they should do now. Which turns into a discussion about what Ronon should do. John: That smells great. Teyla spins around. John comes out of the forest with the others behind him. He is staring at Teyla and gives her one of his charming smiles. Hope you saved some for us. Teyla in shock glances between John and the others. She gets this huge smile on her face. Teyla: J-J-J-John! It's wonderful to see you! All of you! John briefly glances at Ronon then turns his full attention on Teyla. Elizabeth: And you. John (Still Smiling): We miss that! John points at the soup pot. Whatever that is? Teyla stares at John still in shock. She begins to smile again. Ronon: Something's wrong. Teyla glances at Ronon then stares at John in alarm.

                  Rodney is giving Ronon and Teyla their weapons. Ronon: So you need us because we know our way around the city? John: I need you because your part of our team. Teyla: There may be hundreds of replicators in Atlantis by now. John: We got a plan a good one. I wouldn't ask you to come with us if I didn't think we could do it. Teyla looks down, gives him a half smile, and nods. Elizabeth mentions Jack and Woosely could still be alive and taken hostage. John looks directly at Teyla through this. John: I'll be damned if I am going to let a bunch of replicators take our home away from us. So... John glances between Teyla and Ronon. you with us? Ronon and Teyla exchange a look. Teyla smiles and looks at John. Ronon looks at John and gives him a smile as well. John nods at Ronon, smiles, and looks at Teyla.

                  Happy Shipping!
                  Last edited by Black Panther; 23 September 2006, 09:51 PM.


                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    Now former long time JT shippers...let me ask you a question?! Which one of you thought that this would be the episode that seemed to convert so many people to JT shippiness?! I ask this in total seriousness?! I didn't see anything different here that I saw in Sateda, so what's up with this episode, any ideas?!
                    In all honesty, I didn't think there'd be any episode that would 'convert' people to John/Teyla. People who begin to like the relationship tend to like it based on the increased interaction and display of friendship/fluidity between them.

                    And, with the team dynamics getting such a good run this season, it's inevitable that people who previously wanted and were able to dismiss Teyla and Ronon as 'unimportant to John, Rodney, Elizabeth and Carson' simply because the characters aren't important to the fans who are saying such things.

                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    Where is Sel...?! I told you, if you were not originally JT, now you won't be able to deny JT, it's blatant and well done. Long live the JT ship!
                    I'm here, I'm here! Geeze. Can't a body get some sleep?

                    To Everyone Reading This Thread

                    This thread is for discussion of the relationship dynamics - sexual or friendship - between John Sheppard and Teyla Emmagen.

                    As long as you haven't come here to solely discuss another pairing or relationship dynamic, and haven't come here to slag off John/Teyla (John&Teyla, John-and-Teyla, John and Teyla in the team, whatever), then you are welcome here.

                    Yeesh, people. CEASE FIRE!

                    You remind me of why I stopped coming to GW back three years ago!

                    I like reading this thread and discussing things! I love seeing people from other pairings in this thread to discuss John and Teyla as teammates, friends, and even only the possibility of a pairing, let along lovers, etc.

                    And yes, I have seen The Return and I loved it - for the John/Teyla interactions, yes, but for everyone's interactions. SallyLizzie, a few days ago you said you wanted something that showed them all caring about each other - no sooner said than done!

                    For The Return:
                    Okay, so they could have done an Elizabeth/Teyla scene, DAMMIT. But all the goodbyes and both the John&Rodney&Elizabeth&Carson gathering on Earth and the Teyla&Ronon meeting with Ladon were great.

                    You notice that John is the one who initiates the Athosian head-touching farewell? At the least, it's a lovely friendship moment; at the most, I was cheering for him to give her a quick kiss in front of everyone.

                    Heh. We'll just write fic about that moment, hey?

                    Enjoyable ep, if slow, I'll have more thoughts on it later!

                    But JT shippers on this thread, seriously: play nice with the people who are willing to play nice! Please.



                      Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                      you asked.....
                      and i deliver....

                      SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is an awesome comparison!!!

                      Two of my favorite caps...ever! The second one especially, love the profile look of both of them....

                      Here's a wallpaper using those two caps...


                        AG - Love the WP....
                        Hope to see more done of this epi and their scenes...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by seldear
                          And yes, I have seen The Return and I loved it - for the John/Teyla interactions, yes, but for everyone's interactions. SallyLizzie, a few days ago you said you wanted something that showed them all caring about each other - no sooner said than done!

                          For The Return:
                          Okay, so they could have done an Elizabeth/Teyla scene, DAMMIT. But all the goodbyes and both the John&Rodney&Elizabeth&Carson gathering on Earth and the Teyla&Ronon meeting with Ladon were great.

                          Enjoyable ep, if slow, I'll have more thoughts on it later

                          Wonder what else I can say I want and have happen in the next episode?

                          Return Pt 1.
                          I think it was just a time restriction. Realistically, everybody would have said there personal goodbyes but there just isn't enough time in the ep to show that. Imo, they got the important ones done. Ronon and Teyla both have a significant connection with John as he's the one that introduced them to Atlantis and welcomed them into his team. There's a lot of trust placed there from all parties so it was nice to see how well that trust payed off in them becoming a family.

                          I also liked that they didn't go with the BFF scenario back on Earth. No matter how close people are, they do go their different ways when leaving a job for no other reason than the conflicting schedules. But it was nice to see these people struggling to adapt and caring enough to put effort into meeting up.

                          Thought it was a really good call for Landon to meet with Teyla and Ronon (tho how did he know what planet to dial into?). Continuity, yay! Had the others not shown up, I wonder if Teyla would have been able to convince Ronon to go with the Genii and what John would have made of that when he found out.

                          It's a well known truth that Part Ones are always slow going. They're the build up with all that exposition and Part two is where the action kicks in.
                          We didn't get a scene with Teyla and Elizabeth but maybe we'll get one at the end of Return 2. There needs to a scene to wind the episode down (like at the end of The Eye with Elizabeth, John and Rodney stood on the balcony). Some simple dialogue could convey how Teyla is glad Elizabeth is back and vice versa.

                          Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                          It was so private and so sweet and sad. For me, it said a lot that Shep was the one who initiated contact and that he purposely used her culture's way of expressing farewells. The fact that he said goodbye in front of the rest of his friends only weeks after saying he had trouble expressing his feelings is interesting.
                          Oo, that's a really good point. I didn't catch on to that.


                            Originally posted by Black Panther
                            I loved this episode! Great shippy moments in it!

                            The Return Part 1 Shippy Moments

                            First, it should be mentioned, John is deceptively calm about what is going on. We only get glimpses of his aggitation throughout the episode. His expression is one of suspicion when the blonde places her hand on the hidden control that pops out of a panel in the floor. His look of extreme dislike when the blonde announces that Atlantis is now under her control. The way John jumps up when Woolsey and Jack come out of the conference room. They are told they have 24 hours to leave. John (Low, Agitated Tone): We should've left them there. John's unhappy, "Yes sir." when he is told to oversee the evacuation of Atlantis.

                            The blonde thanks Elizabeth for watching over Atlantis. Elizabeth: We did what we could. Teyla turns her head but doesn't turn completely to face Elizabeth. Either she is looking at Elizabeth out of the corner of her eye or she is looking in the direction John was shown to be at.

                            John is packing. Ronon and Teyla enter John's room. After exchanging a few brief words with Ronon John asks Teyla if the Ancients are allowing the Athosians to stay on the mainland. Teyla informs him that they have found a planet for them to relocate to. Teyla offers John a small smile and adds that it is complete with their own stargate. John's expression is not happy. John: How that go down? John studies Teyla closely as she answers. Teyla (Frankly): It was not the homecoming of the Ancestors my people envisioned. Teyla seems to offer John something that is between a small smile and a cringe. John stands there his eyes raking the floor as he thinks over what she said. John decides to change the subject. John: You guys want any of this stuff? He goes on to offer his poster, skateboard, and some of his books. Teyla looks at Ronon and gets this sweet/sad smile on her face. She then looks at John's bed then up at John. John stares his bed, sighs, and walks over it. He sighs again and sits down. John looks up at Teyla and stares for a few seconds. Then he looks at Ronon. John: You know you guys are welcome to come back with us right? Teyla stares at the floor. Teyla: My place is with She looks up at John. my people. Ronon: And I can't leave this galaxy until every last wraith is dead. John looks down at the floor. John: Well... He looks at Teyla then looks away at the floor. I just had to say it out loud. He shakes his head, quickly glances at Teyla, and then looks back at the floor dejectedly. Teyla: You too should know we would be honored She smiles at him. if you decided to stay with us John. She continues to smile at him. John smiles. John: Yeah. Well I think the airforce has other plans for me. Teyla: We also just had to say it out loud. She smiles sweetly and also a little teasingly. John stares at her. John: Right. John smiles briefly though there is no real humor in it. He looks away, then back at Teyla, and then decides to stare at the space between Ronon and Teyla. John: Well... John looks at Ronon. This sucks! He glances at Teyla then stares back out into space. Ronon (Sadly): Yeah. John who was looking at Teyla when Ronon said this looks away and shifts uncomfortably. John: I'm not- I'm not... He looks down at the floor. I'm not good at He looks up at Teyla. goodbyes. Teyla straightens and rubs her hands down her pant legs. Teyla: Our paths will cross again Teyla leans toward John and smiles. John Sheppard. She straightens up. (Assuredly) Of that I am sure. John: Well before our paths uncross. John looks Teyla over then looks at Ronon. Would you give me a hand with these boxes? He glances at Teyla. Teyla turns away and her expression seems to be a mixture of exasperation and disappointment. John (Glancing between the two.): I'll throw in pizza and some beer. Teyla steps toward him. Teyla: Popcorn? John turns away and messes with the books on his bed. John (In a playfully exasperated tone.): And popcorn for you. Ronon grabs John in a bearhug and picks him up. (Groans) God! Ah! Teyla chuckles and glances over her shoulder at them. Ronon puts John down and John chuckles also.

                            Teyla and Ronon are seeing them off. Though Rodney is still up in the control room giving advice to the blonde about the city. Elizabeth tells Rodney to get going. Teyla is smiling at John as this happens. Then she turns to Elizabeth and Carson. Teyla: You have been good friends. She looks at John. To all of the people of this galaxy. John is smiling at Teyla. He nods and walks to Teyla. Ronon steps back giving them room. Teyla who is now smiling at Elizabeth immediately gives John her attention. She appears to be a little surprised. She steps forward meeting him and smiles up at him. John looks into Teyla's eyes with his smile still in place. Simultaneously they close their eyes and touch foreheads. Teyla takes a deep breath. Farewell. She opens her eyes. They pull apart. John looks into her eyes. John (Husky Whisper): Take care. John smiles. Teyla smiles and nods. Cut to Ronon's expression.

                            Through out the next scenes, while John again pretends to be okay, we get hints he really isn't happy with his new life. John isn't impressed with his new team. He takes great interest in what is happening with Atlantis. He is eager to help out with Atlantis any way he can, and he is unhappy when told he can't. When told about the replicators and that it was for the best that they left when they did he seems depressed. He seems to be trying too hard to keep himself preoccupied during his conversation with Rodney. When their conversation about missing those they may never see again ends he isn't happy. Infact John hangs up on Rodney when he tries to start on a new subject.

                            The group is discussing "hypothetically" what they can do to save Atlantis and possibly Jack and Woosely from the replicators. John: You know, hypothetically, Teyla and Ronon will be more then willing to help. If we asked. Rodney mentions he has a way to get through the shield. Elizabeth asks if he can rewrite his gate bridge. John: Somewhere like uh... Just talking here. John smiles, steps toward Rodney, and cocks his head. The Athosian settlement where Teyla and Ronon are? As they come up with the finishing details for their plan John becomes clearly excited.

                            Teyla and Ronon are arguing about what they should do now. Which turns into a discussion about what Ronon should do. John: That smells great. Teyla spins around. John comes out of the forest with the others behind him. He is staring at Teyla and gives her one of his charming smiles. Hope you saved some for us. Teyla in shock glances between John and the others. She gets this huge smile on her face. Teyla: J-J-J-John! It's wonderful to see you! All of you! John briefly glances at Ronon then turns his full attention on Teyla. Elizabeth: And you. John (Still Smiling): We miss that! John points at the soup pot. Whatever that is? Teyla stares at John still in shock. She begins to smile again. Ronon: Something's wrong. Teyla glances at Ronon then stares at John in alarm.

                            Rodney is giving Ronon and Teyla their weapons. Ronon: So you need us because we know our way around the city? John: I need you because your part of our team. Teyla: There may be hundreds of replicators in Atlantis by now. John: We got a plan a good one. I wouldn't ask you to come with us if I didn't think we could do it. Teyla looks down, gives him a half smile, and nods. Elizabeth mentions Jack and Woosely could still be alive and taken hostage. John looks directly at Teyla through this. John: I'll be damned if I am going to let a bunch of replicators take our home away from us. So... John glances between Teyla and Ronon. you with us? Ronon and Teyla exchange a look. Teyla smiles and looks at John. Ronon looks at John and gives him a smile as well. John nods at Ronon, smiles, and looks at Teyla.

                            Happy Shipping!
                            I LOVE YOU BP do you know that? Lol... you give the BESTEST epy coverage. Not that everyone else dosn't do a good job too though! lol.
                            Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                              First I want to say how much I damn LOVED the RETURN!!!!!

                              For all the scenes mentioned in this thread but also "...for all you could not say" and we (atleast I did LOL) damn well saw! LOLOL Sheyla always pulls me back in lolol

                              I also have to say that the writers are dropping the ball. There were so many moments where we could have gotten glimpses (if not start to establish) Weir/Teyla bonding moments.

                              I know this isn't the place/thread for this but I really wish the writers would develop the bond/friendship between these two women.



                                Speaking as a POSTER, not as a mod, i gotta say the general air of intolerance amongst many atlantis fans is why i don't play in this part of the fandom.

                                THere is the contributing fact that none of the characters are especially enticing and intriguing to me, but the overall attitude of so many atlantis fans is enough to keep me from the fandom

                                I look and see how atlantis fans bicker amongst themselves, how they pick on other groups, how intolerant they are and i'm just not in the mood to deal with it.

                                What i seem to see is, instead of being drawn together by a joint like, folks waste their energy trying to prove that their personal preferences are 'best' and 'right' and disrespect the likes of others
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


