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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    NAH! I'm ready for the next level...been there done long kind a friendship as powerful as theirs last without it trying to get to the next level?

    for how long are we going to sit and believe that John is satisfied with his regular alien induced primal urges to finally dare and make the move...?

    How long will Teyla sit back and watch as John goes off and gets involved even for the weekend, while she waits by the gate?

    Nope, not me...I"m loving that Sateda...was the first real verbal acknoledgment without any other interference..and the next level closest to anything, I want more...If anything, I believe that these two need and deserve each other...something of a secret confession...I need more....

    that's just my opinion.....
    I would LOVE to see their friendship get to the next level. Sateda was awesome and showed how great these two are together but I am trying to be realistic here as I think that the writers may never go in that direction with any pairing. They will continue just to give us hints of what could be so I would rather enjoy any scene John and Teyla have together rather than hoping and wishing for shippy scenes that may never occur.

    I am definitely ready to see something more and I really believe that John and Teyla would make an amazing couple and I do believe that there are definite feelings on both sides. If rumours are to be believed we still may get a confession from John as to how he REALLY feels about Teyla. But until or if that happens I will continue to enjoy any interaction between them.


      Happy belated birthday to those I missed. I've been so busy with school starting.

      Camy I agree with your point about John when he was in the cell. It was if that was the only reason he had for fighting. I also would love to see that Wriath again. Would he hold up the deal and shoot John, or would he not after all?
      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



        I've been gone for a while so I had to read everything I missed and I'm both sad and happy....

        I'm sad that SG1 is being cancelled, I've watched that show for a long time, but it had 10 seasons! and broke a record! So I think we just have to let it go....

        And I'm happy to hear that there is going to be some shep/teyla moments coming up

        I also have an idea for "Mckay and Mrs. Miller"
        it says that another rodney comes in from a AU, so maybe John and Teyla are together in his universe,
        Maybe its wishfull thinking, but who knows, they did it with Jack and Sam



          OH, plot bunnies...wouldn't that be something..OH, I'd died and scream if it comes out that Rodney would comment such a thing..

          OH, Mishy now look what you've done...I'm actually looking forward to Mr and Mrs. McKay...but if that did happened..oh, my our ship is pretty much canon....WHIPEE!

          Mishy..please remember your spoiler tags....[]text here[/]

          And frankly...guys...I think even if the writers don't go ahead with this...what more proof do we need that these two are the pairing in the show....?

          Just about every other episode has some confirmation that these two want each other and secretly are seeing each other in the mess hall...sitting in the very corner of the room secluded from the others and sharing a Malta with two straws...

          or snuggled up in the observatory room way high in the East Pier tower...with a bottle of NON-Alchoholic Grape Cocktail leaning against the railings holding hands and watching the beautiful display of stars in the night...

          or maybe snuggling in the TV room in the middle of the night...watching TITANIC....* Teyla loves this movie* with a big bowl of popcorn and a big jug of Root Beer as Teyla lays on John's lap while he runs his fingers through her hair...

          or maybe they are in the newly discovered Spa-like room....where John and Teyla bathe in the hot bubbly waters of the state of the art hot tub..while sipping A virgin Pina Colada....which btw..they locked the main doors cause last time, they caught Ronon skinny dipping with Kate right before Teyla and John came out...that was a close call.....AH!

          I'm telling you guys..once the city lights are dimmed low in Atlantis..there's no telling what things are going on....


            Hey folks!!!

            Loving the shippy rumours and spoilers, as usual!

            Even better though..... there is only a little over a week to go till Canada gets season 3!! WHOO HOO!!
            Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


              Originally posted by mishy91
              I've been gone for a while so I had to read everything I missed and I'm both sad and happy....

              I'm sad that SG1 is being cancelled, I've watched that show for a long time, but it had 10 seasons! and broke a record! So I think we just have to let it go....

              And I'm happy to hear that there is going to be some shep/teyla moments coming up

              I also have an idea for "Mckay and Mrs. Miller"
              it says that another rodney comes in from a AU, so maybe John and Teyla are together in his universe,
              Maybe its wishfull thinking, but who knows, they did it with Jack and Sam

              from you to TPTB ears, and then onto a script....

              I would luv nothing better than that...

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                5 Minute Fic Challenge:

                1. Read the challenge when you have 5 minutes or more to write.
                2. Don't edit as you go; write whatever comes into your brain.
                3. Proofread before you post.
                4. Have fun. THERE ARE NO WRONG ANSWERS!

                Ready? I'll put the challenge behind a spoiler tag so those who want to write later can wait to view it if they want to.

                John has a nightmare in which Teyla is killed, gets out of bed (dressed however you like) and wanders Atlantis--and Teyla finds him alone.

                Remember, you can write as long as you want. The 5 minutes is a minimum.




                  Interesting spoilers from BamBam on how Phantoms will force John and Teyla to realise what they relationship means to each other.

                  I really don't think we should be asking BamBam any shippy questions though as the reaction from the Shep/Weir fans has been quite unbelievable - already spouting about loosing a chunk of the audience because of this.

                  The majority of fans couldn't care less about shippy issues so I always find it quite amazing when some post about losing viewers because of a particular pairing. Even if some choose not to watch it would be a drop in the ocean ratings wise.

                  To me it has always been obvious that there is a huge bond between John and Teyla and it was bound to happen at some stage that they would have to confront each other about their feelings - though I didn't expect it to me this soon.

                  I'm still taking these tid bits with a grain of salt though as the episode is called Phantoms so it could be that ...

                  they confront each other while hallunicating or in some other kind of reality but any John /Teyla interaction will be great to see.


                    Okay..did it..I am not good at please..all errors are soooo mine....

                    putting it behind spoiler tags..cause it referenced CG....

                    I don't think I want to do these five minute challenges again...not for me as a novice writer...hhahahahah! I don't like the ending and I couldn't think of the really didn't go where I wanted it to go..but it is only five this is the best I could do..even after editing...AY!
                    I'm scared to share it with you guys nice!

                    “John?” a familiar voice woke him from his thoughts.

                    He knew it was her, Teyla.

                    “John?” she repeated with concern when he didn’t reply.

                    “Yeah, Teyla,” he finally said, without looking back.

                    “Are you okay?”, Teyla questioned as she moved closer till she stood right next to him while searching his soul with her piercing eyes.

                    She could see the tension in his face. He looked exhausted, as if he just lost some years of his life. Pale as a ghost, shaken and almost broken in his own thoughts. He’d seen something. Something has shaken his soul to the point of almost breaking him. What it was she was determined to find out.

                    “I’m fine, Teyla. Just couldn’t sleep. That’s all.”

                    Finally he turned and faced her.

                    He was so handsome, so full of life and adventure. So, dangerous and yet so much in need of love. What could she to break his bonds and ease his tormented soul.

                    “Are you okay, Teyla?”

                    He interrupted her thoughts.

                    She felt his eyes wander to every single part of her body stirring within her something buried deep inside.

                    “I…I…am fine, John.”

                    Just breathe.

                    “You know, I really thought this was going to be the end for me.”

                    She sighed with relief knowing that this conversation was headed in a different direction, what direction she thought first, was something she didn’t want to think about, right now.

                    She put her head down as he went back to look at the sea.

                    Yet, seeing him struggle so much wasn’t something she cared to see, but she could use the opportunity to help him escape and find closure.

                    She couldn’t believe it herself how she witnessed his death right in front of her eyes and yet she could do nothing. To think that after everything that John Sheppard had done for them, when it mattered the most, when they needed him the most, they had failed him.

                    “John, I…I… felt so helpless watching you…unable to do help you…to see you being fed by a Wraith! It was my worst nightmares unfold right before my eyes, and I could do nothing.”

                    A tear rolled down her cheek.

                    “He saved my life,” he whispered.

                    “I know and I owe him my life for doing it,” she stated.

                    He surprised her when he suddenly turned around and gently flushed her body against his.

                    “I know the feeling.”

                    As she read the look in his eyes, she saw a change in him. Gone was the pale face.
                    Now, there was desire, yearning, relief, and love.

                    As his face leaned towards hers, she took in a deep breath expecting more than what she received. She was certain he was going to kiss her, yet instead he put his arms around her shoulders, leaned forward meeting her forehead halfway.

                    After a minute or so, he stepped back.

                    “Let’s not talk about this right now.”

                    “John, I do not ever want to see you die in front of me ever again. I do not think I can witness such a scene and live to tell it.”

                    His eyes smiled along with him.

                    “Well, then I guess it’s safe to tell you that I can’t see anything happened to you either.”

                    What Teyla saw in John shook every thought of her and finally she understood. She loved John Sheppard and life would never be the same without him.

                    “I was ready to die and accepted my fate. But, I could never live with myself, If I ever had to watch you die, Teyla.”

                    She felt his lips brush hers.

                    Finally, she read his thoughts. He had been dreaming about her dying, not him.
                    “Is this the reason for your sleepless night, John? she asked as her lips now brushed his lips.

                    He stepped back and stared straight into her eyes.

                    “Teyla, if anything ever happened to you, even in a dream, it’s enough to break me. I can deal with my death, but I could never handle yours, not while I’m alive.”

                    “John”, she barely whispered.

                    Moved by his words, a tear rolled down her face as John wiped it with his new soft, younger hands.

                    “Let’s just call it a night, shall we?”

                    Carefully, he took her by the hand, but Teyla stopped him.

                    “I love you, John Sheppard. I always will.” She stated as she caressed his face with her hands.

                    John took his hands in hers and smiled.

                    “I’ve always loved you, Teyla.”

                    His hands enveloped her body with his and his lips soothe hers in a tender moment of an unexpected confession from two souls.

                    After some time, they reluctantly separated.

                    John took Teyla in his arms and kissed her forehead.

                    Tonight, Teyla eased John’s soul.


                      Originally posted by bluealien

                      Interesting spoilers from BamBam on how Phantoms will force John and Teyla to realise what they relationship means to each other.

                      I really don't think we should be asking BamBam any shippy questions though as the reaction from the Shep/Weir fans has been quite unbelievable - already spouting about loosing a chunk of the audience because of this.

                      The majority of fans couldn't care less about shippy issues so I always find it quite amazing when some post about losing viewers because of a particular pairing. Even if some choose not to watch it would be a drop in the ocean ratings wise.

                      To me it has always been obvious that there is a huge bond between John and Teyla and it was bound to happen at some stage that they would have to confront each other about their feelings - though I didn't expect it to me this soon.

                      I'm still taking these tid bits with a grain of salt though as the episode is called Phantoms so it could be that ...

                      they confront each other while hallunicating or in some other kind of reality but any John /Teyla interaction will be great to see.
                      WHAT? Bambam has said more?

                      this is weird...why would he do that? isn't this like not supposed to happen?

                      Hmm...I wonder why....


                        Oh Camy that was great!!! Seriously!!! A very good five minutes work!!! Will you be putting it on ffnet cuz i really think that you should!!!

                        Anyway, i'm looking forward to McKay and Mrs Miller just incase what mishy said happens. (Oh god that would rock lol)

                        Not too long until the episodes air in England (YEY), only another month or so!!! Although i've already seen the eps my family hasn't and i really want to see my little sister's reactions at all of the shippy stuff, cuz she ships JT too!!!

                        Phantoms sound like its going to be good and it would be great for feelings to be known, if not to the characters the feeling are for then at least by us!!!
                        Hopefully a great ep with lots of JT interaction!!!

                        White Tigeress
                        Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Okay..did it..I am not good at please..all errors are soooo mine....

                          putting it behind spoiler tags..cause it referenced CG....

                          I don't think I want to do these five minute challenges again...not for me as a novice writer...hhahahahah! I don't like the ending and I couldn't think of the really didn't go where I wanted it to go..but it is only five this is the best I could do..even after editing...AY!
                          I'm scared to share it with you guys nice!

                          “John?” a familiar voice woke him from his thoughts.

                          He knew it was her, Teyla.

                          “John?” she repeated with concern when he didn’t reply.

                          “Yeah, Teyla,” he finally said, without looking back.

                          “Are you okay?”, Teyla questioned as she moved closer till she stood right next to him while searching his soul with her piercing eyes.

                          She could see the tension in his face. He looked exhausted, as if he just lost some years of his life. Pale as a ghost, shaken and almost broken in his own thoughts. He’d seen something. Something has shaken his soul to the point of almost breaking him. What it was she was determined to find out.

                          “I’m fine, Teyla. Just couldn’t sleep. That’s all.”

                          Finally he turned and faced her.

                          He was so handsome, so full of life and adventure. So, dangerous and yet so much in need of love. What could she to break his bonds and ease his tormented soul.

                          “Are you okay, Teyla?”

                          He interrupted her thoughts.

                          She felt his eyes wander to every single part of her body stirring within her something buried deep inside.

                          “I…I…am fine, John.”

                          Just breathe.

                          “You know, I really thought this was going to be the end for me.”

                          She sighed with relief knowing that this conversation was headed in a different direction, what direction she thought first, was something she didn’t want to think about, right now.

                          She put her head down as he went back to look at the sea.

                          Yet, seeing him struggle so much wasn’t something she cared to see, but she could use the opportunity to help him escape and find closure.

                          She couldn’t believe it herself how she witnessed his death right in front of her eyes and yet she could do nothing. To think that after everything that John Sheppard had done for them, when it mattered the most, when they needed him the most, they had failed him.

                          “John, I…I… felt so helpless watching you…unable to do help you…to see you being fed by a Wraith! It was my worst nightmares unfold right before my eyes, and I could do nothing.”

                          A tear rolled down her cheek.

                          “He saved my life,” he whispered.

                          “I know and I owe him my life for doing it,” she stated.

                          He surprised her when he suddenly turned around and gently flushed her body against his.

                          “I know the feeling.”

                          As she read the look in his eyes, she saw a change in him. Gone was the pale face.
                          Now, there was desire, yearning, relief, and love.

                          As his face leaned towards hers, she took in a deep breath expecting more than what she received. She was certain he was going to kiss her, yet instead he put his arms around her shoulders, leaned forward meeting her forehead halfway.

                          After a minute or so, he stepped back.

                          “Let’s not talk about this right now.”

                          “John, I do not ever want to see you die in front of me ever again. I do not think I can witness such a scene and live to tell it.”

                          His eyes smiled along with him.

                          “Well, then I guess it’s safe to tell you that I can’t see anything happened to you either.”

                          What Teyla saw in John shook every thought of her and finally she understood. She loved John Sheppard and life would never be the same without him.

                          “I was ready to die and accepted my fate. But, I could never live with myself, If I ever had to watch you die, Teyla.”

                          She felt his lips brush hers.

                          Finally, she read his thoughts. He had been dreaming about her dying, not him.
                          “Is this the reason for your sleepless night, John? she asked as her lips now brushed his lips.

                          He stepped back and stared straight into her eyes.

                          “Teyla, if anything ever happened to you, even in a dream, it’s enough to break me. I can deal with my death, but I could never handle yours, not while I’m alive.”

                          “John”, she barely whispered.

                          Moved by his words, a tear rolled down her face as John wiped it with his new soft, younger hands.

                          “Let’s just call it a night, shall we?”

                          Carefully, he took her by the hand, but Teyla stopped him.

                          “I love you, John Sheppard. I always will.” She stated as she caressed his face with her hands.

                          John took his hands in hers and smiled.

                          “I’ve always loved you, Teyla.”

                          His hands enveloped her body with his and his lips soothe hers in a tender moment of an unexpected confession from two souls.

                          After some time, they reluctantly separated.

                          John took Teyla in his arms and kissed her forehead.

                          Tonight, Teyla eased John’s soul.

                          From a 5 min work...that was great...I mean it...I love anything that has J/T in it...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Thanks WT...that means a lot..I mean...this was done really fast..and the editing I think was done faster...

                            so, I don't know..I'd have to see if someone can edited for me...I've already seen like three or four mistakes...and maybe "flesh it out" a bit...LOL

                            my new term...

                            okay...I went to the bambam thread..can someone PLEASE go over there and tell me if I what I asked is okay?

                            last thing I want to do is stir up the pot...

                            apparantely he's against shipping....

                            I think all this hot stuff with shipping has really divided people on what they want and where they want to go.....I think even the writers might be even doubting and questioning themselves...

                            this is how I see it...Shipper or no Shipper...season 1 seems to be everyone's favorite season..or at least most viewers..right?

                            so, back in this season..they were soooo doing Shep/ was so clear!

                            and they did this without listening to any of the viewers..since it was already done before it was viewed...

                            so, writers...stick to what you do best...don't question yourself and take that LEAP of FAITH!

                            we loved your work then and we will love it now...but when you follow and listen and worry too much about the get season 2 and season 3...
                            Now, I'm not complaining...I LOVE ATLANTIS..but there needs to be more consistency in the characters writing and in this case with John and had the GO WITH IT!

                            any one else....thinks differently, the same...I don't mind....that is just my opinion...

                            but this thing with Phantoms is really making me edgy... this could go in a very different direction guys! very different...


                              Originally posted by bluealien

                              Interesting spoilers from BamBam on how Phantoms will force John and Teyla to realise what they relationship means to each other.

                              I really don't think we should be asking BamBam any shippy questions though as the reaction from the Shep/Weir fans has been quite unbelievable - already spouting about loosing a chunk of the audience because of this.

                              The majority of fans couldn't care less about shippy issues so I always find it quite amazing when some post about losing viewers because of a particular pairing. Even if some choose not to watch it would be a drop in the ocean ratings wise.

                              To me it has always been obvious that there is a huge bond between John and Teyla and it was bound to happen at some stage that they would have to confront each other about their feelings - though I didn't expect it to me this soon.

                              I'm still taking these tid bits with a grain of salt though as the episode is called Phantoms so it could be that ...

                              they confront each other while hallunicating or in some other kind of reality but any John /Teyla interaction will be great to see.

                              Yeah I read this too in there...and I read what Shep/Weir fans wrote too and I onlyhad to shake my head at that... I mean come on...even if I ship for J/T it doesn't mean I only watch it because I want them together,,,I love the whole deal with Atlantis... the action, the interaction between friends,,how they stand up for eachother,,, the funny moments,,everything rolled into one,,not just J/T ,,yes it's a plus ...I'm just happy if we get to see them together in screentime in Phantoms,,even if it's not shippy..but I would love to see them move forward on it..... It's not like I would stop watching Atlantis if they went with *god forbid* Shep/Weir I would just fastforward away from those scenes *lol* since that just isn't my thing when it comes to them,,,,I can see respect and a close friendship between them but nothing more...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                I can understand why the writers try and avoid pairing anyone if this is the kind of reaction they get.

                                I don't understand why some get so het up about a fictional pairing and in some ways I wish the writers would just stick to friendship or if they are going to go with an particular pairing then do it early on and stick with it. The problem is that the writers tend to go back and forth and hint at several pairings which just stirs things up.

                                I watch SGA primarily for Sheppard - he is my favourite character and as long as he is on the show I will watch. Teyla is my second fav character and I happen to think that her and John are great together but I am happy with friendship moments. I don't see ANYTHING romantic between Shep and Weir but if the writers chose to go that way it wouldn't stop me watching the show - I would probably just fast forward over any such scenes.

                                Who knows what Phantoms will bring for John and Teyla but as long as they acknolwedge that they still care a great deal about each other - whether that is a deep friendship or something more then I will be happy.

                                Camy Your 5 minute drabble was great - I was just wondering why the spoilers for Phantoms makes you edgy?.

