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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    Transcript from the Lost Boys....taken from GW

    See eventhough the scene itself did go by fast....when you interpret the conversation between John and Teyla you can't deny there is so much more going on...

    The fact that first of all..I think VB said this before, this is the first time we see Teyla actually get this upclose and personal...and actually besides the kiss in Conversion, this is even better in the sense that there is nothing from making her to do this..I mean I think how this came to be...she probably had Ronon bring him to her lap....LOL

    Can you just picture that!? LOL

    and then you have John ask her if they are on a cell..on a hive if to say, if it wasn't because of the circumstances, he wouldn't have gotten up at all! and then you see Teyla's face when he gets up..priceless..

    He had no other choice..there was no time to enjoy or to even think of what that meant..and yet he did...cause he didn't get up right away and not only that, he needed to be sure that what he remembered was true before he got from where he obviously preferred to Teyla's lap...
    I love you interpretation Camy.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      I like the thought that if he hadn't realized the others were in the cell with them, he might not have sat up for a long time. It just seems to me that may have been the point of showing the others in the cell with them.

      Do you all think he would have just played the "hurt guy" a while longer and kept his head in her lap if it had just been the two of them there?



        I totally agree DM. What guy wouldn't, unless he was of the other pursausion.
        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



          OH, excellent point Dm...of coarse that would have made a difference and he would have...but I also think that he was more in the "I need to save you, hon and then we can do this" mode...

          Jeepers, Witchy is much better at this than I am! LOL


            I loved the scene where John had his head in Teyla's lap. Can you imagine when he was brought in unconsious and Teyla had Ronan lie him on her lap so she could make sure he was ok. This is pretty personal and I can't see Teyla doing this for just anyone.

            When John woke up he didn't seem all that surprised that he was lying in her lap and as others have said he took his time getting up. They just seemed so comfortable with each other. Really lovely moment.


              The head in lap scene also makes me wonder what the others thought about it since no one really seemed surprised or uncomfortable by it.



                Originally posted by Stargater59
                No. teyla and john? john and weir? even more no. i think it should be teyla and rohnen, and who knows who shepard can have, somebody will come along i'm sure, but that's what i think

                And everyone is intitled to their opinion...however i think in this thread you will find most of us are HUGE supporters of teyla and john...however i can see the attraction people might see with ronon and teyla...however that isnt for this thread...

                Anyway...very exciting season 9 of stargate sg1 started tonight in Oz!!! Yay...but that also means that atlantis cant be too far off...and i cant wait to see all the shippy moments first hand!!!
                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                Thanks Camy!!


         haven't seen S2 of Atlantis? OH, I would have flown off world by now...LOL

                  Anyways, Teyla and Ronon I see as just a brotherly vibe..if that changes, I would be very surprise because I grew up with someone who I considered a brother..and I would have ever, ever changed my mind as to finding him attractive all of the sudden....

                  I think attraction almost happens instantly...and whether it works or not is a different story but once you set your eyes on someone and see them as a brother or a sister...I think it would be so awkward to find them all of the sudden in the middle of your bed! YIKES!

                  But, hey, this is entertainment! anything goes, right?

                  But, in the first season both Rachel/Teyla and Jason/Ronon..have clearly stated that the vibe between the two of them was more of a younger brother protected by his older sister! I wonder if Rachel is older than Jason...? I think so...anyways, that's another topic...

                  Now, today's episode is The this episode was dissapointing for me...I really wanted Teyla to kick some major butt! and she didn't...I do however, love the moments between John and Teyla...again...he relies on her...just as much as she relies on him...the scene where the three of them are together..Teyla is just behind looks so cute! Where the heck is ANNIE? and where is BP?

                  and then the scene where he picks them up! He says, I hope that worked...or something like that!

                  and I must say that the entire time that he was with that other girl in the could tell he was not interested and suspected her intentions...he was so preocupied about his team and getting the heck out of there...but
                  my favorite scene is the last one!

                  How everyone is gathered around the Infirmary and John is leaning on Teyla's bed and the entire time since he hardly takes his eyes off her! AH!

                  Now, that scene was a bit's Ronon and Teyla in their medical clothes and they have this crowd of people staring at them! I wonder what did happen to Ronon and Teyla and if they went through something similar to Rodney's condition...and how does Teyla feel about the whole drug situation...clearly though I don't think she had any wrong feelings towards Sheppard for allowing the drug to continue....and then I wonder if maybe Johhn came an explained further why he did what he Teyla and to Ronon but I don't think that happened...
                  But, John next to Teyla's side on her bed...priceless! I don't recall him doing such a thing for no one else but Teyla.....he did it in the Gift, and in The Siege...and he just worries about her! AH!


                    Ok quick stop in.....

                    Thanx Padme, DM, and Camy, glad you liked my take on the 'aurora' scene, boredom does strange things to me..Though camy i think you go at TLB scene was just as good...I got that vibe also.

                    Glad you enjoyed the vid, DM,'s always nice to be reminded of our humble beginnings....

                    Ritter, the vid....equally great song, for our wonderful pair....

                    Camy, off to read the final version of the fic...

                    15 Days Everyone...Until the Premiere

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      I, too, wonder if Teyla talked to John about the drug given to her. I think I'm confusing the ep with a fic I read in which she blamed him for not stopping Ford from giving it to her. Part of me can see how she might blame him a little, but then most of me says, "But he was just as trapped as she was and couldn't control it."

                      So I think, if they had a talk about it, it would be more about how it made her feel and why she hated it so much.

                      There's a Fic Challenge for you all! Write out that missing scene--the discussion they had about it, if they had one.



                        Woohhooo...Witchy...something is wrong with my computer and I haven't been able to see any vids...but I will keep trying!

                        YUP! can't wait to read what you great writers think about my fic!

                        um...I will not be around for the next week and a half or so...*sobs*
                        DARN IT VACATIONS!

                        I'm off to see the IN-LAWS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

                        but anyways, I'm here to leave you with the last episodes that we have left...I do hope BP and Annie come back soon to post their awesome stuff!

                        So, just remember this is not written in stone....and if I can have a volunteer to keep the thread flowing that would be so great!

                        And also continue to post! We have much to discuss about this great pair!

                        so, here it is!

                        Remember...DM is doing such a fine job at posting challenges, it's a shame not many are giving these a try!

                        I agree with you DM..I do think that she wouldn't hold anything against John...I think they would be more there to support each other and how they felt..but not even that I think they would do because it would be inevitable that John would say something like....

                        I just wanted to hold you in my arms and just get us all out of there safely!

                        and Teyla would say something like, Oh, John when I punched Ronon I did it only to make you jealous! LOL

                        Okay, so I really, really, really stink at this....who wants to give it a try!

                        Or when she finally met up with him...

                        What were you doing with that girl?

                        Um..nothing...she is a slave Wraith! I talked about you and clowns the entire time!

                        What would their conversation be like?


                          Originally posted by WitchBlade007

                          And something to remind us of Shep and Teyla's beginnings...

                          A RISING music vid to Listen to Your Heart....solely Shep/Teyla...

                          Listen To Your Heart

                          Sorry I'm so behind in reviewing! I've been out of town the past week on a little vacation. So playing catch-up now. But anyway, thanks so much for sharing your vid!! Very nice job!! I like the way you focused on the early moments. Sigh...such memories. Thank you!!

                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            okay. I've been waiting to post this here for a long time..but I think and hope it was worth the wait..

                            This was a team work effort and I want to thank DM and RITTER for all of their help...

                            I wrote the fic..DM beta'd it...VB helped me with the ideas...and Ritter created the vid! now tell me if that isn't teamwork...

                            I hope you guys like it, for it is all for you John and Teyla Shippers! YIPEEE!



                            I hope I did this the right way!

                            Enjoy and leave a review for Ritter as well....he worked so hard on this and has the patience of a saint with me!
                            LOVE YA!

                            Wow, what a cool collaberation!! Great job, guys!!! Camy, very sweet and romantic fic. AWWW!!
                            CR, wonderful job as always with your vid. Very sweet moments to match the story!
                            Thanks so much for sharing your work with us!!

                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by majortrip
                              So, I picked the new SG Magazine apart, and I've summarized some interesting bits. Check it out if you want.

                              THANK YOU so much for taking the time to write all this down and share with us!!! I've been dying to know what was in the magazine, LOL! Thank you!!!!

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                I hope that come the S3 premiere the US posters are going to post, analyze and dissect the episodes for those of us who are watching vicairously at the moment.

