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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    hey luv the artwork everyone.

    Camy, .gif files may not work as avatars on GW. It will work on LJ though. I'll wip up a new Intruder avatar for you to use on GW....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Please do not respond to Off Topic posts It makes it that much harder for us to find and clean up. Just report them.

      GateWorld Staff
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Please do not respond to Off Topic posts It makes it that much harder for us to find and clean up. Just report them.

        GateWorld Staff

        We should have done that yes, and we'll do it in future, but I think most of our responses were on topic- I know mine was.... so I'm kinda wondering why it was totally deleted?


          Originally posted by sanssong
          We should have done that yes, and we'll do it in future, but I think most of our responses were on topic- I know mine was.... so I'm kinda wondering why it was totally deleted?
          Because your post wouldn't have made sense without the original post which was deleted. When deleting an off topic post if someone replies and is only addressing the off topic poster then that post is deleted as well since it no longer applies. Defending Shep/Teyla ship is not considered *on Topic normally here as the topic IS Shep/Teyla ship so defending it means that things have gone wonky and we missed something....
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            HI TAME!

            We were discusssing things off topic? When? Uh, I must have missed it!
            Sorry.....was I in it too?

            Bad Camy, Bad Camy! I'm telling you, it was all that Sprite I had for my Anniversary...

            Crap..I'm off topic again!

   here is the Infamous Calendar of Events....let's see what's on for today...Where is everyone....?

            The Storm...Hmmmm....

            Challenge...Write a short fic with John and Teyla stuck in a could be in the puddle jumper (don't that already), in the middle of nowhere....or it could be just one of the two thinking of the other...while the other is worried looking for him/her...Oh, you know what I mean!

            I really like SP's fic where they are stuck in a planet and it is freezing cold outside and John heats up Teyla...Wooo....Let me see if I can find it and post it here for those who haven't read it...
   must write more fics....stop fooling around...and just do one for your online Mommy!
            And AG, and Witchy, and CK, and everyone else....

            Found it....
            Oh, I'm so proud of my girl!
            Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 29 May 2006, 05:21 AM.


              I forgot that I add the Letter in the again, here is the letter G...


                Transcript by Callie Sullivan.
                ATLANTIS' PLANET. John and Teyla are in a Puddle Jumper, flying over the ocean.

                SHEPPARD: Haven't been to the mainland in a while. How's everybody settling in?

                TEYLA: Halling believes the first crops will have a good yield.

                SHEPPARD: You still miss home?

                TEYLA: There is still talk of returning, even though I've told them the Wraith have scorched Athos bare in revenge for our resistance.

                SHEPPARD: Well, maybe in time this place will start to begin to feel like home.

                (Teyla sees something in front of and to the right of the Jumper. She stares at it.)

                TEYLA: Do you see that?

                (John looks up from his controls and sees a huge black storm cloud in the distance.)

                SHEPPARD: That can't be a storm -- it stretches across the whole horizon.

                TEYLA: I've never seen something like that from so high.

                SHEPPARD: I've seen a lot of things from this altitude, but nothing like that. (He activates comms.) Atlantis base, this is Jumper One. We're gonna change our heading to investigate a storm.
                Well, it is almost clear that he was picking up Teyla from the seems he just went to pick her up and they didn't do anything else....

                I love how John is asking her if she misses home....he is so thoughtful...and again, you almost get the sense that Teyla is ignoring the question with her reply...he addressed it to her, and she in turn cut the obvious reply and went straight to imply that it was about the Athosians...I think it's safe to say, that since she didn't reply the question, that she still has her doubts, concerns and fears in regards to this..I think at this point, she is feeling the pressure of not being there for her people as much and at the same time, trying to maintain her relationship with the Atlantians...

                Again, I love how John goes back to his statement and implies that with time it will turn into a new home...but I'm wondering if again, he was referring indirectly to Teyla and of coarse also with the Athosians...

                In addition, you can tell by Teyla's statement that she is still struggling with her leadership with her people...Clearly, they want to leave, but she's the one holding them back...I wonder if in Season 2 they still feel this way...?
                I would, if I had to pack up and do all the moving back and forth everytime there is a risk of attack in the city!

                More to come...I hope Annie posts pics today!


                  JUMPER ONE. The Jumper has now risen higher and is flying over the top of the cloud. From the shape of the cloud, it's clearly a hurricane.

                  TEYLA: Do all storms look like this from above?

                  SHEPPARD: No. (He calls up a display.) This must cover twenty percent of the planet.

                  TEYLA: Is it headed towards the mainland?

                  SHEPPARD: Tracking right towards the settlement.

                  TEYLA (looking concerned for her people): And after that?

                  SHEPPARD: Straight to Atlantis.
                  It's great to see these two side by side in the Puddle favorite scene here is when John looks back at Teyla....Hmmm....he really needs to keep his eyes on the road..... ooppps.. air!

                  Hmmm....who's idea was it to go and pick up Teyla in the mainland?


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    HI TAME!

                    We were discusssing things off topic? When? Uh, I must have missed it!
                    Sorry.....was I in it too?
                    I missed it too. Now I'm really curious.

           here is the Infamous Calendar of Events....let's see what's on for today...Where is everyone....?
                    Slavedriver! I'm currently on Home even though it's Monday.

                    Teyla or Johnny? John tries to choose who he loves the most.



                      Originally posted by bella
                      I missed it too. Now I'm really curious.

                      Slavedriver! I'm currently on Home even though it's Monday.

                      Teyla or Johnny? John tries to choose who he loves the most.


                      Bella, Show-Off!

                      Love the Wallpaper...That foggy look is very purrrtey!!

                      Yeah, I've noticed not too many people about...

             did a repeated posting....

                      TEYLA: Doctor Beckett is right, Lieutenant -- you are of no use to Major Sheppard dead. (Into comms) Major, this is Teyla. (Although John can hear most of her message, it's slightly garbled by static.) The hurricane is in full force outside. We could attempt to fly through it but it is doubtful that we could make it back to Atlantis; and we have three young passengers.

                      SHEPPARD: That's bad news.

                      TEYLA: I'm sorry.

                      SHEPPARD: So am I. Just stay put til it passes over.

                      FORD: Sir ...

                      SHEPPARD: It's OK, Lieutenant. Just get your ass back here as soon as you can. I could use a little back-up.

                      FORD: Good luck, sir.
                      Eventhough he knows how bad the situation is back in Atlantis for him and Weir and McKay...he still wants the others to be safe! AH!
                      OUR HEROE!


                        Hello all, and Happy Memorial Day! Sorry I missed the past few days, but I've been busy plus I had a migraine.

                        I don't think "Underground" and "Posioning the Well" had a lot of ship, then again I can't remember that much about them.

                        "Home" on the other hand, did. I loved how Teyla stayed with John. He took her shopping, and in a LIMO no less! Then back to his place. That was semi romantic, and cute.

                        In "The Storm" John showed concern for Teyla and her people. He cares not only for her, but that her people are safe as well. That to me is admirable on his part. He wants them all safe.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          I loved the interaction between John and Teyla in home. They seemed so at ease with each other. They are very relaxed when in each others company. I like how they make the transition from being team members to wanting to spend time just enjoying each others company.

                          John hasn't spent any down time with anyone else in Atlantis. It is always work related. But it stands out that John likes to spend time with Teyla when he is "off the clock", and Teyla equally enjoys his company.

                          This for me makes them stand out as being more than just colleagues and even more than just mere friends. John is a very loyal and warm person and always has everyones interest and safety at heart. He banters and cares about the well being of those around him but this is not enough to suggest that he has romantic feelings for them. I don't really see John flirting or trying to charm Teyla. He comes across as being very open and honest and straight forward with her but sometimes there seems to be more going on beneath the surface.

                          Why did he kiss her in Conversion?. Why didn't he go to Elizabeth and kiss her or Kate. The kiss for me showed that the feelings that had been surpressed beneath the surface for so long just erupted when his inhibitions were lowered. He was eager to apologise because he was worried that Teyla may think badly of him because of the kiss. Teyla may have been surprised and a bit shocked by his actions but she didn't come across as finding the kiss that displeasing.

                          So for me there is enough evidence between John/Teyla to not only support the fact that they are great friends but that both may want more than friendship from each other but have surpressed these feelings in order to concentrate on the safetly of Atlantis.


                            Originally posted by bella


                            Just terrific work as usual! I love these!


                              Thanks VB! I missed being here.

                              I will try to do Home and The Strom tonight. I had trouble with GateWorld so I had to wait until today to post this. So here is Underground.

                              Underground Shippy Moments

                              This ep doesn't have any overt shippy moments. This ep mainly shows the way they interact with each other and the way they play off each other. It has John supporting Teyla when it came to rescuing the people on the hive ship. It has Teyla keeping John in line about telling the Genii about the awakening of the wraith. The way both of them help each other when explaining things and making deals with others. They keep picking up where the other left off, explaining things in greater detail that the other didn't explain as well, and other things like that. It also has Teyla stepping in and saving John from a protective father. Tyrus: My daughter, Sora. John: You must be very proud. Tyrus: (Sternly): She's betrothed. John: I wasn't hitting on your daughter. I was just, uh ... Teyla: They have come to trade for a share of your crops.

                              As is their habit when something big happens they tend to draw close to the other and glance at each other. This happens when they find out the Genii are not what they seem. They sit next to each other during the meeting with the Genii and the dinner. They walk and stand next to each other and there were plenty of glances during these scenes.

                              Cowen has taken them to a lab and is informing them of how they got the flash memory of a wraith jump drive. As they walk into this room Teyla is walking by Tyrus behind John. Who looks over his shoulder keeping an eye on her. Tyrus tells them of how they were able to interface the device and get info on where a sleeping wraith hive ship is. Hearing this Teyla looks at John.

                              Teyla, Tyrus, and Sora are talking of how they suprised each other. Sora mentions that she never thought Teyla would leave her people. Teyla: No, I do this for them. John Sheppard and his people have brought new hope to our stars, Sora. They have the spirit of explorers and the hearts of warriors. They have accepted me. You can here the admiration in Teyla's voice as she says this. It is interesting how she says John Sheppard and his people... Like she is separating him from the rest. He is in a class of his own.

                              Tyrus has alerted and been stunned by the wraith. Teyla radios John. Teyla: Major, we have been discovered. Obvious concern crosses John's face. John has just reached the pilot seat and the ship is struck by wraith weapons. John quickly glances back at Teyla.

                              They have arrived at the Genii world and are walking toward Sora and a small group of men. John glances several times at Teyla and watches her as Cowen explains to Sora what happened to her father. Cowen accuses Teyla of murder. Teyla: No. Cowen: By leaving him to die, you may just as well have killed him yourself. Teyla: He shot the man we tried to save. Teyla looks directly at John as she says that last part.


                                Good point BP... she does seperate his name above the others in that episode. Shippy SQUEEEEEEE!
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