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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    So have been gone lately but I have been creating!

    Here are some sigs and a WP:


      Welcome Wikked! Nice to meet you.
      You're in the right thread. I'm not a shipper for this pairing but love this place and its people! You'll like it. Btw, pretty sig.
      And hey, never stop believing in your ship.

      Edit: Nice sigs and wall, AG!

      Hello Pam!


        Hey, Pam. :-) Thanks for creating the thread. We're still going strong.

        AG, beautiful banners, hon! Love them. The coloring is so warm and nice.


          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
          ^^I don't think they'll find out who you ship for. *whispers* But I know you chose Teyla/Caldwell! *scratches head* Have they ever had a scene together?

          Shopping? Hmm, great idea.

          Your pic fic is just awesome! All just a dream! Girl, you're a genius!

          The Oscars for the Motion picture of the year, Directing and Writing go to...
          CAMY! Congrats!

          *she gets standing ovation* <-Jen

          Love the siggies, bella and WitchBlade!

          Thank you, SP! *huggles*
          Oh, THANK YOU!

          *Camy waltzes up to the podium to accept her Oscar*

          I want to thank all of those who stood me, in the good and the the happy and the sad! I want to thank my family...My daughters...SP and Witchy! And Jenova! I also want to thank the little people Trippy, AG, DM,Bella, Pretty, Spectrum, Ritter, CK, Annie, Sanssong, and the others...whom I forgot...I can't leave without thanking my fans...YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! those that have stood by me... Those of you who walked with me through this long and painful walkway! But most of all, I want to thank JOHN and TEYlA...
          Let's give them a hand....Please both of you, stand up! For those who don't you're a couple! Show them...*John and Teyla stand up from the audience*

          Finally, my inspiration, that itch that just never over, oh, sorry wrong topic! My lovely VB....I couldn't and wouldn't and shouldn't have done without her!
          VB! HON....This is for YOU!

          I'd also like to thank those who live with me...for not eating well, or being supportive in the time when I wouldn't do anything else.....

          Finally...I want to tell you...I plan on doing more....after I recuperate from this one! Who knows when that will be!

          John and Teyla...KUDOS! You are my ultimate inspiration! Your onscreen chemistry inspires me to do the unthinkable and what I've never thought I could do!

          *hush I know I only have a couple of minutes left*

          I don't want to forget anyone else...but just in case I did! THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!

          *Camy waves at the crowd....while they cheer with a standing ovation....gracefully she vows while her crown....*
          Smooches to all!

          hope you all enjoyed my John and Teyla picfic!


            Originally posted by John&Teylaalltheway
            Hi all you John & Teyla Lovers
            I'm the one who started this post but stopped participating since I often got way too fanatic anout wanting Sheyla together plus had some personal issues with a couple of the posters who started harrassing me about my enjoying these two together but I wanted to pop in and say I"m happy seeing all the Sheyla Support still going on and that the possibility still could happen ..
            To be honest I started watching Stargate Atlantis again after taking a hiatus and still have a couple of eps to see and have to get the season finale on a repeat if possible since I did not get it on tape but the eps I saw so far have been both good and bad for John & Teyla so and I'm not sure what to make of it all but anyway it is still encouraging to see this coupling still evoke loyal supporters so kudos to you all ..
            Hopfully SEason 3 will be better for John & Teyla and what's this Cooper stuff I'm seeing about John's true feelings about Teyla ?

            I'm so bloody impressed by this, I'm gonna give you a green.

            First off I want to give you a huge welcome back, don't I know the feeling of being harassed by a few posters, actually I think all us shep/teyla fans can relate on some level or another so again I sympathise with you on that.

            Glad your back to watching the eps, I know what yoru talking about in S2, and I can't wait until you see them all to really get your full input, it'd be welcome to get someone elses views on what their seeing. As I said discussion is a great thing so I'd like to hear what you felt was bad and those you found good. Most people didn't see 'Lost Boys' as shippery adn I felt it was the next best aside from allies.

            And we're the new crew, a lot more people. a lot more thigns to say, a lot of different ideas and we're not going away I think. I heard it was common to lose posters but so far it's the same gang with a few new faces, and a lot of the old gang has posted like gatelover12 and of course I'd like ot see Emily here too...but we'll see.

            So I think the veterans are slowly trinkling back in and we're a decent lot. Again if you have anything else you'd like to input it would be great, I'm all about bringing some talking and lighting up some fire on the thread. Since it's interim and about 2 months left to go for know it's a bit dry.

            Oh and there's a party you'd might like ot come to..actually we're having a few for J/T in the next 3 months....

            Again great to see you posting and posts are welcome specificaly if you love J/T!!!

            Originally posted by WikkedAngel
            Hi Everyone. I thought it was about time that I introduced myself. My name is WikkedAngel and I am a John/Teyla Shipper, Supporter, etc since the first scene in Rising. Will always support the pairing even if TPTB go another route. Just wanted to jump in and say hi.
            Greenig you to WikkedAngel....nice to see you on the board and hope you like it and become a frequent poster. Again great that so many new people are coming by and giving their input and we're finally getting a bit more vocal...although we were always on the map in my opinion, just not on this board.

            We can only hope that TPTB continues on this route, it would be great to see more of Shep/Teyla their friendship and their growth from friends to possibly more.

            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by Camy

              * I also want to thank the little people Trippy...
              Who are you calling little???

              That's it, I'm not dancing with you anymore.

              John: "If Camy tries to get to you to dance, just ingore her, 'kay? She called Trippy a 'little people'."
              Teyla: "I see. Though it will pain me, I will refure to dance with her."
              Sig by Camy


                VB...It's nice that you are welcoming the newbies...

                HI WICKED! WELCOME...

                PAM! HI....I'm....I"m...I'm...I'm CAMY!

                *Camy falls on the floor*

                I'm Speechless! You started all of this! I'm so glad you are here and I hope that we can all chat and enjoy each other's company....

                where was I...oH, WelcomE!

                John and Teyla...hey newbies...what is your hope for this coming season for our favorite ship?


                  Originally posted by majortrip
                  Who are you calling little???

                  She called my little too! *tries to look hurt but fails miserably*

                  Did she remember to thank Steve and Bob...can't have disgruntled wraith on our hands!

                  Okay Camy...I love your picfic...especially the parts using the pics from 'Inferno' (who needs to rewatch the episode when I got what I wanted from your fic) and then ending where Teyla has pictures of Rodney, Ronon and Shep in her room...LOL...that was great!


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Jen -- your words mean so, so, so much to me especially. I really want to make this thread into a place where everyone can feel comfortable hanging out. I know that Whistler loved coming here, even if it was just to joke around and poke fun at us. Hearing that you feel comfortable here and have fun talking with us even if you don't ship the pairing is awesome. Let's keep it that way, guys!
                    I second that SP! I was a lurker here a LONG time before I finally registered and this thread always seemed like a friendly place. Needless to say, I'm glad I finally de-lurked! There's way too much conflict in RL anyway, so why bring that here. Spread the Stargate love! That's why we are all here in the first place. On another note, I didn't know Whistler, but from all the things you all say about her it sounds like she was a wonderful person with a great attitude about life.

                    Camy- Great pic fic! Loved the part with Weir and all the photos!

                    Witchy-good luck with the econ test! I hate tests! Summer break can't come soon enough!

                    Welcome wikked!! Enjoy!!

                    Sig by Cazzblade


                      Originally posted by majortrip
                      Who are you calling little???

                      That's it, I'm not dancing with you anymore.

                      John: "If Camy tries to get to you to dance, just ingore her, 'kay? She called Trippy a 'little people'."
                      Teyla: "I see. Though it will pain me, I will refure to dance with her."
                      Trippy! TRIPPY!


                      I'm telling you this is all VB's fault!

                      you are the only one that will dance with me!
                      Everyone else doesn't know about the MACARENA!
                      How can I ever make it up to you?

                      and to keep this on topic....what was your favorite John and Teyla moment this season 2?


                        Hehe Camy, have had too much Athosian booze at the Oscar after show party?


                          Welcome Home to Pam!!!

                          *Shoves Camy over as head chica of the thread because Pam has returned* Heehee...sorry Camy...I'm so fickle..second time I pushed you over but Lord Shiva was a special case too...where ever did he go?

                          Oooo and have to catch 'Allies' in repeat...great John/Teyla moment!


                            I know....AG....This is what happens when you hit that forget to mention your husband and your kids...I didn't even Mention them!

                            At least you guys are there!

                   all goes to your head!

                            I love you guys!

                            Okay, I have to go cook now! and clean...but

                            to keep this on topic...DM..I can't wait till that party!

                            And I might have some new wallpapers tonight...I want to do some with that pic...but nothing can top Bella's! or at least I know mine won't!

                            John and Teyla...what do you think John will do with Teyla on Earth?


                              OH, my goodness! my fame didn't even last 5 minutes....


                                The biggest of the little people? Was that meant to make me feel better?

                                As to your question, I would say...the Thalan!Shep thing. I don't know if it was really him (but I like to think it was) but it was a nice moment nonetheless. Yours?
                                Sig by Camy

