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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    For those with S.T.A.K.S.....Sam/Jack was shown through Kirking (eg. 100 days) and so can Sheyla!!


    we will survive this Kirking....


      Originally posted by HyperCaz
      For those with S.T.A.K.S.....Sam/Jack was shown through Kirking (eg. 100 days) and so can Sheyla!!

      HAIL SHEYLA!!!!

      we will survive this Kirking....
      Hail Sheyla!

      I believe in our ship...and we do have the door of doom...


        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
        Hail Sheyla!

        I believe in our ship...and we do have the door of doom...
        Okay, what is this "we do have the door of doom"?


        And Caz...Jack was not as bad as John...never...he was more straight through kind of guy and dind't flinch at any girl that sway her hips at him! He had more self control and that is why I LOVE HIM And MISS him Terribly!
        Sorry, no comparison...Jack actually rejected some girls...John hasn't yet!


          this is true, but I like to place blame solely on the writers

          THE DOOR OF DOOM is actually something of a spoiler so I can't elaborate

          Hmm, on the matter of Kirking. John is a bit immature with it all, I think Teyla is waiting till he grows up a bit.


            Whoops sorry Camy..I should have put door of doom in spoiler tags...if you really want to know check out the awesome pics Caz posted!


              Originally posted by HyperCaz
              this is true, but I like to place blame solely on the writers

              THE DOOR OF DOOM is actually something of a spoiler so I can't elaborate

              Hmm, on the matter of Kirking. John is a bit immature with it all, I think Teyla is waiting till he grows up a bit.

              I think I get the "door of doom" ....
              And yeah, Kirking...he is more than immature...he must be catching up with what he probably didn't get back on Earth...since he was stuck in the worst possible places...

              Yeah, he better get his act together because by the looks on that interview with Rachel..she wants to do some Teylirking herself....the woman can only wait for sooo long!


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                Whoops sorry Camy..I should have put door of doom in spoiler tags...if you really want to know check out the awesome pics Caz posted!
                Hon, why are you apologizing...? I just didn't get it! No need to do know I love ya!
                So, are we looking forward to Grace Under Pressure...I think it will be cool to see Rodney all in a mess and making out with is after all his dream..
                So, what do we think Teyla is doing while incognito from this episode...? Shall we speculate? Is Ronon with her? HMMMMM.....


                  if you believe the darker part of my brain, she was with the CMO

                  "Teylirking?" That's genius! I want to see some of that happen so that Shep can realise that he's jealous!


                    Waaaay OT, but is anyone else here thinking of going to the Shore Leave convention in Baltimore this July?

                    And to make this a more "official" post, that was a really lovely interview that AG posted. It's so nice to hear about all of the "behind-the-scenes" teasing and friendships that the cast has, and it's always interesting to read about the actors' interpretations of where the characters are headed. Sounds like they don't have much more of an indication of the shippy status on the show, but the remarks she made about the bond between Sheppard and Teyla were great. This isn't the first interview where she has made the observation that the two have a very close friendship that could morph into something else. And sounds like Rachel wants Teyla to have a fling as well! Ya think she read our minds?

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      Just read the interview...It would be very interesting for someone from Teyla's past to suddenly show up and have a relationship with them...
                      It's interesting that she's still with Ronon and Teyla starting as a brother and sister relationship, even when others saw it as romantics. An even better how she says there seems to be something between Sheppard and Teyla.

                      I'm still thinking about Shore Leave it's a month before another convention i want to go to so. I probably won't register until June (the deadline)...procrastinating as usual...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                        Just read the interview...It would be very interesting for someone from Teyla's past to suddenly show up and have a relationship with them...
                        This could be great for her character. Depending on who the person is, we could see an old love interest pop up, get some more information about her family, deal with an old enemy, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless, but it's something that I really hope TPTB consider doing next season. Plus, it could be verrrry interesting for us as shippers to see.

                        It's interesting that she's still with Ronon and Teyla starting as a brother and sister relationship, even when others saw it as romantics. An even better how she says there seems to be something between Sheppard and Teyla.
                        Yeah, I noticed that too. I've read three or four interviews including this one with Rachel describing the Ronon/Teyla dynamic as sibling-like. Obviously, shipping can go in any possible direction in the future, but it's nice to see that the actors are interpreting the characters as having a possible romantic chemistry.

                        I'm still thinking about Shore Leave it's a month before another convention i want to go to so. I probably won't register until June (the deadline)...procrastinating as usual...
                        Yeah, definitely let me know. Little sister and I are definitely going to go unless something comes up, so it'd be awesome to meet up sometime. What other convention were you thinking of, by the way?

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                          Oh you called me

                          Oh we're not better. I see it as making our teacher proud......

                          I think i'm going to take a go at Somebody to Love- Ella Enchanted next.
                          Whoops. See that just goes to show I don't spend enough time here! (and I stay up too late) But I REALLY don't spend enough time here! Sorry I got you name wrong Witchy. You know I love you *hug* and when I was watching it I did know it was you. *sigh* I'm too young to have brain fog. I really should sleep more. But then I'd have even less time for Shep/Teyla... *hugs everybody*


                            Originally posted by melpomene
                            Whoops. See that just goes to show I don't spend enough time here! (and I stay up too late) But I REALLY don't spend enough time here! Sorry I got you name wrong Witchy. You know I love you *hug* and when I was watching it I did know it was you. *sigh* I'm too young to have brain fog. I really should sleep more. But then I'd have even less time for Shep/Teyla... *hugs everybody*
                            ...{{{Mel}}} helped AG and I realize we're cyber sisters...
                            I'm so with you on the sleep time...there's never enough time for sleep and Shep/Teyla...

                            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                            Yeah, definitely let me know. Little sister and I are definitely going to go unless something comes up, so it'd be awesome to meet up sometime. What other convention were you thinking of, by the way?
                            I'll do that. I see they've updated their guest list. The other con is's an anime convention, about a month after Shore Leave.

                            And just to share the Shep/Teyla happiness: Look at that face...(that is happiness)...

                            R.I.P Wraithlord

                            Awesome sig by SciFan


                              Originally posted by Camy
                              Where's Mel? I miss her dearly!

                              And I'm so glad that you found a site to permanently post your vids...find as many as you can, cause this are just too good to stay on a labtop! should post yours there as well....Everyone should!

                              Now, as far as John and Teyla...over in the Teyla thread..(please people you have to post more in the Teyla's so dead in there) there is some interesting discussion there about Teyla and how she feels lonely...Question here....

                              If Teyla had to choose between her people and Atlantis, which do you think she would choose and why? If John were to suddenly leave Atlantis and head back to Earth, would he leave or stay with Teyla?
                              Obviously, Teyla feels disconnected with her people and even with the people in Atlantis...her feeling for Atlantis are obvious and expected...but what about her feelings toward her own people...? and how can a relationship with John help or hinder her feelings?
                              I have my own thoughts, but I want to see what you guys think first....
                              I'm here Camy, been busy as usual, I've missed you too and everybody and I'm finally trying to catch up a bit. You know it's funny, I'm currently writing a fic that goes into my take on a lot of these questions. I have been writing it for months. I hope to finish it soon

                              As for the file hosting site that's great and I'm definately keeping that url around. But a buddy of mine just put up a new page for me and as soon as she gets more webspace she's gonna put my vids up I really think she'll be more reliable than my current host. Who is a very nice person but tends to be too busy for months at a time...


                                just saw Walk the Line...thoughts = "be still my shippy heart" *squee* it's put me in the mood for ship.

                                sooo if Teyla was John's June, she could help him get over kirking....

