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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
    Whistler!!! I see you lurking, you silly girl! ::shhh:: I won't tell. How'd your exams go?
    I've got two exams on friday and saturday. So, right now, I should technically be studying. GW is bad, though. Very bad. It keeps sucking me in. So, I made a deal. No long posts for me. I can read, and I can do one or two-line posts. But that's it!

    So far, I've only violated that once . . . um, not including this post.

    Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
    I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
    Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


      I won't tell on you. And I'm sure you'll do wonderfully on your exams -- you're a smarty pants! Even though you support Shep/Weir, I guess you're still pretty cool. Okay, I won't suck you into sticking around for a long time since you should be off studying, but good luck if I don't talk to you before your tests. And yes, GW sucks out your brain, soul, and life. I know the feeling.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
        I won't tell on you. And I'm sure you'll do wonderfully on your exams -- you're a smarty pants! Even though you support Shep/Weir, I guess you're still pretty cool. Okay, I won't suck you into sticking around for a long time since you should be off studying, but good luck if I don't talk to you before your tests. And yes, GW sucks out your brain, soul, and life. I know the feeling.
        Yeah. Looking forward to Sunday like it's Chrismas. Not only do I get to *finally* relax from the semester from hell, but I also plan on seeing King Kong! I love the original, and this director knows what he's doing.

        Anyway, how many days until Stargate starts up again. It's like 18, right?

        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


          Oh dear, glad that piece of paper was...

          WAIT, what's this. (Picks up piece of paper)

          Sheppard, that's not right... especially not in my puddle jumper, go get your own.

          AG comes flying out of nowhere and decks Shep.

          AG: See, I told you so.

          John: What the hell was that for?

          Cpt: For doing things you shouldn't have in my puddle jumper.

          **On a side note, Life and Pain was updated, it's complete. (The ending is happy, I swear Camy!)**

          We're lucky we have second language courses in my high school, they just finished phasing out the German program, but bought a new scoreboard.

          Risa... Star Trek... Risa... SGA... Risa... Sheyla... SHEPMAGEN HAPPINESS.

          The Cpt's creative mind has been stirred once again. You guys/girls are the best.

          Nice to see you Whistler, good luck on your exams.
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            Don't understand a word...not really...I was always having to learn Spanish!
            If I can muddle through it anyone one can! Great site too...has pictures for all episodes!
            I have essentially non-existant knowledge of french but I've navigated sites on guesswork and trial and error. It's those french women, they had some great RDA photos So thanks for the url AG! Those vids sound good.


              Hello! I'm SP's sister...yes, that crazy girl's sister... but I'm on the fence between ShepWeir and ShepTeyla... so, I'm going to hang out here for a while and see if I become convinced. hehe.

              Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


                feel free to chime in anytime

                *feeds Sheyla Dukebox*


                  Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
                  Hello! I'm SP's sister...yes, that crazy girl's sister... but I'm on the fence between ShepWeir and ShepTeyla... so, I'm going to hang out here for a while and see if I become convinced. hehe.
                  OMG! SP's sister! WELCOME!!!!! On the fence, huh? SP, you didn't tell me you had a sister that sorta liked S/W! Ah, dear child, these here S/T shippers are great, GREAT fun, EDITED TO TAKE OUT S/W SHIPPER REFERENCE!

                  Okay, I better retreat before somebody tries the shipper-glasses on me again . . .

                  Edit #2: BTW, I love your name!

                  Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                  I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                  Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                    Originally posted by Whistler84
                    OMG! SP's sister! WELCOME!!!!! On the fence, huh? SP, you didn't tell me you had a sister that sorta liked S/W! Ah, dear child, these here S/T shippers are great, GREAT fun, EDITED TO TAKE OUT S/W SHIPPER REFERENCE!

                    Okay, I better retreat before somebody tries the shipper-glasses on me again . . .

                    Edit #2: BTW, I love your name!
                    Yeah, she's ashamed to mention me, I think.

                    And as far as the name goes, we always talk about how Weir steals the Daedalus's (sp?) supply of red shirts, because she's always wearing one.

                    Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


                      Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
                      Hello! I'm SP's sister...yes, that crazy girl's sister... but I'm on the fence between ShepWeir and ShepTeyla... so, I'm going to hang out here for a while and see if I become convinced. hehe.
                      *Squee* Can I hug you? You don't mind if I hug you do you? Just a little hug? I won't like, squish you or anything... We have a lot of fun here, and I get a little giddy sometimes *clears throat* sorry. I'm mel, the thread's official muse and I really shouldn't be here. I'm supposed to be working on a vid for Camy, because Camy wants a vid and what Camy wants Camy gets... She's been very understanding of the fact that it takes me a long time to do things... *cringes from whip* No, no Camy! I'm working on it! Really I am!!!! *clears throat* Where was I? Yes I remember now. Camy's very understanding and everyone here is lot of fun and please, please be a Shep/Teyla shipper because my sister's a S/T shipper and then we'd have two sets of sisters who are shippers and it's be way cool!!! *pauses for breath* But of course we'll respect you and welcome you no matter what you decide, or if you don't decide at all... Sorry, I'm normally very mature this is the chocolate speaking. Can I hug you?


                        Originally posted by melpomene
                        *Squee* Can I hug you? You don't mind if I hug you do you? Just a little hug? I won't like, squish you or anything... We have a lot of fun here, and I get a little giddy sometimes *clears throat* sorry. I'm mel, the thread's official muse and I really shouldn't be here. I'm supposed to be working on a vid for Camy, because Camy wants a vid and what Camy wants Camy gets... She's been very understanding of the fact that it takes me a long time to do things... *cringes from whip* No, no Camy! I'm working on it! Really I am!!!! *clears throat* Where was I? Yes I remember now. Camy's very understanding and everyone here is lot of fun and please, please be a Shep/Teyla shipper because my sister's a S/T shipper and then we'd have two sets of sisters who are shippers and it's be way cool!!! *pauses for breath* But of course we'll respect you and welcome you no matter what you decide, or if you don't decide at all... Sorry, I'm normally very mature this is the chocolate speaking. Can I hug you?
                        Aww you may hug me!!! I give you full permission to hug me since apparently you're a chocolate addict too! I don't know about S/T and S/W, I'm so confused and see the good points in both of them. Deciding between ships stinks.

                        Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~


                          You don't have to decide between ships. Goodness knows all mine overlap


                            Originally posted by Weir'sRedShirt
                            Aww you may hug me!!! I give you full permission to hug me since apparently you're a chocolate addict too! I don't know about S/T and S/W, I'm so confused and see the good points in both of them. Deciding between ships stinks.
                            ((((((HUG)))))) And yeah, the chocolate gets to me. I try to stay away -sometimes- but it calls to me! And next thing I know... How old are ya girl? if I can ask. I'm 19. And you don't necessarily have to choose a ship right away. You can wait, see what happens later in the series. You don't have to take it that seriously. Just hang out, have some fun...let us gradually bring you over to our side....did I just say that out loud ( )


                              Hello Weir’sRedShirt!

                              Errrmmmm…what can I say…My name’s AG…all around wacky gal who writes a bunch of nonsense most of the time…

                              I run the local Pizza Palace/ John-Teyla Store…the inventor of the Shepmagan Shipper Glasses…caretaker of Steve the Wraith…he’s not here at the moment…been sent away to live with Cpt.
                              Ritter at the moment because of an unhealthy obsession with Teyla and we are trying to avoid violence between him and John…

                              We are a slightly crazy bunch, when exposed to too much sugar…but we don’t bite…although you must know that SP is teething…so come by… pull up a seat…and enjoy the shipper fun of John and Teyla!

                              …Or just come by to read what we write and shake your head in disbelief at all the crazy stuff we somehow come up with!


                                Originally posted by melpomene
                                ((((((HUG)))))) And yeah, the chocolate gets to me. I try to stay away -sometimes- but it calls to me! And next thing I know... How old are ya girl? if I can ask. I'm 19. And you don't necessarily have to choose a ship right away. You can wait, see what happens later in the series. You don't have to take it that seriously. Just hang out, have some fun...let us gradually bring you over to our side....did I just say that out loud ( )
                                I'm 14, just two days ago actually. I'm kind of leaning to Shep/Weir, but maybe that's subconscience because I don't want to feel all depressed if Shep/Teyla doesn't happen. The writers have already done something like Shep/Weir (Jack/Sam) and it'd be like them to repeat with Atlantis. Which makes me angry, of course... but who knows. I'm still split... and maybe you will all convince me to this side. Or maybe I'll just be on the fence for eternity. It'll be fun...hehe... ((((((HUGS BACK))))))

                                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                                Errrmmmm…what can I say…My name’s AG…all around wacky gal who writes a bunch of nonsense most of the time…

                                I run the local Pizza Palace/ John-Teyla Store…the inventor of the Shepmagan Shipper Glasses…caretaker of Steve the Wraith…he’s not here at the moment…been sent away to live with Cpt.
                                Ritter at the moment because of an unhealthy obsession with Teyla and we are trying to avoid violence between him and John…

                                We are a slightly crazy bunch, when exposed to too much sugar…but we don’t bite…although you must know that SP is teething…so come by… pull up a seat…and enjoy the shipper fun of John and Teyla!

                                …Or just come by to read what we write and shake your head in disbelief at all the crazy stuff we somehow come up with!
                                Ooh, wow, so confuzzled... but I'm getting a quick review about what the Pizza, Steve, and Glasses mean from SP... and before anyone even offers, no, I would not like to wear the glasses right now. But I rejected the mints, too.

                                SP is teething, she's eating my arm right now. Strange person.

                                Save SG-1 and Atlantis! Watch them, don't boycott! || Banner by stargatefangurl||My LiveJournal~

