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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    ...'cos i was watching 'Rising' today...again......


      Oh just before I go out...see that third and fourth pics Annie? I call that my inspector Gadget Shep look....what's up with the goofy look. Don't get me wrong he seems sincere...but it's quite funny to see. Thanks for posting those...they actually made me giggle..Ugh...I'm such a girl! Woe's me!

      VB---okay really going to study!
      Click statement above to read article.



          Originally posted by vaberella
          Oh just before I go out...see that third and fourth pics Annie? I call that my inspector Gadget Shep look....what's up with the goofy look. Don't get me wrong he seems sincere...but it's quite funny to see. Thanks for posting those...they actually made me giggle..Ugh...I'm such a girl! Woe's me!

          VB---okay really going to study!
          yep it is funny VB......and now back to studying hon...


            Originally posted by vaberella
            I think we clearly interpret John or have come to a sort of understanding about him and we can see him on a level because he is after all from Earth.
            John is just too easy to interpret.... must be the hair!!


              'night guys......
              i'm off to bed...i have a sore throat and it's getting worser...


                I think what we are seeing here is a difference on how each of us views the interactions between men and women. Camy and I - who are both married for a number of years see the interactions between Teyla and John as a normal give and take and compromise in the whole relationship process. I do it everyday in mine- and I recogonize the same dynamic between J/T. It's part of the reason I think they do have much deeper feelings for each other than they have admitted.

                Now- IF- John did not have more than friendship feelings for Teyla and he was just trying for whatever personal reason to get him to agree with her, then I would say what he's doing in terms of emotional persuasion is totally wrong because it's based on nothing. It's purely selfish.

                I don't happen to think that is the case here. What I think is happening is two very different people have formed a close attachement and know deep down that it is leading to something more than it is at the moment. So as differences come up between them they naturally look for ways to overcome those differences and achieve a meeting of the minds -so to speak- so that they can continue moving forward in the relationship. They don't WANT the day to come when they really can't agree because they seriously care for one another. They are willing to compromise more with each other than their normal friends because there is a level of caring there beyond friendship.

                In a way I think all of us are reading far too much into these scenes and characters motivations than is really there. The scenes we've been talking about were designed by the writers with one purpose and one purpose only- to show the audience that John and Teyla both care on a more personal level what the other thinks of them. Period.

                These are MALE writers we're talking about here. They are not thinking in complicated terms, because for them it's not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are stupid, I'm just saying men typically don't pick apart and anlyze their relationships, even the serious ones. Women do that. We're doing it here letting oursleves get distracted from the main fact that the writers were tying to illustrate to us in the first place.

                I promise you these guys would never knowingly have John behave in a way that demeaned Teyla. They'd probably be shocked to find out that someone thought that.


                  Just in case anybody missed it!

                  Okay Stargate fans! This is absolutely the *last* update before the nomination period ends, so listen up!

                  Nominations for the Stargate Fan Awards will close on April 30th. That's this Sunday! We've already received so many nominations. It’s really great!

                  Without spilling the beans too much, Stargate Atlantis is ahead of SG-1 and Slash noms are leading the pack for both. *Now* is the time to send in nominations to be sure that the type of fic that *you* like to read is represented and recognized in the 2006 Stargate Fan Awards!

                  If *you* don't nominate them, your corner of the fandom won't be properly represented!

                  Go to: to enter your nominations and make sure that the fic you enjoy receives the recognition it deserves.

                  There are only a few more days to submit nominations so what are you waiting for? Go forth and nominate!
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    Originally posted by seldear
                    I could almost have shipped Ronon/Teyla until The Lost Boys and the food stealing scene. At that point, they were giving off total sibling vibes: "Ronon! Give that back or I'll thump you!" "Make me!"
                    I agree, I could go for Ronan/Teyla, but they seem so little brother/big sister But I also wouldn't mind seeing more of Micheal/Teyla, maybe if nothing else to make John jealous, hehe.
                    BTW, I LOVE your sig, so awesome and beautiful.

                    What I like about John/Teyla is that John tends to get around, but Teyla is the only one who could whip him into shape. I don't think Weir could, becuase I think she's falling for him dispite his sleeping around.

                    So yeah, I get the impression, from watching the show, that the feelings at the end of season 2 is something like likes who likes who is also liked by but I can't tell for the life of me who she likes. Maybe that's what keeps sheppard and Ronan so interested in her, she's so calm and stoic ^^ meanwhile, Rodney thinks he likes Carter when he actually doesn't even know what love is.


                      Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                      'night guys......
                      i'm off to bed...i have a sore throat and it's getting worser...
                      Hope you feel better Annie.

                      Originally posted by Sanssong
                      In a way I think all of us are reading far too much into these scenes and characters motivations than is really there. The scenes we've been talking about were designed by the writers with one purpose and one purpose only- to show the audience that John and Teyla both care on a more personal level what the other thinks of them. Period.

                      These are MALE writers we're talking about here. They are not thinking in complicated terms, because for them it's not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are stupid, I'm just saying men typically don't pick apart and anlyze their relationships, even the serious ones. Women do that. We're doing it here letting oursleves get distracted from the main fact that the writers were tying to illustrate to us in the first place.

                      I promise you these guys would never knowingly have John behave in a way that demeaned Teyla. They'd probably be shocked to find out that someone thought that.
                      Hmmm... I'd have to agree with it. Me, being a guy, I pride myself on being able to keep up with you people sometimes... but what Sanssong says has merit. Guys don't analyze as much as women (sometimes I overanalyze, but generally not in writing).

                      I'm not sure how much of this is present in my fics... but when I write a scene that's supposed to be romantic for John and Teyla... well... it's pretty obvious isn't it? I'm not exactly sudtle about my ship.

                      Not to mention, I love your shippy way of thinking Sanssong. And I think Teyla and John like it too. I haven't gotten any bad vibes. Gotta go... think happy shippy thoughts.
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        Originally posted by sanssong
                        I think what we are seeing here is a difference on how each of us views the interactions between men and women. Camy and I - who are both married for a number of years see the interactions between Teyla and John as a normal give and take and compromise in the whole relationship process. I do it everyday in mine- and I recogonize the same dynamic between J/T. It's part of the reason I think they do have much deeper feelings for each other than they have admitted.

                        Now- IF- John did not have more than friendship feelings for Teyla and he was just trying for whatever personal reason to get him to agree with her, then I would say what he's doing in terms of emotional persuasion is totally wrong because it's based on nothing. It's purely selfish.

                        I don't happen to think that is the case here. What I think is happening is two very different people have formed a close attachement and know deep down that it is leading to something more than it is at the moment. So as differences come up between them they naturally look for ways to overcome those differences and achieve a meeting of the minds -so to speak- so that they can continue moving forward in the relationship. They don't WANT the day to come when they really can't agree because they seriously care for one another. They are willing to compromise more with each other than their normal friends because there is a level of caring there beyond friendship.

                        In a way I think all of us are reading far too much into these scenes and characters motivations than is really there. The scenes we've been talking about were designed by the writers with one purpose and one purpose only- to show the audience that John and Teyla both care on a more personal level what the other thinks of them. Period.

                        These are MALE writers we're talking about here. They are not thinking in complicated terms, because for them it's not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are stupid, I'm just saying men typically don't pick apart and anlyze their relationships, even the serious ones. Women do that. We're doing it here letting oursleves get distracted from the main fact that the writers were tying to illustrate to us in the first place.

                        I promise you these guys would never knowingly have John behave in a way that demeaned Teyla. They'd probably be shocked to find out that someone thought that.
                        *sniff* It's are my new heroe!

                        YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, SANSSONG!

                        *playing James Blunt, "You're Beautiful" in the background*

                        VB...why is it that you and I always end up like sisters quarreling?

                        I was a bit frustrated cause I thought you were saying that my words were justifying the negative postings..or supporting it..and that is like insulting to me! How can I not be?

                        but I do understand your point...and I respect your words always, even if I disagree with them, which most of the time, I don't!

                        thanks, VB..I just wish others would have jumped in the bandwagon...

               made some extremely excellent points...I'm gonna green you for that one...It's the fact that I am married and see this as such...and you said, what I couldn't have in how many postings? Four?

                        In the end, you are soooo right, we are dissecting this too much and I"m certain that the males writing this, never even thought of such things....hehehehehe

                        Great convo VB..good luck studying...

                        EDIT: DARNIT IT didn't let me green you Sanssong!

                        Annie....great the rising ones...hope you feel better...


                          I agree with sanssong! Sometimes it's hard to be a "shipper" because it's always like... ya know, I can dream but no matter how much I wish that TPTB will put _____ and _____ together, they won't do it unless it's what THEY want!! So sometimes it's hard for me to get into these discussions when it's not real people and it's "just a show" But I love the idea of John and Teyla together too much to quit being a shipper! So you are all stuck with me!!!


                            Originally posted by 4prettierships
                            I agree with sanssong! Sometimes it's hard to be a "shipper" because it's always like... ya know, I can dream but no matter how much I wish that TPTB will put _____ and _____ together, they won't do it unless it's what THEY want!! So sometimes it's hard for me to get into these discussions when it's not real people and it's "just a show" But I love the idea of John and Teyla together too much to quit being a shipper! So you are all stuck with me!!!
                            I hope you didn't think from my post that I don't think TPTB are going to put J/T together! Because I ABSOLULTLY do! I think that's what all these personal scenes are about for them. It may not happen next season or even the next- but I firmly believe that the plan is John and Teyla in love with each other before the series is over. I'm in it for the long haul too Pretty!


                              Originally posted by sanssong
                              I hope you didn't think from my post that I don't think TPTB are going to put J/T together! Because I ABSOLULTLY do! I think that's what all these personal scenes are about for them. It may not happen next season or even the next- but I firmly believe that the plan is John and Teyla in love with each other before the series is over. I'm in it for the long haul too Pretty!
                              OH no, I don't think that!! Unless something hugely drastic happens I also believe they will end up together in the end!! What I did mean was that it's hard to talk about stuff like the meanings of their actions and feelings when they aren't real people! It's sometimes too hard to keep from looking past John and Teyla and realizing it's fiction! Does that make sense? Kinda? Not so much?


                                Originally posted by 4prettierships
                                OH no, I don't think that!! Unless something hugely drastic happens I also believe they will end up together in the end!! What I did mean was that it's hard to talk about stuff like the meanings of their actions and feelings when they aren't real people! It's sometimes too hard to keep from looking past John and Teyla and realizing it's fiction! Does that make sense? Kinda? Not so much?

                                It makes complete sense. Don't get me wrong, I completely see that their fictional characters, and we as shippers especially when discussing them and their motives do have to make them real people to get our thoughts across. Anyway I've noticed that we're a set of laid back shippers, most of us having multi ships within the show anyway. But I think what we do is what anyone would do when you take English in school. You read a book and discuss it. You diagnose and read into the characters. I mean I believe most of us when went to school realized it was fiction and I'm sure our teachers do as well. But to really discuss, speculate and evaluate we have to imagine them as real in a sense.

                                In the case of J/T, I hope I come across as more diagnosing motives, actually whenever I evaluate the characters I hope that's the case, without it seeming delusional. Can't really get a feel if you don't put yourself in the place of the character to try to get an idea or even ask about the idea. I think that's why many shippers see things differently as we've established. You put your experiences and positions in the place to get a feel for the situation; as such you get different ideas, and/or same ideas.

                                Last edited by vaberella; 26 April 2006, 07:31 PM.
                                Click statement above to read article.

