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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread
can i say how happy i am for your ship, even though the movie didn't happen?????
John comforts a grieving Teyla now aware – via the revelations of time travel – that they are destined to be together.
i am from the John/Elizabeth shipper group.and i wish you fans every happiness that yes, you were right all along. i've made my peace with it happening over time.
Wow that is awesome - thanks for stopping by
One must always be improbable – Oscar Wilde sigpic
can i say how happy i am for your ship, even though the movie didn't happen?????
John comforts a grieving Teyla now aware – via the revelations of time travel – that they are destined to be together.
i am from the John/Elizabeth shipper group.and i wish you fans every happiness that yes, you were right all along. i've made my peace with it happening over time.
Thank you so much America 126. This post is awfully nice for you to do. And it's not a matter of right or wrong. You have every right to enjoy your ship. John was a flirt and darn hot.
i may be from the other ship but over time thanks to reading the first two legacy books and getting used to this pairing over time. i can actually appreciate this pairing
i may be from the other ship but over time thanks to reading the first two legacy books and getting used to this pairing over time. i can actually appreciate this pairing
I have to admit. I've been a bad supporter for the Legacy books. I have a couple, but haven't taken the time to read them.
i have to admit that i watched a scene between Sheppard and Teyla last night after finding out what was going to happen in Stargate extinction. i could never watch scenes with them until like a year ago. i own the first two books and i may have not liked them at first but i am planning to read it again, soon.
Even if they never put John and Teyla together as a couple I liked and admired their friendship. They were... including Ronon and Rodney were John's closest friends... they were his family, even more so than what he had on Earth... and the same goes for Teyla. She left her people to be on Atlantis to fight the Wraith and grew a second family around her.
A relationship to me is more than sexual. Its the deep feelings they share and it's the willingness to go above and beyond whatever challenges to be there for that person. Yeah sure they stuck Teyla with Kannan because they didn't want to make John and instant dad. I get it. They did it for Bones though and IMO it's been working really well. But they didn't do it and it is what it is.
To me John was hesitant to rush into any real relationship because of what he lost with his ex-wife, Nancy. I'm sure he loved her and I'm sure he's afraid of messing up a relationship that important again. There were secrets about his ops that he couldn't tell her. He won't have that trouble with Teyla. Also, I noticed he likes women that approached him in the relationship.. like Chaya and Teer... and he was around Teer for about 6 mths. He obviously doesn't jump into seriously relationships quickly. And last but no least.. I think he was afraid to mess up his and Teyla's friendship. What if they didn't work out, what if this or that.... Then sadly he waited too long and she found Kannan.
But even when Kannan was missing, John was there for her. And when Michael took her... who did she know would come for her... John. I could go on an on.
They had a bond that was their since he met her in her village and she had faith in him when he went to save her from the Wraith.
the people on shep/Liz group think that the thing on the blog is an April fools joke, which it is not. if it were...he would say April fools the next day. but he didn't. and they also think there is no script at all. seriously i saw a picture of the script a long time ago.
Sorry to hear that. But I was nervous for a bit.
I guess if that is what they want to think then it's their rights. Gotta love the faithful.
can i say how happy i am for your ship, even though the movie didn't happen?????
John comforts a grieving Teyla now aware – via the revelations of time travel – that they are destined to be together.
i am from the John/Elizabeth shipper group.and i wish you fans every happiness that yes, you were right all along. i've made my peace with it happening over time.
Thanks America126! That was a really really nice thing to say! And just like Sci says, no one is right or wrong. It was always what each person liked and saw and the way they interpreted it.