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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    You're welcome Sci.

    Hey guys...quick question:

    I've read in a couple of con reports that lately Joe has admitted that he wished the series had ended with Vegas and not Enemy at the Gate. Interestingly enough, I haven't seen either, but the obvious would be because that episode spotlight's John in a different light.

    I get that.

    But for me, I don't like that episode because the writers completely ignored Ronon and Teyla and for it to have been the last episode of the series would have pissed me off even more.

    So, I'm curious, why would Joe prefer that episode to have been the last episode of the series? Is it because story wise, there was more there than Enemy at the Gate? Wouldn't it have made more sense to have had an episode that showcased all the team members instead of just him?

    I'm just curious that's all.

    Has he mentioned anything else besides the obvious? Has anyone asked him why he would have preferred Vegas instead of EATG? And if he had a choice to write the last episode of the series what would he have done?


      IMO, I think he would prefer Vegas vs. EatG because of the fact that he was proud of how the ep went and how Sheppard was.... a dying hero. (I'm just guessing) Plus, he HATED EatG! The series ended with him totally alone. Everyone had someone, but him. Jason didn't even like it. One moment Ronon didn't have anyone and a couple eps later, he has a girlfriend..... HUH???
      Well, that's my opinion.


        ***sneaking in - since I have not been here in a while. This club baseball is crazy!!!**

        JEYLA- I agree with Sci too. Joe was very proud of Vegas. He did go out a Hero, which is exactly what Sheppard was. He was alone in EatG and hated that. The fact that Rodney and Ronan both had significant others there was wrong. I actually liked Amelia and having them have a crush on each other to me was cute - but not to be a couple in the last scene of the last ep. It was so obvious in Joe and Rachel's body language in that scene that they had to cross their arms because they so wanted to put their arms around each other!!!

        I may get hit for this - *ducks* - but I think actors in general really appreciate an episode where they get to shine. Where their character is the main focus of the ep i.e. Ronan-Broken Ties, Rodney-The Shrine, Teyla - The Queen. For John- that was Vegas and that meant going out with a bang. I think Vegas being last could have absolutely set up further what happens after Enemy at the Gate- (I still think someday we will get a movie). I am really torn about Vegas - I really liked the ep because of Sheppard but at the same time hated the way he was so alone and made to look like a failure up until his death. Just my 2 cents!!
        Sig made by Cazzblade! Thanks!


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Awinita: But that's what I mean. You get to travel every where. You gotta be rich.
          Not really, unless you count m,y older brother being a major Asian Pop star and my Papa being a Disney park CEO.... OK I am rich, but I am also humble about it, heck I'm kinda bored with it, which is why the traveling

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Lea and Rocky,

            Thank you for your replies.

            That was my thinking as well. And all make sense and that's probably the reason. I was chatting with Hope and she added that Joe probably doesn't even remember that Teyla and Ronon weren't even in the episode.

            And I totally agree Rocky that every actor wants their episode and I do LOVE that, too. I don't want it to happen a lot but I think it's important for character development and of course for the actor to have their own shining moment. That makes perfect sense.

            Still, I blame the writers for all of this. They should have thought these things out clearer and not have it end in such a way. And it looks like towards the end, the actors didn't get to have much say either on what they thought of their characters as they used to seem to have in the past seasons.

            Really sad indeed.

            Still, I wouldn't have been happy with Vegas been the last episode because to me, it makes sense that they all come out in the end.

            I don't know about the movies, Rocky. The longer they wait the harder it will be to get all the actors together to film it.

            Did you guys read that Joe also stated that he wasn't impressed with the novels coming out? He would have much preferred Season 6. In honesty, me too.


              Originally posted by Jeyla4ever View Post
              You're welcome Sci.

              Hey guys...quick question:

              I've read in a couple of con reports that lately Joe has admitted that he wished the series had ended with Vegas and not Enemy at the Gate. Interestingly enough, I haven't seen either, but the obvious would be because that episode spotlight's John in a different light.
              I wished you had asked this question last week then I could have asked Joe last monday. I've never heard him say that he would preferred the show to end with Vegas. I've heard him say that he would have liked season 6 to have picked up on the AU universe and continue the story of AU John. Joe didnt even know that Sheppard had died in the AU universe. lol.

              As Rockound and Sci have said I think Joe really enjoyed Vegas because he actually got stuff to do and stuff he loves running around and being the action man. He liked that it gave him an opportunity to play Sheppard in a different way. He loved the possibilities it opened up for him. I think he disliked Eatg because it was too rushed and too much was shoved into it. He found the whole McKeller and Amelia/Ronon stuff a bit bizarre and as we all know he didnt like the fact that he ended up alone. He would have liked to have seen John/Teyla revisited in season six and I think he would have liked some resolution to their relationship. Both Rachel and Joe just looked arkward on the balcony trying to look all nonchalant while they really just wanted to throw their arms around each other. It woiuld have been so much more natural than the last minute Amelia/Ronon or the McKeller. But its all water under the bridge now.

              But for me, I don't like that episode because the writers completely ignored Ronon and Teyla and for it to have been the last episode of the series would have pissed me off even more.
              Vegas would have been a really odd way to end the show and I can't see Joe being happy with the last episode being about him and not the rest of the cast.

              Has he mentioned anything else besides the obvious? Has anyone asked him why he would have preferred Vegas instead of EATG? And if he had a choice to write the last episode of the series what would he have done?
              I still doubt he would have liked it to have been the last episode. When he spoke of it in New Zealand he never mentioned that he would have liked it to be the last.. maybe the last ep of the season but not the last ep of the series.

              After seeing Joe last monday he's very upbeat and was in great form. I honestly think that he is trying to move on with his life and look forward to new ventures. I don't think that he ever thought the movies would get made. Even a year ago he didnt hold out much hope for the movies. I think he is still disappointed that they didnt get a 6th season and like the fans he feels SGA had plenty of life left and it didnt deserve to be cancelled. I think news of the books are the final nail in the coffin for the cast and of course he would have preferred to have a 6th season over any books. As much as I would have loved to see them all together again I think we would have had more of the same stuff we got in season 5 and to be honest it wouldnt have interested me. I think the ptb lost interest in the SGA characters years ago and a season 6 would have been painful, at least with the books they are in the hands of writers who love the characters and who won't be pandering just to their favs..

              I didnt take any pics on monday but this is my photo shoot with him...



                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Nope It's not too late. Thanks hun.

                I guess I should get an order list of who's writing first and we need to make sure we get it done by the end of the month.

                So how about this....


                Whoever follows you, please tag them by PM or email. And remember..... this is for fun. No pressure.

                Jeyla!!! Thanks for the links.

                Awinita: But that's what I mean. You get to travel every where. You gotta be rich.
                Woah! Woah! I'm starting this? Ok, let me go check my pm from Sci and I'll get on it. Which story are we going with? *nervous* No pressure whatsoever, guys. Thanks.

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Woah! Woah! I'm starting this? Ok, let me go check my pm from Sci and I'll get on it. Which story are we going with? *nervous* No pressure whatsoever, guys. Thanks.
                  here you're saying you gotta save the world and you're the one saying "no pressure?"

                  an update on my avatar/SGA crossover story! The whole team now has their own avatars, this also includes Radek and Carson. Even though the story is set to Radek as the main character I figured that he needs some screentime! (I'm also trying my first shot at Radek romance)

                  Anyhow the story goes like this, (as I've been working on so much it has evolved to this point.)

                  Earth gets the weekly report, and is notified about Pandora, they request that a delegation from the planet come to earth in hopes of getting Unobtanium to power the Daedalus class ships. Two Na'vi, named Vipteri and Ryder agree to go with the Dreamwalkers (the Team) to Atlantis, then from there to Earth, when they arrive at earth they are allowed to stay at the SGC. However trouble beginsd when the SGC recives notice that Russian medical doctors, along with German medical doctors, want their hands on the two aliens, (now known by Jack as Exibit A) the pair end up trusting only Radek in his dreamwalker form to get home, and Radek falls in love with Vipteri.

                  its a mad dash back to Pandora before the Na'vi are attacked by the Goa'uld system Lord Ba'al, however, Earth learns of what is truly going on behind their backs with the Russian and German doctors wanting their grubby hands on the two Na'vi. War nearly begins between the three nations because of this and Radek manages to get the pair back to atlantis.

                  A few notes on the two OC's one of them is actually not mine, Ryder belongs to AoA. Vipteri is mine, Ryder is the spirital leader of the clan, and Vipteri is more the huntress/princess fo the clan. Ryder has her own Ikran, and was also Toruk Makto at one point. Vipteri is the current Toruk Makto because her own "Ikran" is Toruk himself! Vipteri is the only Na'vi that went right to Toruk instead of a ikran first

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Everlovin: No pressure hun. Would you feel better if I started? I just figured you came up with the Trust plot, I'd have you start. Sorry to freak you out hun. **HUGS**


                      Actually, I think I will start with the Trust thing. I've got a couple of ideas how to start it out. It'll be up by Sunday afternoon. Has to be as I'm out of town starting Monday.

                      Just freaked me some that I'm the anchor so to speak. I'll be good.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Ok, working on my part of the fic here and I have questions.

                        RR, SGU spoilers, SG-1 plotlines all in this mess.
                        In the last couple of episodes of SGeeww it came out that Col Telford (Lou Diamond Phillips) was/is a mole for the Lucian Alliance - galactic version of the Mafia (SG-1). I sort of need someone to be leaking information to other bad guys on Earth. Does it follow that he might be doing that? Or should I simply come up with some random name?

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          Ok, working on my part of the fic here and I have questions.

                          RR, SGU spoilers, SG-1 plotlines all in this mess.
                          In the last couple of episodes of SGeeww it came out that Col Telford (Lou Diamond Phillips) was/is a mole for the Lucian Alliance - galactic version of the Mafia (SG-1). I sort of need someone to be leaking information to other bad guys on Earth. Does it follow that he might be doing that? Or should I simply come up with some random name?
                          Johan Stewart ?

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Hi everyone *waves*....been a while...
                            Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                            I am not sure what was the "Trust" plot. But I'm game.

                            Oh thanks...and Happy Memorial Day to you too and everyone who celebrate it!!!

                            And a update from Rachel...

                            Thanks for the link ...she's such a sweetie.
                            Originally posted by Jeyla4ever View Post
                            Hey to recommend two awesome fics.

                            Both were presents for me for recently celebrating my 20th anniversary with Mr. Jeyla.

                            Here's one from pygmymuse.

                            and one from Wedjatqi
                            Oh, thanks for the links!


                              Originally posted by Princess Awinita View Post
                              Johan Stewart ?
                              Forgive me for being completely clueless, but who?

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Hey Everlovin: I don't watch SGU, but if you let me know if I'm on the right track I can try. It's up to you if you want to use him or a new name. It's just for fun and it doesn't have to go with any other story line if you don't want to.

                                New Rachel sig:

