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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    I can't believe i'm really gonna say this but
    I would have preferred John/Larrin to McPuker crapfest There I said it
    Eww, Linda!

    Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
    Great sig TJ!
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
      New Banner[/IMG]
      Cool Banner Tj
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
        Eww, Linda!


          Just reading the thoughts on McKeller v John/Teyla. My thoughts?
          The writers SUCK.

          In the words of Fred McAuley... Fecking (with a U, not an E) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

          Don't understand tptb need to recycle refugees from other scifi shows and fall madly in love with them. Connor, yes. The two chicks from Firefly? No.

          Keller is not fun, she's not pretty, she's boooring, she tries to change Rodney.

          Teyla is beautiful, smart, caring, a fighter, a leader and it's her that sits back and waits?

          Something seriously up with that.

          Favourites? Of course. TPTB always had their favourites, even with SG1, but it was never as bad as this. Tapping was a ptb favourite and you have no idea the pride I have in her for getting off that sinking boat of SGA to work on her own.

          It's why I gave up on SGA about... ten episodes ago?
          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            Just reading the thoughts on McKeller v John/Teyla. My thoughts?
            The writers SUCK.

            In the words of Fred McAuley... Fecking (with a U, not an E) BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

            Don't understand tptb need to recycle refugees from other scifi shows and fall madly in love with them. Connor, yes. The two chicks from Firefly? No.

            Keller is not fun, she's not pretty, she's boooring, she tries to change Rodney.

            Teyla is beautiful, smart, caring, a fighter, a leader and it's her that sits back and waits?

            Something seriously up with that.

            Favourites? Of course. TPTB always had their favourites, even with SG1, but it was never as bad as this. Tapping was a ptb favourite and you have no idea the pride I have in her for getting off that sinking boat of SGA to work on her own.

            It's why I gave up on SGA about... ten episodes ago?
            *points to Gater* What se said......I've been hanging onto the edge of the boat for dear life hoping and waiting for something...Anything.....Is that sad or what


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              *points to Gater* What se said......I've been hanging onto the edge of the boat for dear life hoping and waiting for something...Anything.....Is that sad or what
              *lol* at your anti-mckeller emoticon thingy in your sig.

              Thanks hun. No it's not sad. I am a raving SGA fanatic (with a sensible head) and I have been finding it hard to watch this season. I'm just hoping for one redeeming factor; not even just with JT but the show as a whole. The previous... erm... Remnants had so much potential and it was made of fail. Booo. Not watching Brain Storm. Not watched Infection. Not watched Tracker. Those are the only episodes of SGA I have never watched. Never will. The relating factor? Surplus amounts of Keller, lack of Teyla, and the superficiality of Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard.
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                *lol* at your anti-mckeller emoticon thingy in your sig.

                Thanks hun. No it's not sad. I am a raving SGA fanatic (with a sensible head) and I have been finding it hard to watch this season. I'm just hoping for one redeeming factor; not even just with JT but the show as a whole. The previous... erm... Remnants had so much potential and it was made of fail. Booo. Not watching Brain Storm. Not watched Infection. Not watched Tracker. Those are the only episodes of SGA I have never watched. Never will. The relating factor? Surplus amounts of Keller, lack of Teyla, and the superficiality of Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard.
                hehe thanks....Made by the greatness that is zuz

                Yeah i've dislike Keller and McKeller so much now that every scene there is I hate with a vengeance....I'm afraid i'm so much over the edge with McKeller and Keller now that there is no way back for me Um I still haven't watched Remnants I watched BS....I really wish I hadn't


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  hehe thanks....Made by the greatness that is zuz

                  Yeah i've dislike Keller and McKeller so much now that every scene there is I hate with a vengeance....I'm afraid i'm so much over the edge with McKeller and Keller now that there is no way back for me Um I still haven't watched Remnants I watched BS....I really wish I hadn't
                  Remnants was okay. But very predictable. Kind of OOC for Teyla too (for the whole 43.2 seconds she was on screen) but that's just my two pence.
                  don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                  facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Remnants was okay. But very predictable. Kind of OOC for Teyla too (for the whole 43.2 seconds she was on screen) but that's just my two pence.
                    Oh I forgot I saw the beginning bit in the mess hall....Hey what do you espect from the resident goldfish
                    But I was kinda like.....And I was like, "what the hell was all that about?" while scratching my head

                    hehe two pence....hmm doesn't have the same ring to it


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Oh I forgot I saw the beginning bit in the mess hall....Hey what do you espect from the resident goldfish
                      But I was kinda like.....And I was like, "what the hell was all that about?" while scratching my head

                      hehe two pence....hmm doesn't have the same ring to it
                      Lol, I know. I normally just say "my 2p" which isn't as bad but... for all those non-Sterling induced folk, I said pence Goodness, it'll be confusing if we ever get the Euro... they have cents too !

                      *smug/tongue in cheek smirk*
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                        Lol, I know. I normally just say "my 2p" which isn't as bad but... for all those non-Sterling induced folk, I said pence Goodness, it'll be confusing if we ever get the Euro... they have cents too !

                        *smug/tongue in cheek smirk*
                        Oh i'm sure you'll have loads of fun when that happens...At the expense of our American buddies


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Oh i'm sure you'll have loads of fun when that happens...At the expense of our American buddies
                          Me? Never. I have nothing but the utmost respect for our buddies
                          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                            Yall sure make me regret missing a whole day here I have tons of catching up to do

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                            I give it an 8/10
                            Sounds like an okay episode and concerning professionalism, what do you expect... only teyla and john have to be all formal and stuff while on duty

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            hehe...Cazz, I just noticed your location Nice Can I come too *puppy eyes*
                            Me too!
                            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                            I could hardly understand it either

                            R/J -- I can totally see that, lots of spark between those t
                            Shep/Keller?? No thanks! :

                            I actually really liked it Team ep!!!

                            Shep/Keller is just sick
                            Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post

                            This not a McK/K bashing thread, but it does hold some merit here in that:
                            What the heck makes MG think that Teyla is the kind of woman that would wait around for a man for what 4 years?? Teyla is a strong, decisive woman...a leader in her own right. Does the fact that she didn't throw herself at John make her less?? I have no problems with JS, but I do have a problem with how this character has come on board and suddenly this *ship* is the front burner story esp with this being the last season.

                            Sorry I just had to rant. I'm at work, have to go.

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                            The whole lot to TPTB totally suck bigtime![/spoilers]
                            They just got lazy and decided to give us all of this cra*,

                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Oh I hear you...

                            Can MG put his foot in his mouth anymore I ask myself.. what a shame that none of the rest of the writers felt as passionately about the rest of the cast and wanted to make things right for them..... did anyone jump up and volunteer to set things right between John and Teyla... and for one moment object to the way both John and Teyla were treated over the last 5 years with their pathetic little inuendoes when it suited them.. didnt anyone object when they pretty much rewrote previous episodes to convince us of Teylas feelings for Kanaan.. did anyone bother to ask if there would be any happy ending for Sheppard or even Teyla besides her invisible boyfriend whom no one even wants to write for.

                            Yep I could go on and on...but the message I get is that no one felt passionable or strong enough about any of the other characters to push for good strong storylines for them, or to even finish up or give any resolution to existing storylines..

                            But to say that Keller is a strong woman .... really!! .. the same whiny unsure character who didn't seem to be able to chose between 2 men in the space of a couple of months is suddenly allowed to come out and confess her undying love.... but neither Teyla or Sheppard who have been messed around for 5 years were ever allowed to show any kind of affection whatsoever to one another ... gah!! and I may have said this umpteen times already but I still don't ever see Teyla going to another man without making her feelings known to John.... or John holding back for so long without telling Teyla how he felt ...but obviously John and Teyla's relationship wasn't really a top priority for any of the writers, but somehow McKay and Kellers was.. and all the things we were told over the years about 2 main characters not getting together bla bla was all thrown out the window when they wanted to pair up their two favs.

                            And I dont see why the baby couldn't have been Johns.... they pretty much separated John and Teyla so much this season that we wouldn't really have noticed if Teyla had been taken off Sheps team.. they had so little time together as a team this season anyway.. How could the team dynamic have been effected anymore than it was already this season...the writers didn't need to use the excuse that JT getting together would break up the team dynamics... they suceeded in doing that all by themselves without any JT relationship.

                            So bottom line is the writers just weren't invested enough in any of their characters, storylines or relationships to want to develop them properly... there are no other excuses except they couldnt be bothered.. but once they were invested in certain relationships and characters, then it seemed as if suddenly "anythings possible".....
                            I love you!!! , and keller is far from being a strong woman

                            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                            I wouldn´t have a problem with that either

                            That almost made me sick
                            So, of all the characters that deserve a happy end, it´s the arrogant little selfish prick who never gives a damn about anybody but himself?! I do remember his reaction during Quarantine, and to see any woman actually WANTING him to be her bf/hubby after that .. well, it´s beyond me ! I do like McKay, but not in the way of wanting to see him in a romance novel. SGA was never about that, and yeah, totally agree here, why McKeller and not Sheyla

                            So, let´s recall:

                            Weir: lead character - flushed down the toi--- sorry, through the StarGate and dumped by her husband /boyfriend? to go nowhere in Pegasus -- see how they cared !

                            Sheppard: Lead character - never developed beyond "it´s complicated -- re background "issues" - yeah, see how they care.

                            Teyla: paired with a guy who helped kidnap her and couldn´t be bothered to save the life of their son until rescue in the form of TEAM SHEPPARD! arrived. And where was the marvelous wonder boy during Michael´s reappearance? Nowhere to be seen. not that I mind that. Don´t like him anyway, but yeah, see how they care about this woman. She hardly gets a word in when Keller is around

                            Ronon - well, he was good so that Keller could see the light and dump him. Yeah right .. nice use of a character around since season 2.

                            sorry, had to rant too


                            This was an awesome post, blue! I can only agree. *hugs*

                            Ain´t that the truth :
                            Though I still watch for Shep and the occasional team action. Still haven´t watched Brain Storm though, wonder why

                            I guess they did, since MG said
                            it was his last time with McKay, so he must have kept that in mind obviously. Still: WHAT A WASTE!! And he even knew that it would be "tough to like" and that McKeller ship wouldn´t be right and yet.. he still did it

                            ITA again.
                            Mckay, is the one that deserves a relationship the least , and trust me i love this guy but the other characters need it the most

                            Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
                            Does anyone know which SGA writer(s) supports John/Teyla ship? Which one(s) are against the ship? I read something interesting for Enemy at the Gate episode and I was is the info below (in spoiler tags)

                            "It's 60+ pages of intergalactic fun and Marty G. is looking to add to the page count by pitching out a certain scene that has divided the writers' room. That's Martin and Carl for, Paul and I against, and Alan firmly straddling the fence. Hey, I love the idea. I'm just not crazy about the timing. If the scene boards, we may compromise by shooting it anyway and deciding later whether or not it makes the final cut."

                            Could this possibly mean we get John/Teyla actually together?

                            Just some speculation
                            Sorry im bot as optimistic as you , but threres a very slim chance that they are reffering to jt

                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            I doubt it's anything to do with JT.. it's

                            probably whether McKay should propose to Keller or not...

                            As to who supports JT ship I have no idea... doesn't seem any of them have any firm support of anything except McKeller.. funny how no one had any objections about McKeller pairing up and yet every other ship always caused them so much consternation..... I mean the hero never ever finds love... that's in some rule book somewhere I guess... only geeks are allowed to fall in love because it ruins the show if anyone else does... ..
                            Its cause writing for any other ship would actually mean doing some good work and writing some meaningful scenes
                            Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
                            Love all the thoughts and ideas about
                            J/T and McKeller. To be honest, McKeller doesn't really bother me so much. What does really piss me off is that John and Teyla were not allowed to develop and we now have this other romance happen so quickly. We are supposed to believe that Teyla is so happy with her little family - then why does she only refer to K at "the father". There is no love in her voice or actions when she talks about him. To have John & Teyla dance around each other for 4 years
                            and imply that the are in love with each other so many times and then just to drop it now is just so not fair. I understand that they can have distractions (which is what K is), to make things more complicated, but that doesn't mean that it still can't happen.
                            Even through all this, TPTB can still get them together. Maybe we'll see it in the movie. I was watching Missing the other day and I just can't get over that look that John has as he watches Teyla go through the gate from the balcony. There is no way you can tell me that he is not totally in love with her!! Guess I'm rambling here.....
                            Theres no denying that its real love, but the writers just dont care

                            Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
                            Well, at least...

                            We really haven't had to see Sheppard flirt this season with some annoying chick! I couldn't stand Larrin last season
                            Its cause hes a manwhore (excuse me) every other season. Season 2, (teer, chick from the tower, chick from inferno and so on) Season 4 (Larrin, the princesses in harmony and so on) So if they had given them the sixth season you already know what we would be seeing of and i dont count season one cause it was just chaya

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Ooh can I come by

                            You've not watched BS (hehe...BS.....snicker....heh ahem, where was I) ah've not watched BS yet....Well i'll give you some free advice.......DO....NOT....WATCH....EVER

                            Not a chance in that happening, not with these current PTB and writers in charge...They're all about
                            Rodney and Keller and McPuker McVomit :

                            I havent and i never will
                            I can't believe i'm really gonna say this but
                            I would have preferred John/Larrin to McPuker crapfest There I said it
                            Lets not go over board hun

                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            Don't forget about Shelsey...


                            You know, what I can't stand is the fact they have to elevate Rodney/Keller above everyone else.

                            "Keller is stronger than that and would not limp around for years on flirting and whispers," implying Teyla is not (or Weir for that matter because she never made a move on anyone...)

                            "I felt it was going to be my last episode with McKay I really wanted to give him that" What about John? You know? The main guy? What did MG want to give him? One scene? Wow, you know this "family" totally has favorite children...
                            MG changed , and not for the better
                            Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
                            Not only does Rodney get the most screen time but he gets a love life too.[/SPOILERS]
                            Its cause hes actually the main guy for them or did you not know that?
                            Originally posted by gater101 View Post

                            Keller is not fun, she's not pretty, she's boooring, she tries to change Rodney.

                            Teyla is beautiful, smart, caring, a fighter, a leader and it's her that sits back and waits?

                            Love your teyla keller analysis so true
                            sig by Cazzblade


                              Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                              Lets not go over board hun
                              *flails arms around* You see what McKeller has done to me



                                Hi everyone....*waves to everyone*
                                Just dropping by with a quick hello....very busy in RL right now.

                                it was a slow start and then it got better and then it was rushed! That's my opinion. There were times when I knew this Sheppard and then there were scenes were I thought he was off. To me, another good potential episode that never quite made it big! It's just too sad. But it was better than the last one and Teyla was around and did something...*sighs* Nothing overtly JT, I'm afraid....but here's hoping to something...ANYTHING before the end.

                                Hope everyone is having a safe and wonderful weekend.


