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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    Hi Everyone...I have no idea what an RPG is...and I have no idea what you guys are up to...someone explain this whole thing to me...and as far as who I want to be..well...VB already chose for me...Bob! or Steve...

    Now, I have two things to share with you tonight...I had a bad bad bad bad bad day if I come out a bit b**chy, please excuse me!
    poor Camy...*run to hug Camy*

    I have two good news..but I will leave that for later...
    Now, I must respond to sanssong and to VB for disagreeing with me on the fact that I interpreted her to be jealous in Sanctuary...
    Perhaps jealous may not be the right word..but she did feel something...there is nothing shameful, imo......jealosy is not something that is a horrible thing..I mean how can you guys say that John will get upset and you find it cute that he can get jealous of Teyla? but when you think even in the slighest that Teyla can be jealous of John you find it....degrating or something awful that she could never feel and totally out of character.? why the difference? so when a guy is jealous of a girl it is okay, but when a girl is jealous of her guy it is a sign of weakness? Explain....

    I don't think that Teyla is jealous in a way that is in any way going to reflect as a sign of weakness or anything of that sort...I strongly feel that she has not come to terms of her true feelings for John...I think he has, but I don't think that she has...but whenever there is a female around him and he does that smirk..and that look..I can sense her tension, I can see her straightening herself up, I can see her thinking, Oh, here we go again....I think you have made a great point though, sanssong..I think Teyla was trying to tell him I am not falling for this..and I am way better than this..and who knows this might be one reason that she doesn't want to fall for him..fear that she will get hurt or that he will never be the guy to make commitments..I totally agree with that...I don't see Teyla falling head over heals over John like a floossy that will not be able to think straight when he's around, but I do think that she has felt some sort of resentments/jealousy everytime a woman is near John who she feels could turn into something...again, it's just my opinion..and if this is true, I don't think this reflects in any way against her characters' strength and honor...

    So, without further ado...I present exhibits to back up my opinion..again...maybe jealousy is a strong word...but she wasn't just thinking, you aren't getting the better of me..I mean if she wasn't feeling something why even bother with the conversation, why even bother to walk with him as he is heading to make out with this girl..Teyla is smart, she knew darn well what he was going to do and that was what part of her point was....she knew very well what his intentions why even meet up with him and discuss any of it with him if it wasn't something that obviously bothered her...and then my other point is the way in which she walked away, saying goodnight calm, soothing, but such emotion in her words..and you can tell he felt it the way he said goodnight to her and the face that he gave..I almost felt like he was almost about to stood Chaya up and leave her waiting for him...hehehehe

    Look at Teyla's face..It's almost as though from the very beginning she sensed that Chaya was checking Sheppard...and so was he...

    What I find interesting in these photos is how close they are sitting to each other..I think this was the first time that we see them so close..I could be wrong though...but again, the fact that they were purposefully sitting so close...hmmm...maybe making a point...?

    Even standing she wouldn't loose her closeness towards him!

    The face..I just love their facial expressions...

    Even John can sense how uncomfortable that situation was for him...because of her comments...don't you think...I mean look at his face?
    you know Camy when I was reading this...I had to laugh...not about what you wrote but...I don't even know...the proof-pics are great...and I agree with know when I saw this ep the first time i hated it...ok maybe not exactly this but something in that kind...but now i can see so many gooood things between John and Teyla here...* i'm crazy i know but what can i do...*....
    Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 09 February 2006, 02:32 PM.


      Originally posted by fates4jt
      While writing that passage I had a feeling that it might send out a message of me wanting them to be together right away. Oh no,no,no,no,no…that’s the last thing I want. This would translate into a quick ending to any romantic relationship that develops from the jump because I know the writers would have no where to go years down the road.
      For sure it has lead to the distruction of storyline development and character development or some silly 'soap operaesque' break up that makes you lose interest in both characters and then the storyline. Such is the curse of fickle people....and how much we crave the anticipation and the playing around.

      Originally posted by fates4jt
      As for Elizabeth, you make a very good point. I’m sure I’m just reading more into what I see; She is a caring person, and she has exhibited that quality to everyone she works with; so, you’re absolutely right ,in that, it’s just not John she treats like this. In fact I remember, in one episode, when she tried to get Ronan to open up by sitting down next to him while she was on a lunch break. So the more I think about it, she does have this motherly like caring quality to her….always worrying about everyone.
      This is exactly my point and hence the reason I can't see Weir with John at all. Again as I said I had asked for specific telling moments that denoted there was some thing more in the relationship but nothing, and to this time every time I see the ep...I find Weir far more impressed by Atlantis than really the men, although those who have seen
      would say maybe she is seeking more in the way of male companionship; but nothing says from Shep. While you see it continously between John/Teyla in various episodes throughout the show. You can of course say that Teyla is a caring person and compassionate as well. But as we've seen in current episodes the degree of emotion that has become prevalent compared to what she expressed initially has dynamically changed. Again I had mentioned that I felt that she was of course a bit more hard, a bit more reluctant and rather clinical in her emotions in various episodes in season1, but lately in season 2, there are far more recurring emotions with an undeniable degree of fear or even sometimes longing when she looks at John..
      check out the 'The Hive', 'The Long Goodbye', 'Conversion', even 'Runner', 'Instinct'----slew after slew...

      Originally posted by fates4jt
      Now on to the meat and potatoes of the matter; in the “Letters from Pegasus” that scene hit me like a punch to the stomach; they looked and sounded so much like a married couple, it was magical; but I digress.
      I have to say I certainly agreed, I sort of felt as though I was intruding on a disagreement between a couple, but a disagreement that hurts really bad on both sides. Let me explain, I don't want to say that when married people argue that it doesn't hurt; but have you ever seen the kind where it's like both of them are on the verge of tears and really can't seem to find common ground?! That's what it was, where you really don't want to see the guy or girl crying..but they really look like their about to. I really liked that dynamic and the looks, the words, just the way they touched each other (nothing to read into, but it's significant).

      Originally posted by fates4jt
      It’s obvious that Teyla sees the potential in John, who’s a good man, to be even better; and that’s why she challenges him whenever he takes the one-sided perspective on things. He wanted to leave the people from the village behind because he thought they didn’t have any time left, and in his eyes they no longer had the option to stay and wait, and although he griped about wanting to leave, Teyla with her good conscious and faith, in them making it, kept him from leaving.
      As for John’s, “What else do you want from me?” the frustration I heard in his retort was one I interpreted as him wanting nothing more than to meet her needs, but the responsibility on his shoulders to make sure they both came out alive and unharmed weighed more on his mind; and Teyla’s, “too much I fear” response in turn, totally supports my view.

      Actually I don't necessarily agree with all that. I agree with the second part, but your first part contridicts the second.

      In that scene before the statement, I felt she was slightly disappointed in John. And right before he said 'What do you want from me?' when she was looking at him..I felt she was kind of disappointed because the man she thought she saw, in 'Rising' and various other eps, is not the man sitting there now. And in the case of John....he hated having to do that to her. As though he was also angry that he was completely helpless...he is taking a direct order from Weir which was the right decision in his and hers best interest.

      John never wanted to leave those people behind. John, from that ep proved to me he was a Marine. I know there are some reports that say Air Force and he could be..but he's all about Marine's to me....their motto is 'Never leave a man behind'----'Dog Soldiers' and all. I just really liked that about him, and I comipletely understand why he said what he said..and how that gnawed him and why he kind of yelled out 'What do you want from me?' I agree, I also think that was said more out of if he's only one man...and there's so much he can do. He even further states that there's a lot they could do but it would be suicide. And he was right....I really don't fault him and I know he didn't want to leave those people. And I'm sure Teyla realised his dillema eventually, because you see that clearly later when he's going to see about that beam---and further in the eps.

      Originally posted by fates4jt
      You see other than being the man in charge as a military officer, he’s a big kid inside also…a stubborn one who’s use to getting what he wants, and one that loves to misbehave especially when it comes to those who allow him to. Teyla has observed this, but yet she strongly believes that if she doesn’t enable his behavior by coddling him he will become more of the man she envisions; unfortunately, with the stress of the situation, she lost sight of her views on John; as a result, those words were uttered. But I’m sure she’s rescinded them since then.
      I don't agree. I felt he was definitely the man she expected and how..but was initially disappointed with him because she was not seeing the situation from his perspective. I mean later on you can see that. He doesn't want to risk his or her my opinion he was far worried for her and what would happen to her, especially towards the end--with the thought of her staying and not making it would gnaw at him. And because of his worry for them, and definitely it would be a losing battle on their part not only for the villagers that are alive but also for them and Atlantis he was lost as to what to do....and she is not above having a narrowed view point, she was the one with the one-sided perspective, from what I gathered. Teyla only saw one thing and that was to save the people and specifically her friend and a man who she admired, let's say like an uncle. To think that way, which is understandable was also bad, because it really put her and John at risk and John knows that if their wouldn't really help anything but in some cases make it worse. Again I feel it's towards the end of the ep that we see they both come to this sort of understanding.

      Excuse me...second time I've posted a part two...darn it to cookies!
      Last edited by vaberella; 09 February 2006, 04:39 PM.
      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by fates4jt
        Now if part of the explanation for Teyla’s cool demeanor towards John has to do with her traditions then it’s an idea that should be pursued further because it’s an excellent way to get him involved profoundly with another culture; yes he’s been exposed to other; never because he was willingly open in learning or simply being apart of something unique and new.
        All of his interactions with various societies have currently been just means to an end; hence, his exposure, so far, has been on a superficial level. So having him eventually smarten up and start pursuing Teyla romantically will take him out of his comfort zone by having him take part in some of the aspects of her world. It’ll have to happen, it’s inevitable because in assessing Teyla being involved with her would mean being apart of her traditions. She’s not going to assimilate completely into John’s culture and I don’t expect him to give up completely on who he his either but in order to give him a little bit more depth I would love to see him one day listening intently to Teyla teaching him certain elements of her heritage.
        First, I want to say that I think there is more than culture that resulted in the Teyla that we know now. I definitley think life experiences, the amount of losses she's seen and lived through, as well as the duty and the burden she carries as leader of her people...and especially as well by 'the gift' she was given, of Wraith DNA. It could be the Wraith DNA being the most trying part for her. Now on to the culture..I do feel that it would be great to see John understanding and really getting into the demands and the festivities that her people participate in. Actually I think it would be a good episode. I wouldn't want them focusing on that alone, but it would be good to see..we have only been given glances of the Athosian people, but we know their proud and their fighters, I have seen the one Athosian girl from
        on Fords team. So it would be good to see more of that, not only for John..but also a healthy change for McKay....from what I gathered it seems as though Carson is far more Athosian than anyone else.....

        Not only that I would also like to see Teyla taken to earth. I mean it's not fair that
        Ronon might get there first
        . I mean Teyla is like an ambassodor of sorts for the Atlantean people for the Pegasus galaxy, it would be of extreme interest to have some her go there and converse with several of the Earth people..and I'd actually like to see what John would show her of Earth......I keep picturing the movie Mannequin I or II?, where the mannequin was eating the gyro and she accidentally ate paper. It would be fun to see that, not just the wishful aspects in 'Home'.

        Originally posted by fates4jt
        So far all we’ve seen is his bravado, and that’s totally okay, for now at least, because were learning about who he is, but in the next few years I would definitely like to see more progression with his character; and I know that Teyla is the appropriate avenue to take in this. Because from what I’ve seen so far she definitely has an affect on John, and I believe in some way he is aware of it; and he’s probably a little afraid of it because he’s so use to living with that devil may care attitude. However, here he is now working side by side with this wonderful woman with so much knowledge to share; one who’s not use to nor impressed with the way in how he usually approaches certain issues; a lady whose conviction, purpose and compassion has a tendency to bring out the humbler side in him; with this all in mind, (imo) it’s ultimately the best way to bring them closer together.

        I agree, it's definitely seen already in the show. I do feel that we see too much heroism and conceit in John. So far the only anti-hero aspect I ever saw was in
        Lost Boys
        . It's rather annoying and gratingn because unlike you, i don't think we've delved into Shep...I mean really. I want to see what makes him hurt, what makes him tick, more than McKay. I just really want to see real genuine humanity, but not what seems coreographed to fit that G.I. JOE mold he plays so well. And I do agree with you, you definitely see that out of the show those two definitely have the most dramatic affect on one another. He brings out the most expressive faces from Teyla which says so much....on so many levels. You get his worry and the way fights to be her hero....I mean he doesn't even do that for Weir...he wounded Kolya in 'The Eye', but he tears off Bates head in several eps, and he kills Bob in the 'The Siege 1' when he could have given them vital information on his plans, he took down the barriers to kill the Wraith dead...why?! But just wounds Kolya. I think we obviously see a different man when he's around her. And please watch
        Aurora, The Long Goodbye, Allies (for both of them), Inferno (especially for Teyla)
        and you'll see what I mean of Teyla and John.


        -----OT----Can someone make a music video for 'Hero' by Enrique Iglesias for Shep/Teyla

        Advance warning to Camy....don't say a word....not one word!!
        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by Camy
          Friday..I have blank..give me some suggestions..

          I hope you guys like this idea...hope to hear what you think...Let me know and I will make an official calendar and posted on my all can see...and then we can get started..OH, I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS IDEA..CAUSE I'M KIND OF EXCITED ABOUT IT... and believe me..i need some happy thoughts..

          I like the idea and think it will be fun. {{hugs, Camy}}

          Friday could be a good day for your one sentence story.

          Maybe add in some JT trivia? Or a longer round robin? Or a "make icons or find caps to illustrate the story" challenge?


            Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
            guys guys!!!
            eee...thats a little tooooo much for me at a understanding for a poor girl from the other side of the ocean....the idea is great, but I must sign in to the yahoo tv groups yes?? or what?? I'm a little lost now...

            btw....It's the whole sunday. Yeah?? ...Cos it's for me 6 h time difference...
            If you mean for the Valentine's Party on the JT list, if you join the list you'll get all the posts emailed straight to you so you can look at them whenever you want.

            For the LJ you don't have to be a member, just go visit when you want to see all of the icons, etc., posted there over the course of the day.

            What's posted to the list and to the LJ will probably be slightly different because some of the people who don't join the list will post to the LJ, and some of those posting to the list may not post to the LJ.

            Hope I haven't muddled up the explanation. I can be longwinded.


              Originally posted by vaberella
              John never wanted to leave those people behind. John, from that ep proved to me he was a Marine. I know there are some reports that say Air Force and he could be..but he's all about Marine's to me....their motto is 'Never leave a man behind'----'Dog Soldiers' and all.
              John's definitely Air Force. I think the "don't leave anyone behind" is his personal credo, not one taught to him by the military.

              Epiphany, he shows how much the thought of abandonment bothers him. In my opinon, it's something from his personal history--maybe why he's estranged from his father/family. I think it's much more engrained in his personality than something taught to him in training classes. (having had those classes in the AF I can tell you they aren't that intense.)

              I think he was left alone or abandoned as a child by someone he loved a great deal and that has colored his entire life. He went on and on about abandonment in Epiphany and then was surprised and angry when they showed up for him because he thought they'd left him on purpose. He seems to have trouble with commitment. He doesn't give away many personal details about himself.

              To me, it all points to a childhood feeling of abandonment or not being good enough/wanted.

              Just my opinion.


                Originally posted by Doxymom
                Camy, I like your schedule. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
                me too....

                btw... thanx Doxymom...i sign in to the yahoo yahoo groups...



                  haven't been on in ages...

                  but yeah, where do i go to get in on all this RPG stuff...sounds pretty cool...

                  And i shall e there for the JT party thingy....sounds like loads of fun....

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by luv-john; 09 February 2006, 03:42 PM.


                    one quick do I get a banner thing on the bottom of all my reply's...and how do I post pictures properly...

                    (ya it's two i know..but w/e)


                      Hey, I have a video, but I'm not quite sure if it belongs in the Teyla/Dex or Sheppard/Teyla ship threads, so I'm posting it in both as it has both ships in it. Be warned there are spoilers through Allies (I don't think any major ones, but I could be wrong). Anyway, go here.

                      And that's my two cents...
                      My LiveJournal
                      ^_^ ~ DANIquinn ~ ^_^


                        Originally posted by luv-john

                        haven't been on in ages...

                        but yeah, where do i go to get in on all this RPG stuff...sounds pretty cool...

                        And i shall e there for the JT party thingy....sounds like loads of fun....


                        Okay you should look up Doxymom's name to find out, about the party.

                        As for the RPG....I just wanted to's an RPG for Shep/Teyla shippers..are you one of us? Because I'm unsure based on some of your other posts. So if you choose a character you're goal is to contribute to the scenario and hooking J/T up in a match.

                        So if you sure your a shipper for Shep/Teyla go to the page before this one and choose an available character..and then let me know..preferably through pm, since it's off topic without something for J/T..

                        As for your other question....that's a very off topic post. You don't want to post that here..if you have those questions...go to the moderators section and ask them, or do a search. We could get reprimanded by a mod for posts like that.


                        So which of our great video queens will do 'hero' by enrique Iglesias for Sheyla.....


                        CR you haven't gotten back to me about the RPG.

                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by DANIquinn
                          Hey, I have a video, but I'm not quite sure if it belongs in the Teyla/Dex or Sheppard/Teyla ship threads, so I'm posting it in both as it has both ships in it. Be warned there are spoilers through Allies (I don't think any major ones, but I could be wrong). Anyway, go here.

                          Cool vid..I'm actually lost as to where it belongs, as well. It looks far more Shep/Teyla oriented...are you a shipper?! Huh?! But there are significant Teyla/Ronon....but you know what....I'll never see anytign between Teyla/Ronon--not only because she's so motherly and sometimes sisterly to him, but also because I have this thing about Ronon and Sora...and I really see fire there...Once I get the first chapter out on my epic fanfic, I'll see what I can make you do about falling for encompasses everyone so I don't know where to really post it..and get some feedback..without it called spamming.

                          Last edited by vaberella; 09 February 2006, 04:36 PM.
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            helloooo everyone i'm in a fine and dandy mood today

                            *feeds Sheyla Jukebox*

                            John and Teyla should have known that position would land them in the infirmary....


                              Originally posted by Doxymom
                              If you mean for the Valentine's Party on the JT list, if you join the list you'll get all the posts emailed straight to you so you can look at them whenever you want.

                              For the LJ you don't have to be a member, just go visit when you want to see all of the icons, etc., posted there over the course of the day.

                              What's posted to the list and to the LJ will probably be slightly different because some of the people who don't join the list will post to the LJ, and some of those posting to the list may not post to the LJ.

                              Hope I haven't muddled up the explanation. I can be longwinded.
                              I'll be there Doxymom...I have tons of wallpapers and such and am also working on a fanfic but I just have to learn how to post on other people's LJ's...I have till Sunday to learn!

                              And to post a pic...go to this website and browse for your pic on and then upload! Copy the last http:// address given. When you go to post it here, click the yellow icon on the top of the reply box window and paste the http:// address...

                              PM me if you have any questions...


                                Originally posted by DANIquinn
                                Hey, I have a video, but I'm not quite sure if it belongs in the Teyla/Dex or Sheppard/Teyla ship threads, so I'm posting it in both as it has both ships in it. Be warned there are spoilers through Allies (I don't think any major ones, but I could be wrong). Anyway, go here.
                                Wow!...Thanks for sharing Dani. It's really a great vid. And i think it fits in both really. Lovely...

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

