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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Jeepers...You guys are awesome..there's so much to way will I be able to respond to everything..but this I found particularly interesting..THANKS AG! YOu ARE AWESOME

    but, I have to agree with Doxymom...HI HON!
    I like the description of the book but the scene is more intense, IMO...See in the script it says that she pulls her hair out of the way, in the actual scene he just does it...and she allows him to do it..and not only that they were both entranced by the actual closeness, dareness( this even a word) and sense of one another..the fact that John just came up to her and put it without even asking shows you the connection that he obviously felt...and I think until that moment, Teyla didn't pay much attention to him..but at that moment, you see her face and I can't help but think her saying in her mind, "Who is this man?" not like any other she had ever met before...remember Teyla is a leader..and I am sure that many men are intimidated by her for her position..and John was showing that no only was he not intimidated but he was almost inviting her and daring her to pay attention to was very intense, sweet and very much in indentifying each others role...he is a passionate and daring man, she is an intense, passionate woman that is just dying to find a man that will understand her...WOW! I saw all that in that little scene! people need to stop making do these...I could go on and on and on and on..okay, I'm still revising Chapter 9...but I'll be around...


      hey...somebody out there... ...or everyone is watching the last ep??

      *hate the timezones*

      oh Camy hi


        Oh tonight is the season finale......

        Don't get to see it for awhile.......Hope there's shep/tey moments in it...

        Hey Camy!..Annie!...Everyone lurking.....

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
          Oh tonight is the season finale......

          Don't get to see it for awhile.......Hope there's shep/tey moments in it...

          Hey Camy!..Annie!...Everyone lurking.....

          Ack Allies is on...I forgot!

          I will stay away from spoilers...I will stay away from spoilers...well at least until someone makes a music vid of it...I can't seem to hold out against those...I actually just watched 'TLG' one I posted so long ago...


            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            Ack Allies is on...I forgot!

            I will stay away from spoilers...I will stay away from spoilers...well at least until someone makes a music vid of it...I can't seem to hold out against those...I actually just watched 'TLG' one I posted so long ago...
            Resistance if futile.....\

            Oh i've looked at it over, and over...I think i'm really going to love this episode...

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              True..stop are ruining our suspense..don't ever give your little secrets..just email me and share it with me! heheheh....

              Now, as for this about John and Teyla waiting for the next 8 seasons...ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You are right...

              Okay, here is my two cents...
              Since the very beginning...this relationship is not going in any direction like SG-1...number one...I was never huge for SG-1 but correct me if I;m wrong...but I don't think they had intended Sam as a love interest for Jack from the very beginning......they did for John and Teyla...eventhough it was a potential..but it was there...Second, the way they have played with these two characters since the beginning of the season and up till the very end of this season, is clearly an indication that they are still toying with the idea and they are integrating it in the stories...That is big for me...X-Files and SG-1 didn't do this from the beginning...and finally, the fact with these new revelations that the cast, crew and even Joe and Rachel themselves are asking for a love interest for their characters....makes me think that they are not going to tease us this long...something is bound to happen...either cut it all together and give Teyla another romance or finally go to the next step with these two...but hey, this is just my opinion..i'm usually so wrong about these things....


                Hi Witchy, HI AG.. HI Annie..I'm not lurking! I am no lurker...You see me just as I am...OH, crap...I've got my mud mask on right don't make me laugh cause I'll wrinkle! CAN'T HAVE THOSE!

                Anyways, I'm just going back and forth and reading your postings...NO PEEKING! WE must resist!

                Okay, Witchy I am going to send you my revised Chapter 9...see I wrote the last piece while at there are like a couple of wordings there that are kind of coming out of my mouth as I was talking with the co-workers...DARN people, interrupting me while I'm inspired! Anyways, I know you are REALLY going to LIKE my revisions..very very hot! no...not hot...very subtle scenes...OOOOPs...
                PLEASE DON"T READ THIS!


                  Is it just me or do you know notice a huge increase in our crew and our lurkers?! It's bloody crazy..but it's great..and I love the topics we talk about..we rarely stray from the topic at hand..which is bloody fabulous...

                  I want to get as much info on Allies as I can and Trinity 2, that's gonna be hot.


                  AG it was the quote you mentioned from that Princess Buttercup film! VB
                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                    green_eyed_lady, your sig pic looks like Shep is getting ready to whack Teyla on the butt. and she looks like she likes that!

                    CHILLIN...I"VE NEVER SAW THIS SIDE OF YOU! Naughty girl!


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      Jeepers...You guys are awesome..there's so much to way will I be able to respond to everything..but this I found particularly interesting..THANKS AG! YOu ARE AWESOME

                      but, I have to agree with Doxymom...HI HON!
                      I like the description of the book but the scene is more intense, IMO...See in the script it says that she pulls her hair out of the way, in the actual scene he just does it...and she allows him to do it..and not only that they were both entranced by the actual closeness, dareness( this even a word) and sense of one another..the fact that John just came up to her and put it without even asking shows you the connection that he obviously felt...and I think until that moment, Teyla didn't pay much attention to him..but at that moment, you see her face and I can't help but think her saying in her mind, "Who is this man?" not like any other she had ever met before...remember Teyla is a leader..and I am sure that many men are intimidated by her for her position..and John was showing that no only was he not intimidated but he was almost inviting her and daring her to pay attention to was very intense, sweet and very much in indentifying each others role...he is a passionate and daring man, she is an intense, passionate woman that is just dying to find a man that will understand her...WOW! I saw all that in that little scene! people need to stop making do these...I could go on and on and on and on..okay, I'm still revising Chapter 9...but I'll be around...
                      Hi Camy...the book is interesting because of the differences that exist between the book and the actual episode but also because you can get an inside look into the character's head...

                      Remember you posted the question would John have gone after Teyla in the 'Rising' even if Sumner hadn't been taken...well the answer is YES!!

                      I read a part the part where Sheppard asks Weir the question about when he was going to be allowed to go get Col. Sumner and he asks the question about the gate address:

                      Quote from 'Rising' by Sally Malcolm:

                      " 'When can you tell me where the wraith took Col. Sumner and the others?' He didn't mention Teyla by name, but it was her being swept by the ice-white beam of light that was burned into his mind. He hated leaving people behind."

                      What was on his mind: Teyla!

                      Okay really...when John wanted to go save everyone...he really meant everyone


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                        Oh tonight is the season finale......

                        Don't get to see it for awhile.......Hope there's shep/tey moments in it...

                        Hey Camy!..Annie!...Everyone lurking.....
                        me too

                        hi Witchy


                          Awesome Camy!..Can't wait for it..

                          Princess Buttercup?...Oh i love that movie...

                          I want to me spoiled...

                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          Quote from 'Rising' by Sally Malcolm:

                          " 'When can you tell me where the wraith took Col. Sumner and the others?' He didn't mention Teyla by name, but it was her being swept by the ice-white beam of light that was burned into his mind. He hated leaving people behind."
                          OH !!..SQUEEEE!!!...that made my evening...since i'm not really feeling well...

                          We always knew he had Teyla on his mind..right?....

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            So allies is the last show?
                            What time does it come on...?
                            ________________________________________________________________________________ _____

                            So many lurkers and no chatting? Come on now? Okay so about the season someone gonna post spoilers for those of us that live on the stuff?! Hmmmmmmmmmm.....this means you Annie!
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              So allies is the last show?
                              What time does it come on...?
                              It aired in Canada at 8:00


                                Originally posted by melpomene
                                -CAMY--I'm doing You're Beautiful by James Blunt. I heard two versions of 'More Than Words' but I just can't just get into it so maybe you'll want to do it yourself or something
                                *Camy runs over to Mel..but trips over Witchy, throws a kiss at SP, grabs Annie's McKay signs, accidentally(yeah right) knocks over VB's pile of books on the floor, gives AG a new state of the art thingymagiggytechnobabble devise for her new lab, swings over to Ritter who's busily typing away his next chapter for Together Forever, nabs Chillin's new toy (Teyla's fighting stick) as she is about to slap John's butt with it, holds Doxymom's iron as she flips over the shirt she is ironing, waves and throws a big kiss over to BP and Spirited Chipiro, swings her macarena skirt at gatelover12, sighs at the thought that she misses Trippy and TJ, gives Caz a quarter for the Jukebox, and finally makes it to give MEL A BIG CAMY HUG....I love you,,Mel...

