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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    Thanks looky what i found on the Season 5 Thread
    Why does everyone but the ladies look PO'd? Much Teyla hotness there.
    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      Can we consider John a hybrid, considering he was infected with the Iratus bug/Carson's retro-virus first?
      I just call him Hybrid-Boy because I can never remember how to spell his name. I suppose if he lives to recover I can no longer call him that. Maybe I'll call him AP instead, for Athosian Pete.
      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        Thanks looky what i found on the Season 5 Thread
        Why the hell is Teyla behind Woosley...UGH!


          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          I know I'm early - I have no patience . . .

          Congrats on 10.000 posts Lea!!

          In honour of that grand milestone - I made you a sig.

          Very nice!!

          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
          Remember Teylafan you promise

          Ok so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TEYILIA a little in advance. I hope you feel better
          Oh these are very good asgard. I love The Storm and The Eye. Great Teyla moment in there.

          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
          Yeah and I'm really saddened.
          You're right it's tomorrow wow I don't know what I have but Im not in the best So everybody do as if you saw nothing pretty please

          Sariana did a new vid she's awesome I love the song and the vid is really great

          Great vid, thanks for the rec'd.

          Originally posted by SheylaFF View Post
          Hello Everyone

          Wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I don't know if this is the right place for it or not. But I figure, I'm a Shep/Teyla fan so this is the best place to start....I been lurking for months, so i thought I would come out a post....I'm excited about the upcoming season.

          And i will need other Sheyla fans to be excited with.

          looking forward to posting with you guys.

          Hello Sheyla. *waves*

          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......Dang i eyes my eyes *runs out thread.......*runs back in panting*

          Congrats on 10000 posts sci

          *runs back out*
          Congrats Sci on, WOW, 10,000!!!


            Originally posted by majortrip View Post
            Why does everyone but the ladies look PO'd? Much Teyla hotness there.
            because romantically the boys are getting screwed this season...Teyla will deal with KANAN while John suffers and Rodney and Ronon will have
            keller playing with both of them
            HELL I'M PO'd!!!!


              Originally posted by majortrip View Post
              Ow, ow ow, my eyes! The quote with this wasn't spoilered.

              Anyway, spoilered for real spoilers

              Look, I'm OK with 'no official romance' between John and Teyla. Personally, this seems somthing best suited for the end of a series, after TPTB have frustrated the audience to no end. Otherwise, once they make anything official, where is it to go? They couldn't work the relationship into too many plots. There wouldn't be too much left to play with.

              Besides, I like the ever-looming UST. I'm OK with where they are now. While I'm practically dying to know what the buzz is about in S&R, I'm willing to bet three things: something is implied but not made definite, an AU situation/someone's not in his/her right mind, or something ambiguous happened which some may squee about and some may feel the need to hurl.

              Am I close? This is what has happened in the past, and something for which I am prepared for these PTB to keep at for a while, if not forever. Somewhere in the back pages of this thread, I theorized that anything major that happened between these two will be of the above nature. I put my money on AU, simply because this is the way these PTB operate based on my having watched all 10 seasons on SG-1. I liked Jack and Sam. I know lots of shippers are frustrated, but in my opinion, there really was not a way to consummate anything while those two served together in the same chain of command. Same with Mulder and Scully. (Yes, I suffered that as well.) Or, Mac and Harm. It's neverending, is it?

              While Teyla is not exactly under John's command, I feel this PTB is very formulaic. Look at how the teams are contstructed. Look at how they've tried to create conflict within the teams and the command structure. They've installed some differences, but I don't feel they've strayed too far off from their comfort zones. We're talking basically the same producers and directors in some instances for several years.

              Personally, I'm OK with that. I won't read too much into anything and I'm mostly along for the ride. And I'm OK with what's likely to happen with J&T. Do I think the UST will end? No. Do I think Hybrid-Boy is the be all/end all for Teyla? Nope. Do I think Sheppard won't find another space hottie to ogle? No. Will they ever NOT be interest in each other? Don't think so. Do I think John and Teyla's relationship won't be explored any further without canonization? Not at all. Do I think there's a good chance for emotional whump when it comes to these two? Uh-huh. Do I think there will be AU situations over the course of the series remainder where I will think to myself, "Hybrid-Boy who?" *nods vigorously* Will John ever hug Teyla back? Man, I hope so. Will they ever sneak in another kiss, just for shock value? Probably.

              See, plenty of squeeful things to look forward to.
              Some awesome points!!! WTG

              Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
              Hm, well if you put it like that!
              I hope you´re right about this

              Wow, that was lovely, sci!
              CONGRATS on 10 000 posts!!

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUBY!!

              I hope I'm right too.
              Thanks. If you want to read other fics, just click on my sig.
              And thank for the congrats.

              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              heehee thanks sci!

              Ok i gotta admit......That was sweet!
              NP hun.

              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Lea, as for a title for your ficlet...

              How about... Home?

              Er.. never mind!
              I should really leave thinking of titles to MrsB or something shouldn't I?
              It's a start. It's better then what I have. Which is nothing.

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Can we consider John a hybrid, considering he was infected with the Iratus bug/Carson's retro-virus first?

              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
              A pony.

              Wow Sci - that was just the sweetest thing! I absolutely adored it thank you so much!
              I loved Rodney's reaction to the name - it was really sweet!

              Thank you!!

              She's grasping... she's grasping... she's - oh. Nope, she can't quite get a hold of those straws...
              I am so glad that you enjoyed it.
              I love doing whiney Rodney.

              LOL! On your response to Laura's post.

              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Very good point Gator. I would think so. Of course he is much hotter definitely as a Bug! Now, since Carson was able to conteract the virus I don't know. But, in the end of Conversion when he shows his arm to Teyla the statement is made by John that Carson says it will eventually go away. I've always wondered that even though he got the antedote or whatever from Carson wouldn't some small percentages still linger in body? But, all of you know, I've wanted them to touch on the Ancient gene and buggie gene. I've always thought that has great potential.
              Someone has been think of this for awhile.

              Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
              Your welcome Linda and i think i might ask one of the mods tomorrow if they know why quotes are disappearing.

              That was awesome sci great job and i agree with you about S&R being just a teaser of what could happen this season
              and i have to admit when i read JM's answer to the first question in that article MrsB posted the link to i was sad to hear nothing romantic would happen.

              But now i realized that i shouldn't believe everything JM says but even if nothing romantic happens this season as long as we get some sweet moments between Teyla & John i think we should be happy for a little while anyway.

              Oh and before i head off to bed congrats on 2300 posts majortrip.
              Thanks WL.
              I was like you
              And even if he is answering honestly, it doesn't mean that we aren't getting anything good or that our ideas of romance is the same.

              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
              About what JM said...

              It's not that I don't take what he says seriously, but I definitely think that everything he says should be taken with a wagonful of salt. He says nothing romantic will happen between John and Teyla this season, but to be honest I wasn't actually expecting anything romantic to happen between them - hoping, but not expecting. That doesn't mean that they're not going to grow closer and have some really lovely moments, and even if Kanaan is around for a while, I don't think that really affects our ship. Nothing wrong with a nice dose of angst, after all!

              Anyway, I'm off to bed. Sweet Sheyls dreams everyone!
              Well said Ruby!!

              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

              You Know I Had To....

              And, One More To Grow On And Learn....

              I keep forgetting to say that I saw the whump one on Flicker on the net. I LMBO!!!

              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
              Okay im really behind on the Birthdays so im posting Rubys Gift tonight I WASNT SURE WHAT YOU LIKED SO I COMPROMISED and im still working on Teys i ll post that tomorrow night
              Spoilers for S&R
              WOW!! Awesome job.

              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              hehe...Nice MP's Elfie

              This is an OT sig of General Hammond

              Oh forgot to say..Caps courtesy of Abydos gate

              Oh. That is very nice Linda. Great job.

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Title: Tales From A Brewery Floor
              Summary: "It's a guys night out; this is when you would need it."
              Characters: Carson, Ronon & John
              Pairing: John/Teyla, and John/Rodney [LOL]
              Rating: K

              Notes: Tag fic with Wedjatqi.
              Notes 1.2: Also, birthday fic for Ruby Caspar. Hope you enjoy this fluffy lightness

              Happy Birthday Ruby!
              I will try to read tonight hun.

              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
              Thanks looky what i found on the Season 5 Thread
              Oh! I like that!!

              Ok. I know I'm going to sound contradicting in a second.
              Wouldn't you think that they would put Woolsey in black also and How Come Shep isn't in Leather!! *pouts*

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Is all that water really necessary? *lol*
              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              Thanks Donna! This looks a whole heck of lot better than those awful S5 cast shots! At least they are not.....

              Maybe they actually got a fan to create this for them!

              Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
              holy ****, a GOOD SGA pic? If I'm dreaming, DON'T wake me up!!

              Originally posted by majortrip View Post
              Why does everyone but the ladies look PO'd? Much Teyla hotness there.
              Hey. That's a good point. Maybe they have a hard time looking fierce and sexy at the same time.
              Dag! Teyla looks awesome in that outfit.


                Is it me or does one of Teyla's hand the one near Ronon look odd?


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Yeah i loved Hammond...SG-1 just wasn't the same without him in chatge

                  Someone want a gift
                  keep unwrapping
                  keep going
                  you're almost there
                  almost at the pretty
                  Tease. Great job Linda. Whumped Teyla, ha.

                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  For Ruby...Happy early birthday
                  Ohhh, I'm liking the double thunk!!

                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Happy Birthday Ruby!!

                  Sorry. I haven't been able to think of a title yet.

                  “Rodney!” Teyla says with a wide smile, as she sees him approach her with a vase of flowers.

                  Rodney smiles back, “Hey, how are you, both doing?”

                  “We are both fine thank you,” she replies with a joyous tone to her voice.

                  “Where’s Sheppard?” he asks.

                  “Dr. Keller has already brought him into surgery. They said it would take about three hours,” Teyla replies.

                  “Oh. Well um, it’s probably best that I didn’t tell him Sam’s message before his surgery any way,” he says slightly nervous.

                  Teyla gives him a curious look.

                  Rodney gives a weak smile, “Well, I believe she was only joking around, but she said that she would talk about his court martial later.”

                  Teyla’s eyes widened, “Court martial?”

                  Before Rodney can reply, Ronon walks in with his eyes smiling towards Teyla and the baby. He notices Teyla’s confused look, and Rodney’s looking uncomfortable plus John is missing from the room.

                  “Hey. What’s going on? Is Sheppard ok?” he asks with concern.

                  Teyla gives a long sigh, “We have not heard anything yet. He has only recently gone into surgery.”

                  Ronon furrows his eyebrows, “So, what’s going on then?”

                  “Rodney has just told me that Colonel Carter is going to talk to John about a court martial later,” Teyla says with alarm.

                  Ronon gives Rodney a sour look.

                  “I’m… I’m almost certain that she was joking,” Rodney interjects with a high pitched voice.

                  “But why would she say that though? I’ve only seen respect for her from John,” Teyla questions.

                  “I don’t know!” Rodney says, still with a pitchy voice.

                  Rodney’s face changes from being agitated to a knowing expression once he looks at Ronon. They give each other a silent acknowledgement.

                  “Oooohhh,” Rodney simply says. “You think it was when we were on the Daedalus?”

                  “Could be,” Ronon answers.

                  “I did hear Sam call Sheppard’s name as we were heading to the jumper.

                  Maybe something was said then,” Rodney observes.

                  Teyla’s looks volley back and forth between the two during their banter. Her concern for the situation grows.

                  “I guess so,” responds Ronon with a slight sigh. “Maybe doc told her that Sheppard convinced her to let him go against her suggestion.”

                  Rodney makes a disagreeable look, “Nah. I don’t think so. There wasn’t enough time between his plan to rescue Teyla and when we left for jumper. No. My guess is that Sam figured it out on her own and maybe tried to order him to not go.”

                  Ronon slowly nods in agreement.

                  “But do you think that he would disobey Colonel Carter if she told him not to go?” Teyla interjects.

                  “Are you kidding? You should’ve seen him in the jumper. He looked awful. We suggested that he stay in the jumper, but he… well, lets just say he disagreed,” Rodney exclaims. “And like I said before, Sam is most likely joking. I mean she seemed like she was. So try not to give it any further thought.”

                  Ronon and Teyla are still not convinced but agree to let it go for now.

                  A nurse comes in and wheels in a hospital bassinet. She smiles at Teyla, “I know you might not want to put him down, but I suggest you get some rest while he’s sleeping.”

                  “Thank you. I believe I will do that shortly,” Teyla replies kindly.

                  “Have you named him yet?” The nurse asks curiously.

                  “Yes. Yes I have. His name is Torren John Emmagan. Torren after my father and John after….” Teyla begins.

                  “Sheppard!” Rodney whines. “But… but. Oh, never mind. It figures he gets the…”

                  “I’m sorry Rodney, but he has…” Teyla tries to console him.

                  “No, no. It’s ok. You don’t have to explain,” he unconvincingly lies.

                  “If it makes you feel better, I will make sure that the story is told to my people and to many generations after about how you helped Torren be born,” Teyla says humbly.

                  “Really?” Rodney beams.

                  Teyla chuckles, “Yes, Rodney. Really.”

                  “Oh, well then. I guess I can live with that,” he acts as if it’s no big deal.

                  Ronon rolls his eyes and Teyla simply grins and the nurse silently laughs. Teyla yawns and hands the baby to the nurse.

                  “Hey. Why don’t Rodney and I come back? Maybe by then Sheppard will be out and awake,” Ronon says softly.

                  Teyla nods her head and as they walk out of the room, she begins to close her eyes.

                  Time goes by quickly and the next thing she hears is the sound of wheels entering the room. She slowly opens one eye and sees Keller and her team bringing John back in. Teyla quickly sits up.

                  “How did he do?” Teyla says quietly in order not to wake the baby.

                  Keller is startled and jumps slightly, “Oh, Teyla. I’m sorry that we woke you.

                  Well, um. There was a moment that we thought we were going to lose him, but we got the problem and he’s doing better now.”

                  Keller sees Teyla’s worried face, “Don’t worry. He will be fine. I don’t expect him to wake up any time soon and if he does start talking… I highly doubt he’d remember. Do you need anything before I go?”

                  Teyla looks at her graciously, “No. I am fine and thank you for all you have done.”

                  “It’s not a problem,” Keller response tiredly and leaves the room.

                  Teyla was about to dose off again when she heard John say her name in distress.

                  “Teyla. Teyla? I have to find her,” he says as he tosses slightly in bed.

                  Teyla gets out of her bed, as quickly her body would allow, since was still sore from the labour.

                  She holds his hand and reassures him, “John. John. I am right here. It is all right.”

                  “I can’t get out. I’m trapped in here. I’ve failed. Like I failed Ford,” John says with a tone of defeat.

                  “No, John you did not fail. I am here and my baby and I are fine,” she continues to comfort him.

                  “Baby?” John asks groggily.

                  “Yes. Yes. We are back at Atlantis. You just got out of surgery,” she explains.

                  “You… baby… Atlantis… Torren. Torren John,” he continues to mumble.

                  “Yes. That’s right. Torren John,” Teyla say gleefully.

                  John’s eyes slowly begin to open, but only open partially, “Teyla.”

                  He smiles when he sees her face and squeezes her hand slightly, “This is not a dream?”

                  “No, John it is not a dream. We are all finally home and safe,” she says lovingly.

                  John closes his eyes and smiles, “You’re home. I am so glad that you’re back. I really missed you.”

                  A look of awe crosses Teyla’s face, “And I also missed you, John.”

                  When she was satisfied that he had fallen back asleep she tried to go back to bed. Torren got up a couple of time to nurse or get changed, but otherwise it was a quiet evening.

                  The End.

                  This was just very good, sci. Wish we had had a scene like this in the ep.

                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                  You Know I Had To....

                  And, One More To Grow On And Learn....

                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  hehe...Nice MP's Elfie

                  This is an OT sig of General Hammond

                  Oh forgot to say..Caps courtesy of Abydos gate
                  Great tribute to a great man. I'm so saddened at his death.

                  Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                  I just call him Hybrid-Boy because I can never remember how to spell his name. I suppose if he lives to recover I can no longer call him that. Maybe I'll call him AP instead, for Athosian Pete.
                  So true...


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Hey. That's a good point. Maybe they have a hard time looking fierce and sexy at the same time.
                    Dag! Teyla looks awesome in that outfit.
                    Apparently only Joe and Rachel have mastered that. I adore Jason, but when he has his forehead down like that, all I can think is, "Hulk smash!"

                    I wish I looked like that less than a year after having my kids.
                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                      Very nice!!

                      Oh these are very good asgard. I love The Storm and The Eye. Great Teyla moment in there.

                      Great vid, thanks for the rec'd.

                      Hello Sheyla. *waves*

                      Congrats Sci on, WOW, 10,000!!!
                      Thanks CC.

                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      Is it me or does one of Teyla's hand the one near Ronon look odd?
                      It looks fine to me. Her jacket sleeve is a little long, but otherwise I think it's ok.

                      Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                      Tease. Great job Linda. Whumped Teyla, ha.

                      Ohhh, I'm liking the double thunk!!

                      This was just very good, sci. Wish we had had a scene like this in the ep.

                      Great tribute to a great man. I'm so saddened at his death.

                      So true...
                      Awww. Thanks again CC


                        Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                        Apparently only Joe and Rachel have mastered that. I adore Jason, but when he has his forehead down like that, all I can think is, "Hulk smash!"

                        I wish I looked like that less than a year after having my kids.
                        LOL! That is so true.
                        ROFLMBO!! I love that about Jason!!!

                        Man!! I haven't looked that good since I was in high school and that was ages ago.

                        OH!! And I love the sig Camy made you.


                          majortrip, tried to green ya on your great "team Atlantis" sig, but I'm having technical difficulties tonight. LOL
                          Don't know if it went through or not...

                          I think it's time for me to hit the hay...Night all.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Ok. I know I'm going to sound contradicting in a second.
                            Wouldn't you think that they would put Woolsey in black also and How Come Shep isn't in Leather!! *pouts*

                            Hey. That's a good point. Maybe they have a hard time looking fierce and sexy at the same time.
                            Dag! Teyla looks awesome in that outfit.
                            Response to your spoiler thing:

                            I agree with the Woolsey comment.
                            And for John- there's an interview in one of the SG mags where they're talking to the costume maker. In it, they mention how they've always preferred to have John in his black uniform (as shown in the pic) rather than the leather outfit.

                            Thanks for all the comments in response to my last post.
                            It's been a shaky few months for me- the weekend of Mother's Day (& I remember telling you this back then) a good friend of mine was killed after being hit by a train; then last week Jane McGrath (wife of Aussie cricketer- I think he's stopped playing now....- Glenn McGrath) passed away, after also fighting cancer; now we've heard Don's died, & that came just a day after I learnt my old Drama Teacher has died too! It's just unfair!!!!!!

                            Anyhooo. Must return to my 2 assignments due on 14th July. Argh!


                            All Sigs Made By Me.


                              Hi everyone!!!...once again as always late to the party and i see we got some very interesting news from JM and that interview!. My thoughts, sorry if this has been talked about to death, haven't been on till now

                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              Good morning JT'ERS.

                              First I have to add my condolences about Don S Davies.... he was one of my fav characters on SG1 and seemed like a true gentelman. Very sad news.

                              Secondly my thoughts on Remnants.

                              I have mixed feelings about this. It all depends how they bring Koyla back. If he is real and not meant to be dead then I will be pissed because I would find that a bit incredulous. Can't Carson tell when someone is dead and cant Shep shoot straight. Now if it is some sort of make believe world that these aliens have created in Shep's mind then again I think that would deminish the impact for me.. if Shep is going to Kill Koyla again (in his mind), how can that be considered dark for Shep when Koyla is already dead. So if his mind is playing tricks on him and conjuring up his old nemisis that just seems too much like Doppleganger where I cant say I enjoyed the whump all that much there as it seemed a bit hammy and cheesy. So I'm a bit torn and I guess it will all down to how this is excecuted.

                              Have you all seen this little snippet from JM's blog..


                              First I have to say ..... didn't Martin Gero get this memo ..

                              We got this line last year where Joe said no romance between JT but there will be between Rodney/Kate... now we all now how that turned out.

                              Got some awesome moments between JT and do any of us really want what we saw between Rodney and Kate.. shudders !! if that's romance then they can have it.

                              The same for this Keller/Rodney/Ronon love triangle... I have a feeling that it is going to be a total disaster... for probably all the characters but mostly Keller who doesnt really need any more bad press... so do we want crap like this for our awesome duo !!

                              The very first scene in the show summed up how John feels about Teyla... and I'm sure we will get lots more wonderful moments like this between them before there is any talk of an actual romance...I never expected to see that until the end of the show and I'm pretty optimistic that we will.

                              So to all of those who choose to have hissy fits each time John and Teyla hav a nice moment together can relax. But nothing has really changed. We will continue to have moments between these two whether they are friendship or hints of a bit more. As I've said before there are just a ton load on instances where we have been shown how much these two mean to each other but so far have not acted on them..
                              Very well said Blue!. At first i was sad but after reading it again, i can't say it doesn't bother me anymore but i'm thinking more positive about it. The question was asking for a kiss and straight up Romance between John and Teyla and just like what Linda said, we weren't expecting romance between JT this season. Way too many things have to be resolved and straightened out first.

                              The part i liked about what JM said
                              was that we left Teyla last season with a man in her life who is half human/half iratus bug and with Conflicted Feelings. I'm assuming he is meaning Teyla which gives me the impression that this season will definitely be about Teyla and her dealing with her feelings. At least that's what i hope for. With John, after S&R it's pretty obvious how he feels about Teyla but like we have all wondered, what does Teyla truly feel for John and by the comment JM threw at us, i have a feeling that we may finally see that struggle within Teyla and finally deciding with who her true feeling lie with. The only crappy part that i don't like is that this means that Kanan will probably be sticking around longer than what i hoped for.

                              Who knows what the future holds for JT. Straight up Romance, we knew wasn't going to happen this season but it doesn't mean we wont get those great moments between them that will show us those little hints of what they feel for each other and what may develop later on as the season's goes. Truthfully, i can't see JT moving forward until Teyla finally realizes who she truly loves and makes a choice and leaves Kanaan. At the moment, the way season 4 was left with so many unresolved issues between JT and Teyla/Kanan, i don't see Romance between John and Teyla. I think this season is going to focus more on them finding out what they truly want and mending there relationship. If this is settled this season, hopefully if there is a season 6, maybe the writers can start focusing on more of a "Romantic" relationship between them.

                              So for now, for me anyway, all i can do is sit back, watch and see what the writers truly plan to do. Can't say i'm not still a little shaken (sp?) and worried by his comment only because the possibility of them ending there original idea of John and Teyla since now they have Kanan as a way out, does still play in the back of my mind, but i'm going to be patient and wait and see what they do.
                              Last edited by Mayra; 01 July 2008, 07:14 PM.

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
                                Response to your spoiler thing:

                                I agree with the Woolsey comment.
                                And for John- there's an interview in one of the SG mags where they're talking to the costume maker. In it, they mention how they've always preferred to have John in his black uniform (as shown in the pic) rather than the leather outfit.

                                Thanks for all the comments in response to my last post.
                                It's been a shaky few months for me- the weekend of Mother's Day (& I remember telling you this back then) a good friend of mine was killed after being hit by a train; then last week Jane McGrath (wife of Aussie cricketer- I think he's stopped playing now....- Glenn McGrath) passed away, after also fighting cancer; now we've heard Don's died, & that came just a day after I learnt my old Drama Teacher has died too! It's just unfair!!!!!!

                                Anyhooo. Must return to my 2 assignments due on 14th July. Argh!
                                Oh darn. I'd settle with him just in his leather jacket.
                                The man is mighty fine in leather.

