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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Out of curiosity in your own shippy verse...who do you think would be the first to tell or find out that Shep cares more about Teyla then that of just a friend?

    She is in charge and Shep is a friend

    Totally self-involved but he does technically spend the most time with Shep.

    Quiet but observant...I can see him reading the body language.

    Zelenka? Carson? Caldwell?

    Who is your choice?

    And if the show ever did take a Shepmagan slant who is the most plausible choice to first know?


      I'd just like to point out, that *of course* I know that PDL was Dagwood. It always amazes me that he manages to resist the temptation to write himself a part. Or at least, to limit his on screen appearances to non speaking.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
        Out of curiosity in your own shippy verse...who do you think would be the first to tell or find out that Shep cares more about Teyla then that of just a friend?

        She is in charge and Shep is a friend

        Totally self-involved but he does technically spend the most time with Shep.

        Quiet but observant...I can see him reading the body language.

        Zelenka? Carson? Caldwell?

        Who is your choice?

        And if the show ever did take a Shepmagan slant who is the most plausible choice to first know?
        Hard to say, though I'd go with Weir or Ronon. Rodney strikes me as a bit clueless to these sorts of things


          Originally posted by HyperCaz
          Hard to say, though I'd go with Weir or Ronon. Rodney strikes me as a bit clueless to these sorts of things
          Yeah, Rodney would be the one to turn up at the wedding going.... "But John... I thought... what about you and.....? Oh."
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane
            Yeah, Rodney would be the one to turn up at the wedding going.... "But John... I thought... what about you and.....? Oh."
            *gasps with laughter* That is hilarious! And I agree, Rodney is dense.


              only dense in matters of the heart

              considering the frat rules, would John and Teyla tell Ronon and Rodney if they were together?


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                Out of curiosity in your own shippy verse...who do you think would be the first to tell or find out that Shep cares more about Teyla then that of just a friend?

                She is in charge and Shep is a friend

                Totally self-involved but he does technically spend the most time with Shep.

                Quiet but observant...I can see him reading the body language.

                Zelenka? Carson? Caldwell?

                Who is your choice?

                And if the show ever did take a Shepmagan slant who is the most plausible choice to first know?
                I think Ronon is already aware of what transpires between these two. You can see it in the looks he sometimes gives them.

                But Elizabeth would be the one more likely to confront them about it. When she sees it is getting serious.

                Carson may know, but won't mention it. The only way I see him getting involved is if one of them is getting hurt.

                It would be cool if they got together and Rodney said, "It's about time!" or something to that extent. It would prove he isn't as oblivious to his surroundings as he seems.

                Zelenka might confront them when the time is right. If he knew, but he spends most of his time with Rodney and the other scientist that he most likely won't be the first to know. After all he will have to be around to actually witness something. On the other hand he is quite observant so it wouldn't take him long to figure things out.

                Caldwell would be the first to call them out if he knew. When he knows we all will know. Like Bates he would immediately confront John about it, and than he would inform the superiors about it and so forth.


                  Originally posted by HyperCaz
                  only dense in matters of the heart

                  considering the frat rules, would John and Teyla tell Ronon and Rodney if they were together?
                  I can imagine them keeping this to themselves for awhile. Eventually Teyla would tell Ronon. After all they are becoming close friends and he like Teyla doesn't owe any allegiance to earth. Therefore he wouldn't feel the need to inform anyone of what he knows. Besides Ronon comes off as a guy who would respect their wishes and wouldn't mention it to anyone if asked not to. Rodney? That would depend on John, but I don't think Rodney would tell because of his opinion of the military, air force, ect. The same would apply to the rest. The only ones they would have to worry about is other military, air force, ect. men and women, Kavanagh, and others like the before mentioned.


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    Out of curiosity in your own shippy verse...who do you think would be the first to tell or find out that Shep cares more about Teyla then that of just a friend?
                    I think we had a chat about this way back when on the Shepmagan Chatter thread....

                    She is in charge and Shep is a friend
                    I think she'll be the one to finally confront them, i can't see anyone else doing it, without being it like an attack on their person. She's friends to both of them, and pays attention to those around her.

                    Totally self-involved but he does technically spend the most time with Shep.
                    I definitely agree...he doesn't notice anything really unless it's a ZPM or will influence him directly. I don't think he will realize it until it's in his face. I think Tracy Jane said it best, he'd be
                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    '"But John... I thought... what about you and.....? Oh."
          's very Rodney like...

                    Quiet but observant...I can see him reading the body language.
                    He is verry observant. I can't see him missing it. He may know but may never really say anything, unless they are avoiding each other, and he might say something to either of them about talking to the other.....

                    He's not as self involved as Rodney so i think he'll notice but may never say anything. I'm not sure.

                    Think after his 'Rising' sentence he's observant enough to realize it, and will most likely talk to Teyla about it. It seems as though their friendship will be friendly enough for him to say something when the time comes.

                    Our Bates replacement ???.... I think he'll be calling them out on it. And be repeatedly making comments to Sheppard in reference to it, and his position.

                    Who is your choice?

                    And if the show ever did take a Shepmagan slant who is the most plausible choice to first know?
                    I'm leaning toward either Dr. Weir or Ronon, they seem to be the best choice to know and actually confront them.

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by melpomene
                      *gasps with laughter* That is hilarious! And I agree, Rodney is dense.
                      *Takes a bow*

                      Nice to see I still have my moments
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        Out of curiosity in your own shippy verse...who do you think would be the first to tell or find out that Shep cares more about Teyla then that of just a friend?

                        She is in charge and Shep is a friend

                        Totally self-involved but he does technically spend the most time with Shep.

                        Quiet but observant...I can see him reading the body language.

                        Zelenka? Carson? Caldwell?

                        Who is your choice?

                        And if the show ever did take a Shepmagan slant who is the most plausible choice to first know?
                        This is an interesting question and although I can see others (Carson and Ronon, especially) finding out first, I would have to say that either Elizabeth or Caldwell would probably be the first to mention it for similar reasons - both would be concerned about how Teyla and John being involved could affect the dynamics of their team.

                        However, I see Elizabeth and Caldwell taking different approaches in confronting Teyla and/or John. Elizabeth would come across as a concerned friend and leader of Atlantis, Caldwell, on the other hand, would be all business. Hmmmm, fanfic, anyone?
                        Sig by Luciana


                          Isis awards is a het fanfic awards for non-main ships (Sam/Jack and Shep/Weir are excluded as they seem to be judged the main ships for each show) - includes Shep/Teyla and nominations start Jan 1st



                            Ronon, Rodney, and Ford already know, simply because they spend the most time with them. (Well, Ford used to) I believe that Rodney knows more than he lets on, maybe he's a bit jealous, or not, but he knows.

                            Elizabeth or Caldwell would be the first to actually say anything and I agree that Elizabeth would come off as a concerned friend... Caldwell... he'd be lucky if he wasn't shot by John, or punched in the face by Teyla (ala Seige 1... or is it The Gift when she decks Bates )

                            If I can figure out how the site works, then I'll nominate one, if not a bunch of my completed stories, Inner Demons comes to mind, unless there's a length requirement. (GRRRR!)
                            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                              If I can figure out how the site works, then I'll nominate one, if not a bunch of my completed stories, Inner Demons comes to mind, unless there's a length requirement. (GRRRR!)
                              Well the nominate link isn't working yet since they don't open til Jan 1st, but by then I guess it'll just be a question of clicking it and filling out whatever form they have there. Probably simple, just not up today. I happened to see the link today and post up about it before I forgot to.

                              Reading the rules I didn't see anything about length requirements but it's good to check. I do remember any one person isn't meant to nominate more than 3 stories per subcategory, and you have to be upfront about nominating any of your own work, but word length you might have to ask about maybe?
                              Last edited by Purpleyin; 29 December 2005, 08:23 AM.


                                Thanks for the link, Purpleyin.

                                Now i've got to read all the sheppard/Teyla fics to find my favorites again......not that it will be very hard.

                                Rodney can know things and never let you could have a point Ritter, that he may know.

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

