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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    Oh my Elf is waiting for my review of the epi...gosh didn't know they were that famous


    Okay can I saw squee for the burning scene...damn that wasn't real *lol* know I'm cruel but I just want him gone
    Haha John didn't look to far upset *lol*
    And can I say *gag me now* she went for THAT... wouldn't give that guy a second glance.. *lol* and as we have stated NOTHING like John...he was like a insecure little boy...oh help me mommy,,kiss my boo boo..make it better.. irked me to now end...gosh I rather take a strong presence and personality like John..way more like a man I can see Teyla with ...not that.. god help me that I want him gone after the 1st epi of season 5 and that whatever has been done to him there just isn't any cure for it...

    Cute little scene with Rodney and Teyla... aww a gift..however I think I would have passed on that about I would have a snore fest if I had to listen to Rodney babble for several of hours on that MP3...poor girl... haha he said he believed her and the first thing he said to John was that he didn't beleive in it..and just how John went to defend Teyla knowing this isn't the first time she has had visions.. the belief he has in her is so awesome... and just that look of worry on his face before he walks away...

    I think it takes a lot out of John to do this...I don't think he is happy hearing about Kanan or having to try and find him but he does it for Teyla..darn is he a sucker for anything that has to do with her... aww that boy is so in love..

    Todd causing stirring and having John not being so happy to see him this time.. and I don't thin either he was happy with realizing Michael might be behind it all...I'm sure he wishes he had killed him when he had the chance...

    Teyla then asking for going to the planet again...I so liked the scene with Teyla & Carter way more then I did the few scenes between Teyla and Weir...I felt Sam really listened and understood better... and I felt that if Sam would still be on Atlantis next season a really great friendship would have come out of that one... and I liked the fact that she asked Teyla to call her Sam...

    So Lorne was assigned to take her... what a set up... and gosh when Lorne came back..the look on his he knew he was going to get chewed up by John... and since he also asked to go on the last mission with John he must have felt guilty about Teyla's dissaperance...

    *lol* The look on John and Ronon when they were watching Rodney eat.. John almost looked disgusted *lol* and the worry on him that could be felt by Ronon... Ronon really can tell what John feels when it comes to Teyla..why else try and reasure John that they will find her..and then when Sam came and told them they had intil of a place where they were holding a member of Atlantis and they assumed it was Teyla.. and the way John just jumped up eager to get out and get her back...

    I so loved Teyla in this epi... not only did she hold a knife at someone ,, then she hit that guy with that stick and then slapping the boule out of Michael's hand...

    Did Michael learn she was pregnant from the vision since he was the one acting out as Kanan...or might he have already known...
    He really have some twisted fixation with Teyla... he is most likely my favorite villan... and I got to say he scored some point tonight after finding out he has done something to Kanan...and I soooooooooooooo hope there is no cure for that... can you tell I want him gone.. poof ...out of the way.. *lol*

    Then the attack on that place... ohh when the Wraith cruiser showed up and John asked that guy and he said they were early and that their master was coming back with an important prisoner..he realized right there ..the prisoner in the place wasn't Teyla and she was most likely on the ship...gosh the panic there...just we have seen in Sunday..they way he yells at Caldwell and order them to stop firing on the cruiser..that Teyla might be on it.. the panic there that if the cruiser blows up they would be responsible for killing Teyla... I don't think he would have been able to live with that.. and then when the ship jumped into hyperspace...gosh to look on John's face..the defeat... she was so close and he felt they failed her..they weren't able to get to her.. even though we know from the spoilers on GW that I think it's on Kindred 2 that Teyla is sure John will come for her, that he will rescue her.. she has so much trust and belief in him,,and I'm sure he will do anything to not let her down... how much more can this guy take before it breaks him...gosh is he in for an angsty ride.. and I think this will take a toll on him when he feels he keeps failing to find her...

    Then when he kicked the door opened and there was Carson... gosh the llok on their faces..the shock..

    going to be intresting to see part 2...part 1 is usually a set up for part I'm so curious to that one... from the pics that have been seems John is in that place where Teyla has been held..wonder though where Michael has taken her,, since he must be late coming there since he haven't found her by The Last Man..the pic though have him pointing a gun at a wraith worshipper still there and they find them/him/her and John tries to ge anwers...and gosh what might John's reaction be if he came face to fac with Kanan realizing he is working for Michael...oh gosh the smackdown that would be... I'm sure then if Kanan would spout of good things about his master and the plan for Teyla...I think John would lose it...

    It was a solid epi for me and I loved the fact that we got so much Teyla in it...about time she got to shine after not having her for 3 epis in a row... and I'm so looking forward to part 2...

    Good enough for you Elf
    Just a little better!!!

    Ahhh.....much better!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Oh my Elf is waiting for my review of the epi...gosh didn't know they were that famous


      Okay can I saw squee for the burning scene...damn that wasn't real *lol* know I'm cruel but I just want him gone
      Haha John didn't look to far upset *lol*
      And can I say *gag me now* she went for THAT... wouldn't give that guy a second glance.. *lol* and as we have stated NOTHING like John...he was like a insecure little boy...oh help me mommy,,kiss my boo boo..make it better.. irked me to now end...gosh I rather take a strong presence and personality like John..way more like a man I can see Teyla with ...not that.. god help me that I want him gone after the 1st epi of season 5 and that whatever has been done to him there just isn't any cure for it...

      Cute little scene with Rodney and Teyla... aww a gift..however I think I would have passed on that about I would have a snore fest if I had to listen to Rodney babble for several of hours on that MP3...poor girl... haha he said he believed her and the first thing he said to John was that he didn't beleive in it..and just how John went to defend Teyla knowing this isn't the first time she has had visions.. the belief he has in her is so awesome... and just that look of worry on his face before he walks away...

      I think it takes a lot out of John to do this...I don't think he is happy hearing about Kanan or having to try and find him but he does it for Teyla..darn is he a sucker for anything that has to do with her... aww that boy is so in love..

      Todd causing stirring and having John not being so happy to see him this time.. and I don't thin either he was happy with realizing Michael might be behind it all...I'm sure he wishes he had killed him when he had the chance...

      Teyla then asking for going to the planet again...I so liked the scene with Teyla & Carter way more then I did the few scenes between Teyla and Weir...I felt Sam really listened and understood better... and I felt that if Sam would still be on Atlantis next season a really great friendship would have come out of that one... and I liked the fact that she asked Teyla to call her Sam...

      So Lorne was assigned to take her... what a set up... and gosh when Lorne came back..the look on his he knew he was going to get chewed up by John... and since he also asked to go on the last mission with John he must have felt guilty about Teyla's dissaperance...

      *lol* The look on John and Ronon when they were watching Rodney eat.. John almost looked disgusted *lol* and the worry on him that could be felt by Ronon... Ronon really can tell what John feels when it comes to Teyla..why else try and reasure John that they will find her..and then when Sam came and told them they had intil of a place where they were holding a member of Atlantis and they assumed it was Teyla.. and the way John just jumped up eager to get out and get her back...

      I so loved Teyla in this epi... not only did she hold a knife at someone ,, then she hit that guy with that stick and then slapping the boule out of Michael's hand...

      Did Michael learn she was pregnant from the vision since he was the one acting out as Kanan...or might he have already known...
      He really have some twisted fixation with Teyla... he is most likely my favorite villan... and I got to say he scored some point tonight after finding out he has done something to Kanan...and I soooooooooooooo hope there is no cure for that... can you tell I want him gone.. poof ...out of the way.. *lol*

      Then the attack on that place... ohh when the Wraith cruiser showed up and John asked that guy and he said they were early and that their master was coming back with an important prisoner..he realized right there ..the prisoner in the place wasn't Teyla and she was most likely on the ship...gosh the panic there...just we have seen in Sunday..they way he yells at Caldwell and order them to stop firing on the cruiser..that Teyla might be on it.. the panic there that if the cruiser blows up they would be responsible for killing Teyla... I don't think he would have been able to live with that.. and then when the ship jumped into hyperspace...gosh to look on John's face..the defeat... she was so close and he felt they failed her..they weren't able to get to her.. even though we know from the spoilers on GW that I think it's on Kindred 2 that Teyla is sure John will come for her, that he will rescue her.. she has so much trust and belief in him,,and I'm sure he will do anything to not let her down... how much more can this guy take before it breaks him...gosh is he in for an angsty ride.. and I think this will take a toll on him when he feels he keeps failing to find her...

      Then when he kicked the door opened and there was Carson... gosh the llok on their faces..the shock..

      going to be intresting to see part 2...part 1 is usually a set up for part I'm so curious to that one... from the pics that have been seems John is in that place where Teyla has been held..wonder though where Michael has taken her,, since he must be late coming there since he haven't found her by The Last Man..the pic though have him pointing a gun at a wraith worshipper still there and they find them/him/her and John tries to ge anwers...and gosh what might John's reaction be if he came face to fac with Kanan realizing he is working for Michael...oh gosh the smackdown that would be... I'm sure then if Kanan would spout of good things about his master and the plan for Teyla...I think John would lose it...

      It was a solid epi for me and I loved the fact that we got so much Teyla in it...about time she got to shine after not having her for 3 epis in a row... and I'm so looking forward to part 2...

      Good enough for you Elf
      Oh cool. Haven't gotten to see the ep yet, but definitely looking forward to it!!
      Agreed about wanting Kannan's illness (or whatever it is) to be uncureable, and yes, Mikey is a pretty danged cool villain. All the angst from John sounds neat as well. I wonder if the ep was called "Kindred" because he and Teyla are kindred spirits . . . probably not. Oh well!
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        Originally posted by NinaM View Post

        Did Michael learn she was pregnant from the vision since he was the one acting out as Kanan...or might he have already known...
        He really have some twisted fixation with Teyla... he is most likely my favorite villan... and I got to say he scored some point tonight after finding out he has done something to Kanan...and I soooooooooooooo hope there is no cure for that... can you tell I want him gone.. poof ...out of the way.. *lol*
        Okay, here's my take... Apologies to anyone who has said the same thing already, I'm flying in here for the minute or two I have this evening.

        You're close here Nina, but not close enough.
        Like everthing else Michael did to get Teyla there on the hive with him, her pregnancy is HIS doing.

        From the abduction of her people and turning them, to tricking her into this preganancy supposedly with Kanaan, this has been Michael's master plan. He has been totally obsessed with Teyla from day one and has fixated on her as well as revenge on Atlantis. He's gone to a lot of trouble to plan this and somehow managed to make her believe that Kanaan is the father of this child. He's not. I've suspected it for sometime now and last night confirmed it for me. Kanaan is Michael's pawn, nothing more.

        There is nothing else that explains Teyla's overnight change of heart towards this long time friend of hers. Sorry, but it is not in her character to suddenly fall out of love with John and into love/lust with this shrub. The explaination is, Michael has played with her mind and he not only KNEW about the pregnancy, he's the cause of it. Whether he actually did the deed in the guise of Kanaan, or this was done artifically and planted false memories in her mind, Michael is the real father- make no mistake.

        All this leads me to the conclusion that Kindred has been one of the best episodes for us since Doppleganger. It showed us that Teyla is not some crazy, fickle, girl-child; she's been tricked very cruely by a monster. She still loves John and it's obvious from John's reaction that she is his WORLD. Period end of story. I LOVED seeing the REAL angst and REAL panic on his face over Teyla's situation. Wow what a change from the palid reaction to losing Weir. No contest there and JF played it masterfully.

        I'm excited ladies and gents. It's obvious to me that JT is the cannon OTP on Atlantis. I've always believed it, but now I would hope that it's obvious to even the most casual viewer too.

        Whoopie!!!! Long Live John/Teyla!!!!!!


          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
          Okay, here's my take... Apologies to anyone who has said the same thing already, I'm flying in here for the minute or two I have this evening.

          You're close here Nina, but not close enough.
          Like everthing else Michael did to get Teyla there on the hive with him, her pregnancy is HIS doing.

          From the abduction of her people and turning them, to tricking her into this preganancy supposedly with Kanaan, this has been Michael's master plan. He has been totally obsessed with Teyla from day one and has fixated on her as well as revenge on Atlantis. He's gone to a lot of trouble to plan this and somehow managed to make her believe that Kanaan is the father of this child. He's not. I've suspected it for sometime now and last night confirmed it for me. Kanaan is Michael's pawn, nothing more.

          There is nothing else that explains Teyla's overnight change of heart towards this long time friend of hers. Sorry, but it is not in her character to suddenly fall out of love with John and into love/lust with this shrub. The explaination is, Michael has played with her mind and he not only KNEW about the pregnancy, he's the cause of it. Whether he actually did the deed in the guise of Kanaan, or this was done artifically and planted false memories in her mind, Michael is the real father- make no mistake.

          All this leads me to the conclusion that Kindred has been one of the best episodes for us since Doppleganger. It showed us that Teyla is not some crazy, fickle, girl-child; she's been tricked very cruely by a monster. She still loves John and it's obvious from John's reaction that she is his WORLD. Period end of story. I LOVED seeing the REAL angst and REAL panic on his face over Teyla's situation. Wow what a change from the palid reaction to losing Weir. No contest there and JF played it masterfully.

          I'm excited ladies and gents. It's obvious to me that JT is the cannon OTP on Atlantis. I've always believed it, but now I would hope that it's obvious to even the most casual viewer too.

          Whoopie!!!! Long Live John/Teyla!!!!!!
          YAAAY!!!! That was inspirational, Sanssong!!

          That's what I always thought. The whole reason I ship J/T is BECAUSE it's so bloody obvious! Well, along with the fact that it's tasteful and not overdone.
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            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
            Okay, here's my take... Apologies to anyone who has said the same thing already, I'm flying in here for the minute or two I have this evening.

            You're close here Nina, but not close enough.
            Like everthing else Michael did to get Teyla there on the hive with him, her pregnancy is HIS doing.

            From the abduction of her people and turning them, to tricking her into this preganancy supposedly with Kanaan, this has been Michael's master plan. He has been totally obsessed with Teyla from day one and has fixated on her as well as revenge on Atlantis. He's gone to a lot of trouble to plan this and somehow managed to make her believe that Kanaan is the father of this child. He's not. I've suspected it for sometime now and last night confirmed it for me. Kanaan is Michael's pawn, nothing more.

            There is nothing else that explains Teyla's overnight change of heart towards this long time friend of hers. Sorry, but it is not in her character to suddenly fall out of love with John and into love/lust with this shrub. The explaination is, Michael has played with her mind and he not only KNEW about the pregnancy, he's the cause of it. Whether he actually did the deed in the guise of Kanaan, or this was done artifically and planted false memories in her mind, Michael is the real father- make no mistake.

            All this leads me to the conclusion that Kindred has been one of the best episodes for us since Doppleganger. It showed us that Teyla is not some crazy, fickle, girl-child; she's been tricked very cruely by a monster. She still loves John and it's obvious from John's reaction that she is his WORLD. Period end of story. I LOVED seeing the REAL angst and REAL panic on his face over Teyla's situation. Wow what a change from the palid reaction to losing Weir. No contest there and JF played it masterfully.

            I'm excited ladies and gents. It's obvious to me that JT is the cannon OTP on Atlantis. I've always believed it, but now I would hope that it's obvious to even the most casual viewer too.

            Whoopie!!!! Long Live John/Teyla!!!!!!
            So, when do think Mikey started putting his plan into play? After Vengance or before them with Misbegotten when he took her then or whatever?
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by sanssong View Post
              Okay, here's my take... Apologies to anyone who has said the same thing already, I'm flying in here for the minute or two I have this evening.

              You're close here Nina, but not close enough.
              Like everthing else Michael did to get Teyla there on the hive with him, her pregnancy is HIS doing.

              From the abduction of her people and turning them, to tricking her into this preganancy supposedly with Kanaan, this has been Michael's master plan. He has been totally obsessed with Teyla from day one and has fixated on her as well as revenge on Atlantis. He's gone to a lot of trouble to plan this and somehow managed to make her believe that Kanaan is the father of this child. He's not. I've suspected it for sometime now and last night confirmed it for me. Kanaan is Michael's pawn, nothing more.

              There is nothing else that explains Teyla's overnight change of heart towards this long time friend of hers. Sorry, but it is not in her character to suddenly fall out of love with John and into love/lust with this shrub. The explaination is, Michael has played with her mind and he not only KNEW about the pregnancy, he's the cause of it. Whether he actually did the deed in the guise of Kanaan, or this was done artifically and planted false memories in her mind, Michael is the real father- make no mistake.

              All this leads me to the conclusion that Kindred has been one of the best episodes for us since Doppleganger. It showed us that Teyla is not some crazy, fickle, girl-child; she's been tricked very cruely by a monster. She still loves John and it's obvious from John's reaction that she is his WORLD. Period end of story. I LOVED seeing the REAL angst and REAL panic on his face over Teyla's situation. Wow what a change from the palid reaction to losing Weir. No contest there and JF played it masterfully.

              I'm excited ladies and gents. It's obvious to me that JT is the cannon OTP on Atlantis. I've always believed it, but now I would hope that it's obvious to even the most casual viewer too.

              Whoopie!!!! Long Live John/Teyla!!!!!!
              *lol* Hey I can work with that scenario


              I have to say I loved the reaction on John...we have NEVER seen him react like this with anyone else..we saw it in Sunday when he saw Teyla bleeding and hurt..he could clearly hear how he demanded answer..and yet here it comes again...the panic,,the terror that they were getting to close to killing Teyla.. when he realized she might be onboard..hell what a look he took and on and the sheer desperation of calling to Caldwell to stop firing ... him yelling and pratically ordered him to stop firing at the ship... he is really driven by strong emotions when it comes to Teyla...and JF does it so beautifully... he does those scenes so well... just the look on his face, the expression in his eyes... that man puts a face to angst and then when he realized the ship was gone.. the defeated look on his he has failed her..he wasn't able to get to her and he was so to eat at him inside... and will only fuel him even more to find her... gosh do I LOVE JT...THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                Just a little better!!!

                Ahhh.....much better!
                *LOL* Glad you feel better Elf
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  So, when do think Mikey started putting his plan into play? After Vengance or before them with Misbegotten when he took her then or whatever?
                  I'd have to say, he started after Vengance.
                  He realized that that plan wasn't going to work and I'd bet seeing Teyla again make him even crazier than he was before and set him off to planning this crazy thing. Or hell, it could have started when he kidnapped Carson. But whatever the timing, he's been doing it a while now.


                    Originally Posted by sanssong
                    Okay, here's my take... Apologies to anyone who has said the same thing already, I'm flying in here for the minute or two I have this evening.

                    You're close here Nina, but not close enough.

                    Like everthing else Michael did to get Teyla there on the hive with him, her pregnancy is HIS doing.

                    From the abduction of her people and turning them, to tricking her into this preganancy supposedly with Kanaan, this has been Michael's master plan. He has been totally obsessed with Teyla from day one and has fixated on her as well as revenge on Atlantis. He's gone to a lot of trouble to plan this and somehow managed to make her believe that Kanaan is the father of this child. He's not. I've suspected it for sometime now and last night confirmed it for me. Kanaan is Michael's pawn, nothing more.

                    There is nothing else that explains Teyla's overnight change of heart towards this long time friend of hers. Sorry, but it is not in her character to suddenly fall out of love with John and into love/lust with this shrub. The explaination is, Michael has played with her mind and he not only KNEW about the pregnancy, he's the cause of it. Whether he actually did the deed in the guise of Kanaan, or this was done artifically and planted false memories in her mind, Michael is the real father- make no mistake.

                    All this leads me to the conclusion that Kindred has been one of the best episodes for us since Doppleganger. It showed us that Teyla is not some crazy, fickle, girl-child; she's been tricked very cruely by a monster. She still loves John and it's obvious from John's reaction that she is his WORLD. Period end of story. I LOVED seeing the REAL angst and REAL panic on his face over Teyla's situation. Wow what a change from the palid reaction to losing Weir. No contest there and JF played it masterfully.

                    I'm excited ladies and gents. It's obvious to me that JT is the cannon OTP on Atlantis. I've always believed it, but now I would hope that it's obvious to even the most casual viewer too.

                    Whoopie!!!! Long Live John/Teyla!!!!!!
                    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                    So, when do think Mikey started putting his plan into play? After Vengance or before them with Misbegotten when he took her then or whatever?

                    I think he started this master plan of using her people after Vengeance....when he might have gotten the idea about the baby (if he really did have anything to do with it....b/c I think if he did he would have said something last night) would have after this season started b/c it was after their encounter with him and his bugs that he decided to switch tactics from the bugs to the zombies.

                    Whew...I spent the whole day looking at houses with my friends. They are newly engaged and want to buy a house and my father is a real estate agent.....Can't tell you how many houses I saw today

                    So did I miss anything else today? any good banners etc?
                    Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                    &=AWESOME &Forever
                    No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      *lol* Hey I can work with that scenario


                      I have to say I loved the reaction on John...we have NEVER seen him react like this with anyone else..we saw it in Sunday when he saw Teyla bleeding and hurt..he could clearly hear how he demanded answer..and yet here it comes again...the panic,,the terror that they were getting to close to killing Teyla.. when he realized she might be onboard..hell what a look he took and on and the sheer desperation of calling to Caldwell to stop firing ... him yelling and pratically ordered him to stop firing at the ship... he is really driven by strong emotions when it comes to Teyla...and JF does it so beautifully... he does those scenes so well... just the look on his face, the expression in his eyes... that man puts a face to angst and then when he realized the ship was gone.. the defeated look on his he has failed her..he wasn't able to get to her and he was so to eat at him inside... and will only fuel him even more to find her... gosh do I LOVE JT...THEY ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      I know!!! The look on his face when he made the connection
                      about Teyla on the ship was just terrific.
                      How can anyone NOT see how much he cares for her? It's so dang - in-your-face! I loved it, seriously. I feel totallly vindicated.


                        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                        I think he started this master plan of using her people after Vengeance....when he might have gotten the idea about the baby (if he really did have anything to do with it....b/c I think if he did he would have said something last night) would have after this season started b/c it was after their encounter with him and his bugs that he decided to switch tactics from the bugs to the zombies.
                        So why would he have told her last night?
                        This is a huge deal- him being the father. The writers weren't going to give that away this soon. He strongly hinted at it last night and I'm 99.9% sure I'm right here. He showed her how much in his control Kanaan is; his plans have always included the baby and even "the shrub" himself was saying how the baby is intregal to Michael's plan. He even looked hurt - In a serial killer kind of way- that Teyla didn't understand his concern for the child. Trust me on this the baby is his.


                          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                          So why would he have told her last night?
                          This is a huge deal- him being the father. The writers weren't going to give that away this soon. He strongly hinted at it last night and I'm 99.9% sure I'm right here. He showed her how much in his control Kanaan is; his plans have always included the baby and even "the shrub" himself was saying how the baby is intregal to Michael's plan. He even looked hurt - In a serial killer kind of way- that Teyla didn't understand his concern for the child. Trust me on this the baby is his.
                          Good point

                          After I wrote my blurb about him not saying anything last night...I actually had that same thought...why give it all away!! On the hand, JM did say that this child was conceived via Teyla and Kanan or the natural way but then again, I heard that 3rd hand so who knows if that is true. I have always thought that Michael had something to do with it but then why would he say "I went to all this trouble to create this a family reuinion?" and for her and Kanan to enjoy their reuinion?

                          Dude...IDK!!!! We are just going to have to wait til next week.

                          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                          I know!!! The look on his face when he made the connection
                          about Teyla on the ship was just terrific.
                          How can anyone NOT see how much he cares for her? It's so dang - in-your-face! I loved it, seriously. I feel totallly vindicated.
                          Oh I know right!!

                          You could sooo see the panic on his face when he realized the danger she was in; no matter what has happened with Kanan he is still loves her. I thought the scene in the mess hall when Rodney was eating was great too when Ronon turned to him specifically and reaffirmed that they were going to find her....Ronon had soooo always been a J/T shipper!
                          Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                          &=AWESOME &Forever
                          No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                            I'd have to say, he started after Vengance.
                            He realized that that plan wasn't going to work and I'd bet seeing Teyla again make him even crazier than he was before and set him off to planning this crazy thing. Or hell, it could have started when he kidnapped Carson. But whatever the timing, he's been doing it a while now.
                            Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                            I think he started this master plan of using her people after Vengeance....when he might have gotten the idea about the baby (if he really did have anything to do with it....b/c I think if he did he would have said something last night) would have after this season started b/c it was after their encounter with him and his bugs that he decided to switch tactics from the bugs to the zombies.

                            Whew...I spent the whole day looking at houses with my friends. They are newly engaged and want to buy a house and my father is a real estate agent.....Can't tell you how many houses I saw today

                            So did I miss anything else today? any good banners etc?
                            Sorry for the rambling...
                            I am thinking Vengance. He obviously got the info from Carson in Misbegotten for the Hoffans. But, in Vengeance, he did act like he wanted to kill Teyla with the iratus bug on her. Since, he got away, you have very good point, about him switching his tactics about the retrovirus and tweaking it for the more human-like hybrids. As I posted earlier in thread, I was confused and conflicted. But, I have since watched the ep again and caught some of the little things I missed so makes more sense. When you think about it, what better way to get revenge on John? Then, using Teyla and not him oro anyone else on Atlantis. Mikey always has been fixated with Teyla. And, He has to be able to pick up that John obviously cares for Teyla very deeply more so than the rest of his team. Kind of like the effects of the retrovirus had Shep reacting in Conversion. And, then with mind reading and control thing Mikey would have been able to discover this. As far Kanann goes, I really don't want an 'antidote' to be able help him. What's the point really? Mikey is the father as far we know. He has to be, he even knew the sex of the baby in which you could tell that Teyla was freaked about that! And, I so want to see John and Kanaan meeting really, it would be sweet to see. I love how they were in the village looking for the trader or whatever the first time and Teyla was telling John that K told come there. The body language of Sheppy and reaction was great! I love that scene! And, when Teyla got a little attitude about the vision thing with John that is when he put a stop to it and told Ronon and Rodney they were heading back. And, also, when Carter was telling Teyla that when Colonel Sheppard gets back, the reaction from Teyla. She did not want to wait, Why? She knew that he would not have been happy about it one bit, but, he would been the one to figure out that something was seriously wrong. Especially, after she told Carter that she had never had a vision before with Kanaan before with him talking to her whatever and summoning her. Ok, I will stop for now, because, I know that I am rambling. But, now I 've got wait like everyone else for Friday for the new ep. And, you know we are all going to ready to burst by time Friday or Saturday comes around for it!!!
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              JM has a run down on Kindred in his blog...talking about the different scenes and how they were first written... pretty intresting read really

                              Loved how he said...
                              A not-so-happy family reunion

                              Finally, the real Kanaan revealed. And Teyla realizes she’s been played. Can it get anymore hopeless than this? Of course it can! We’re not even at the end of part one!

                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                                Good point

                                After I wrote my blurb about him not saying anything last night...I actually had that same thought...why give it all away!! On the hand, JM did say that this child was conceived via Teyla and Kanan or the natural way but then again, I heard that 3rd hand so who knows if that is true. I have always thought that Michael had something to do with it but then why would he say "I went to all this trouble to create this a family reuinion?" and for her and Kanan to enjoy their reuinion?

                                Dude...IDK!!!! We are just going to have to wait til next week.

                                Oh I know right!!

                                You could sooo see the panic on his face when he realized the danger she was in; no matter what has happened with Kanan he is still loves her. I thought the scene in the mess hall when Rodney was eating was great too when Ronon turned to him specifically and reaffirmed that they were going to find her....Ronon had soooo always been a J/T shipper!

                                Yup, I totally agree! Ronon was probably the first and BEST JT shipper.
                                As for the rest......
                                Michael was being very sarcastic. Teyla has been under the impression that Kanaan is the father so, of course he's going to say that and leave a very useless and catatonic Kanaan there for Teyla so perhaps she'll put the pieces together. The implication to me was the opposite- this was NOT a family reunion.

                                And actually what JM said on his blog was that this pregnancy was NOT natural at all. We already know that the child isn't your typical athosian/human from the incident in SOW and her run in with the queen. Not even the doubling of genes explains his strong ability to help Teyla and communicate with her in the womb.

