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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Oh i think we will see him holding the Baby!!!
    OOH OOH me hoping so Me keeping Fingers crossed hard

    Nice to see you Linda how you Doing?
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
      OOH OOH me hoping so Me keeping Fingers crossed hard
      Ah that would just be sooo adorable...

      I wonder what will happen to the little wraith mite.... I hope daddy Mikey comes to claim him and wisks him off never to be seen again.. Teyla will go to John for one of those lovely comforting hugs and all will be right with the JT world again...

      Thanks for voting Donna... anyone else you hasn't voted yet, don't forget to cast your vote...


        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        OOH OOH me hoping so Me keeping Fingers crossed hard

        Nice to see you Linda how you Doing?

        Aye,i think it would be a great scene seeing him holding the Baby,i can just picture it now with a smile on his face and Teyla looking at him and smiling and them looking at each other..................mmmmmmmmmmmm............*dreams*..........

        Oh i'm doing good,i've had a lazy day today....Sitting about in my Pyjamas the whole day mucking about on the comp.....ahhhhh that's the life.....How's the little one,still keeping you up at night!


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Ah that would just be sooo adorable...

          I wonder what will happen to the little wraith mite.... I hope daddy Mikey comes to claim him and wisks him off never to be seen again.. Teyla will go to John for one of those lovely comforting hugs and all will be right with the JT world again...

          Thanks for voting Donna... anyone else you hasn't voted yet, don't forget to cast your vote...
          I know it would i can just imagine it now

          and Np ill vote again tomorrow as well
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            Aye,i think it would be a great scene seeing him holding the Baby,i can just picture it now with a smile on his face and Teyla looking at him and smiling and them looking at each other..................mmmmmmmmmmmm............*dreams*..........

            Oh i'm doing good,i've had a lazy day today....Sitting about in my Pyjamas the whole day mucking about on the comp.....ahhhhh that's the life.....How's the little one,still keeping you up at night!
            Yes all the time im afraid i just have to take it one day at a time with her Lol
            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
              i was also wondering do you think we will get to see John Holding the Baby at all?
              I actually had a dream a couple of nights ago where John was holding the baby, it was so sweet! I usually never have dreams, if I do I don't remember them...but this one I do


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Ah that would just be sooo adorable...

                I wonder what will happen to the little wraith mite.... I hope daddy Mikey comes to claim him and wisks him off never to be seen again.. Teyla will go to John for one of those lovely comforting hugs and all will be right with the JT world again...

                Thanks for voting Donna... anyone else you hasn't voted yet, don't forget to cast your vote...
                Me voted earlier
                And you all know how i feel about kids so no i don't want this kid to be there for long,the quicker they get rid of it the better....I sure nope they don't drag this out for half the season,they better conclude this in the first couple of eps!


                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  Yes all the time im afraid i just have to take it one day at a time with her Lol
                  Well just hang in there,i'm sure it'll get better

                  Originally posted by Lady_of_Stargate View Post
                  I actually had a dream a couple of nights ago where John was holding the baby, it was so sweet! I usually never have dreams, if I do I don't remember them...but this one I do
                  awwww sweet.....Bet it was a really sweet moment!


                    I thought we had a cute little scene with Sam, John, and Teyla. He seemed confident she would return to active duty, unlike the woman. Obviously John has no idea about having a taking care of a baby.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Oh yeah. I saw it in his bio, but I wasn't sure which one.

                      Here's something I just did.

                      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                      I just made a pretty Valentine's wallie! (a bit late, I know)

                      Snurchable, but it's a bit big...

                      I'm going to watch a good shippy ep of SGA, then i'm going to bed.

                      'Night JTers! Dream only of Sheyla......
                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Very nice JT4L

                      Thanks Cabouse.
                      Last one for the night.

                      Wow!!!, beautiful Scifan and JT4L!!!!.

                      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                      Guys, it's a tie right now in the H&H thread, so we're doing pretty good!
                      Remember to vote today! Clicky!
                      Just voted!...we have a pretty good lead

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        Ah that would just be sooo adorable...

                        I wonder what will happen to the little wraith mite.... I hope daddy Mikey comes to claim him and wisks him off never to be seen again.. Teyla will go to John for one of those lovely comforting hugs and all will be right with the JT world again...

                        Thanks for voting Donna... anyone else you hasn't voted yet, don't forget to cast your vote...
                        I just love how you said that!. I would be sooo happy if it happened that way and things can be right with the JT world again!. *crossing fingers*

                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                          100 kisses: The look before the kiss

                          The Look before the Kiss wallpaper
                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          I......I'm speechless!!
                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                 it... they sure look into eachother
                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          Your work is breathtaking EG
                          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                          That... is... just... I mean... WOW! *clapps*
                          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                          Wow EG! really beautiful, I love that look!!
                          *EG hugs everyone!*


                            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                            Awesome Sig Elf i was also wondering do you think we will get to see John Holding the Baby at all?
                            Oh that would be the cutest scene ever...and what a bonding it would be between John and Teyla as well
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              Thanks to y'all, I'm glad ya liked my art, and WOW to all the other stuff being posted! Great work, everyone.

                              EFLIE!!!! I sent ya a PM about the siggy.
                              Thanks JT4L

                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              We're doing so good right now! Thanks for voting so much J/T -ers!!

                              NP, thank you too! Yeah it is, I just corrected something at the same time as you did, but mine was after your post, so I deleted it..

                              Yeah! Thanks Nina!

                              Thanks a lot Sci! So sweet of you!
                              NP TF.

                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              Beautiful artwork scifan ....

                              Sheesh the H&H ship thread is keeping me busy... I think some use old links and don't check if its the last page and it messes up the score.

                              It looks like Midway is a big hit with most of the fandom.... I think it's one of my fav eps of season four. I know Teyla didn't feature a lot but her scene with John and Carter was really sweet .. and

                              I just loved the look of desparation on John's face when Teyla gave him that look.. about coming back to the team. I think the writers are just playing on this a bit but as Rachel said Teyla is not going anywhere, so I can't see her NOT coming back on the team. This baby will be gone shortly into season 5 I'm sure... I'm not looking forward to watching Rodney help her give birth .. have you seen the baby on JM's blog... not the best looking baby around I must say... hehe
                              What!! When was this said about Rodney and him..
                              helping Teyla give birth?

                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              Yep... the cap I used was from the Seer Nina...

                              Here is the pic and a few more.. I love the colouring in them...


                              Thanks for the caps Blue.

                              Here's an update. Sorry for any mistakes. I had alot of distractions.

                              Our Time part 5

                              John tries his best to fall asleep, but it’s useless. His mind is still trying to process the day’s event. How can they be stuck there? There has to be a way out somewhere. He lays there a bit longer and then he decides to get up. He takes one of the candles that the villagers gave them and lights it up.
                              He grabs the journal and begins to skim through it. Most of it is the same, about how the people are extremely nice and that he is becoming closer to them. It mentions about how they have hunting parties that go out once or twice a week and that he was happy the first time he was invited to join.

                              For a while, the man states how lonely his night were, but John eventually gets to an entry where the man starts talking about a woman he likes. Her name was Kaslin. He describes her beauty and how they stayed up late and talked about anything. He describes they walks they had and many different things they did together. The last entry of the journal states that it was his final log. He was marrying Kaslin that day, he was going to live with her in the village and there were no plans of coming back to the cabin.

                              John sits back and realizes that if he and Teyla were going to be there for forty years or more that they may want to married and start a family too, but will it be with one of the villagers or with each other. He smiles briefly thinking about how he would love to have her in his life and have a family together, but another thought creeps in that maybe she doesn’t feel the same way. He convinces himself that this is not the time to worry about it and after stoking the fire he goes back to bed.

                              Teyla and John finally get up and eat. They decide to not go to the village, but instead they head out to explore the land more, in hopes of finding a way back home. They head towards the lower hills by the mountains. They leave behind their P-90s and only bring their side arms and knives.

                              As they get closer to the hills they hear a noise behind some boulders. An enormous creature steps out from behind it. It’s almost like a mountain lion, but furry and bulky like a bear. John instinctively sweeps his arm around to keep Teyla behind him. They both draw their guns just in case the animal attacks and slowly try to back away.

                              The creature starts to walk towards them, but keeps Teyla in its sight. It charges at her and John jumps in front of her. He starts firing his gun but it keeps coming. It lunges at him and he is knocked down. Teyla tries to find a clear shot, but she’s afraid of hitting John. The animal begins to bite and claw at John. It pains her to hear him cry in agony.

                              Teyla grabs her knife and is about to attack the beast, but some men from the village come running with spears. They were able to kill and pull it off of John. He’s in very bad shape and they urgently take him to an elderly woman in their town. They tell Teyla that she is the best person to help him. Teyla stays close John and never leaves his side.

                              They elderly woman’s name is Charise. She is able to fix John up, but John remains unconscious. She watches as Teyla sits by him with a concern look on her face.

                              “You must love and care for him deeply,” the woman smiles lovingly.

                              Teyla is shocked, “Oh. No, we are just friends. We are not…”

                              “I am sorry. My old eyes must not be seeing as well as they use to,” she says teasingly to Teyla.

                              Charise’s facial expression becomes more serious when she see sweat develop on John’s brow. She grabs a bowl of cold water and a cloth.

                              “I’m sorry my dear, but I don’t know if your friend may not make it,” she says sadly.

                              Teyla is mortified, “What? I do not understand. Have you not been able to stop the bleeding?”

                              “The creature that attacked him normally stays in the mountains and we try to avoid it. It’s been many generations since one has bitten any of our people. We have been told that it releases a poison when it bites its victims. Some have survived with some herbs, but other perished. One of the first signs is a fever. I’m sorry my dear,” Charise says gently.

                              Teyla cups John’s hand into hers and holds it close to her face. She whispers to him, “Do not leave me John. Not now. I need you. Do you hear me?”

                              The old woman dawns a loving smiles as she observes Teyla. She goes out of the room and tells some of the men what herbs she will need. They quickly leave to do what she asks.


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Thanks JT4L

                                NP TF.

                                What!! When was this said about Rodney and him..
                                helping Teyla give birth?

                                Thanks for the caps Blue.

                                Here's an update. Sorry for any mistakes. I had alot of distractions.

                                Our Time part 5

                                John tries his best to fall asleep, but it’s useless. His mind is still trying to process the day’s event. How can they be stuck there? There has to be a way out somewhere. He lays there a bit longer and then he decides to get up. He takes one of the candles that the villagers gave them and lights it up.
                                He grabs the journal and begins to skim through it. Most of it is the same, about how the people are extremely nice and that he is becoming closer to them. It mentions about how they have hunting parties that go out once or twice a week and that he was happy the first time he was invited to join.

                                For a while, the man states how lonely his night were, but John eventually gets to an entry where the man starts talking about a woman he likes. Her name was Kaslin. He describes her beauty and how they stayed up late and talked about anything. He describes they walks they had and many different things they did together. The last entry of the journal states that it was his final log. He was marrying Kaslin that day, he was going to live with her in the village and there were no plans of coming back to the cabin.

                                John sits back and realizes that if he and Teyla were going to be there for forty years or more that they may want to married and start a family too, but will it be with one of the villagers or with each other. He smiles briefly thinking about how he would love to have her in his life and have a family together, but another thought creeps in that maybe she doesn’t feel the same way. He convinces himself that this is not the time to worry about it and after stoking the fire he goes back to bed.

                                Teyla and John finally get up and eat. They decide to not go to the village, but instead they head out to explore the land more, in hopes of finding a way back home. They head towards the lower hills by the mountains. They leave behind their P-90s and only bring their side arms and knives.

                                As they get closer to the hills they hear a noise behind some boulders. An enormous creature steps out from behind it. It’s almost like a mountain lion, but furry and bulky like a bear. John instinctively sweeps his arm around to keep Teyla behind him. They both draw their guns just in case the animal attacks and slowly try to back away.

                                The creature starts to walk towards them, but keeps Teyla in its sight. It charges at her and John jumps in front of her. He starts firing his gun but it keeps coming. It lunges at him and he is knocked down. Teyla tries to find a clear shot, but she’s afraid of hitting John. The animal begins to bite and claw at John. It pains her to hear him cry in agony.

                                Teyla grabs her knife and is about to attack the beast, but some men from the village come running with spears. They were able to kill and pull it off of John. He’s in very bad shape and they urgently take him to an elderly woman in their town. They tell Teyla that she is the best person to help him. Teyla stays close John and never leaves his side.

                                They elderly woman’s name is Charise. She is able to fix John up, but John remains unconscious. She watches as Teyla sits by him with a concern look on her face.

                                “You must love and care for him deeply,” the woman smiles lovingly.

                                Teyla is shocked, “Oh. No, we are just friends. We are not…”

                                “I am sorry. My old eyes must not be seeing as well as they use to,” she says teasingly to Teyla.

                                Charise’s facial expression becomes more serious when she see sweat develop on John’s brow. She grabs a bowl of cold water and a cloth.

                                “I’m sorry my dear, but I don’t know if your friend may not make it,” she says sadly.

                                Teyla is mortified, “What? I do not understand. Have you not been able to stop the bleeding?”

                                “The creature that attacked him normally stays in the mountains and we try to avoid it. It’s been many generations since one has bitten any of our people. We have been told that it releases a poison when it bites its victims. Some have survived with some herbs, but other perished. One of the first signs is a fever. I’m sorry my dear,” Charise says gently.

                                Teyla cups John’s hand into hers and holds it close to her face. She whispers to him, “Do not leave me John. Not now. I need you. Do you hear me?”

                                The old woman dawns a loving smiles as she observes Teyla. She goes out of the room and tells some of the men what herbs she will need. They quickly leave to do what she asks.

                                oh my oh my.....

                                John is hurt...stupid creature...
                                Guess it might be time for Teyla to confess to herself how she feels about John..since the older woman noticed..
                                haha my old eyes might not be as good these days.. *lol* no they still work it's just Teyla being stubborn ..hell even John seems to have realized his feelings...
                                yes yes John you better be okay...your woman needs you
                                Keep it up
                                Sigs by Scifan

