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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
    A Shepmagen shipper's dream come true spirited. And Camy, I share your frustration with the Cpt. Kirking. I prefer spirited's way of doing it.
    UHUM! TAG! YOUR IT! hahahahaha


      Originally posted by Camy
      UHUM! TAG! YOUR IT! hahahahaha
      okay...let's say he is there..and then nothing happens..then we will really be I'd rather he not be there cause we know nothing is going to happen and then if nothing happens then we are going to be so disappointed and then the Shep/Weir's are going to be jumping and then I;m going to be soooo upset...and then..AH! breath breath breath....


        Okie-dokie! I guess I kind of feel that both of them might decide that the best thing would be for her to transfer -- maybe lead her own team -- to eliminate complications and also to avoid too much attention from the opponents to the Stargate program who like to sniff out this sort of thing. I actually was thinking that if she decided to leave the reconnaissance thing behind altogether, she could serve Atlantis very well by working as one of their main trade negotiators or something. Plus, there's always the Athosians to think about...

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


          Did I just tagged myself...?


            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
            I'm saving your chapter for this weekend when I can really enjoy it! I'm afraid that once I start reading I'll put off a lot of my other stuff, which wouldn't be good news. Okay, Okay, we can start this and let others continue it if they see fit. If Shep and Teyla ever begin a serious relationship, how do you think the team structure would be affected? Would it be necessary for her to leave the team or would the bureaucracy from Earth try to dictate that it was inappropriate?
            Oh, I have no doubt that the bureacracy from Earth would try to dictate it as inappropriate, it's typical stargate to make this happen, and conflict keeps us glued to our seats, even more so that just the show itself. I don't think it'd be necessary for her to leave the team, because that'd be just plain..... wrong. Because then her role in the show would deminish and that would make me pout angrily.

            But I thought I was already it?!?!?!?!??!
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              Yeah, a diminished role is the only thing I would worry about. But I think I'd feel that way regardless of what ship they end up going with. For instance, if Shep/Weir is pursued, under no circumstances should Elizabeth be pushed off to the side; same with Teyla/Ronon being shunted off. Sacrificing characters for the sake of ship -- ANY ship -- is a crime.

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                I will add to that the spoiler pics its looks like she is wearing a new outfit perhaps a dress...I would like to see Shep struck dumb by seeing Teyla in a feminine outfit...smack some sense into him...he need look no further to find the girl for him!
                He should already be struck dumb, I know I would in his situation. They're perfect together, why do TPTB insist on the whole Kirking thing.(That was not meant to be derogatory in any way shape or form.)
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                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  Okie-dokie! I guess I kind of feel that both of them might decide that the best thing would be for her to transfer -- maybe lead her own team -- to eliminate complications and also to avoid too much attention from the opponents to the Stargate program who like to sniff out this sort of thing. I actually was thinking that if she decided to leave the reconnaissance thing behind altogether, she could serve Atlantis very well by working as one of their main trade negotiators or something. Plus, there's always the Athosians to think about...
                  Well, I disagree...I kind of think that they will keep their relationship very secretly...something like first they will discover their feelings and try to hide it and then play hookie and finally if they are discovered, Sheppard and Teyla wouldn't want to be separated....remember that she is always saying that she wants to fight by his side...and this is very important to her and to him...thus the reason why I think they rather hide their feelings than loose what they have now...but seriously...we have to wait awhile before any of this happens and that is if it ever happens...John and Teyla have other priorities right now, real love not being one of them....thus VOILA! the Cpt. Kirking! Even Teyla acknowledge it when she said to him in Sanctuary...without no one to justify your actions to...or something like that..


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Yeah, a diminished role is the only thing I would worry about. But I think I'd feel that way regardless of what ship they end up going with. For instance, if Shep/Weir is pursued, under no circumstances should Elizabeth be pushed off to the side; same with Teyla/Ronon being shunted off. Sacrificing characters for the sake of ship -- ANY ship -- is a crime.
                    Very true and important to mention Snogging. But I still feel that ship can develop these characters more. My view is to take it to the next level, you can tell alot about someone by who they will give it all for. Who they won't leave behind. Who they will never betray? That kind of stuff, you can get some really strong emotions from that.
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                      Those are good points as well. It could really go either way -- it just depends on what they think is best for them and for Atlantis, because I think that for both of them the safety of those around them is just as important as their relationship. They are born leaders and protectors, and while I don't think they would deny or end a relationship because they want to do what's "right" for Atlantis, I think they'd try to combine it with their duties so that it could work for all involved.

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Yeah, Earth will definetly try to make this relationship non compliant...even more so with Weir...
                        And because it would take away from Teyla's character, this is why this ship cannot and will not happen any time soon...and frankly, I think I like it this long as Sheppie doesn't get anyone steady and Teyla as well and they keep giving us this little scenes but intensify them as the season progress..I am happy!


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Well, I disagree...I kind of think that they will keep their relationship very secretly...something like first they will discover their feelings and try to hide it and then play hookie and finally if they are discovered, Sheppard and Teyla wouldn't want to be separated....remember that she is always saying that she wants to fight by his side...and this is very important to her and to him...thus the reason why I think they rather hide their feelings than loose what they have now...but seriously...we have to wait awhile before any of this happens and that is if it ever happens...John and Teyla have other priorities right now, real love not being one of them....thus VOILA! the Cpt. Kirking! Even Teyla acknowledge it when she said to him in Sanctuary...without no one to justify your actions to...or something like that..
                          True Camy, though it still breaks my heart to see him blantantly getting close to other women, (AKA Cpt. Kirking) And yes, the ship would still be a side to the story. (We don't want soap operas) It'd be interesting to see how their relationships to others would work if they were both secretly in love. Would it impact their duty to Atlantis?
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                            Agreed, Ritter. Relationships can tell you just as much about a character as their direct words and actions, and that's one of the reasons that "ships" are such a powerful tool in the hands of TPTB. I'm all for developing a ship if they can pull it off in an effective, believable way that emphasizes the characters rather than degrades or bogs them down. Still, after the kind of messy, unresolved stuff in Sam/Jack, I'm not entirely confident in their ability to do this. Maybe that's why I'm a little cautious.

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                     are right about relationships can bring out some drama and characterization, but remember that the writers of this show don't know how to do this effectively...any other show has done it...but these writers seem to loose it when they get into the shippy stuff and I don't want Rachel to loose out on all of the great things that her character can accomplish to turn her into the woman waiting by the stargate for her man! She is too great a character for that....GOSH! I can't believe I am writing this..ME of all people!

                              Yeah, Cpt. you are it!


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Yeah, Earth will definetly try to make this relationship non compliant...even more so with Weir...
                                And because it would take away from Teyla's character, this is why this ship cannot and will not happen any time soon...and frankly, I think I like it this long as Sheppie doesn't get anyone steady and Teyla as well and they keep giving us this little scenes but intensify them as the season progress..I am happy!
                                If the scenes intensify, then maybe... I just long for something more. Call me a hopeless romantic and yes I know it won't happen anytime soon, (If we can take a hint from S/J over at SG-1). I just hope it doesn't get dropped, there's something that connects those two beyond a normal level. I don't think that if it happens it should take away from Teyla's character, if anything it will show us how she faces adversity of this type, for that matter, how John faces that kind of adversity.

                                (Wow, this is getting deep)

                                By the way, I think the message went through Snogging. You should have a vid in your school email.
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