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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
    Auntie Sci!
    Enjoy having your dad over! We'll miss you though. I agree about TR, that vid really has me psyched! Good night!

    Hey WP!!
    Thanks hun! Today my bro is coming over to see us and my dad. Then later we'll go out to eat.

    Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
    Tabula Rasa looks AWESOME!!!

    I wonder why teyla is necessary for the cure?!?!? if she isnt affected by the virus then surely she would remember to find rodney and help him....mmm...looks like a very exciting episode!

    oh and
    she is sitting on john's bed...sigh....
    OH I missed that.
    I didn't realize she part of the cure. I'll have to watch the clips again. I was so excited to see Teyla by John's bedside. Major SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see it. I hope I don't get all hyped up and then bummed later.

    Good Morning all.

    Hey Laura!!!
    I might be on off and on today. So, I'll try to talk to you later. I'm so behind too.


      Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
      Tabula Rasa looks AWESOME!!!

      I wonder why teyla is necessary for the cure?!?!? if she isnt affected by the virus then surely she would remember to find rodney and help him....mmm...looks like a very exciting episode!
      I noticed that too. Maybe its her DNA.

      Originally posted by gater101 View Post

      In JM's blog, why is "The guy in Washington" mentioned? Ahh, the Sam/Jacker in me returns.
      Sam talks about/mentions Jack in a conversation in Trio. Its a scene that didn't make the final cut because the episode was too long.

      my ships


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        This will sound a bit silly, but just wanted to say thanks for the thanks! LOL! But it's nice to hear the summaries are appreciated. They take me almost an hour to type up each week and it's not easy because I have carpel tunnel and have trouble typing that for that long straight through. So it's nice to be appreciated. Thanks!

        Nina and Camy and Blue and Witchy
        --great comments on Travelers!

        Glad to hear I'm not the only one that thought John's eyes bounced to Teyla and that he kind of shrunk down a bit at Rodney's comments. It's subtle, but I think he so did not want to say anything in front of Teyla!
        I also like to think that he didn't want Teyla to get the wrong impression...LOL

        There is one shot that Witchy snapped where he looks at Rodney like he's ready to kill him! LOL

        Thank you Stephie, you are my not only type things here, but you give me a heads up too!

        Love ya!

        Where's my bat...Oh, wait, sorry force of habit! *wink*

        Wrong motivator icon....


        here's the right one!


          Originally posted by Rememberie View Post
          Has anyone seen the new episode yet?
          I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
          Yup saw it....Guess i'm the only one that didn't like it whatsoever then huh!

          Travellers caps
 Not the best quality but they'll do until Wikked and Camy get their's up!

          Some Shep whump from Travellers

          WOOHOO,did ya see Larrin gettin fed upon,i think that's the only time i was actually on the Wraiths side....GOOoooooo Wraithy,why did Shep have to save her though....I actually found this ep quite boring!


            NINA, can you repost the link with the vid from that show that shows the scene with Rachel's last day in the show?



              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              Yup saw it....Guess i'm the only one that didn't like it whatsoever then huh!

              Travellers caps
     Not the best quality but they'll do until Wikked and Camy get their's up!

              Some Shep whump from Travellers

              WOOHOO,did ya see Larrin gettin fed upon,i think that's the only time i was actually on the Wraiths side....GOOoooooo Wraithy,why did Shep have to save her though....I actually found this ep quite boring!
     naughty girl....

              That's not very nice...

              Travellers thoughts...

              I actually felt sorry for her, not only did John didn't care about her advances towards him but then not even the Wraith found her attractive enough to let her live! And then he just left her there to suffer....ah, that moment was actually very, very sad for me cause even I didn't want that for her, I mean I wanted her thrown off the nearest planet, but at least, let Kanan have her! LOL...*wink*

              I actually forgotten that scene...really, I thought that was a very moving scene..never saw that one coming! I think John sort of connected with her then only for this!


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                WOOHOO,did ya see Larrin gettin fed upon,i think that's the only time i was actually on the Wraiths side....GOOoooooo Wraithy,why did Shep have to save her though....I actually found this ep quite boring!
                Yup, I enjoyed watching the Wraith feed on her.. she was pretty lame at defending herself... she really can't fight at all... mouthy, but not kick ass at all.

                I thought the Wraith was a bit too nice and should have refused to restore her... we could have had wrinkled Larrin which would have been a bit of a turn off for Sheppy.. I don't think he would have been lip locking with her then.. I did enjoy the ep though, and thought Shep did a great job... 45 minutes of Shep was no problem for me and Larrin was more bearable than I expected, but I still DON'T want to see her again ...EVER !! Unless Teyla gets to kick her butt..


                  From what I saw of the episode, I could tolerate her again,
                  because I really didn't see anything there. If this is what Joe Flanigan refers to as love interest for John, jeepers how does he describe JT?I really think Joe's comments on Larrin being his love interest came more from Larrin's side than anything else. I didn't see any inclination of John being interested in her at all not even after that kiss and even less when he came back to Atlantis and pondered on the idea that he might see her again. But that still remains to be seen. But from what I gathered here, once she sees Teyla, I wouldn't be surprised that with her mouthy attitude she'd asked John if he was the father of Teyla's baby? Wouldn't that be a trip!!!! LOL


                    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                    And now, withouyt further waiting, Snippet #11.....
                    "We'll take my car" Joe said "even though its a rental I still have the deposit to cover it." the pair then left the house got into the car and took off after the FBI, John at the wheel. Joe hung on for dear life as John drove like a madman, "Where'd you get your licence? Watching somebody play Halo?"

                    "Nah" John said, as he spun the wheel to the left getting as close to the FBI van in front of them as he could possibly get. "I got my licence from actually playing Halo Three", Joe continued to hang on as John pulled the car up along side the FBI van, "Duck!" he yelled before drawing his 9mm Joe got as low as he could in his seat as John opened the window and fired out of the car at the side of the van aiming, though badly at the tires to try and blow one of the things to knock the van off course.

                    Inside the van Teyilia sat with her back against the wall, Teyla sat, or rather, lay across from her, now she did feel sick, very sick, "You know" Teyilia said calmly and all but deadpanning, "the first visit to Earth was good other then the food poisioning, but the second time... nah I'd take my chances with the Wraith thankyou" She looked over to Teyla hearing the sounds of a human tossing whatever they had for breakfast, or was it just poast lunch, "you feeling OK Teyla?"

                    "I was, now I am not sure if I ever will be OK now that I feel so sick to my stomach now," Teyla threw up again, "why is it that John is doing better then I?"

                    Teyilia tried to explain that the world they were in had a woman that was just like her only still with child, a male child, even though Teyla had a female child, and a Felinus to boot like John would say, Teyla was not feeling very well. "How do you feel other then looking sick?"

                    "I feel as I did when I had Telianna three months ago, it was not this bad though." Teyla managed to keep from throwing up a third time as she slowly sat up, two men were watching them, seemingly unconcerned for either of them, at least until John opened fire and blew out a tire, then things went nuts, and both Teyla and Teyilia were thinking the same sick thing, "I would rather take the food poisioning by the Trust over this".
                    poor Teyla feeling unwell....YAY for John and Joe trying to rescue them!

                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    John and Teyla wallie..

                    WOW that is awseome blue...I LOVE it....Gonna make it my wallie!

                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Alrighty...a little linky...

                    Tabula Rasa promo...not the same as is seen on SciFi's site.... this one has
                    Seems they are turning on eachother...some seems to be hunting down Teyla...don't know what that is about *lol* John is in the infirmary and it looks like Teyla is sitting next to him on his bed... seems like he has forgotten who Mckay is at that point...

                    I'm looking forward to this epi....
                    So so cool,i'm even more excited about this ep now
                    And that did look like Teyla by Sheps bed!


                      Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                      I noticed that too. Maybe its her DNA.

                      Sam talks about/mentions Jack in a conversation in Trio. Its a scene that didn't make the final cut because the episode was too long.
                      hmm,maybe it's got something to do with the Wraith DNA!!!

                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
             naughty girl....

                      That's not very nice...

                      Travellers thoughts...

                      I actually felt sorry for her, not only did John didn't care about her advances towards him but then not even the Wraith found her attractive enough to let her live! And then he just left her there to suffer....ah, that moment was actually very, very sad for me cause even I didn't want that for her, I mean I wanted her thrown off the nearest planet, but at least, let Kanan have her! LOL...*wink*

                      I actually forgotten that scene...really, I thought that was a very moving scene..never saw that one coming! I think John sort of connected with her then only for this!
                      hmmm yessssssss,i a very nice person heehee

                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Yup, I enjoyed watching the Wraith feed on her.. she was pretty lame at defending herself... she really can't fight at all... mouthy, but not kick ass at all.

                      I thought the Wraith was a bit too nice and should have refused to restore her... we could have had wrinkled Larrin which would have been a bit of a turn off for Sheppy.. I don't think he would have been lip locking with her then.. I did enjoy the ep though, and thought Shep did a great job... 45 minutes of Shep was no problem for me and Larrin was more bearable than I expected, but I still DON'T want to see her again ...EVER !! Unless Teyla gets to kick her butt..
                      Ah yes,she was a bit of a wimp when it came to fighting,Teyla would have kicked his butt into next Century!


                        HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MAYRA!!!!

                        HOPE YOU LIKE IT!



                          Made another one, Mayra...


                            Camy - Those are awesome,Mayras gonna love them!


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              From what I saw of the episode, I could tolerate her again,
                              because I really didn't see anything there. If this is what Joe Flanigan refers to as love interest for John, jeepers how does he describe JT?I really think Joe's comments on Larrin being his love interest came more from Larrin's side than anything else. I didn't see any inclination of John being interested in her at all not even after that kiss and even less when he came back to Atlantis and pondered on the idea that he might see her again. But that still remains to be seen. But from what I gathered here, once she sees Teyla, I wouldn't be surprised that with her mouthy attitude she'd asked John if he was the father of Teyla's baby? Wouldn't that be a trip!!!! LOL
                              *lol* Yes how would he refer then JT...maybe the forever kind of love..

                              Awesome sigs too....

                              Hrmm video link to the video of Teyla's last scene...uhm..can't remember which one of them so I'll post all of them....

                              INFANITY SPECIAL ON STARGATE ATLANTIS

                              Check out the Infanity Special that was done on Stargate Atlantis. Behind the scene stuff, talking to the cast, stunts, costumes, visuals and some fan questions.

                              Video links

                              Now just also as a reminder... the Stargate Music Video Award 2007....TODAY is the last day to nominate videos...if you still haven't done it...
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                you are the GREATEST!!!!!! Thanks Nina!

                                I mentioned it to a friend and then she was asking for the links, and I"m like, I don't save those!!! LOL

