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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Morning dude--->!22076.entry

    Heres the ugly part--->
    Raoul: I gotta ask although you probably can't tell me: Who's her baby daddy?

    JM: Um...I can't tell you. But I will say this: fans who are looking for any kind of on-base romance will be disappointed.

    Raoul: Why is that?

    JM: Because the father is not a member of the Atlantis expedition.


    Hey I just noticed JM said Shep and Todd would cross paths more than once this season, thats cool.
    Don't forget guys, that we already knew this. JM did not reveal anything new that he hasn't said before.

    He told us months ago that the father was not from the expedition. That was when all the speculation of it being DG John or Michael first started. And it was after he revealed that information that he also hinted at it not being a normal pregnancy and all these other tidbits that have been dropped all summer long.

    Another thought. Joe calls Larrin a love interest, and she's only in two episodes and they flirt and share a kiss only. So obviously their definition of love interest is quite different from ours.

    Perhaps I'm in happy denial land for a few more weeks, but we still don't know for 100% certainty how this will play out. Until I see it, I haven't given up hope that there will be a twist to it all. While looking more unlikely, there are still explanations for everything that has been said. I'm nervous as hell, but I'm still confident in J/T. Like I said before, I do not see the situation being this love interest vs J/T. Love triangles and jealousy are CLASSIC plot lines that have been done to death. And every time, they ultimately serve to bring the intended couple closer together. How many hundreds of books and movies and TV shows have we seen with that plot?! If they go this route, I believe we will see angst, jealousy, and new realizations of feelings. I don't expect any open declarations or anything like that of course, as this is Stargate afterall!, but it's also not at all a death sentence either.

    I guess to sum up my thoughts on this whole thing, I don't want to see it, but I'm not afraid of it for J/T either. No matter how it plays out, I do believe we will still see the continued development of J/T. My fear in it all is how it will change my view of Teyla. I love the character of Teyla, and I'm afraid they will ruin her for me. But I am not afraid of their ruining the J/T development. It will always be subtle. Always has been and always will be. This will ultimately just part of that journey, as we've seen in many a plot line. I just hope they don't make a complete mess of our beloved characters in the meantime!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post
      So, this news from JM...

      I'm not feeling all that subtle this morning.

      The ptb are at a fork in the road right now, well in truth they probably were months back when deciding upon this but you get the point.

      Go one way and they make a bloody mockery of three years of character devlopment, and then for kicks send JT on a course toward some damned large jagged rocks, a complete and utter balls up basically.

      Or they through a little creative writing [and the recovery of their marbles from under some other mindboggling script] rescue the situation with a twist like Steph and Mayra refered to.

      And if JT is going to be turned into some "back-up" relationship at a later point, for all intents and purposes a sham with all the past feelings between them taken into account, no small part of me would rather they left them be. At least maintian some dignity and...trueness [God that's horrid English, somebody slap me] of John and Teyla's respective characters. Salvaging it like that might turn it into even more of a right mess, like an...omelette where you've gotten too excited with your added ingredients, it's not quite scrambled egg and it's defintely not an omelette any longer. If the folly it could talk, it'd call you stupid. [Happened to me the ohter week ]. Not your typical analogy for the ptb and a ship i grant you.

      The JT angst sounds good, i'm all for that actually, as long as we don't get knife in the back at the end of it. It'd be such a damn shame.

      I'm still really looking forward to the beginning of S4 tonight [waited long enough it seems].
      Nick!!!! It's so good to see you here again! Can't wait for Adrift to air tonight either!!! And I totally agree with you on the characters! As long as they stay true to what they have already established, we should be fine. I'm holding my breath that the writers are not that stupid. LOL!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        I've got to the point where I am so saturated with new information, spoilers and speculation that I'm trying to forget it all and just get on with enjoying the series.

        But even if the baby's not John's (which I NEVER expected it to be anyway) there's nothing to say it's definitely the result of a normal relationship of Teyla's. Yes, RL said that the baby wasn't 'divinely conceived' but I just don't think the pregnancy will be entirely normal. Leaving aside JT's relationship, it's just not Stargate-like to have a normal pregnancy like that.

        On a side note, Skarra died in Series 6 of SG-1, not Series 7 like JM said. And he wasn't 'killed off' - he ascended. The episode was Full Circle, in case you're wondering.

        JM should be ashamed of himself...
        Oh, just saw this now Ruby! I TOTALLY agree! Well said!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Allright, I'm writing a new prompt for Camys thing. This one is for Sharing A Secret and I'm making it in the mold of the latest interview.

          What did you guys think about the Bates one?


            Here you go....all for the love of JT...

            [Brief shot of the city at either sunrise or sunset, then cut to Teyla in a martial pose with her whacksticks in their workout room.

            Camera pulls back to show Sheppard in an equally alert pose with his whacksticks. Judging by the glow, they've been sparring for a bit.]

            [They spar some more, moving faster than we've seen them do in the past. Sheppard actually seems to be on the offensive, though Teyla is holding her own. She ducks as he nearly lands a good one and stares hard at him.]

            SHEPPARD: Not bad, huh?

            TEYLA: Yes, yes. You're doing very well.

            [More sparring. It sounds as if they're hitting harder than we've heard in the past, too, though Teyla is blocking everything Sheppard sends. So far.]

            TEYLA: You have been practicing.

            SHEPPARD: [tossing one whackstick aside] Not really.

            [They're now sparring with Sheppard down to one whackstick and Teyla still holding two. It doesn't slow him down a bit, as he spars with one hand literally behind his back, not even breathing hard. Teyla more or less holds her own, grunting with the effort, until Sheppard executes some feint and she finds herself pressed against the wall with Sheppard's stick pressed against her throat, meeting his fierce glare a little nervously.]

            TEYLA: [carefully] You are showing ... a considerable leap in ability, Colonel Sheppard.

            SHEPPARD: [intently, not releasing her] You can call me John when we're off the clock.

            TEYLA: [with an arched eyebrow] Very well ... John.

            SHEPPARD: [still intent, hint of a grin] There y'go.

            [He keeps staring at her, not releasing her from against the wall.

            She's much calmer than one would expect under the circumstances.]

            TEYLA: Should we continue, or do you ...

            [Her voice trails off uneasily. Sheppard drops his stick on the floor, grabs her face with both hands and lays one *hell* of a kiss on her. I mean, were it consensual, this should be a training film for laying on a kiss. It takes a second or two, but Teyla breaks his hold with a classic self-defense maneuver the unwillingly kissed should make note of. Now they're both breathing hard, but from their expressions, it's pretty clear neither knows what to make of that aberrant behavior.]

            SHEPPARD: [normal voice] I'm not really sure just what happened.

            TEYLA: [hand at her throat where his whackstick was] Colonel ...

            SHEPPARD: [interrupting] That was interesting!

            BECKETT: [over the radio] Colonel Sheppard, please report to the infirmary!

            [She looks frankly relieved, which seems to put a dent in his obliviousness to her reactions since he pinned her.]

            SHEPPARD: You OK?

            [Teyla pastes on a reasonable facsimile of her normal serene smile, though the gasping breath rather spoils the effect.]

            TEYLA: Doctor Beckett will be expecting you.

            SHEPPARD: Yeah.

            [Her smile slips fast. He clearly wants to stay and sort this out, but it's equally clear there might be some urgency to that conversation Beckett wants to have, and Sheppard leaves. Teyla remains propped against the wall, letting out a sigh of relief after he's gone, along with any pretense of her aplomb.]
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Just a quick post.

              You guys are cracking me up. LOL

              Thanks Steph, nicely worded.

              MrsB. I'm gonna have to go to Beya to read soon.


                Thanks Elf - I had to go and look up the word "aplomb" though haha
                And just for the record, I dont think she pushes him away at all.

                LOL - Can someone describe these Doppelganger pics for me pleaseee--->


                  Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                  Why did that come out so big? Let me try this again. Hopefully I'm getting the message across.

                  I'm a believer!!!! JT love if I haven't made that clear enough already.
                  Ah,yes...Thank you Crescere......Yeah what she sad.....Keep the faith!!!

                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  That's what I'm hoping for.

                  Don't worry NDF,(I hope you don't mind me abbreviating your name.) It's a pain, but you can also type it. Sorry it's giving you a hard time. For spoiler tag you can just type [/spoiler] on the right of what you want to cover and[spoiler] on the left.

                  Don't worry we'll will take care of you.

                  Also NDF, when you want a sig let us know and I'm sure one of us can help you with that too.

                  Awesome Job. Crescere. Thanks.

                  I'm not liking this idea with Teyla being with another man, but at the end of it all, it's just a show. We don't if the actors are telling the truth or giving us misinformations.We need to relax and no amount **tching is going to change the eps that they already finished shooting. Let's just take some deep breathes and chill. I'm totally bummed too, but it's not over it it's over and the season hasn't even started yet.

                  It could be much ado about nothing
                  They could just be totally messing with our heads,i definately wouldn't put it past JM,who knows how his mind works


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Thanks Elf - I had to go and look up the word "aplomb" though haha
                    And just for the record, I dont think she pushes him away at all.

                    LOL - Can someone describe these Doppelganger pics for me pleaseee--->
                    Picture 1...Rodney, Keller and Zelenka in a lab looking at a rock (maybe) that's in a glass container.

                    Pic 2...Rodney...looking upset at something off-screen

                    Pic 3...Teyla looking at something off screen...just looking no real strong emoition

                    Pic 4...Shep lookin' a little glare-y...for lack of a better word. Maybe the Dopp...doesn't look real friendly.

                    Hope this helps!
                    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Oh, just saw this now Ruby! I TOTALLY agree! Well said!

                      Cheers muchly!

                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Thanks Elf - I had to go and look up the word "aplomb" though haha
                      And just for the record, I dont think she pushes him away at all.

                      LOL - Can someone describe these Doppelganger pics for me pleaseee--->
                      Well, the first one is them examining one of the crystal thingies from the planet...

                      or it's Sheppard's brain.

                      I think it's the first one, though.

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        Picture 1...Rodney, Keller and Zelenka in a lab looking at a rock (maybe) that's in a glass container.

                        Pic 2...Rodney...looking upset at something off-screen

                        Pic 3...Teyla looking at something off screen...just looking no real strong emoition

                        Pic 4...Shep lookin' a little glare-y...for lack of a better word. Maybe the Dopp...doesn't look real friendly.

                        Hope this helps!
                        Dude YC thanks alot! Thanks to you too Ruby!!You guys are da bomb! I feel much better now


                          Yeah. Not a lot happening in those pictures, but they're still nice quality.

                          my ships



                            How do the rotate thingy with you sig once you have gone to the site and created an account and and added the images you want to use to your sig in here?
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              You can rotate your sig?

                              my ships


                                Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                                You can rotate your sig?
                                Yes. you can. Yappichick had posted this link where you can. So, that is where I am at right now.

                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

