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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Morning all......

    Sci - TLG icon is awesome!! Save it please dude!! I def want that one!! Thanks so much!!! and the wall for Laughter was absolutely fabulous great choice

    Tey - Congrats!!! Nice icon

    Donna - Thanks for the link dude. Sounds more and more like a good ep huh?

    Whats happening today people
    Originally posted by Sheppynette View Post
    Salut !

    What's up on the JT planet ?
    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Ok I'm at work now, so don't go posting any nice pics or nuthin.

    Hey Sci, you got any new fics up your sleeve?
    Morning and Afternoon to Everybody! I hope I am caught up now!
    I only have to do my daily voting! Nina- UR Da BOMB WIT DA Links!

    Mrs B! I will try not to post any pics....but, you know Elfie can not help herself!.....That just means you goodies when you get home!

    Sci- The Sig and Avi queen! You rock with Mrs B's and Teyilia's icon's and sigs!

    Sheppynette- Salut! Right Back At Ya!..
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Congrats ELF!!!

      Sci - So does that mean your gonna go ahead and write it???


        Hey I think me and MrB are going to buy a PC this afternoon can we say YAY!??!!


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          Morning and Afternoon to Everybody! I hope I am caught up now!
          I only have to do my daily voting! Nina- UR Da BOMB WIT DA Links!

          Mrs B! I will try not to post any pics....but, you know Elfie can not help herself!.....That just means you goodies when you get home!

          Sci- The Sig and Avi queen! You rock with Mrs B's and Teyilia's icon's and sigs!

          Sheppynette- Salut! Right Back At Ya!..
          LOL. Thanks Elf.

          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Congrats ELF!!!

          Sci - So does that mean your gonna go ahead and write it???
          Yep, but it will take a little while before it gets to that part in the story.


            Here's the second part - it's less violent than you guys seem to expect... I think you've all been spoiled by Teyilia, WP and MrsB for too long...

            Aiden looked back up at his commanding officer's thunderous expression. "Sir, I'm sorry, I panicked!" He said.

            "You cut my hair." Teyla spoke softly, staring down at the hair on the ground.

            Aiden turned to face her. "Teyla, I'm-"

            "No time, we need to get out of here!" Yelled Major Sheppard. He grabbed the rucksack from the table.

            "But-" Major Sheppard grasped Teyla's elbow with his other hand and started to pull her out of the room before she
            could say anything else.

            "Ford, pick up that hair!" He called over his shoulder.

            Aiden snatched up the hair, threw the scissors back onto the table, and ran after Major Sheppard. As soon as the
            doors to the lab slid shut behind him both Teyla and Major Sheppard rounded on him.

            Teyla looked at him with an expression of utter disbelief that made Aiden feel like a complete jerk. Major Sheppard...
            Aiden took a step back. Major Sheppard looked like he was going to kill him.

            "What were you thinking, Ford?" Hissed Major Sheppard.

            "Sir - we only had a few seconds and -"

            "You cut Teyla's hair!"

            "I know, Sir - I'm really sorry!" Said Aiden. He turned to Teyla. "Teyla, I'm really sorry!"

            Aiden watched her warily, expecting her to knock him off his feet at any moment. He was pretty sure Major Sheppard
            wouldn't have his back.

            But Teyla just shook her head. "I am going to my quarters," she said. "Good night. Enjoy your war."

            She turned on her heel and walked away. From behind Aiden could clearly see the damage he had caused. Both sides of her hair were still hanging
            down her back but the middle section was shorn just below her shoulders.

            Aiden looked at Major Sheppard - he was watching Teyla walk away with an expression of deepest remorse on his face.
            As soon as Teyla rounded the corner, though, he turned to Aiden and his expression was back to furious.

            "How could you?" He demanded.

            "Sir, I'm sorry!" Aiden repeated. "I couldn't see you had found the release and we needed to get out of there."

            "But it was her hair," Major Sheppard said, now sounding a little petulant. "It was Teyla's hair."

            "Er, yes Sir," Aiden said, now a little confused. Major Sheppard seemed to be taking this very hard. Major
            Sheppard glared at him in silence for a few more seconds before turning on his heel.

            "Get to bed Lieutenant," he called over his shoulder as he walked away. "We'll talk about this in the morning."

            Aiden watched him go and then looked down at the clump of hair he held in his hand. He sighed.

            "Yes Sir."


            By the next morning Aiden was ready for a fight. Okay, so he'd cut Teyla's hair. He fet bad about that, but what else
            was he meant to have done? Major Sheppard hadn't told him that he'd found the release to the cabinet, and that stink bomb
            was going to go off at any second.

            He had acted completely rationally, and if Major Sheppard wanted to chew him out over it then he had a few choice
            words ready for him.

            With these self-gratifying thoughts in mind, when Aiden saw Major Sheppard eating breakfast in the commissary he
            determinedly got some food and went and sat with him, head held high.

            "Good morning, Sir," he said cheerfully.

            Major Sheppard glared at him - obviously he hadn't put the hair incident into perspective like Aiden had.

            "Ford," he said shortly.

            Aiden rolled his eyes and sat back, ready to explain his case. "Major, I'm sorry about what happened, but I don't get
            why you're so angry with me," he said. Major Sheppard looked up in surprise and started to speak, but Aiden ploughed on.

            "I mean - with all due respect Sir - it's just hair."

            Major Sheppard glared at him again. "It is not just hair, it's Tey... er.. look, I'm trying to eat Lieutenant,"
            he said, looking back down at his food.

            Aiden narrowed his eyes - the Major looked flustered, even embarrassed. "Okay..." he said, starting to eat.

            Aiden stopped a few seconds later - Major Sheppard had seemingly forgotten all about his breakfast, and was staring at
            something over Aiden's shoulder. He turned round and saw that Teyla had just entered the commissary.

            She had cut off the rest of her hair so that it was now even, and fell to just below her shoulders. It was much less
            wavy that short. Aiden thought it suited her - in fact he thought she looked quite nice.

            Aiden looked back at Major Sheppard and saw that his eyes were practically falling out of his head. Obviously he agreed.

            Aiden cleared his throat very quietly, but loud enough to snap Major Sheppard out of it. He looked at Aiden, who
            arranged his face into an expression of complete innocence.

            "You know what Ford," he said. "Let's just call Teyla's hair a casualty of war."

            Aiden grinned. "Yes Sir," he said.

            "Besides, she looks like she's... I mean it doesn't look that bad..." Mumbled Major Sheppard.

            Aiden resisted the urge to laugh. "Yes Sir," he repeated mechanically.

            Just then his radio crackled into life and Dr McKay's voice came through. "Sheppard, Ford, this is McKay - come in."

            Aiden and Major Sheppard smirked at each other and activated their radios.

            "Good morning Rodney!"

            "Hey Dr McKay, how's it hanging?"


            "WHAT DID YOU DO?"

            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Hey I think me and MrB are going to buy a PC this afternoon can we say YAY!??!!
              I'll see your YAY and raise you a WOOHOO!!

              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Oh she'll be psyched! thanks for the description!! I already wrote you back somewhere up there I said GO FOR IT DUDE!! I dont think its been done and I really look forward to it!!!

                LOL for "sacrilege".Well I have a question for you since you come from a different perspective Deb.

                Who do you think the father of the baby will be?
                Oooh, good one.

                As soon as I heard about the pregnancy storyline, I wanted it to be John's.

                It would be great if it was the result of them spending the night together but even better if say Michael had interferred and used John's DNA (as it were).

                I know its a little twisted but I like the idea that Michael might try to deliberately create a child with Wraith and Ancient DNA for his own ends.

                Again its a little twisted but I like imagining John's shocked expression when he finds out the baby's his and the beating he would give Michael, with Ronan holding him back.

                It would make John seeing Teyla and the baby after its born that much more poignant.

                Okay, fanfic rant over.



                  SHEYLA JUKEBOX!!

                  Lovin's this...

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    Here's the second part - it's less violent than you guys seem to expect... I think you've all been spoiled by Teyilia, WP and MrsB for too long...

                    Aiden looked back up at his commanding officer's thunderous expression. "Sir, I'm sorry, I panicked!" He said.

                    "You cut my hair." Teyla spoke softly, staring down at the hair on the ground.

                    Aiden turned to face her. "Teyla, I'm-"

                    "No time, we need to get out of here!" Yelled Major Sheppard. He grabbed the rucksack from the table.

                    "But-" Major Sheppard grasped Teyla's elbow with his other hand and started to pull her out of the room before she
                    could say anything else.

                    "Ford, pick up that hair!" He called over his shoulder.

                    Aiden snatched up the hair, threw the scissors back onto the table, and ran after Major Sheppard. As soon as the
                    doors to the lab slid shut behind him both Teyla and Major Sheppard rounded on him.

                    Teyla looked at him with an expression of utter disbelief that made Aiden feel like a complete jerk. Major Sheppard...
                    Aiden took a step back. Major Sheppard looked like he was going to kill him.

                    "What were you thinking, Ford?" Hissed Major Sheppard.

                    "Sir - we only had a few seconds and -"

                    "You cut Teyla's hair!"

                    "I know, Sir - I'm really sorry!" Said Aiden. He turned to Teyla. "Teyla, I'm really sorry!"

                    Aiden watched her warily, expecting her to knock him off his feet at any moment. He was pretty sure Major Sheppard
                    wouldn't have his back.

                    But Teyla just shook her head. "I am going to my quarters," she said. "Good night. Enjoy your war."

                    She turned on her heel and walked away. From behind Aiden could clearly see the damage he had caused. Both sides of her hair were still hanging
                    down her back but the middle section was shorn just below her shoulders.

                    Aiden looked at Major Sheppard - he was watching Teyla walk away with an expression of deepest remorse on his face.
                    As soon as Teyla rounded the corner, though, he turned to Aiden and his expression was back to furious.

                    "How could you?" He demanded.

                    "Sir, I'm sorry!" Aiden repeated. "I couldn't see you had found the release and we needed to get out of there."

                    "But it was her hair," Major Sheppard said, now sounding a little petulant. "It was Teyla's hair."

                    "Er, yes Sir," Aiden said, now a little confused. Major Sheppard seemed to be taking this very hard. Major
                    Sheppard glared at him in silence for a few more seconds before turning on his heel.

                    "Get to bed Lieutenant," he called over his shoulder as he walked away. "We'll talk about this in the morning."

                    Aiden watched him go and then looked down at the clump of hair he held in his hand. He sighed.

                    "Yes Sir."


                    By the next morning Aiden was ready for a fight. Okay, so he'd cut Teyla's hair. He fet bad about that, but what else
                    was he meant to have done? Major Sheppard hadn't told him that he'd found the release to the cabinet, and that stink bomb
                    was going to go off at any second.

                    He had acted completely rationally, and if Major Sheppard wanted to chew him out over it then he had a few choice
                    words ready for him.

                    With these self-gratifying thoughts in mind, when Aiden saw Major Sheppard eating breakfast in the commissary he
                    determinedly got some food and went and sat with him, head held high.

                    "Good morning, Sir," he said cheerfully.

                    Major Sheppard glared at him - obviously he hadn't put the hair incident into perspective like Aiden had.

                    "Ford," he said shortly.

                    Aiden rolled his eyes and sat back, ready to explain his case. "Major, I'm sorry about what happened, but I don't get
                    why you're so angry with me," he said. Major Sheppard looked up in surprise and started to speak, but Aiden ploughed on.

                    "I mean - with all due respect Sir - it's just hair."

                    Major Sheppard glared at him again. "It is not just hair, it's Tey... er.. look, I'm trying to eat Lieutenant,"
                    he said, looking back down at his food.

                    Aiden narrowed his eyes - the Major looked flustered, even embarrassed. "Okay..." he said, starting to eat.

                    Aiden stopped a few seconds later - Major Sheppard had seemingly forgotten all about his breakfast, and was staring at
                    something over Aiden's shoulder. He turned round and saw that Teyla had just entered the commissary.

                    She had cut off the rest of her hair so that it was now even, and fell to just below her shoulders. It was much less
                    wavy that short. Aiden thought it suited her - in fact he thought she looked quite nice.

                    Aiden looked back at Major Sheppard and saw that his eyes were practically falling out of his head. Obviously he agreed.

                    Aiden cleared his throat very quietly, but loud enough to snap Major Sheppard out of it. He looked at Aiden, who
                    arranged his face into an expression of complete innocence.

                    "You know what Ford," he said. "Let's just call Teyla's hair a casualty of war."

                    Aiden grinned. "Yes Sir," he said.

                    "Besides, she looks like she's... I mean it doesn't look that bad..." Mumbled Major Sheppard.

                    Aiden resisted the urge to laugh. "Yes Sir," he repeated mechanically.

                    Just then his radio crackled into life and Dr McKay's voice came through. "Sheppard, Ford, this is McKay - come in."

                    Aiden and Major Sheppard smirked at each other and activated their radios.

                    "Good morning Rodney!"

                    "Hey Dr McKay, how's it hanging?"


                    "WHAT DID YOU DO?"
                    LOL. I totally love this.
                    I love light hearted stories to and I can't wait to see if there is more.

                    Congrats Ruby on 1000 posts!!!!


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Elf Congrats on 4200 posts!!!

                      Now, that is the way to definitely start your morning!! Thanks Scifan!

                      I did not even know I had done this! My computer was having an attitude and had to restart! I missed it!
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Hey I think me and MrB are going to buy a PC this afternoon can we say YAY!??!!
                        Woohooo!!!! Happy shopping.

                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post

                        SHEYLA JUKEBOX!!

                        Lovin's this...
                        I love that cap. Thanks Ruby.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          LOL. I totally love this.
                          I love light hearted stories to and I can't wait to see if there is more.

                          Congrats Ruby on 1000 posts!!!!


                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            Here's the second part - it's less violent than you guys seem to expect... I think you've all been spoiled by Teyilia, WP and MrsB for too long...

                            Aiden looked back up at his commanding officer's thunderous expression. "Sir, I'm sorry, I panicked!" He said.

                            "You cut my hair." Teyla spoke softly, staring down at the hair on the ground.

                            Aiden turned to face her. "Teyla, I'm-"

                            "No time, we need to get out of here!" Yelled Major Sheppard. He grabbed the rucksack from the table.

                            "But-" Major Sheppard grasped Teyla's elbow with his other hand and started to pull her out of the room before she
                            could say anything else.

                            "Ford, pick up that hair!" He called over his shoulder.

                            Aiden snatched up the hair, threw the scissors back onto the table, and ran after Major Sheppard. As soon as the
                            doors to the lab slid shut behind him both Teyla and Major Sheppard rounded on him.

                            Teyla looked at him with an expression of utter disbelief that made Aiden feel like a complete jerk. Major Sheppard...
                            Aiden took a step back. Major Sheppard looked like he was going to kill him.

                            "What were you thinking, Ford?" Hissed Major Sheppard.

                            "Sir - we only had a few seconds and -"

                            "You cut Teyla's hair!"

                            "I know, Sir - I'm really sorry!" Said Aiden. He turned to Teyla. "Teyla, I'm really sorry!"

                            Aiden watched her warily, expecting her to knock him off his feet at any moment. He was pretty sure Major Sheppard
                            wouldn't have his back.

                            But Teyla just shook her head. "I am going to my quarters," she said. "Good night. Enjoy your war."

                            She turned on her heel and walked away. From behind Aiden could clearly see the damage he had caused. Both sides of her hair were still hanging
                            down her back but the middle section was shorn just below her shoulders.

                            Aiden looked at Major Sheppard - he was watching Teyla walk away with an expression of deepest remorse on his face.
                            As soon as Teyla rounded the corner, though, he turned to Aiden and his expression was back to furious.

                            "How could you?" He demanded.

                            "Sir, I'm sorry!" Aiden repeated. "I couldn't see you had found the release and we needed to get out of there."

                            "But it was her hair," Major Sheppard said, now sounding a little petulant. "It was Teyla's hair."

                            "Er, yes Sir," Aiden said, now a little confused. Major Sheppard seemed to be taking this very hard. Major
                            Sheppard glared at him in silence for a few more seconds before turning on his heel.

                            "Get to bed Lieutenant," he called over his shoulder as he walked away. "We'll talk about this in the morning."

                            Aiden watched him go and then looked down at the clump of hair he held in his hand. He sighed.

                            "Yes Sir."


                            By the next morning Aiden was ready for a fight. Okay, so he'd cut Teyla's hair. He fet bad about that, but what else
                            was he meant to have done? Major Sheppard hadn't told him that he'd found the release to the cabinet, and that stink bomb
                            was going to go off at any second.

                            He had acted completely rationally, and if Major Sheppard wanted to chew him out over it then he had a few choice
                            words ready for him.

                            With these self-gratifying thoughts in mind, when Aiden saw Major Sheppard eating breakfast in the commissary he
                            determinedly got some food and went and sat with him, head held high.

                            "Good morning, Sir," he said cheerfully.

                            Major Sheppard glared at him - obviously he hadn't put the hair incident into perspective like Aiden had.

                            "Ford," he said shortly.

                            Aiden rolled his eyes and sat back, ready to explain his case. "Major, I'm sorry about what happened, but I don't get
                            why you're so angry with me," he said. Major Sheppard looked up in surprise and started to speak, but Aiden ploughed on.

                            "I mean - with all due respect Sir - it's just hair."

                            Major Sheppard glared at him again. "It is not just hair, it's Tey... er.. look, I'm trying to eat Lieutenant,"
                            he said, looking back down at his food.

                            Aiden narrowed his eyes - the Major looked flustered, even embarrassed. "Okay..." he said, starting to eat.

                            Aiden stopped a few seconds later - Major Sheppard had seemingly forgotten all about his breakfast, and was staring at
                            something over Aiden's shoulder. He turned round and saw that Teyla had just entered the commissary.

                            She had cut off the rest of her hair so that it was now even, and fell to just below her shoulders. It was much less
                            wavy that short. Aiden thought it suited her - in fact he thought she looked quite nice.

                            Aiden looked back at Major Sheppard and saw that his eyes were practically falling out of his head. Obviously he agreed.

                            Aiden cleared his throat very quietly, but loud enough to snap Major Sheppard out of it. He looked at Aiden, who
                            arranged his face into an expression of complete innocence.

                            "You know what Ford," he said. "Let's just call Teyla's hair a casualty of war."

                            Aiden grinned. "Yes Sir," he said.

                            "Besides, she looks like she's... I mean it doesn't look that bad..." Mumbled Major Sheppard.

                            Aiden resisted the urge to laugh. "Yes Sir," he repeated mechanically.

                            Just then his radio crackled into life and Dr McKay's voice came through. "Sheppard, Ford, this is McKay - come in."

                            Aiden and Major Sheppard smirked at each other and activated their radios.

                            "Good morning Rodney!"

                            "Hey Dr McKay, how's it hanging?"


                            "WHAT DID YOU DO?"
                            Ruby that was soooo awesome dude!
                            Shep really changed his whole demeanor after catching her new "do". LOL You totally captured the right manner between Ford and Shep. This was brilliant. I just thought of one thing. Good thing it was Teyla's hair and not Ronon's. LOL

                            Originally posted by Deborah View Post
                            Oooh, good one.

                            As soon as I heard about the pregnancy storyline, I wanted it to be John's.

                            It would be great if it was the result of them spending the night together but even better if say Michael had interferred and used John's DNA (as it were).

                            I know its a little twisted but I like the idea that Michael might try to deliberately create a child with Wraith and Ancient DNA for his own ends.

                            Again its a little twisted but I like imagining John's shocked expression when he finds out the baby's his and the beating he would give Michael, with Ronan holding him back.

                            It would make John seeing Teyla and the baby after its born that much more poignant.

                            Okay, fanfic rant over.

                            I wrote a fic about Michael being interested in the combination of both genes mixed together. I agree this is a very likely possibility, the only problem is I dont think Michael will appear until later in the season, which still leaves room for experimentation but not for conception.

                            Other likely candidates:
                            Doppleganger Shep, Asurans, new monsters introduced in Missing.

                            HAPPY 1000 RUBY!!!


                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                              Now, that is the way to definitely start your morning!! Thanks Scifan!

                              I did not even know I had done this! My computer was having an attitude and had to restart! I missed it!
                              LOL. That's ok.

                              Hey, Camy is going to reach 10,000 posts pretty soon. She has less than 200 posts to go. Do you have any idea what we should do?


                                Originally posted by Deborah View Post
                                I think I'm more of a Teyla Shipper. Don't get me wrong, I love J/T but for a while there I could see something with Teyla and Ronan, especially in 'Echoes'. I know, sacrilege.

                                I guess I see whatever the writers write. If they wrote that Ronan fell hopelessly in love with Teyla and swept her into a passionate embrace then I'd be just as swept up by it. I'm a sheep, metaphorically speaking.

                                I think all of John's Kirking just kind of demoralised me. I'm one for those big epic love-of-your-life stories, and John making eyes at the latest big-busted alien didn't really fit. I'm hoping Teyla's pregnancy might make him grow up a little. I know a lot of fans don't like romance in sci-fi but John really does need to fall in love a little bit by the end of Season 4.
                                Hi Deborah!

                                I do know what you mean - I do it too, and by that I mean I ship canon. Whatever show I'm watching I will like the pairings that the writers give to me. Eg, ER -
                                I was a HUGE Abby/Carter fan, but as soon as Carter left I was all for Abby/Kovac. Fickle I know...

                                Anyway, right from Rising in SGA I've been a JT shipper- so strong I even got back into fanfic, which I stopped writing like three years ago! I think the writers are really setting them up to the couple everyone has to watch.

                                As for Echoes, I do know what you mean, but do you know what it reminded me of? SG-1 'Holiday'. Sam and Daniel in the infirmary. You know what I mean

                                Originally posted by Deborah View Post
                                Oooh, good one.

                                As soon as I heard about the pregnancy storyline, I wanted it to be John's.

                                It would be great if it was the result of them spending the night together but even better if say Michael had interferred and used John's DNA (as it were).

                                I know its a little twisted but I like the idea that Michael might try to deliberately create a child with Wraith and Ancient DNA for his own ends.

                                Again its a little twisted but I like imagining John's shocked expression when he finds out the baby's his and the beating he would give Michael, with Ronan holding him back.

                                It would make John seeing Teyla and the baby after its born that much more poignant.

                                Okay, fanfic rant over.
                                I like that idea too...
                                I've been thinking that one way of making John the father would be that Teyla is experimented on and whoever it is used John's DNA. It's a bit of a stretch but this is scifi, so ya never know!!

                                So, you're on my side of the Atlantic, eh? Whereabouts are you?

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

