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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    HAHA....thanks MrsB and Scifan!!! that is an awesome smiley Scifan!!
    i love this time difference, i get two bdays!! if i wasnt going to sleep now!
    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

    Thanks Camy!!


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Misappropriations Part 14

      “LET ME GO! LET GO!!” Colonel Sheppard screamed at Teyla as she gripped his arm tight. “No John! It is suicide!” she hollered back. John struggled against her grip, trying to pry her fingers from him but to no avail. “There are men back there, Teyla! We don’t leave people behind!”

      Teyla pulled him close to her face so he could see the resolve in her flashing eyes. “And we WILL return for them, but not now, John. Not now.” She looked down at the medical team who had just arrived at the gate and was heaving Ronon’s body onto a stretcher and wheeling him away. She stopped one of the aides and said, “Please take Colonel Sheppard to the infirmary as well. He has been shot.” She turned back to John’s contorted face as he looked down at his own limply hanging arm that was steadily dripping blood into a messy pool on the floor. He had almost forgot the blinding pain of the bullet in his urgent defiance to go back for the dead.

      He stared pleadingly at her and her eyes reflected his pain but there was no point in arguing and he knew it as he was ushered away by a fast talking medic, staring back over his shoulder at her as she tried to bravely smile.

      Dr. Keller had been informed immediately of Ronon’s condition and had geared up instantly asking for vital signs and a high morphine drip. Her face was solid, unflinching as she approached the stretcher and began swabbing away the mounds of blood covering his quieted face. Calling for instruments and giving instructions, her actions were precise and perfect. After two hours of intense labor, she finally managed to remove the deeply lodged bullet from his face. Her swiftness and surgical accuracy saved Ronon’s faltering life that day; her strength and determination to save the man she loved left her no option to fail.

      Once she had finished surgery and had insisted upon closing him herself, she slowly walked away removing her gown and gloves, collapsing onto a bench in the operating prep room and let her sobs overcome her as her cries echoed loudly down the vast halls of Atlantis.

      Almost a month later Teyla and Ronon sat together in the mess hall. Ronon’s face held a large, deep scar across his left cheek that would forever be a part of him now. He stuffed another bite of his lunch into his mouth and looked at Teyla’s face as she stared down at her untouched food on the table.

      “Are you sure?” he asked.

      She nodded.

      He sighed and put another bite of food into his mouth.

      “Does he know about the child?”

      She shook her head side to side.

      “If it means anything Teyla, I know it’s your call, but I don’t think it’s right.”

      She finally looked up at him, a dark shadow over her eyes. “It matters not Ronon. This is the only way I know how to protect him.”

      He nodded slowly after a few moments and took yet another bite and they suffered the rest of the meal in silence while Teyla’s plate remained untouched.
      MrsB You Rock!!!!
      Oh man! Where do I start? Teyla stopping John. Keller saving her man. Poor girl, breaking down like that. I would too. And they best of all Teyla... Woohoo!!!1 But what is going to do. Ahhhh!!!!.
      I am so loving this.


        Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
        HAHA....thanks MrsB and Scifan!!! that is an awesome smiley Scifan!!
        i love this time difference, i get two bdays!! if i wasnt going to sleep now!
        Your Welcome SC. G'night!


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          MrsB You Rock!!!!
          Oh man! Where do I start? Teyla stopping John. Keller saving her man. Poor girl, breaking down like that. I would too. And they best of all Teyla... Woohoo!!!1 But what is going to do. Ahhhh!!!!.
          I am so loving this.
          Thanks Sci!! Now I have a couple scenarios for endings and I'm still kinda unsure what I'm gonna do, but I am really glad you're liking it!!!

          Can't you totally picture Ronon with a Humungo scar like that


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Thanks Sci!! Now I have a couple scenarios for endings and I'm still kinda unsure what I'm gonna do, but I am really glad you're liking it!!!

            Can't you totally picture Ronon with a Humungo scar like that
            Oh Yeah!!

            Where is everyone?


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Oh Yeah!!

              Where is everyone?
              I dont know! Elf must be catching up but other than its SNOOZE CITY in there ZZZZZZZZZzzz.......You got any fics today dude?


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Happy Birthday Spirited Chihiro!!!!


                Last edited by Elflinn; 28 August 2007, 06:50 AM.
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  I dont know! Elf must be catching up but other than its SNOOZE CITY in there ZZZZZZZZZzzz.......You got any fics today dude?
                  No. I am not sleeping. I had to get some cupcakes for SC's B-Day! It was a hard
                  job but, Elfie suffered through viewing endless piccies of Chocolate Cupcakes....YUMMY,YUMMY!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
                      Hold the thread! Spec can't keep up!I'm sure I've missed things, but here goes...

                      Squee! Gotta love those pics! Congrats to all the post milestones!

                      Perfect fic for delirious! Still have to read your other ficlet!


                      You're most welcome! Which clip?

                      This one!
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        LOL Hello to you too Elf. Whats happening dude?


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          I dont know! Elf must be catching up but other than its SNOOZE CITY in there ZZZZZZZZZzzz.......You got any fics today dude?
                          LOL. Not yet.

                          Elf. Sorry, but your cupcakes are stretching the thread.


                            Misappropriations Part 15

                            Ronon and Teyla met in the hallway that evening at the place they had discussed and Teyla hesitantly met Ronon’s grimacing expression. “Last chance to back out,” Ronon said with a raised eyebrow. Teyla shook her head slowly and they began to walk together towards the science labs. Teyla said nothing and Ronon knew the pain she was in had to be even greater than his own due to her circumstance.

                            “Do you wish me to speak for you?” he asked gruffly. She looked at him gratefully as their paced slowed and said, “I would like that.” He shook his head, staring at the ground. “I couldn’t even bring myself to talk to Jennifer. It’s probably better if I don’t anyways. I’m not sure I could go through with it if I did.”

                            They stood in front of Rodney’s lab and could hear the muffled sounds behind the door of him and Colonel Sheppard arguing over something, the way they often did. Ronon passed his hand over the crystals and the door slid open to reveal their two friends standing slacked over a table examining some papers together. Both of them looked up when the door opened and John immediately tensed seeing Teyla standing there.

                            The past few weeks everything between them had gone right back the way it was before the mission and John felt a fool for it. She had watched him from beyond the windowpane in the infirmary as his wounded arm was tended to and they stared longingly through the glass at each other for most of the procedure. John briefly looked away when the medic spoke to him and when he turned back she was no longer there watching him.

                            That was all the contact they had had and although he did not wish to admit it, it had raised his hopes about her feelings for him. But now, any regained hopes had been washed away by the endless nothingness of the weeks that followed, the diverted glances and awkward silences had brought back the darkness of sleepless nights and haunting memories.

                            And now, here she stood before him.

                            “Oh, hey guys. Colonel Sheppard and I were just discussing how impressively moronic he is. Care to join in?” Rodney said sarcastically. John simply stared at them.

                            Ronon looked quickly at Teyla before he spoke. He cleared his throat. “We came here to talk about something else. Teyla and I are leaving Atlantis.”
                            Last edited by MrsB108; 28 August 2007, 06:43 AM.


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Misappropriations Part 15

                              Ronon and Teyla met in the hallway that evening at the place they had discussed and Teyla hesitantly met Ronon’s grimacing expression. “Last chance to back out,” Ronon said with a raised eyebrow. Teyla shook her head slowly and they began to walk together towards the science labs. Teyla said nothing and Ronon knew the pain she was in had to be even greater than his own due to her circumstance.

                              “Do you wish me to speak for you?” he asked gruffly. She looked at him gratefully as their paced slowed and said, “I would like that.” He shook his head, staring at the ground. “I couldn’t even bring myself to talk to Jennifer. It’s probably better if I don’t anyways. I’m not sure I could go through with it if I did.”

                              They stood in front of Rodney’s lab and could hear the muffled sounds behind the door of him and Colonel Sheppard arguing over something, the way they often did. Ronon passed his hand over the crystals and the door slid open to reveal their two friends standing slacked over a table examining some papers together. Both of them looked up when the door opened and John immediately tensed seeing Teyla standing there.

                              The past few weeks everything between them had gone right back the way it was before the mission and John felt a fool for it. She had watched him from beyond the windowpane in the infirmary as his wounded arm was tended to and they stared longingly through the glass at each other for most of the procedure. John briefly looked away when the medic spoke to him and when he turned back she was no longer there watching him.

                              That was all the contact they had had and although he did not wish to admit it, it had raised his hopes about her feelings for him. But now, any regained hopes had been washed away by the endless nothingness of the weeks that followed, the diverted glances and awkward silences had brought back the darkness of sleepless night and haunting memories.

                              And now, here she stood before him.

                              “Oh, hey guys. Colonel Sheppard and I were just discussing how impressively moronic he is. Care to join in?” Rodney said sarcastically. John simply stared at them.

                              Ronon looked quickly at Teyla before he spoke. He cleared his throat. “We came here to talk about something else. Teyla and I are leaving Atlantis.”
                              DUDE, Awesome! Lovin' the angst!
                              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                                Happy Birthday, SC!! I hope you're day is wonderful!
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

