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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Alright I am trying to finish my voting for JT awards! I've been reading the fics!

    I say that all of the fics are wonderful! that is my vote and I am sticking to it!
    Is this the cop out way? You bet it is! I can't decide,seriously! Y'all are too good
    at what you do! Can you write a bad fic? Make totally unbelievable! That would help!*lol*

    Oh and Good Morning to all of ya! I've gotta this way more enjoyable than filling out paper work for New patient Registrations! Whatever happened to did it hurt when you cut yourself with the really rusty,pointy, dull, knife? Did this cause you
    to have any bleeding? What did you do the rectify the wound you sustained with
    the instrument in question? You answer I put a Band-Aid on it but my hand started to go I decided maybe it was worse than I thought it was.

    That brief interlude would have been all that was required. But,now you have fill out at least 20 pages of your life and how much you cause whump to yourself...
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
      Congrats Padme on 500!!!

      Congrats Magffieg on 100!!!
      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Congrats Ruby on 300 posts!!

      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Elf I'm trying to get my voting done too...
        I only have the videos left...did the fics yesterday... and seriously it's so darn hard to choose...I was like,,,I like that one,,,and that one,,, *argh* I can't the end I just had to pick one that in just that exact moment might have sticked out a little more... but whatever I'll pick..I will hardly regret it... it's amazing how much talent there is...
        But I wouldn't be surprised if I'm gonna have it even harder choosing videos...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Hey happy 5500 Nina!!


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Hey happy 5500 Nina!!
            Sigs by Scifan


              I've *finally* done the fic voting. I only have one more in the video categories and I will be done!! *would put a dancing smilie in here if I had one*

              YAY! And yes, voting is really hard. But, what a treat to read so many great fics, look at great artwork and watch amazing videos! We're spoiled I tell ya!
              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Hey happy 5500 Nina!!
                WOW Your catching up to Camy!
                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                  Here YC:


                    Rby, GNB Welcome Home! We missed you.

                    Camy, I did my voting for the JT awards in the lj. I couldn't vote on all catagories because I am back on dial up for a while and can not view the vids.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Here YC:
                      Thank you, my dear!
                      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                        Wraith Queen #4
                        The footsteps thudded and John's heart leapt into his throat as he attempted to control his composure. He listened as the muffled voices danced through the night air and whispered words to his perked ears of "blood" and "power". A slight scuffling and then the cell gate was flung open and again he faced the obscene imitation of the one person in his life that had ever really mattered.

                        "I am afraid the time has come, Colonel, for your suffering to come to an end," she snarled as she motioned for the masked guard to release him. John did not struggle against the massive Wraith as he unlocked his bonds and grabbed him coarsely by his arm. His thoughts on Teyla, he kept his eyes on the floor, unable to raise them to meet hers, though she took no apparent notice.

                        He allowed the male Wraith to walk him roughly back down the green hallway as the followed behind the appointed Queen and her trailing red robe. John felt ill as if he would be sick at any moment, trying to swallow back his fear and rising bial. They followed her into a different room now, one with darkened walls and a large control board directly at its center.

                        The Queen motioned her head for the guard to bring John to the panel and John finally raised the courage to look at her mangled face as he was pushed violently away. That's not Teyla, Teyla's gone, he told himself over and over attempting to build his courage.

                        He stood before the control panel and looked down at its bright, glowing lights and listened to it slowly whir to life as if waking from a deep slumber. He didn't notice she had nodded her head to the guard but turned quickly as he saw a flash of moment from the guard's hand.

                        Too late. The guard had raised a large curved knife and slashed down, pinning John's outstretched hand to the control board as blood splattered across the bright, glowing lights. John cried out in pain and attempted to free his hand as the guard simply held him steady and they both listened to the quickening of noises groaning from deep within the machine.

                        John's blood was pouring from the wound and it seemed the more blood, the louder the machine became. The faceless guard and he wrestled and struggled, then the guard finally managed to reach his clawed fingers over to the knife protruding from John's pinned down hand. He pulled it out in one yank that made a sort of suction sound that was quickly overcome by John's bloodcurdling scream.

                        The renewed pain of the knife's removal seemed to surge John with adrenaline. He lunged at the male Wraith, his good hand clamped around his neck and pinned him to the floor, sending the knife clattering to the ground.

                        In one swoop, he released his neck and picked up the knife from the floor, savagely burying it deep inside the Wraith's chest until his gurglings fell silent and his body lay motionless. John was heaving breaths of fury as he turned carefully, a deadly look on his face, with one hand gripping a bloodied knife, the other hand pouring out his own onto the floor.

                        The Queen paid them no mind, as her sights were focused entirely on the activation of the machine. She had shrieked in murderous excitement as the blood had reached its destination and the machine took new life. Completely captivated by the progression of her maniacal plan, she did not hear John until he was upon her and held the sharp tip of the knife to the back of her neck, causing her to stiffen immediately and her malicious smile to fade from her curled lips. "Turn around, you bitc.h," he said hoarsely as spittle flew from his lips.

                        Wraith Queen #3

                        It was night and John could just barely make out a glittering of stars through a small crack of rubble at the utmost corner of his blackened cell. It was a small comfort to see something so familiar to him, when all that he had known felt lost and engulfed by the unending darkness.

                        Deep inside, he struggled with his emotions, knowing soon the time would come when action must be taken and this filled him with a sense of dread he never knew. He lifted his eyes towards the small crevice in the rock and the sprinkling of stars and spoke softly aloud peering through the dark.

                        “Um...If you can hear me, I’d like to ask you for something. I know we haven’t spoken much and I’m probably the last person who should be asking for anything, but…..” his voice trailed and broke as he lowered his head momentarily before raising it back up towards the shimmering crack with a renewed determination. “If you could just give me the strength to do what must be done, I’d really appreciate it. I don’t care what happens to me, but I know this is what she would want so…….thanks.”

                        He gulped and nodded to himself, as his conscience trembled with guilt and despair. His heart thudded against his chest and tears swam in his eyes as he recounted all the memories he had taken for granted, all the things he could have said but never did. In this moment, he tried assuaging himself that she had known how he felt about her and that he needn’t feel the torment of his burning heart anymore, but even his own convincing lies did nothing to ease his aching soul.

                        Footsteps approached again, echoing down the long hall and he knew the time had come.

                        These would be the moments when he could release Teyla from her flesh made prison, from her own worst nightmare; these would be the moments he could finally bring death to the woman he loved.
                        Last edited by MrsB108; 13 August 2007, 09:00 AM.


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          Wraith Queen #4
                          The footsteps thudded and John's heart leapt into his throat as he attempted to control his composure. He listened as the muffled voices danced through the night air and whispered words to his perked ears of "blood" and "power". A slight scuffling and then the cell gate was flung open and again he faced the obscene imitation of the one person in his life that had ever really mattered.

                          "I am afraid the time has come, Colonel, for your suffering to come to an end," she snarled as she motioned for the masked guard to release him. John did not struggle against the massive Wraith as he unlocked his bonds and grabbed him coarsely by his arm. His thoughts on Teyla, he kept his eyes on the floor, unable to raise them to meet hers, though she took no apparent notice.

                          He allowed the male Wraith to walk him roughly back down the green hallway as the followed behind the appointed Queen and her trailing red robe. John felt ill as if he would be sick at any moment, trying to swallow back his fear and rising bial. They followed her into a different room now, one with darkened walls and a large control board directly at its center.

                          The Queen motioned her head for the guard to bring John to the panel and John finally raised the courage to look at her mangled face as he was pushed violently away. That's not Teyla, Teyla's gone, he told himself over and over attempting to build his courage.

                          He stood before the control panel and looked down at its bright, glowing lights and listened to it slowly whir to life as if waking from a deep slumber. He didn't notice she had nodded her head to the guard but turned quickly as he saw a flash of moment from the guard's hand.

                          Too late. The guard had raised a large curved knife and slashed down, pinning John's outstretched hand to the control board as blood splattered across the bright, glowing lights. John cried out in pain and attempted to free his hand as the guard simply held him steady and they both listened to the quickening of noises groaning from deep within the machine.

                          John's blood was pouring from the wound and it seemed the more blood, the louder the machine became. The faceless guard and he wrestled and struggled, then the guard finally managed to reach his clawed fingers over to the knife protruding from John's pinned down hand. He pulled it out in one yank that made a sort of suction sound that was quickly overcome by John's bloodcurdling scream.

                          The renewed pain of the knife's removal seemed to surge John with adrenaline. He lunged at the male Wraith, his good hand clamped around his neck and pinned him to the floor, sending the knife clattering to the ground.

                          In one swoop, he released his neck and picked up the knife from the floor, savagely burying it deep inside the Wraith's chest until his gurglings fell silent and his body lay motionless. John was heaving breaths of fury as he turned carefully, a deadly look on his face, with one hand gripping a bloodied knife, the other hand pouring out his own onto the floor.

                          The Queen paid them no mind, as her sights were focused entirely on the activation of the machine. She had shrieked in murderous excitement as the blood had reached its destination and the machine took new life. Completely captivated by the progression of her maniacal plan, she did not hear John until he was upon her and held the sharp tip of the knife to the back of her neck, causing her to stiffen immediately and her malicious smile to fade from her curled lips. "Turn around, you bitc.h," he said hoarsely as spittle flew from his lips.
                          Is this on because I missed the begining? And what about 'Oasis'? are you still working on it?
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            Hey Padme, yeah heres the link

                            the Wraith stuff continues through the chapters, although this new chapter should take a few minutes to update there. I should finish this by today, tonight ish so right back to Oasis after that.


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Wraith Queen #4
                              The footsteps thudded and John's heart leapt into his throat as he attempted to control his composure. He listened as the muffled voices danced through the night air and whispered words to his perked ears of "blood" and "power". A slight scuffling and then the cell gate was flung open and again he faced the obscene imitation of the one person in his life that had ever really mattered.

                              "I am afraid the time has come, Colonel, for your suffering to come to an end," she snarled as she motioned for the masked guard to release him. John did not struggle against the massive Wraith as he unlocked his bonds and grabbed him coarsely by his arm. His thoughts on Teyla, he kept his eyes on the floor, unable to raise them to meet hers, though she took no apparent notice.

                              He allowed the male Wraith to walk him roughly back down the green hallway as the followed behind the appointed Queen and her trailing red robe. John felt ill as if he would be sick at any moment, trying to swallow back his fear and rising bial. They followed her into a different room now, one with darkened walls and a large control board directly at its center.

                              The Queen motioned her head for the guard to bring John to the panel and John finally raised the courage to look at her mangled face as he was pushed violently away. That's not Teyla, Teyla's gone, he told himself over and over attempting to build his courage.

                              He stood before the control panel and looked down at its bright, glowing lights and listened to it slowly whir to life as if waking from a deep slumber. He didn't notice she had nodded her head to the guard but turned quickly as he saw a flash of moment from the guard's hand.

                              Too late. The guard had raised a large curved knife and slashed down, pinning John's outstretched hand to the control board as blood splattered across the bright, glowing lights. John cried out in pain and attempted to free his hand as the guard simply held him steady and they both listened to the quickening of noises groaning from deep within the machine.

                              John's blood was pouring from the wound and it seemed the more blood, the louder the machine became. The faceless guard and he wrestled and struggled, then the guard finally managed to reach his clawed fingers over to the knife protruding from John's pinned down hand. He pulled it out in one yank that made a sort of suction sound that was quickly overcome by John's bloodcurdling scream.

                              The renewed pain of the knife's removal seemed to surge John with adrenaline. He lunged at the male Wraith, his good hand clamped around his neck and pinned him to the floor, sending the knife clattering to the ground.

                              In one swoop, he released his neck and picked up the knife from the floor, savagely burying it deep inside the Wraith's chest until his gurglings fell silent and his body lay motionless. John was heaving breaths of fury as he turned carefully, a deadly look on his face, with one hand gripping a bloodied knife, the other hand pouring out his own onto the floor.

                              The Queen paid them no mind, as her sights were focused entirely on the activation of the machine. She had shrieked in murderous excitement as the blood had reached its destination and the machine took new life. Completely captivated by the progression of her maniacal plan, she did not hear John until he was upon her and held the sharp tip of the knife to the back of her neck, causing her to stiffen immediately and her malicious smile to fade from her curled lips. "Turn around, you bitc.h," he said hoarsely as spittle flew from his lips.
                              Oh man!!! It's getting so good. Don't stop!!!

                              I'll be back later. I gotta do my voting on the JT award.

                              Here's a new one from me too and I'll be back later to catch up on thread.

                              Confessions: Part one(it's for Camy's word challenge.Thunderstorm


                              John, Teyla, Ronon and Rodney are exploring a new planet. They are looking for a suitable beta site, incase the alpha site was every compromised. Everything is fine until a thunderstorm starts to roll in.
                              John and his team heads back to the gate. Rodney and Ronon go through first, but before John and Teyla could reach the gate a lighting bolt strikes it and the gate shuts down. John tries to dial the gate again, but without any luck and the lighting becomes so intense that they are forced to find shelter in a cave east of the gate’s location.
                              In Atlantis:
                              As soon as Ronon and Rodney clear the gate it shuts down and the shield goes up. Sam comes out of her office and looks down into the gate room. She notices Rodney and Ronon, but not John and Teyla. “Rodney? Where is John and Teyla?” asks Sam.
                              Rodney’s eyes are wide with fear, “ I don’t know. They were right be hind us.”
                              Sam walks over to the control room and tells the tech to activate the gate. The tech dials the gate, but he informs Sam that the shield won’t go down. There is no way to leave Atlantis and retrieve John and Teyla.
                              Back on the planet:
                              Teyla and John get into the cave, soaking wet. John’s about to leave to try to find some wood dry enough to start a fire when lighting strikes out side the cave and cause some big pieces of rock to fall on John within the cave. Teyla turns when she hears John yell and all she could do was look in horror. She begins to run towards him, but a smaller rock hits her on her head and she’s knocked out cold.
                              John finally wakes up. He tries to move and quickly realizes that two slabs of rock are pinning him from his waist down. He does his best to rotate his head to see Teyla, but it’s too dark. “Teyla? Teyla?” he groans.
                              She slowly starts to respond to his voice. “John?” she responds in a weak voice. “Ow, my head.” She rubs it and she notices that her head is wet. She grabs her weapon and turns on the light. She sees that her hand has blood on it. She quickly directs the light to search for John. As soon as she saw him she quickly went to tend to him.
                              John smiles when she was finally in his sight. He could see the blood on her forehead. “Teyla, are your ok? Your head is bleeding,” he asks with concern.
                              Teyla is amazed at how he’s always concern for her before himself, “Do not worry about my head. I need to get you out.” She tried to hide the concern in her voice.
                              John already knew how serious it was for him and knew he needed to have Teyla focus on herself and on a way out. “Teyla, listen to me. You probably have a concussion. Tell me exactly how you feel. It’s important that I need to know. How long were you unconscious?”
                              Teyla was a little confused about the question, but she answers any way. She explains that she was out for about a half an hour and she felt tired.
                              “Teyla, I need you to make sure that you don’t go to sleep. You might not wake up if you do and need you to find the first-aid kit in the backpack to patch up your head. I know you’re tired, but I also need you to see if you can get out of the cave and get a hold of Atlantis. I seems the storm is over. She maneuvers her way toward the entrance and sees that the opening is blocked.


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                Wraith Queen #4
                                The footsteps thudded and John's heart leapt into his throat as he attempted to control his composure. He listened as the muffled voices danced through the night air and whispered words to his perked ears of "blood" and "power". A slight scuffling and then the cell gate was flung open and again he faced the obscene imitation of the one person in his life that had ever really mattered.

                                "I am afraid the time has come, Colonel, for your suffering to come to an end," she snarled as she motioned for the masked guard to release him. John did not struggle against the massive Wraith as he unlocked his bonds and grabbed him coarsely by his arm. His thoughts on Teyla, he kept his eyes on the floor, unable to raise them to meet hers, though she took no apparent notice.

                                He allowed the male Wraith to walk him roughly back down the green hallway as the followed behind the appointed Queen and her trailing red robe. John felt ill as if he would be sick at any moment, trying to swallow back his fear and rising bial. They followed her into a different room now, one with darkened walls and a large control board directly at its center.

                                The Queen motioned her head for the guard to bring John to the panel and John finally raised the courage to look at her mangled face as he was pushed violently away. That's not Teyla, Teyla's gone, he told himself over and over attempting to build his courage.

                                He stood before the control panel and looked down at its bright, glowing lights and listened to it slowly whir to life as if waking from a deep slumber. He didn't notice she had nodded her head to the guard but turned quickly as he saw a flash of moment from the guard's hand.

                                Too late. The guard had raised a large curved knife and slashed down, pinning John's outstretched hand to the control board as blood splattered across the bright, glowing lights. John cried out in pain and attempted to free his hand as the guard simply held him steady and they both listened to the quickening of noises groaning from deep within the machine.

                                John's blood was pouring from the wound and it seemed the more blood, the louder the machine became. The faceless guard and he wrestled and struggled, then the guard finally managed to reach his clawed fingers over to the knife protruding from John's pinned down hand. He pulled it out in one yank that made a sort of suction sound that was quickly overcome by John's bloodcurdling scream.

                                The renewed pain of the knife's removal seemed to surge John with adrenaline. He lunged at the male Wraith, his good hand clamped around his neck and pinned him to the floor, sending the knife clattering to the ground.

                                In one swoop, he released his neck and picked up the knife from the floor, savagely burying it deep inside the Wraith's chest until his gurglings fell silent and his body lay motionless. John was heaving breaths of fury as he turned carefully, a deadly look on his face, with one hand gripping a bloodied knife, the other hand pouring out his own onto the floor.

                                The Queen paid them no mind, as her sights were focused entirely on the activation of the machine. She had shrieked in murderous excitement as the blood had reached its destination and the machine took new life. Completely captivated by the progression of her maniacal plan, she did not hear John until he was upon her and held the sharp tip of the knife to the back of her neck, causing her to stiffen immediately and her malicious smile to fade from her curled lips. "Turn around, you bitc.h," he said hoarsely as spittle flew from his lips.

                                Oh crap....
                                Now there is a little tidbit in there that I'm sure Elf could be a little happy about
                                Poor guy for everything that he has to go through...wonder what will happen at the end of it all...
                                Sigs by Scifan

