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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Congrats blue on getting 3200,ooh,you got the dancing Shep!


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Hey Blue: You just made 3200 post. Congrats!!!!

      Oh thanks scifan.... I didn't even notice.

      I just love dancing Joe/Shep... sigh could watch those hips swivel all day.


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        Okay ...QUESTION

        Which episode to vote for next on the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game???

        So I'll know which pics to post on my links post tomorrow...
        We have now...
        The Return 1
        in the which one should be our next choice...??
        I will vote wherever I'm needed but I liked Sateda a lot.

        Gotta go for now but check out my motivators in galleria.



          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Oh thanks scifan.... I didn't even notice.

          I just love dancing Joe/Shep... sigh could watch those hips swivel all day.
          I know what you mean. I like the other dancing Joe too. He moves sooooo gooood.

          Ok guys. More funny motivations by Maffieg. I did some more too. Go check out and post some of your own.


            Congrats Blue on 3200 posts!!!

            Okay.....Phantoms it is then that will be up next for voting...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Congrats Blue on 3200 posts!!!

              Okay.....Phantoms it is then that will be up next for voting...
              Thanks Nina.


              This was posted by Prion in the season four thread ... its the Comic Con season 4 promo and its AWESOME!!

              I wonder who Teyla is speaking to in the last clip..
              Last edited by bluealien; 09 August 2007, 01:59 PM.


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Continuation of Wraith Queen

                John sat with his back against the wall in a dark, damp cell, his legs extended and his feet resting in a black, watery puddle. His arms were chained to shackles protruding from the wall behind him and his wrists were raw from heaving on them, as they were a proven bright red. He was filthy, exhausted, and filled with despair.

                His eyes were fixed on the decomposing body across the cell whose skeletal remains still wore their shackles like shiny, metal bracelets against their bone. He did not know how long he had been staring, when he heard the steady beat of footsteps approaching from down the long, echoing corridor outside his cell.

                The guard outside his cell straightened and John knew it must be her. He turned his head away, remembering her cold, twisted face and surged with fury at his own inability to do anything about it. He heard murmuring outside the steel bars and watched as the guard nodded silently, fumbled for his keys, and opened the cell door that gave an awful metallic groan.

                Teyla walked in, head high, eyes blazing. She stood over him as he mustered whatever strength he had to look into her warped face and not be ill. “I have heard you are not cooperating, Colonel,” she said in a loud, cold voice.

                “Well, I guess I’m just not much of a team player anymore,” he said defiantly, his eyes shining.

                Her face twisted into what John guessed was supposed to have been a smile, but looked more malicious and evil than anything else. “I think,” she said gently as she knelt down towards him, her robe dangling now in the same black puddle at his feet. “I think we have been going about this the wrong way. I think I understand now what would properly motivate you, Colonel Sheppard.”

                She placed a discolored cold hand over his eyes and he resisted momentarily. He could feel her life force pulsating in the palm of her hand but he could not see her eyes close nor see her mouth moving rapidly, as if chanting silently to herself. John felt strange, like a cloud entered his mind, swirling and invading his every thought.

                When she finally pulled her hand away, his eyes blinked rapidly; confused as he stared into the face of the woman he thought he had lost forever.

                “Teyla? Is it really you?”

                Her glowing skin and bright brown eyes swayed softly, basked in a strange golden light. She smiled and turned away furtively, as if looking for something.

                “John, please we must hurry!” she said turning back. “We do not have much time! Tell me; tell me what they want to know. How is the machine activated?”

                John’s eyes were brimming with tears of joy and disbelief as he rushed to his knees, edging closer to her, and searching her beautiful face.. “Oh Teyla, I thought you were dead! They took over your body and…..and….God, I can’t believe you’re really here. There’s so much I wanted to tell you before and…..”

                Shhhhh….hush now,” she said, her perfect smile wide. She reached out with her tan hand and held his face comfortingly. “All is well now John. Be afraid no more.” She paused turning away again much to his dismay, as he desperately wanted her face near his. “But you must tell me the answer. Quickly! We cannot let them gain access to the Lantian device.”

                John gulped, still entranced by the golden light and by his own desperate emotions. “I think the key is… blood,” he said fixated as her smile deepened wickedly.

                She leaned forward and with her soft lips she kissed him, their lips pressing against each other hungrily as a tear streaked down John’s filthy cheek.

                She pulled away suddenly leaving John kneeling there, breathless, confused. She stood quickly and looking down, her features beginning to quiver underneath the golden light. Her brown hair was slowly being replaced by wisps of silver and her teeth seemed to slip out from underneath her lips, forming into jagged fangs.

                John gasped in surprise and shook his head violently, the last of the enchantment slipping away as he looked up into the eyes of the horrible, malevolent version of Teyla once again.

                “So predictable……..WEAK,” she said coldly.

                John crumpled against the wall, the weight of realization overcoming him, as his heart thudded with the truth he so longed to hide. Teyla was gone.
                OMG! Mrs B!!! please tell me you will be updating!!!! definitely have me on pins and needles with this story! LOL!!!.

                Poor John!!!...i just love how you wrote his emotions especially when he thought he was seeing Teyla! could tell he truly loves her!.

                Sig by Camy


                  Congrats to Jess on 400!!! YAY!!!

                  Congrats to Blue on 3200!!! Wow!!!

                  Also wanted to say how much i'm enjoying those motivation wallies!!!!...they are amazing!

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Here's the latest for the Best of JT wallies: If you want to see Rising and Hide&Seek you'll have to go to the galleria. *HINT HINT!!* Camy's got a simply cap challenge. I've already done two. Come give us a hand.


                    I just watched 38 Mins. I had to do it.
                    Well, I'm going to bed. G'night.
                    Elf: Except something in the mailbox today or tomorrow.
                    Love it!!! definitely got some of the best J/T moments in 38mins.!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Well by that standards...I'm sure it wil be brought up... I don't really even see why it had to be brought up in Sunday..since hey I got a reaction from him,,that it didn't mean pretty much a darn thing to him was like it was the furthest from his mind,,and just said it because Ronon asked straight out... JF said himself that he doens't like sappy romance or to have any kind of romance there for that sake alone..

                      So to pull in his ex-wife in the plot would be totally useless to me,, he had the *been there, done that, moved on, next subject* kind of an I hardly think he is dwelling on the fact...

                      I really can't either see that she has really any major impact on how he is today,,, I think it has more to do with his parents and friends during his career then anything with his ex-wife...
                      Maybe he was young and naive...maybe if it happened later during his life..maybe she/he realized the feelings wern't as strong as they thought... and they ended it... maybe she couldn't handle his career or that he took such risks.. and ended it.. yes he said he is bad at it... so something else must be at fault if he didn't make it the first time around... or simply she just wasn't the right woman for him...

                      We have seen him bonding with Teyla...he is able to have deeper feelings... we see how he cares for his team and we especially see how he cares for Teyla...for what I feel more as just a friend..there is something deeper...
                      He might have a hard time sometimes to express feelings in words...but I'm sure we have all noticed that most times his actions speaks volumes of how he feels for the cause or the person in question... and when it deals with Teyla,,it's like taking it a step further because those have been a few times where he haven't been in complete control and his raw emotions comes we saw in Sunday... we have seen other people hurt..but never has his reaction been that strong as it's been for Teyla... or that you can clearly see the pain on his face and in his eyes... or his mind setting when he knows he has to do something before it's to late...

                      I don't want to know every single thing there is to know about this guy... I don't NEED all the details... I most times want to be guessing why he does that or why he reacts to sertain things..rather then know every darn secret there is to know about a way that would take the mystery out of him...

                      Sure the epi could be done well if JF has come up with a bright idea and that they let him do it the way he wants it...Epiphany comes to mind,,don't know what he really had planned for it,, but the end product was a dissapointment,,and even he himself didn't seem happy with how it turned out... so sure if he has a bright idea, they let him make it the way he could be good... and if he does it that it might link back to Atlantis somehow..since for me he clearly has shown over the course of 3 seasons...he consider Atlantis his home...he has been back to earth a few times... have we heard him contact anyone from his past,,,hardly... so I can wonder,,why now...?? it seems his work is everything to him,,and now so is also Atlantis...the guy was itching to get back the last time... so I'll take a wait and see on this one...

                      But about the backstory and going back to earth,,, if it has anything to do with his ex-wife,,I rather see him run into her by accident,,but it's not done a big deal out of it...or his reaction in Sunday is not made to justice... so I really don't feel like he has anything to settle when it comes to her... and would rather she wasn't mentioned ever again...since it was pointless in the first place...

                      And I'll stop my ramble..

                      You said it perfectly Nina!.

                      I REALLY don't want it to be about his ex-wife, just like people have mentioned, the writers don't have the best track record when it come to those types of episodes and secondly, i really don't find much of an importance to even go back to that. It would be different if he did have a child with her, then i could see them doing something with that but we already know he doesn't have any kids so why bring back the ex-wife. I find it way more interesting if it would have been about his Father or if not, one of his Family members...but who knows, hopefully they do this "John" centric episode justice.

                      Sig by Camy


                        Okay i'm off for now, i must admitt, i'm one of the people that doesn't check out the Gallery as much as i should so i'm on my way now to check it out and then i MUST get started on the voting for the J/T Awards!!!. I'm done with the artwork and vids but those fics are taking me a while to read and find the time to read them all!!!. So yeah, must get some more fic voting in today!

                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          Thanks Nina.


                          This was posted by Prion in the season four thread ... its the Comic Con season 4 promo and its AWESOME!!

                          I wonder who Teyla is speaking to in the last clip..
                          WWWWOOOOOWWWWW!!! I'm so loving it. Thanks Blue!

                          She's probably talking to Keller.I have to admit that it made me cringe to see John and Larrin.


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Continuation of Wraith Queen

                            John sat with his back against the wall in a dark, damp cell, his legs extended and his feet resting in a black, watery puddle. His arms were chained to shackles protruding from the wall behind him and his wrists were raw from heaving on them, as they were a proven bright red. He was filthy, exhausted, and filled with despair.

                            His eyes were fixed on the decomposing body across the cell whose skeletal remains still wore their shackles like shiny, metal bracelets against their bone. He did not know how long he had been staring, when he heard the steady beat of footsteps approaching from down the long, echoing corridor outside his cell.

                            The guard outside his cell straightened and John knew it must be her. He turned his head away, remembering her cold, twisted face and surged with fury at his own inability to do anything about it. He heard murmuring outside the steel bars and watched as the guard nodded silently, fumbled for his keys, and opened the cell door that gave an awful metallic groan.

                            Teyla walked in, head high, eyes blazing. She stood over him as he mustered whatever strength he had to look into her warped face and not be ill. “I have heard you are not cooperating, Colonel,” she said in a loud, cold voice.

                            “Well, I guess I’m just not much of a team player anymore,” he said defiantly, his eyes shining.

                            Her face twisted into what John guessed was supposed to have been a smile, but looked more malicious and evil than anything else. “I think,” she said gently as she knelt down towards him, her robe dangling now in the same black puddle at his feet. “I think we have been going about this the wrong way. I think I understand now what would properly motivate you, Colonel Sheppard.”

                            She placed a discolored cold hand over his eyes and he resisted momentarily. He could feel her life force pulsating in the palm of her hand but he could not see her eyes close nor see her mouth moving rapidly, as if chanting silently to herself. John felt strange, like a cloud entered his mind, swirling and invading his every thought.

                            When she finally pulled her hand away, his eyes blinked rapidly; confused as he stared into the face of the woman he thought he had lost forever.

                            “Teyla? Is it really you?”

                            Her glowing skin and bright brown eyes swayed softly, basked in a strange golden light. She smiled and turned away furtively, as if looking for something.

                            “John, please we must hurry!” she said turning back. “We do not have much time! Tell me; tell me what they want to know. How is the machine activated?”

                            John’s eyes were brimming with tears of joy and disbelief as he rushed to his knees, edging closer to her, and searching her beautiful face.. “Oh Teyla, I thought you were dead! They took over your body and…..and….God, I can’t believe you’re really here. There’s so much I wanted to tell you before and…..”

                            Shhhhh….hush now,” she said, her perfect smile wide. She reached out with her tan hand and held his face comfortingly. “All is well now John. Be afraid no more.” She paused turning away again much to his dismay, as he desperately wanted her face near his. “But you must tell me the answer. Quickly! We cannot let them gain access to the Lantian device.”

                            John gulped, still entranced by the golden light and by his own desperate emotions. “I think the key is… blood,” he said fixated as her smile deepened wickedly.

                            She leaned forward and with her soft lips she kissed him, their lips pressing against each other hungrily as a tear streaked down John’s filthy cheek.

                            She pulled away suddenly leaving John kneeling there, breathless, confused. She stood quickly and looking down, her features beginning to quiver underneath the golden light. Her brown hair was slowly being replaced by wisps of silver and her teeth seemed to slip out from underneath her lips, forming into jagged fangs.

                            John gasped in surprise and shook his head violently, the last of the enchantment slipping away as he looked up into the eyes of the horrible, malevolent version of Teyla once again.

                            “So predictable……..WEAK,” she said coldly.

                            John crumpled against the wall, the weight of realization overcoming him, as his heart thudded with the truth he so longed to hide. Teyla was gone.
                            Poor John!

                            MrsB, is this by anychance going to be on Also you gotta be doing one of Doxymoms challenges that are on the Arena! can't wait to read it when it is posted on!

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              Poor John!

                              MrsB, is this by anychance going to be on Also you gotta be doing one of Doxymoms challenges that are on the Arena! can't wait to read it when it is posted on!
                              Hey Tey thanks, and thanks Mayra too. Yeah its already posted what i have so far under Tribulations with a bunch of other stuff. Have you posted anything there lately Tey?

                              and thanks BLUE for posting prions latest - and I agree Scifan -
                              NO THANKS TO THE LARRIN SCENE although that was more of a sexier comment than I'm used to hearing on SGA so good on them for getting gutsier


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                WWWWOOOOOWWWWW!!! I'm so loving it. Thanks Blue!

                                She's probably talking to Keller.I have to admit that it made me cringe to see John and Larrin.
                                Yeah I know I really didn't need to see that... *lol*
                                When she makes that stupid joke there when he is sitting in the chair..he actually sounds pissed and offended... and then I think it might be the kiss scene where they showed a piece of....seems like she is the one coming onto him... not the other way around...but I could be wrong though

                                But it sure looks like it's going to be an intresting awesome season...can't wait until September...
                                Might something happen to Teyla and Keller in the very end it seemed like Teyla and maybe also Keller was taken and held captive... hrmm wonder if John will come after them then...
                                Sigs by Scifan

