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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    oh, I am all for that..there's nothing I can add to that beside the fact that the only reason I would want John to meet up with his ex is to simply say,

    Oh, Hi...yeah..I'm uh...sorry about being such an *******, now I"m good. I"m expecting my first. Kind of a surprise type of thing but you know how it is. You sort of act and behave like if someone or something is actually controlling your body and reading your mind and acting on your feelings and actions and then before you know it you wake up and there she is and you think it's another dream but then you find out couple of months later, it wasn't a dream and then she's all PO at you cause you didn't remember....and's complicated but the point is that now...All is good!... I finally found the one that grounds me and tells me what to do. Oh, yeah, you did that too...Only difference is that I actually want her to ground me and tell me what to do! Where's she from? Not from around here, not from anywhere you would know really. She's a foreigner in our world, when you really think about it. But, man can she kick my Earthly ass! Oh, yea...sorry! Moving are you?

    Rof...basically, I care not to know anything about his past either, Nina. Let's hope Joe knows what he's doing this time!

    *lol* I can almost see her thought * wow that's the most he has said ever since I met him* ROFL
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post


      *is now on the floor laughing*
      HAHAHAHAHA! I can see it! WOOOHOOO!

      LOVE IT! Now, tell me why you posted it here, when I specifically pointed out to post it in the Galleria...hhmmm....

      *taps foot waiting for Teyl's excuse*


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        *lol* I can almost see her thought * wow that's the most he has said ever since I met him* ROFL
        ROFLMAO! Okay, I just got dizzy from that laughter! ROF! You have to remember he has 4 years that he has to tell her without telling her too much! LOL


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          oh, I am all for that..there's nothing I can add to that beside the fact that the only reason I would want John to meet up with his ex is to simply say,

          Oh, Hi...yeah..I'm uh...sorry about being such an *******, now I"m good. I"m expecting my first. Kind of a surprise type of thing but you know how it is. You sort of act and behave like if someone or something is actually controlling your body and reading your mind and acting on your feelings and actions and then before you know it you wake up and there she is and you think it's another dream but then you find out couple of months later, it wasn't a dream and then she's all PO at you cause you didn't remember....and's complicated but the point is that now...All is good!... I finally found the one that grounds me and tells me what to do. Oh, yeah, you did that too...Only difference is that I actually want her to ground me and tell me what to do! Where's she from? Not from around here, not from anywhere you would know really. She's a foreigner in our world, when you really think about it. But, man can she kick my Earthly ass! Oh, yea...sorry! Moving are you?

          Rof...basically, I care not to know anything about his past either, Nina. Let's hope Joe knows what he's doing this time!
          ROFL! ....Oh yea...sorry! Moving are you?....
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            HAHAHAHAHA! I can see it! WOOOHOOO!

            LOVE IT! Now, tell me why you posted it here, when I specifically pointed out to post it in the Galleria...hhmmm....

            *taps foot waiting for Teyl's excuse*
            Will post in there soon only I have to make dinner tonight (I hope Teyla does not keel over from food poisioning).....

            anyhow.... I'll post it over there soon

            YAY massage! *purrs*

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Are you asking me? I'm fine...

              How are you?

              Teyl....I"m off to cook as well. I"m going out to eat...too hot to be in the kitchen. Besides I just cooked lunch for goodness sake!

              Boys eat too much!



                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                I agree, it started out really well and I loved Shep's reaction to being left behind. The first 10 minutes were great but sadly it went down hill after that.

                Well JM has pretty much confirmed that it won't have anything to do with his father so if it's past relationhships my guess it will have something to do with his ex wife. I'm not optimistic that the ptb can handle something like this without giving us a repeat of John/Teer. She was the most boring character and had no rapport with Shep at all. Are we going to get something like this ... Even if its some angsty ep where his ex is ill, I can't see myself really caring. As I said before I want to see Shep interact with someone I care about .. not someone from his past. Even seeing Shep upset and angsty over some long lost love seems soo soap operish ... Considering Shep didnt even want to send a message to earth in LFP this will have to be something pretty important if he actually goes back to earth and I would say personal... I can't see him getting called back for any other reason.... if he was in trouble with his superiors why would they wait until now to call him back ... so again it leads me to believe that it's a personal matter and it has to be someone he was very close to... so if it's not his father.. and I can't see him being estranged from his mother.. that pretty much only leaves ex wife. I find it strange when a lot of non shippers moan about John ever being romantically linked with a main character but have no problem when we may get a whole romantic angsty ep involving someone else.. this isn't very scifi.. at least with a main character it's pretty much always sublte and in the background with with OC characters its usually in your face.. ie Larrin.
                When did JM posted that. I thought I read that the summary of John's father was not made up by them, but that's all. What have you read?


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post


                  *is now on the floor laughing*
                  LOL. That's funny Teyilia.


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Are you asking me? I'm fine...

                    How are you?

                    Teyl....I"m off to cook as well. I"m going out to eat...too hot to be in the kitchen. Besides I just cooked lunch for goodness sake!

                    Boys eat too much!

                    I was restating my favorite line in your feedback! But, I am fine. Working on newsletter right now.
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Allright dudes, leaving work, bunch of errands, be back later!


                        Have fun, drive safe, stay outta the swamp..... *tosses John out the computer room door* .... ahem....

                        safe driving MrsB

                        now a little update.....

                        Teyla gets in a lotta trouble at the Trust Offworld Base

                        Whereas John nearly destroys the rental car he got to get Teyla back by driving through a mall while chasing the car he thinks Teyla is inside of.... and later gets a promotion to Brigadier General(in New Birth that is)

                        all in all, nothing rathre erm... relaxing.... ever happens to the team in my stories.... poor Teyla

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Okay ...QUESTION

                          Which episode to vote for next on the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game???

                          So I'll know which pics to post on my links post tomorrow...
                          We have now...
                          The Return 1
                          in the which one should be our next choice...??
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            Okay ...QUESTION

                            Which episode to vote for next on the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game???

                            So I'll know which pics to post on my links post tomorrow...
                            We have now...
                            The Return 1
                            in the which one should be our next choice...??

                            How about Phantoms... we already have 4 votes for it.


                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              How about Phantoms... we already have 4 votes for it.
                              Hey Blue: You just made 3200 post. Congrats!!!!


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                oh, I am all for that..there's nothing I can add to that beside the fact that the only reason I would want John to meet up with his ex is to simply say,

                                Oh, Hi...yeah..I'm uh...sorry about being such an *******, now I"m good. I"m expecting my first. Kind of a surprise type of thing but you know how it is. You sort of act and behave like if someone or something is actually controlling your body and reading your mind and acting on your feelings and actions and then before you know it you wake up and there she is and you think it's another dream but then you find out couple of months later, it wasn't a dream and then she's all PO at you cause you didn't remember....and's complicated but the point is that now...All is good!... I finally found the one that grounds me and tells me what to do. Oh, yeah, you did that too...Only difference is that I actually want her to ground me and tell me what to do! Where's she from? Not from around here, not from anywhere you would know really. She's a foreigner in our world, when you really think about it. But, man can she kick my Earthly ass! Oh, yea...sorry! Moving are you?

                                Rof...basically, I care not to know anything about his past either, Nina. Let's hope Joe knows what he's doing this time!

                                Hehe .... that was hilarious Camy..

                                I don't think Joe will have much control in the direction "his idea" takes. He won't really have a lot of say in how it's writtten as we saw in Epiphany. His idea may be great but it's what the writers do with it that will make it either good or bad. At Comic Con Joe seemed a bit surprised that they were going ahead with it.. he seemed to think it had been shelved and looked sceptically at JM. I loved how JM retorts back, "don't worry, it will be good". Well time will tell..

