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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
    i agree thats why i was so surprised when i saw it on the video
    the closest weve come to a hug is the athosian head thing...a hug is a heck more personal....its about personal space and we know shep likes to keep his ...well her taking that step and hugging him is a HUGE deal with their friendship/relationship...i think he looks a bit surprised at first but not as much as in the past coughweircough...he even softens into the hug a bit more as we see his face and he puts his hand on her back..its a lovely hug
    the shep/weir hug is completely equivalent to the jack/weir hug. There is no difference, except in the different male and location it takes place. But the actions were the same, sort of jump into personal space and the guy completely floundering. I wonder what this scene is about a lot. His hands are different, I don't know why it seems like he's caressing her back, when it might not be anything, since we don't have the full back shot. For sure Teyla's actions versus Weir's actions are different. Her movements are always a bit slower, as if she's dealing with a skittish cat and gives the person time to move away from it.

    I do wonder what a hug stands for Athosians. I ask this because when Teyla was giving reassurance to Halling, a long time friend of hers, she touched his shoulder and didn't physically embrace him to give her comfort. Teyla did this again in Phantoms and again in Sunday. It was more simple connections cause she knows how he is about the physical. We know the head touch is friendship established in Rising, and in The ReturnI she was again slow in her approach even when it was John who initiated it. This embrace is very different. From the others she's had, and different from Weir's approach. Maybe I should find a website on what different hugs mean.
    Click statement above to read article.


      Oh I can't believe I just logged again for this...


      could this have something to do with her people missing. This is Teyla going to John, it has to be something that is affecting her as well as him. What if this is her going to him because she can't deal with the idea of her people missing?

      Okay, I"m not coming back this time!


        Originally posted by vaberella View Post
        the shep/weir hug is completely equivalent to the jack/weir hug. There is no difference, except in the different male and location it takes place. But the actions were the same, sort of jump into personal space and the guy completely floundering. I wonder what this scene is about a lot. His hands are different, I don't know why it seems like he's caressing her back, when it might not be anything, since we don't have the full back shot. For sure Teyla's actions versus Weir's actions are different. Her movements are always a bit slower, as if she's dealing with a skittish cat and gives the person time to move away from it.

        I do wonder what a hug stands for Athosians. I ask this because when Teyla was giving reassurance to Halling, a long time friend of hers, she touched his shoulder and didn't physically embrace him to give her comfort. Teyla did this again in Phantoms and again in Sunday. It was more simple connections cause she knows how he is about the physical. We know the head touch is friendship established in Rising, and in The ReturnI she was again slow in her approach even when it was John who initiated it. This embrace is very different. From the others she's had, and different from Weir's approach. Maybe I should find a website on what different hugs mean.
        i agree
        weir LEAPS into mens arms, Teyla gracefully goes into the hug, giving shep time to pull away if hes not comfortable....i just love that they feel close enough to do this, like its another step forward you know and they again seem to be going to each other for comfort (well shes gone to him since its outside his quarters) the hug is a big thing, and no i dont think it was a coincidence that JM is talking about relationships as they show this clip



          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Oh I can't believe I just logged again for this...


          could this have something to do with her people missing. This is Teyla going to John, it has to be something that is affecting her as well as him. What if this is her going to him because she can't deal with the idea of her people missing?

          Okay, I"m not coming back this time!
          its definately we say it could be anything but its gotta be something big!

          i think ill be watching that video a few more times before i go to bed hehehe



            Camy might be right. I just pinpointed where I saw John had that look. It was the same look in The Gift, during the sparring session and Teyla was telling him about her father and the nightmares. I don't know if anyone said this before. But the look didn't change, except
            Teyla went into his arm this time. While the last time, he had his back to her, which could be him hiding his worry/concern for her. With their pasts, it's easier for him to be a bit more open in his approach.

            You're right Roo, Weir is a leaper, sort of an invader of privacy. It's different when you're close to someone, but when you're not---that's just not cute. The person is put on the spot. I'm still reading on hugs, lots of different types which are sort of the same...but I can't find the right fit.
            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              We get a video...with some small scenes for season 4..and looks what sparks the thread into a squee frenzy... I LOVE IT
              It's the first time, without being gone for days, that I'm having trouble keeping up. I can't read fast enough. LOL


                Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                Camy might be right. I just pinpointed where I saw John had that look. It was the same look in The Gift, during the sparring session and Teyla was telling him about her father and the nightmares. I don't know if anyone said this before. But the look didn't change, except
                Teyla went into his arm this time. While the last time, he had his back to her, which could be him hiding his worry/concern for her. With their pasts, it's easier for him to be a bit more open in his approach.

                You're right Roo, Weir is a leaper, sort of an invader of privacy. It's different when you're close to someone, but when you're not---that's just not cute. The person is put on the spot. I'm still reading on hugs, lots of different types which are sort of the same...but I can't find the right fit.
                woah i must be tired i read that as
                weir is a LEPER hehehe shep does look really upset in that clip so its something that affects them both, and he and teyla obviously are the ones most close to her people so it would make sense to have a moment like that between the yep that theory could definately be true!



                  well i hope to have sweet shippy dreams tonight...night guys!!



                    I was getting so pissed off and a buzz about all this, that i had to go for a walk.

                    But i've seen it now and...


                    I wasn't saying that at the time, too intent was i on watchingthe vid and for all the details you lot had been going on about, but i'm saying it now.


                    And it's gonna be how many months till this hits the screens?

                    Ok, get the more boring and negatiive stuff out of the way first.

                    It's not a JT hug, but i was happy to hear that for all intents and purposes, they admitted to having neglected Teyla as a character in the past, and they now hope to rectify that in S4. Humble of them if a little overdue.

                    As for negative, i'm still not convinced by Carter moving to Atlantis, she can be as multi-faceted as Kitchen Wizard Swiss Army Knife combo, i'm still wary and have my concerns. Not meaning to be rude to her but in Pegasus she ahs a place, and it ain't an overriding dominating one. Or it shouldn't be.

                    Could only get it to load in a small screen so detail wasn't the best but that hug...

                    As others have probably pointed out, in an Athosian context and it being Teyla, even when it comes to John, it's quite something. The nearest we have to it was the scene in the infirmary from Sunday. Of course we dont' know the background to it, or the timing, though you gotta love the fact that she came to him in her time of need in that way. Could easily have become ever more withdrawan. I'd give my left eye [Don't ask ] to have the script for that ep pop through me door on Monday morning.

                    Such a beeutiful heart warming moment and it's gonna be an age till all is revealed, damnit!

                    Feel for Teyla though as to what is brought it on mind, of course there are the obvious conclusions but i'm wo woeful at specualting and it's probably already all been mentioned while i dithered.

                    Many thanks to Donna for the caps,a dn to Roo for posting a link to an LJ with some btw.

                    Here we were eking out an existence and what might be, through standard spoilers and such, and then comes along an actual clip. HA!

                    Was going to watch a film but it's constantly there, in my mind just under the surface, can't focus on a plot like that. lol

                    Are there any wallies or sigs of the now most famours scene of the moment out yet? Just curous. hehe.

                    EDIT: Oh and how could i forget, thanks a lot Trippy and Nina for the links, sorry if that soudnsa bit lame but thanks.
                    Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 08 June 2007, 05:46 PM.


                      Don't forget to thank Roo, s/he is the man/woman !!

                      You know and I'll bring this up again. The defining moment and what totally separates it from any of the Weir hugs---which makes this so poignant is the fact that Teyla hugged him. We already saw a massive move when John engaged Teyla in an emotional good by as seen in The Return 1. For Teyla go engage him is something really out of the ordinary and especially in the way she did it.

                      People can say what they want, that one hug was better than the other. The entire difference is based on who's doing the hugging, and how it's done and initiated. Even though it's silent, the impact is deafening and made doubly so by the fact that Teyla did it. She went into physical contact. What does that mean, that she went in that way? The fact that John responded in the same expression he had in The Gift, which showed how much he cared and worried for her. I think it's times like that, that John realizes that Teyla is vulnerable and can be weak. Most of the time she can take care of herself, she whumps his ass many a time. But it's those moments when he worries, that you see he's not sure what to do.

                      Not to keep waxing poetic, I've moved from "squee" to symbolism. I'm still trying to identify some hug stuff, will get back with it.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                        goes to earth with ronon because mckay and his sister have been kidnapped (this episode has not been filmed yet)...i agree the sad shep face matches that of sunday so its gotta be something big..there could be a number of reasons why theyre hugging!
                        Thanks for the info. I can't wait for that ep to come
                        Imagine Ronon on Earth and not being able to shoot or beat up whoever he wants.


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          Oh I can't believe I just logged again for this...


                          could this have something to do with her people missing. This is Teyla going to John, it has to be something that is affecting her as well as him. What if this is her going to him because she can't deal with the idea of her people missing?

                          Okay, I"m not coming back this time!
                          I think I posted almost the same thought and if I didn't, I meant to.

                          My hubby and I both saw it. He thinks that she is looking for comforting.(man's point of view) My husband was also one of those who didn't like the touchy feely thing when we first dating(5 yrs cough) He's better now. Any way. We both didn't see him caressing her back either. It seemed to us that his finger were slightly curled but not quite touching her. I'll check again later. IMO


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            I think I posted almost the same thought and if I didn't, I meant to.

                            My hubby and I both saw it. He thinks that she is looking for comforting.(man's point of view) My husband was also one of those who didn't like the touchy feely thing when we first dating(5 yrs cough) He's better now. Any way. We both didn't see him caressing her back either. It seemed to us that his finger were slightly curled but not quite touching her. I'll check again later. IMO

                            I agree, it didn't look like his hands were touching her but it does look like he was raising his hand to either caress her like some people have mentioned or place his hand on her back. They just cut the scene before we could really tell what he was going to do. I'm hoping he caresses her back personally when the scene actually airs!

                            Sig by Camy


                              Thanx for the vid Nina, and Trippy!


                              A Hug...just what I think we needed....I love the expressions on both their faces. It'll be interesting to finally find out what brought on those expression.

                              To me it doesn't look as thought she's pregnant, I watched it a few times...and even though I'd like to say that Shep was caressing her back, his hand looked more as though it was hovering there, maybe a few secs later he did touch her back, and that's what I'd like to see, It's nice an all seeing her embrace him, but I really want to see him return the embrace, i think that's what will make it so different from the shep/weir hug, since i think in that hug his hand did the same hover/pat thing....

                              As for the Larin kiss, I saw that one coming since it was released who would be playing the character, so that comes as no surprise.

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                S4 ramblings don't throw rotten fruit until you hear me out.

                                I see everyone knows about THE*hug*. I've read back a few pages and I have to agree that this was a big step on Teyla's part to hug John. I also wonder like many how that translate in Athosian customs. Hopefully that will be revealed.

                                As for John's reaction, I wished it would have been more *responsive* for lack of a better word. He is hesitate, too say the least. The main difference I saw in that short clip was the way Teyla hugged Shep and opposed to Weir. It was one of need for comfort. Her arms encircle that just his neck (as Weir did w/both John & Jack), but also his torso more of an embace. Now how John responses will tell the tale.

                                I know VB said she was going to do some research on hugs. I was once told that if someone pats your back that means they are just being *friendly* they don't feel comfort by the conduct yet they don't want to offend (we see this in the R2 and Seige2). However if that person holds on, it means that they truly care. The hug is being returned in a sincere manner, w/like feeling. So how John follows though of the hug will tell the tale. But we need to see how it fits into the nature of that particular ep.

                                I too think this is Teyla's way of letting John know she cares. I think John is just a bit shock because possibly he didn't see it coming. Remember there was talk that in S3 John would reveal his feelings for someone, maybe it's truly S4 that it happens. Whatever angst that Teyla faces is sure to affect John and I have no doubt help him to realize his true feelings.

                                As for the kiss w/Larrin. The minute they casted a pretty young thing for the role I knew where that was going. The fact that she has the gun on him says something. Again we don't know what until we see the context of the ep, but from watching her walk in to see Shep, she didn't look too friendly at that time.

                                Lots to look forward to. So anyone know where we can campaign for 5,000 viewers a piece ??

