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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Guys, I"m exhausted and this fic has nearly killed me...but it's done...

    there's a cover and the link underneath the spoiler...but because of it's suggestive theme and the fic is rated M it is hidden under the spoilers...enjoy and leave me a review...don't click if you aren't old enough!...

    I'll be back when I"m more coherent!

    Hope you guys are having fun!

    love ya, Stephie! go and read it again..I've changed and added a bit....hugs!
    Miss Camy
    Just wanted to let you know I got to check out your fic - BRAVO!! And the love scene...not bad for a Mom w/kiddies(hehehe). All kidding aside, great job and looking forward to our tag, hopefully I can have something together by the weekend.



      Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
      Miss Camy
      Just wanted to let you know I got to check out your fic - BRAVO!! And the love scene...not bad for a Mom w/kiddies(hehehe). All kidding aside, great job and looking forward to our tag, hopefully I can have something together by the weekend.

      Aw, helped me tremendously!

      Blue....Gracias! It was challenging!

      Cyn...I'm so glad you liked it! speaking of mommy with baby turns 7 today!

      Oy, big boy now!

      Okay, so I'm a little jittery about First Strike...

      Man, I don't know if I can wait another what....4 months for the next season!

      Thanks everyone.....I"m so glad you guys liked it!

      Stephie, I"m taking the computer to CompUSA! I am so avoiding to have to erase everything.....

      so, I can't download the vid until I get this fix....I was working again on your banner....and BANG!

      Stupid computer...but it's a coming....don't worry....I have the idea...and if this doesn't work with CompUSA then, I"m just going to have to spend several hours doing all of this again....

      Have fun today....Camy is going to be a mommy today!


        Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
        Hi guys!

        Just finished another new video.....
        It can be found as usual on my little site:

        I hope you enjoy! Thank you!!!
        Aww! That was so sad, but beautiful! Good job LC. I couldn't tell that the sang had been edited.


          Camy, I know a left you a review but just wanted to say again, your fic was great, a pleasure to read, thanks.

          Sorry to hear that your computer is still being a pain in the ass, hopefully it can be sorted without a full restore. We needed to do theath the other week and i screwed up in the backing up, lost half me iTunes library to name oe thing. Anyway, hopefully you have better luck.

          LC, well i am glad you chose here to post the vid, even if the focus isn't JT necessarilly. You may well ahve remixed the song but it flowed perfectly, and really went well, very poignant. Thanks a lot.

          Devine, in all my time here i've never had a sig, what i was wondering was, could i use one of those SGA JT Dictionary ones?

          We're just shy of 11 hours till First Strike, can't believe it is here already, i'm impatient but not, if you get my meaning. Rome can fill the brecah TV wise when it begins.

          Speaking of whch, Bella, is it mere conincidence that the main event is like the end of season party too? Uncanny timing.
          Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 05 February 2007, 11:46 AM.


            Camy- Great fic... loved it,,,the suspense, the mystery , the really a great one...

            LC- Haven't watched it yet but I will...I promise ... you have to stop saying it's nothing special...I've loved all your videos so far and I'm sure I will love this one as well...will let you know as soon as I see it...

            Blue- I hope you had a great time in London....and oh I love you new sig... you seem to have fun making them,,,you have changed a lot for a short period of time,,,but I really love this one...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              Aw, helped me tremendously!

              Stephie, I"m taking the computer to CompUSA! I am so avoiding to have to erase everything.....

              so, I can't download the vid until I get this fix....I was working again on your banner....and BANG!

              Stupid computer...but it's a coming....don't worry....I have the idea...and if this doesn't work with CompUSA then, I"m just going to have to spend several hours doing all of this again....

              Have fun today....Camy is going to be a mommy today!
              My pleasure, Camy!! And good luck with your computer!!! Make sure you have everything backed up before taking it in or have them call you before they do anything. Their typical solution for fixing is to do a complete restore and they don't always tell you that! Hopefully it will be something that they can fix, but just to warn you, if it's not a hardware issue or a virus, they'll probably want to do a restore as that's their usual solution for software issues.

              Good luck!!!!!

              Blue, Devine, and Nick, thank you soooo much!! You guys made my day! Thank you!!!

              Fic Rec!! I just read this adorable little fic! It's very short, but brought a big smile to my face:


              It's a tiny episode tag to Submersion. Ronon/John/Teyla friendship. Very cute!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Can you believe that it is the last eppy tonight....


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  Can you believe that it is the last eppy tonight....
                  Yeah ..time sure flies by and now we have months to wait until season 4.... guess I have to do videos to make the time go by..
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Yeah ..time sure flies by and now we have months to wait until season 4.... guess I have to do videos to make the time go by..
                    Oh yes a video every week to make up for no ep and Camy and the other talented writers here can give us a fanfic a week.

                    Any takers?


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Oh yes a video every week to make up for no ep and Camy and the other talented writers here can give us a fanfic a week.

                      Any takers?
                      What a task.... blue that might be a little tad demanding *lol*
                      If I had time sure 1 video every week I could do ...hehe
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        What a task.... blue that might be a little tad demanding *lol*
                        If I had time sure 1 video every week I could do ...hehe
                        One a month perhaps !!


                          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                          One a month perhaps !!
                          *lol* Nahh I think I can pull of atleast 2/month if I have the insperation... but I'm not promising 100% though *lol*
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            hey its the last eppy tonight i can't believe it oh well i can't wait for some more season 4 episode spoilers to come out
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              LC- Such a wonderful sad when they remember their time with him... the music fit very well... so this was another great one from you ...thanks
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Nina, thank you for the glances.

                                Devine, are we bonding? Spoilers for OT:

                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                Has a flash back of wearing blousing straps and a stupid bun in my hair to prevent it from touching the bottom of my collar………..

                                No! No! Noooooo!
                                Did you wear blouser straps? I had so many that I'm still finding them floating around. Hair in a bun? I was scared to let mine grow out for fear of that middle stage when you have whisps ... you know what I mean. Now, are we particular about stuff hanging out or what? Starts in bootcamp and never ends ...

                                LC, you're giving me flashbacks, my friend. I haven't slogged through mud in ages. Hey, but did you see how mud does NOT get inside the boots when they're tied, lol!!

                                Okay, guys, thanks for warming my heart. :-)

                                Last original ep for a long, long time. Somebody please pass a hankie.

