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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sweetoffee14 View Post
    i know im way behind everyone else but i've spent most of my time reading all your posts :-P

    the ark
    when i watched the first time where John saw that Teyla had been beamed into the machine i was a bit disappointed that he didn't say anything, he just looked sorta "oh crap", on rewatching it looks more like he's already trying to think of a way to get her out but i still would've liked him to say something, not sure what but something...

    but i love, love, love that ending, i was in shock that it happened because i just didn't expect anything (though i was silently willing everyone to go away and john to stay and talk with her i didn't expect it to happen )

    anyway great ep, can't think of anything else to say so i'll just go back to lurking
    Just a quick - I like your sig . Nice use of The Ark pics.



      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      Actions speak louder than words...I don't think there's really much he could have said, Sweet...

      I think that

      any love recognition there wouldn't have been inappropriate and swearing and loosing it, isn't thing I love about John is that despite his feelings towards doesn't hinder his mind and on the contrary, she makes him stronger...I just chatted this with someone...*grins*

      John said enough, I think...he asked Rodney, are you going to be able to get her out of there...that was all he wanted to know and see..that she get out of there safely...and the minute he knew that there was no time..he did what John does best...ACTION SHEPPARD! he was thinking, I think of all the different scenarios at that moment...the bitting of his lips tells me he knew this was not going to be easy....and the minute he started walking out of the room...he was in his mode that he gets when nothing and no one can stand in his way..he knew what he had to do..and he was going to do it and no one was going to stop him...but again..I think that this is not the shippy part..I think he would have done it for any of the others....but to see it play out with Teyla is just right! the shippy part for me was that infirmary scene....he was basically telling her that she was and is special...and one thing that I don't think anyone has mentioned and I must give credit to my online friends in our discussion is that when Teyla told John, he did what you and I would have done...Teyla stood out the you and I and so did John...he mentioned her kidnapped first....and then he said and he almost got you and me killed...not us but you and me.....words come from the heart...and John and Teyla both see a "you and me"...woohoooo!

      Great convo guys....

      and btw, JB did you ever get that song and hear the Lonely Boys?
      Camy, I like your new sig as well . Teyla looks so young in this. Her expression one of openness were John is concerned. I wanted to add to the Ark discussion by saying:

      In the infirmiry when John comes to visit, Teyla seems more free in her expressions. She threw her head back to laugh at him, watched him smiling like a teen as he walked away(at least that is what I thought). The Teyla of S1 would not have acted that way. The fact that she felt comfortable to reach out and touch him casually as she did is also testimony to that fact. But these were just my observations.



        Nubian's all in the eyes of the beholder...LOL

        and of course, you should get a pair of our extra shippy thick glasses....they are really classy looking and do wonders with those scenes...

        You have to admit, though, the chemistry and the bond and respect is there...and I might exxagerate a bit...but even the writer of the episode commented that in the infirmary scene, John behaved like many men who aren't as open to express their real feelings to a girl....

        Am I getting that right?'s very thoughtful of you to stop by and share such nice and comforting words...and yeah, they do have great chemistry...but I think all the characters of SGA have great chemistry.....

        Stopped by to share this little gem with you guys.....

        It's PG-13 and very Teyla heavy....and it's John and Teyla...angsty...but very nicely's 9 chapters but they aren't have to scroll down the lj to get the first chapter and then open each one separately..I"m not sure if it's been posted in


          I had a thought in regards to the Ark. In that last scene-
          When John tells Teyla not to think she was special. Made me think of the rumors that floated around before the hiatus that John was to reveal his feelings for someone although it would only be to the audience. The ep Sunday was hinted to be *that* ep. Could it be possible that if Teyla is injuried again so soon after the events of the Ark that may leave John to wondering how close he's come to losing her again and during a period alone w/her tell her how special she really is to him while she is unconscious? - Just a thought.



            Originally posted by sweetoffee14 View Post
            i know im way behind everyone else but i've spent most of my time reading all your posts :-P

            the ark
            when i watched the first time where John saw that Teyla had been beamed into the machine i was a bit disappointed that he didn't say anything, he just looked sorta "oh crap", on rewatching it looks more like he's already trying to think of a way to get her out but i still would've liked him to say something, not sure what but something...

            but i love, love, love that ending, i was in shock that it happened because i just didn't expect anything (though i was silently willing everyone to go away and john to stay and talk with her i didn't expect it to happen )

            anyway great ep, can't think of anything else to say so i'll just go back to lurking
            Nice to see you delurk again sweetoffee - and I love your sig


              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
              Hey Sheylas ( I don't think I'm the evil one anymore ^^ XD )

              I'm delurking for a sec to say that ok I'm a shep/weir shipper but I think Joe and Rachel have chemistry and I think that's sad that people trash other ships, but I know a lot of casual Shep/Weir shippers who just enjoy their ship and couldn't even give thoughts to bashing other groups ( And I think most of the S/W shippers are like that.)

              NinaM, sorry you had to delurk and defend yourself on the "Do TPTB tease viewers with ships". Anyway it has been shut down by the mods.

              I like your thread I lurk here almost once a day and I find some nice pieces of art, and I think it's great to be passionate about something like that.


              Oh thats very sweet of you BLower'sGate.

              Thank you.


                Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                Hey Sheylas ( I don't think I'm the evil one anymore ^^ XD )

                I'm delurking for a sec to say that ok I'm a shep/weir shipper but I think Joe and Rachel have chemistry and I think that's sad that people trash other ships, but I know a lot of casual Shep/Weir shippers who just enjoy their ship and couldn't even give thoughts to bashing other groups ( And I think most of the S/W shippers are like that.)

                NinaM, sorry you had to delurk and defend yourself on the "Do TPTB tease viewers with ships". Anyway it has been shut down by the mods.

                I like your thread I lurk here almost once a day and I find some nice pieces of art, and I think it's great to be passionate about something like that.

                Hi Blower's Gate! Thanks for stopping by for a visit! And thank you so much for your kind words!!!!! I'm afraid I purposely avoided that thread because I try my best to avoid ship wars, but that's sad to hear it had to be shut down. I'm so glad most of us can get along so well at least! Stop by anytime!

                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                  I had a thought in regards to the Ark. In that last scene-
                  When John tells Teyla not to think she was special. Made me think of the rumors that floated around before the hiatus that John was to reveal his feelings for someone although it would only be to the audience. The ep Sunday was hinted to be *that* ep. Could it be possible that if Teyla is injuried again so soon after the events of the Ark that may leave John to wondering how close he's come to losing her again and during a period alone w/her tell her how special she really is to him while she is unconscious? - Just a thought.


                  Oh Cyn, I love that thought! Even if it doesn't happen on the show, it would make for great fanfic!!!! LOL! But you're totally right, that would make a perfect transition for such a thing. I love that idea. I wish we knew if that rumor was even true or not; I haven't heard anymore about it for a long time. Well, either way, it's fun to think about!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by NubianQueen View Post
                    I just love ready you Sheyla fan's interpretation of a "in my opinion" Non shippy scene.

                    I get butterflies in my stomach when I read Camy's P.O.V. on different scenes with John and Teyla.

                    Ha I love it. It's so dreamy. This thread rocks.

                    Hi NQ! Nice to see you here again! Dreamy...yeah, that sounds like an apt description for us. LOL!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by fates4jt View Post
                      Awwww geeee you guys…I’m so glad you’re JT fans…you’re the absolute best. Having one's post acknowledged so warmly really is just fab.

                      Anyhoo quick OT question for our fantastic video makers; I’m interested in trying my hand at making JT vids…infact I’m desperate too; if anyone can recommend any good media software I can invest in please PM me, I’d greatly appreciate it.
                      I'm afraid I'm just using boring old MovieMaker right now, LOL! I bought Adobe Premiere a while ago, but still have to learn it before I can really use it for a vid. I've heard really good things about Vegas, Ulead, or Premiere though. There's one more out there, but its name escapes me at the moment. Snoopoony uses it, I'll have to ask her. Basically, pretty much any program you buy will be better than Moviemaker, LOL! But if you're brand new, then Moviemaker really is the best place to start. It's free for one and very simple and user friendly, so it's a good starting point. Good luck!!!!
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                        I had a thought in regards to the Ark. In that last scene-
                        When John tells Teyla not to think she was special. Made me think of the rumors that floated around before the hiatus that John was to reveal his feelings for someone although it would only be to the audience. The ep Sunday was hinted to be *that* ep. Could it be possible that if Teyla is injuried again so soon after the events of the Ark that may leave John to wondering how close he's come to losing her again and during a period alone w/her tell her how special she really is to him while she is unconscious? - Just a thought.

                        I feel that Teylas and Johns relationship has been steadily growing throughout season three. They are both so at ease with one another and comfortable to actually reach out and touch. Its almost as if the writers are very slowing showing us the differences in how they act around one another.
                        Teyla was clearly touched by John actions and I think she fully understood why he did it, and the looks they shared between one another said more than the words said. So we know now HOW deeply John cares for Teyla and the lenght he would go to save her so mayble IF she is injured in Sunday so shortly after almost loosing her in the Ark it MAY cause John to admit to a little more than friendship. Who knows - I certaintly dont expect him to declare his undying love - but maybe just a hint of something more that points to just how deep his feelings are for her. Well not long to wait before we get the answers.

                        and to prove that looks say more than words.




                          Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                          Hey Sheylas ( I don't think I'm the evil one anymore ^^ XD )

                          I'm delurking for a sec to say that ok I'm a shep/weir shipper but I think Joe and Rachel have chemistry and I think that's sad that people trash other ships, but I know a lot of casual Shep/Weir shippers who just enjoy their ship and couldn't even give thoughts to bashing other groups ( And I think most of the S/W shippers are like that.)

                          NinaM, sorry you had to delurk and defend yourself on the "Do TPTB tease viewers with ships". Anyway it has been shut down by the mods.

                          I like your thread I lurk here almost once a day and I find some nice pieces of art, and I think it's great to be passionate about something like that.


                          BG - That's really sweet of you...thanks...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            I feel that Teylas and Johns relationship has been steadily growing throughout season three. They are both so at ease with one another and comfortable to actually reach out and touch. Its almost as if the writers are very slowing showing us the differences in how they act around one another.
                            Teyla was clearly touched by John actions and I think she fully understood why he did it, and the looks they shared between one another said more than the words said. So we know now HOW deeply John cares for Teyla and the lenght he would go to save her so mayble IF she is injured in Sunday so shortly after almost loosing her in the Ark it MAY cause John to admit to a little more than friendship. Who knows - I certaintly dont expect him to declare his undying love - but maybe just a hint of something more that points to just how deep his feelings are for her. Well not long to wait before we get the answers.

                            and to prove that looks say more than words.


                            I agree would be very intresting if that scenario would go down...most likely I think it wont,,but hey who knows..there are times I don't think something will happen and the show surprises me.. so I wouldn't mind such a scenario to go down in Sunday for example...

                            And those pics are great... I just love the looks that can speak from the heart between them...just lovely
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Have you all seen Joe's interview in the Shep thunk thread.

                              Spoilers for season three

                              He thinks Vengence is one of the best eps SGA has ever done. I says that he has been trying to get the show to go in a darker direction for some time and that Vengence covers some big psychological issues. Joe really seems to know what the fans want. He even got sick while making the ep - poor baby.


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                Have you all seen Joe's interview in the Shep thunk thread.

                                Spoilers for season three

                                He thinks Vengence is one of the best eps SGA has ever done. I says that he has been trying to get the show to go in a darker direction for some time and that Vengence covers some big psychological issues. Joe really seems to know what the fans want. He even got sick while making the ep - poor baby.
                                Yeah I've read it over there...sounds very intresting...and yes awww for him getting sick by the set they shot at....
                                Sigs by Scifan

