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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Funny little thing that I thought I'd pass on to you guys...

    My bf was watching "Home" last night, and in the middle of it he randomly proclaimed that Sheppard/Teyla was "so going to happen." Didn't expand on it though, and I was in too much shock hearing such words come from his lips to probe further (he is most definitely not a shipper).

    So congrads all, you have another convert! Well, a secret convert. Covert-convert? Be gentle with him though, he's a tad bit scared of shippers. I tried explaining Ba'al/mirror to him and...yeah...that didn't go so well.


      ROFL!! methinks perhaps baal/mirror should be saved for the bravest of shippers

      but goodie!! we snagged another one!!!!


        Originally posted by emily_reich
        ok, i already warned you earlier in this thread about being kind to the other posters and to stop making any kinda of rude remarks... and i can't find anything nice about this post it's intentionally jabbing at someone else (no one ever said they didn't think this before and who ever said there WASN'T a difference?? you're essentially calling her stupid and saying that you're somehow better than she is... we don't go for that here), and if this happens one more time in this thread, i will make a point to tell the mods, since i KNOW i'm not the only person in here who finds your posts offensive...

        you have been warned. there's a great thing called self-restraint and i suggest you use it next time you want to post something condescending. if you don't, the mods will be informed that we are frustrated by your rude comments distrurbing the peace in our fun, friendly thread.

        thank you
        O.O Em's on the prowl...

        And now, in my OWN defence.

        I know there is a difference between love and lust. Love is caring so completly about another person that it doesn't matter what they look like, who they are, anything like that. Also, if they do not care for you back, then you feel happy for them that they are happy, because the greatest thing that could happen for you is that they be happy.

        Lust, however, occurs in teenagers, drunk people at bars, and people who, well, really want it. It's based comepletly on what they LOOK like, not who they are.

        Now that I have educated you on the entire point of my previous post, and my complete grasp on the aforementioned subjet, back on topic!

        Yes, those looks they give each other are excellent! RL and JF have that down pat. It is quite hard to do that, onscreen, knowing that some people will read into it, and not be self-concious. But, they pull it off wonderfully.

        ((HI!!!!)) We got a new Sheyla/Shepmagan! Welcome to the funnie farm! Please pick up a straight-jacket at the front desk! They are free, you know. Also, slop is served at 8 am and 7 pm daily, in your local timezone!

        ~ Insane Kip *Because the normal one died in 1997...*



          Do I even WANT to know?



            Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
            O.O Em's on the prowl...

            And now, in my OWN defence.

            I know there is a difference between love and lust. Love is caring so completly about another person that it doesn't matter what they look like, who they are, anything like that. Also, if they do not care for you back, then you feel happy for them that they are happy, because the greatest thing that could happen for you is that they be happy.

            Lust, however, occurs in teenagers, drunk people at bars, and people who, well, really want it. It's based comepletly on what they LOOK like, not who they are.

            Now that I have educated you on the entire point of my previous post, and my complete grasp on the aforementioned subjet, back on topic!
            EXCELLENTLY put lust can turn into love, of course, but not usually...

            see, it was clear to ME you knew the diff... that's why i went, as you put it, on the prowl... another friendly reminder to all to not insult!

            Yes, those looks they give each other are excellent! RL and JF have that down pat. It is quite hard to do that, onscreen, knowing that some people will read into it, and not be self-concious. But, they pull it off wonderfully.

            exactly! they really know their characters and they both know how to give those looks, and you're right: it's gotta be kinda hard to make it look natural knowing people will take things from it! and they do it so well!!


              Yea. Expecially since JF is married...

              My world squishes a little smaller every time I think of that.

              Although, Shep ain't married. If he don't get with Teyla soon, I'm going to lock them in a small room together until they get things straight.

              Don't think I won't...

              I'm off to make a few new banners. Any requests, just send me the sizes, pics, and qoutes, and I'll make 'em!


                Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats

                Do I even WANT to know?

                LOL, Just ask Hans.

                I'll just quote Cliff Simon though :

                "as far as loving my own reflection well ,mmmmm who doesnt."

                The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                  Originally posted by Angelique
                  LOL, Just ask Hans.

                  I'll just quote Cliff Simon though :

                  "as far as loving my own reflection well ,mmmmm who doesnt."

                  *Yells loudly* HANS!!! What in the WORLD is Ba'al mirror!!!

                  *Smiles innocently* Alright, I asked!


                    Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
                    And now, in my OWN defence.
                    OK, let's see what you think.

                    I know there is a difference between love and lust.
                    Of course there is. When you see it, it's kind of obvious.

                    Love is caring so completly about another person that it doesn't matter what they look like, who they are, anything like that. Also, if they do not care for you back, then you feel happy for them that they are happy, because the greatest thing that could happen for you is that they be happy.
                    Close to what I have. I define love as a bond between two (sentient?) beings.

                    Lust, however, occurs in teenagers, drunk people at bars, and people who, well, really want it. It's based comepletly on what they LOOK like, not who they are.
                    Once again, you're close to what I have. Lust would be more of the sexual attraction ingrained into our behaviour and genetic structure. Without it, the species wouldn't survive.

                    Also, love is a higher level mind function. Lust is found in the lower levels of the mental functions (i.e. subconscious).
                    This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                      Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats

                      Do I even WANT to know?

                      Not me.
                      This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                        You know one reason I like the idea of this 'ship? It's different. Both of my parents are products of interracial relationships. I think it would be great for all of us little "mud" children sci-fi fans out there to see a pairing like this between two main characters.

                        Why doesn't TV reflect real life? Everywhere I go I see people of different races in relationships. Why can't we, for once, see this on TV? Especially on a science fiction show where these things aren't supposed to matter.

                        Shep/Weir is bland. It's vanilla. It's too easy. Let's do something different for once, ok, TPTB?
                        Last edited by skye1974; 08 April 2005, 05:26 AM.
                        Earth...steaks. There's a difference?


                          Originally posted by skye1974
                          You know one reason I like the idea of this 'ship? It's different. Both of my parents are products of interracial relationships. I think it would be great for all of us little "mud" children sci-fi fans out there to see a pairing like this between two main characters.

                          Why doesn't TV reflect real life? Everywhere I go I see people of different races in relationships. Why can't we, for once, see this on TV? Especially on a science fiction show where these things aren't supposed to matter.

                          Oh, and to live up to the Shepmagan stereotype floating around out there: these two are freakin' hot!

                          Shep/Weir is bland. It's vanilla. It's too easy. Let's do something different for once, ok, TPTB?

                          Well SG did have Daniel/Sha're......I'd love to see Elizabeth/Teyla, but that's never gonna happen, so I'll settle for John and Teyla....

                          This is why I love ER Neela/Michael...I forgets his surname
                          The L Word Bette/Tina...No Angels Anji and at the mo Callum (although their relationship is just on and off)

                          I agree that TV should reflect more on reality, when it comes to muti cultural relationships, *sigh*

                          British-Indian and proud.


                            Interesting point about interracial relationships on Sci-fi. We definitely need more. Also, I have a couple of the SG1 novels has anyone heard anything about a possible Atlantis novel? I would love if they published one. Maybe the novel would even give us a few Sheyla moments.


                              i really do love the idea of two people from completely different galaxies and backgrounds finding a common ground and falling in love i mean even beyond just these two characters, i love that idea

                              as for novels, well honestly i wasn't too thrilled with the SG1 one i read , so let's cross our fingers that when an atlantis one (or more than one ) gets written it's a lot better and has lots of great sheyla


                                Originally posted by NoDot
                                OK, let's see what you think.

                                Of course there is. When you see it, it's kind of obvious.

                                Close to what I have. I define love as a bond between two (sentient?) beings.

                                Once again, you're close to what I have. Lust would be more of the sexual attraction ingrained into our behaviour and genetic structure. Without it, the species wouldn't survive.

                                Also, love is a higher level mind function. Lust is found in the lower levels of the mental functions (i.e. subconscious).
                                What in the world do you mean by what you have? Like, your definition, or what you feel for someone, what? I'm kinda lost by that...

