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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Come ONE Come ALL...Join the Fluff SQUAD!!!...rofl

    RODNEY'S LAB!!!....----there's alot of potential surfaces...I mean potential for...oh bugger.....

    What about a tent on the mainland???....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
      What the....? that isn't something I usually visualize...John and Telya making out in Lorne's quarters or Ronon's...what the heck does Ronon's room even look like...probably has a place of honor where he hangs his sword...doesn't matter, it has got me thinking....but be warned should I take on this make out in the world I'm going to be able to put them in Lorne's quarters I have no clue but what ever comes from this challenge with be nothing but 100% fluffy humour!!!

      And Welcome Back mishy!!!!!!

      Witchy AG Twin Connection!!!!!!!! I'm going to write that everytime we think alike!
      I have to second the bit on Ronan and Lorne's rooms. How the hell would they get in their to make out. I'm looking forward to reading the fic though.
      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
        Come ONE Come ALL...Join the Fluff SQUAD!!!...rofl

        RODNEY'S LAB!!!....----there's alot of potential surfaces...I mean potential for...oh bugger.....
        You're taking this challenge on...right Witchy? You had me laughing just reading your post...pretty please Witchy?

        Fluffy goodness here we come!

        What about a tent on the mainland???....
        Now this is a good one...John flies Teyla over to the mainland one afternoon...spends the afternoon..evening...night...try to explain that one to Dr. Wier, Col. Shepppard!


          A tent on the mainland is good. I'd love to see that happen and then them have to explain themselves later to Weir.
          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Oh i didn't think about that angle..but that's good..having to explain to Weir where they've been....

            Rodney's Lab...hehehe...sure I'll take that one...I'll step up for the challenge....

            So who's next?'s the writer's block?......Camy?...Where are all the other Fanfic writers?...Come out come out...It's just FLUFF...won't hurt at all...

            Teyla!!!!...they don't want to write fluff for US!!!
            You WILL write my Sheppie fluff.....

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
              Teyla!!!!...they don't want to write fluff for US!!!
              You WILL write my Sheppie fluff.....
              Oooo angry Teyla face! I'm on it! Make out in Ronon or Lorne's quarters...which ever one John and Teyla reach first!


                Originally posted by Padme18
                I have to second the bit on Ronan and Lorne's rooms. How the hell would they get in their to make out.
                Never mind that it would be a bit rude, lol.

                There are all sorts of places besides other peoples' quarters.

                1. Maintenance closet
                2. Shower
                3. Stairwell
                4. The gym
                5. Shep's probably got an office somewhere, right?
                6. The armory
                7. The beach
                8. Another planet (they've got cheap motel rooms in the Pegasus Galaxy, don't they?)
                9. One of the piers
                10. Random unexplored room in Atlantis

                Determined folks can get busy in all sorts of interesting places.


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                    Originally posted by Gigajules
                    Never mind that it would be a bit rude, lol.

                    There are all sorts of places besides other peoples' quarters.

                    1. Maintenance closet
                    2. Shower
                    3. Stairwell
                    4. The gym
                    5. Shep's probably got an office somewhere, right?
                    6. The armory
                    7. The beach
                    8. Another planet (they've got cheap motel rooms in the Pegasus Galaxy, don't they?)
                    9. One of the piers
                    10. Random unexplored room in Atlantis

                    Determined folks can get busy in all sorts of interesting places.
                    oh those are good...I can just see it now *warning cheesiness ALERT* ...Sheppard grabs her around the waist with one hand and clears his desk with the other....

                    : oops going to have to explain the broken tablet pc to Rodney...

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Oh, hon..think of it this way...they still have the residue from the Irresitible guy and you can probably come up with something like, Lorne is MIA and Teyla and John went over to see if they could find anything in his room that would give them a hint as to what might have happened when suddenly,
                      Teyla and John somehow bumped into each other with John falling back on Lorne's bed and Teyla on top of him...

                      Um...OH, I think this should be fun!

                      okay, here's my Ronon's quarters version...LOL

                      Looking for RONON...PG-13...

                      In Ronon's quarters...they go to see him because he stormed out of the briefing room. They both agree to go and talk to him...and when the door opens they find it interesting and tempting to go inside...

                      *Peeking in the room*

                      John: Ronon? Ronon, are you in here...
                      Teyla: I do not belive he is in here, Colonel.
                      John: *looking back at Teyla with a grin on his face* I've never been to his quarters...should be, um...interesting.
                      Teyla: Colonel, I do not believe that is a wise choice. It would be intrusive and an invasion of his privacy. Besides, there is nothing interesting in it.
                      John: *Looks back with a puzzled look on his face* You've been in his room?
                      Never mind..I don't need to know..
                      Teyla:*smirks* Well, if you are going to go in at least do it fast instead of waiting for others to see what you are doing...
                      *she pushes John in as he's leaning forward he falls right on the floor*
                      John: Teyla? What the hell?
                      Teyla: *laughing* I was trying to get you in here discretely.
                      John puts out his leg as Teyla enters tripping her over. He grabs on to her to break her fall and she lands right on top of him and he moves them away from the door as it closes behind Teyla.
                      John: Now, this is very interesting.
                      Teyla: *blushing* Colonel?
                      John: Well, officially we are off the clock, so call me John.
                      Teyla: John, I do not think....

                      John wraps his arms around her waist and flips them over so now he's on top of her as they lay on the floor...

                      John: *hazily*Now, where were we?
                      Teyla: *chuckles*We were going to look for Ronon.
                      John: Ronon is a big boy. He can take care of himself.
                      Teyla: *propping up on her elbows to stand* Then I suggest we...

                      He takes the opportunity that her face is so close to his and leans in closer and gently kisses her.

                      Teyla: Colone..*in between breaths*....J.....John...I do not think this is a good idea.
                      John: *kissing her neck* I think this is as good as ever. Besides, he's not coming back here for awhile.
                      Teyla: *returning his kisses* How can you be certain?
                      John: *inhaling her scent from her hair*I saw him get in the puddle jumper with Carson heading to the mainland. They will be gone for hours.
                      Teyla: *playfully, pushes him away* You knew he would not be here?
                      John: *grins* I just needed an excuse to spend more time with you. Even if it meant spending the day looking for Ronon all over the city.
                      Teyla: *pulls him back towards her* John Sheppard, you did not have to go through so much trouble to spend time with me. All you had to do was ask.

                      *She pulls him nearer and kisses him passionately.*

                      John: *stroking her lips to his...*I promise, I will next time.

                      He wraps his arms around her waist and rolls her over and now she's on top.

                      Teyla: *gasping for air* Perhaps, we should go elsewhere.
                      John: *kissing her neck* We are fine. He's not coming back till a good five to six hours. Carson is doing his medical rounds.

                      She flips him over and now he's on top as they continue to ravish their hands all over each other's bodies.

                      Teyla: I just...
                      John: *interrupts her* I know, I know...we shouldn't spend our first make out in Ronon's room. How do we explain that one to our kids one day?
                      Teyla: *stops and smiles*

                      Gently, he grabs her and both stand as he is still holding on to her.

                      He is mesmerized by her beauty.

                      John: *stops and looks at her face in awe* You are so beautiful, Teyla.

                      And just as they were about to leave, he pins her to the wall and starts kissing her again passionately as she puts her arms around his neck.

                      Suddenly, the door opens.

                      Ronon: *smiling* Were you looking for me?

                      As the camera fades, we see John has Teyla pinned against the wall, with one hand on her neck, the other around her exposed waist; while Teyla has one leg up over his waist and her hands are under his shirt ready to take it off.

                      FREEZE FRAME!

                      Okay..who's next?
                      Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 27 July 2006, 09:04 AM.


                        Originally posted by Gigajules
                        Never mind that it would be a bit rude, lol.

                        There are all sorts of places besides other peoples' quarters.

                        1. Maintenance closet
                        2. Shower
                        3. Stairwell
                        4. The gym
                        5. Shep's probably got an office somewhere, right?
                        6. The armory
                        7. The beach
                        8. Another planet (they've got cheap motel rooms in the Pegasus Galaxy, don't they?)
                        9. One of the piers
                        10. Random unexplored room in Atlantis

                        Determined folks can get busy in all sorts of interesting places.
                        I can see it in the gym, especially after watching Hot Zone


                          Originally posted by Gigajules
                          Never mind that it would be a bit rude, lol.

                          There are all sorts of places besides other peoples' quarters.

                          1. Maintenance closet
                          2. Shower
                          3. Stairwell
                          4. The gym
                          5. Shep's probably got an office somewhere, right?
                          6. The armory
                          7. The beach
                          8. Another planet (they've got cheap motel rooms in the Pegasus Galaxy, don't they?)
                          9. One of the piers
                          10. Random unexplored room in Atlantis

                          Determined folks can get busy in all sorts of interesting places.
                          All you need is a little bit of imagination and a place where to start! LOL


                   the story Camy, talk about an awkward moment, not that Ronan would be surprised

                            can some one tell me how to put the spoiler link? I can't seem to find it


                              Oh, i've been through this...all you do is when you type your message...

                              you do this at the beginning and end of what you don't want to be so...

                              [ spoiler ] type your text here [ / spoiler ]

                              just don't leave any space in the brackets with the spoiler tags..I had to do it that way so that it won't hide it on me...LOL
                              hope that helps....


                                Originally posted by Doxymom
                                yup you missed the STfever by MajorTrip....let me see if I can find the's friends only though..I think she wanted to open it to the public though..not sure...

                       you didn't...sorry...craze me!

