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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Welcome to the thread {Name redacted on req}!!!

    Hope you enjoy it here!!!

    Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:27 AM.
    Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


      Originally posted by {Name redacted}
      Hello, I'm New to the Forum And I don't have much time to post, but
      I'm A proud sheyla shipper.

      WElcome {Name redacted} I dont have much time to post either...but whenever you can this thread appreciates it!! And we just like to know there is another of us out there!!
      Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:24 AM.
      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

      Thanks Camy!!


        I've done a little John/Teyla ficlet for sometime after conversion.

        My English teacher had each of us do a piece about infatuation or love, the teacher even checked it for mistakes!!!

        Take a look at it for me and tell me wat you think!!!
        Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


          Originally posted by bella
          Anyone got links to the promos, I really want to see that jacket move (on the basis of that one pic, I don't like it but i'm keeping an open mind).

          Back to the gene thing. I thought the ancient gene activation thing was a security measure to stop the Wraith using their tech if it was captured or they lost the war. Thats why i thought it would 'switch off' if it sensed wraith genes.
          Here's a link: Shep in Leather Promo Hopefully it works, it's been giving me problems. Anyway it was from Gigs, and he's super sexy in the commercial...I love that jacket on him. It would be a great scene as DM mentioned of him teaching Teyla pool. Actually I would just like to see him get his arse handed back to him---she seems to be good at what she does. And anyone who knows pool knows the excessive amount of flirting that goes on before the game, during the game and after the game...plays on words, double entendres exchanged, bad talking---foreplay at it's best!!!

          I wonder how Teyla would be in a scene...hmmmm....
          *raises brow*
          I'll teach you the art of attack and conquer.
          I was led to believe that paticular art was...chess.
          Who told ya that?
          Dr. Zelenka
          Zelenka when have you been spending so much time with him...?
          *smirks* Why does it matter?
          Well, I'm just sayin'...
 you were saying...
          Right, well, anyway. With pool you attack with agility, power, and strategic skill....oh and a good amount of flirting.
's used to keep the opponent on their toes, there is a good amount of bad talk, but flirting is definitely the key element.
          So is that still the case when two men are in a match?

          Sorta drabble...something or other.

          Originally posted by Name redacted.
          Hello, I'm New to the Forum And I don't have much time to post, but
          I'm A proud sheyla shipper.
          Welcome aboard {Name redacted} it's great to have a new member at the forum and in this thread...join the convo...

          Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:23 AM.
          Click statement above to read article.


            Welcome {Name redacted}

            Thanks VB for the link...after I watch it...I might...and I mean..might...give a fanfic a try...cause there are a whole lotta other things that can happen when ones plays pool!

            Just kidding! But really I'll give it a try!
            Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:24 AM.


              VB- Love the pool scene!

              {Name redacted}- Welcome to the thread!! I'm quite a newbie myself.. you'll come to love it here and never want to leave! It's rather addicting!

              Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:25 AM.


                Welcome to the thread {Name redacted on req} !!!

                OMG shep looks fantastic....It came across as a beer commercial...rofl...It really just makes you want to write a fic where Shep is teaching Teyla to play pool, and the way he delivered the line on how to hit the
                Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:25 AM.

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Oh... I'll continue the smilie story....

                  -Well... then your flirting just has to be all the more subtle
                  -Uhhh... the whole point is to get the really attractive young woman in the room to notice you
                  -And this woman does not play all the time
                  -Well... it depends
                  -And is she expected to do anything?

                  Anyone else?
                  Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                    Welcome {Name redacted}

                    The Siege Part 1 Shippy Moments Part 2

                    John and Aiden are talking to Elizabeth about the situation with Bates and Teyla. John: I know there's no love lost between her and Bates, John slightly smirks then becomes serious. but I can't see her beating the hell out of the guy. Aiden doesn't look as sure. Elizabeth seeing his expression turns her attention on him. Elizabeth: Ford? Aiden: Ma'am? Aiden fidgets. John looks at him. Elizabeth: What do you think? Aiden looks at John and gives him a your not going to like this look. Aiden looks at Elizabeth and sits straighter. John watches Elizabeth. Aiden: I worry about what she might have done unknowingly. Elizabeth nods. The whole Wraith connection thing and her nightmares make me nervous. If you look at John, as Aiden speaks, a muscle in his jaw twitches. Which is a sign of aggitation and even anger. Those who have seen Tealc's jaw twitching will know it is not a good sign. John (Low and angry): Yeah, well, what are we gonna do about it? Stick her in the Brig? This is Teyla we're talking about. Carson runs in. Carson: We have a situation on our hands. Elizabeth sits forward. Elizabeth: What's going on? Carson: I've completed the tests. I found DNA on Sergeant Bates' uniform. Carson looks at John. John: And it's not Teyla's? Carson: No, Major. Carson shakes his head. Elizabeth: Who is it? Carson: I ran the tests twice to be certain. It's conclusive. We have a Wraith in the city.

                    They are discussing how it is possible that a wraith came to be on Atlantis. They think it was around the time the dart was scanning the city. Teyla looks at Elizabeth then looks at John, raises her brows, and tilts her head. Teyla: That is precisely the time I started to sense the Wraith continually. John: No wonder you were having nightmares.


                    Carson looks at the both of them. The conversation moves on to why the wraith is here.

                    They are in the control room around the biometrics sensor. They use it to find the wraith. John turns to Aiden and Teyla. John: Ford, Teyla we need two teams.


                    This is the look she gives him. We all know how she feels about not fighting by John's side. We found out in The Eye.


                    Let's go get him.

                    The wraith has taken out John's team. John is lying on the floor The wraith walks over to him. He takes a radio off his belt, looks at it, and kneels next to John. He looks at John, reaches over, and tears open his jacket. Wraith: Nothing will keep us from our new feeding ground. He pulls his hand back to feed on him. The wraith is stunned from behind. When the wraith falls onto the floor we see both Aiden and Teyla standing there each holding a stunner. The rest of their team is standing behind them. Aiden and Teyla rush over pointing their stunners at the wraith. The rest of their team surrounds the wraith no doubt pointing their weapons as well at him. Aiden: You were on vox, sir. We heard the whole thing and double-timed it. Aiden says this without removing his eyes from the wraith. Teyla looks at John then back at the wraith. Seeing he is out cold and the others have the situation under control. She moves to John's side and kneels beside him. She places her hand on his chest.


                    Teyla: We got it, Major. You're gonna be OK.

                    Hearing this John closes his eyes allowing the effects of the stunner to over take him.

                    John is trying to question the wraith now named Bob. Bob snarls at John refusing to talk. John turns and walks over to where Aiden and Teyla are at. Aiden: I don't think he's in a very talkative mood, sir. John: Yeah, I need to know what he's been doing and whether or not he's been transmitting back to the hive ships. John glances at Teyla. Aiden: Wouldn't we have picked up a transmission? John glances at Teyla. John: We can send secure messages. There's no reason he can't. John looks at Teyla. Teyla: Maybe I can try and connect with him. John: I don't think so. Teyla: If the Alpha site has been compromised, Major, we need to know. John looks over his shoulder at Bob. John looks back at Teyla. John (Reluctantly): OK, see what you can do. Teyla approaches Bob. Bob looks at her then looks away. Teyla closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, and tilts her head back. She lets out her breath slowly as she moves her head back forward. Teyla's eyes remain close for a moment. Then her eyes open and she looks directly at Bob.

                    Teyla is staring at Bob intently. Bob is looking back at her. Bob: What are you doing, human? Teyla continues to stare. Bob's eyes dart slightly. He then looks at her and his eyes narrow. You're trying to get inside my mind. Teyla just stares. Bob stares at he just as intently. Allow me. After a moment of staring at her Teyla's head suddenly jerks back. She clutches her head and gasps in pain. She falls to her knees wailing in pain. John immediately reacts. John: Teyla?! Stop it! Shut it off! He rushes to the door. It is openned and the shield turns off. John shoots Bob twice. Bob snarls. The link severed Teyla gasps out of breath. Aiden is kneeling by her side grasping her shoulder. Aiden: Are you OK? Teyla looks at him and nods. They look over at Bob. Bob is looking at John. Bob (Defiantly): My wounds will heal. John (Angry): Yeah, but for how long? He shoots Bob 6 or 7 more times. Bob: Ah! Bob falls to his knees. John raises his voice. John: I need to know what you've done to this city. He shoots Bob twice more without waiting for a reply. Bob: Ah! John walks closer to Bob ejecting his empty cartridge. John (Casually): Listen, Bob, He reloads. (Deadly) I have no problem with killing you whatsoever.

                    Bob smiles at John. (Shouting) I'm not screwin' around, Bob! Did you sabotage this base or not? John shoots him three more times. Bob growls and falls onto his elbows. Bob: Those who feed upon you will know what you've done to me. John stares at him for a minute. John (Deadly): Yeah. We'll see. Aiden: Sir! I think maybe we've gone a bit too far. John (Immediately): I don't think we've gone far enough. John looks and sounds psychotic.

                    Elizabeth talks over the intercom. Elizabeth: May I have your attention, please? This is Doctor Weir. Our plan to stop the Wraith armada has failed. They will make it to Atlantis. Therefore we must begin our evacuation plans. Teyla looks at John who is still staring at Bob. She shares a look with Aiden. I wish I could tell you all that this is a fight that we will win, but I can't do that. Bob snarls at John in delight. I wish I could tell you that we will find a safe harbour when we leave here. I can't promise you that either. I can tell you this up to now, you all have accomplished extraordinary things, and I believe that even in the face of an uncertain future, as long as we stay together we have a chance to continue to do so. Now, we all have our evacuation duties, so thank you and I'll see you on the other side.

                    John, Teyla, and Aiden stare at Bob. Bob: I will tell you this no matter where you flee, we will find you. Just as surely as we will find Earth. And when we do, Bob smiles. we will feast. John shoots Bob three times. Bob falls flat dead. John continues to glare at his dead body.
                    Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 September 2014, 11:26 AM.


                      Okay...BP...YOU ARE THE BEST!
                      LOVE IT!


                      Pretty, OH MY GOODNESS>>I"M loving your new sig! that is AWESOME!
                      Camy wants one!

                      Um...I have a surprise and a challenge...

                      I was browsing through my CD's and watching the Gift..cause I want this specific pic..and for the siege to..for new Wallpapers..anyways, I came across this....
                      Challenge! Make something out of this, J/T related of course.....those of you who can and want to share it in the Galleria.....I'd appreciate it!

                      OH, you are soooo going to love this....


                      I will also be posting other clips from the gift that some of you might like...I will post them in the Galleria since there will be quite a few of them...

                      since I don't want to stir any confusion...if posting back and forth info from the Galleria upsets anyone, or you'd rather I don't do it, please let me know and I won't do it in the future...just PM me!

                      Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!
                      Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 17 June 2006, 08:10 PM.


                        Hey, guys, the next chapter to Raindrops Like Blood is up! *Hint hint hint*

                        Oh, and a cool surprise in this one! John admits ... OK, I'll shut up now. Please drop by and read!


                        (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                          i will save us from page 2, since i am awake studying for exams

                          Regarding the Episode Sunday

                          i think the weir thing might only be a side thing, however the bombing may provide a better opportunity regarding teyla and john...cause those two often hang out at the gym!!! someone else probably mentioned this already

                          Cant wait till you guys start season 3...and perhaps by then we will have started season 2! and i can see all the sheyla stuff first hand!
                          Last edited by spirited Chihiro; 18 June 2006, 05:21 AM.
                          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                          Thanks Camy!!


                            Guys, I have to say that i am rather disappointed to hear from Tame that she had to come into this thread and snip out some rather pointed remarks directed towards shep/weir shippers.

                            I honestly thought that folks were better than that. So they like something different. It doesn't make them wrong or bad, it just makes them different.

                            And, as a poster and not as a mod, and with almost ten years dealing with this group of writers/producers/directors, do you honestly and truthfully think that these PTB will commit themselves to any one pairing???

                            They thrive on keeping things up in the air.

                            Part of respecting your fellow forum members is to respect their POV and treat them like you'd want to be treated.

                            And yes, before I'm deluged with 'but they pick on us too' messages, I am fully aware that there is more than enough blame to go around, but, as a veteran of the very contentous Sam/Jack/Daniel ship vs slash wars, let me tell you that there are and will never be any winners in this.

                            I strongly urge all of you to 'take the high road'. Just because you think/see/feel that the schweirs are bagging on you does NOT give you carte blanche to strike back. Life is too short to spend it bickering over which pairing is best.

                            And honestly, do you think that, if Joe or Rachelle were to come into this thread, do you think they'd like to see you - the general you - bagging on thier friend Torri?

                            Can't you like what you like without tearing down someone else's like?
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Ritter, I'm leaving you a John and Teyla b-day card in the J/T Galleria...LOL

                              You'll love it! LOL!
                              Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 18 June 2006, 12:24 PM.


                                Originally posted by White Tigeress
                                Hi everyone!!!

                                I think Sunday might actually be quite a good episode but an explosion near the gym!!!

                                Maybe we might get to see John carrying Teyla out in his arms

                                Now that I want to see happen. John carrying Teyla, not the explosion.
                                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic


