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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by fishyone
    So... debate got ugly... Um... Peace offering, anyone?

    John, Teyla & Atlantis

    Wish I had a valuable contribution to the Siege, but I don't. I just want to remember the shippy goodness... which is part of why I made this.
    Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around for a few days... work has had me pretty busy...

    Love the wallpaper, fishyone! Beautiful!


      Originally posted by fishyone
      I first saw the last few eps of season 1 out of order, so they get kind of screwy in my mind. I haven't watched them enough to get them straightened out. Siege was very powerfully done (my sister had to rush over that same night she finished Siege one & two to see season 2). I did really feel for Grodin when he died...

      I can't really add anything J/T to the discussion, though... maybe I'd better browse some screencaps... That seems to jog my memory.
      I saw the show from the beginning, and one of the things that stood out for me was John and Teyla's very nice chemistry starting in Rising, in particular the scene in (not sure if spoilers are needed here, but just in case...)
      the cave
      . It was then that I noticed that there could really be something nice between these two.



        now it's time for me to rack up the red rep points Which is fine. Part of the job

        as of NOW, the second thread stays. Notice that i said 'as of now'. In the future things can change.

        now i am NOT saying that no pics can be posted here. They can. You are welcome to post pics/walls etc here. They DO need to adhere to the guidelines. They do need to be less than 700 pixels wide. They do need to not be too many. You do need to not make too many posts in a row.

        Why are we doing this? Well, after chatting briefly with tame, she has been the recipeient of DOZENS of complaints over the past few months. People that want to discuss that aren't able to because of all the spam posts.

        Now before someone takes offense at the term spam, in this context it's meant to be several posts in a row that have no real content. In the context of this thread, post after post that is nothing but pictures. Some here enjoy it, others don't. Others want to discuss and can't get a word in edgewise because of all the pictures.

        so, you CAN, and i'll repeat this since some folks aren't getting it, you CAN still post pics here. You do need to be considerate of your other members and not go overboard.

        The other thread is for pictures only. Feel free to link to that thread from here. Feel free to promote it.

        Is this the final word? No. but, FOR THE TME BEING, it is what we're gonna do. We're gonna see if this eases the between seasons tensions that have been building and if it helps to keep folks here happy and tolerant with each other.

        so, we're not ignoring you. We're not discounting those that want the threads merged. When i made that suggestion i hadn't yet heard from Tame about just how many complaints she'd been receiving about the fluffy nature of this thread. Now i know, and now i'm gonna make this call, FOR THE TIME BEING.

        As to the concern about working two threads....well if the second one is nothing but pictures, it won't take much time to drop over and enjoy the scenery. If people can't keep it going, can't keep the picture posting up..well the thread will drop down and go the way of so many other threads over time.

        so, FOR THE TIME BEING, both threads will remain open. We, as mods, will monitor the situation and see how things play out and see if we need to do something else in the future.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by JessM
          Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around for a few days... work has had me pretty busy...

          Love the wallpaper, fishyone! Beautiful!
          Sorry to hear that work's been keeping you so busy. Glad to see you're back. And thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


            Camy... I've gotta disagree on the part where he lets her back on active duty. His expression (to me anyway) didn't strike me as one of caring... maybe I've just read tooo much of Sanssong's fic... it almost seems as if he is having difficulty trusting her.

            BUT when he defends her to Bates.... different story. SO SHIPPY IT MADE MY EYES BLEED PINK HEARTS!!! It was just the way that he made it clear he wasn't gonna tolerate any arguements... none at all.
            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
              Camy... I've gotta disagree on the part where he lets her back on active duty. His expression (to me anyway) didn't strike me as one of caring... maybe I've just read tooo much of Sanssong's fic... it almost seems as if he is having difficulty trusting her.

              BUT when he defends her to Bates.... different story. SO SHIPPY IT MADE MY EYES BLEED PINK HEARTS!!! It was just the way that he made it clear he wasn't gonna tolerate any arguements... none at all.
              I'd agree with you Ritter but there's something else there. I completley disagree as well that there was caring when he lets her out of active duty, I didn't see that either. I can see him being weary of her health because after all they are very close mates. But there was something else there, I can't find the proper adjective for. Hmm...well I think he still fully trusted her but I think he was suspicious that she was telling the facts of how healthy she was to be put back on active duty. This goes back to The Gift, where she claimed she was alright when it was clearly obvious that she was not---The situation was seriously stressful for everyone involved, and she was actually posessed and then put in the med lab for an undetermined amount of time, I can see this playing a factor in her coming back to active duty, and him caring about said events could affect her skills and capabilities which tie into how she would be on a mission on his team or to carry out those duties fully. So beyond about her health in relation to how it would affect the team as a whole---I don't see anything else, and definitely nothing ship worthy.

              But as you say CR...there are plenty of parts throughout The Siege 1 to keep shippers happy...and I definitely saw only great team interaction in The Siege 2 and 3, nothing shippy there.

              side note: I'm taking a very long break from this thread, which will last indefinitely.

              Click statement above to read article.


                Originally posted by vaberella
                side note: I'm taking a very long break from this thread, which will last indefinitely.

                I hope you don't stay away too long - I enjoy your discussions.


                  VB we'll miss you!!!

                  It think that he definately wasn't sure if she was alright or not, and he didn't want her to get hurt or over-do it and i agree about him definding her to Bates, definately shippy... Any way off to watch more of the England match...

                  Long live John and Teyla
                  Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                    The New Thread-

                    Once again, the minority of people have gotten their way and just as I and others feared I'm already seeing the negative effects of it. There have been NO new artwork pics posted here since the new thread started, discussion is at a minimum and I came this afternoon to find our belolved thread on page 2,and the pic thread on page 1.

                    This has diminished us all.

                    Members have left over this, and I would say a lot of us are still unhappy all because we couldn't control our posts and keep them reasonable, and because a few people wanted to call attention to themselves regardless of how it affects the whole.

                    I'll still be around, but I gotta tell you, I'm a very disapointed shipper.


                      Well put sanssong! I couldn't agree more!!

                      All this quarrel has done is pull us apart!! We all were getting along well before, and now that this has happened we are all "taking sides" and getting angry and not wanting to post anymore. Personally I view this forum and thread as something that is supposed to be fun for all of us obsessed fans. Right now it isn't fun.

                      Like sanssong, I will still come to this thread, but I hope we can solve this...


                        Wow I get a migrane and a hurricane comes and I miss a lot. I"m not going to take a side in this argument, but I also found this thread on page two witch shocked me.

                        BP, thanks again for your analysis you really go through everything. I also though it was funny in the 'Brotherhood' with Rodney and that Alina woman and how John and Teyla just kinda looked at each other. And when they were finding the ZPM, they were saying so much just by exchanging a few looks.

                        LFP was very shippy in my opnion since John was willing in the end to stay and help someone Teyla cared about and he wouldn't leave her on the planet alone out of concern.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          Originally posted by sanssong
                          The New Thread-

                          Once again, the minority of people have gotten their way and just as I and others feared I'm already seeing the negative effects of it. There have been NO new artwork pics posted here since the new thread started, discussion is at a minimum and I came this afternoon to find our belolved thread on page 2,and the pic thread on page 1.

                          This has diminished us all.

                          Members have left over this, and I would say a lot of us are still unhappy all because we couldn't control our posts and keep them reasonable, and because a few people wanted to call attention to themselves regardless of how it affects the whole.

                          I'll still be around, but I gotta tell you, I'm a very disapointed shipper.
                          I have to disagree. I posted a new artwork last night. It is a shame that the debate has divided us. It is not something I ever wanted to see happen.

                          We should all be here for the Sheppard/Teyla discussion regardless of the way we feel about the new thread.

                          I hope that you don't feel I wanted to call attention to myself by posting my artwork elsewhere. The point is, I made it for others to enjoy, too, and I am kind of insecure. When no one noticed, I thought about giving up making anything at all.

                          I would love to keep this thread on page 1. But with all the negativity over the new thread, it's been hard for me to summon any enthusiasm for discussion here.

                          I am sad to see members leave over this. They will be missed, greatly. But I can't help feeling that we all overreacted, and if we could have kept it simple, things would never have gotten this bad.

                          Sheppard and Teyla brought us here. They should be enough to keep us here.
                          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                            I'm still coming to this thread, regardless of its content. And that's all I'm gonna say because I have too many friends on both sides of this arguement.

                            Still... let's get back to seige 1.... right? We are on Seige 1, right?

                            Let's go back to Sgt. Bates. Notice how when Teyla hits him, Shep comes to the rescue. Some would say it was anger as to his emotions in that scene. Yeah he was angry. Probably at both of them... at Bates for provoking it and for Teyla rising to it.

                            However... listen carefully to his tone of voice. With Bates he is full out yelling, using his voice to its fullest... yet he doesn't use the same tone with Teyla. And he addresses her after Bates has already 'walked away.' His voice loses alot of the volume and a bit of the edge.

                            In the end he doesn't give her a direct order... just asks her what the hell she was doing rising to that kind of childish challenge and to just stay away from Bates. Thats the limit of his agression. He frustrated... at both of them. He expects more from Teyla... and he doesn't want to deal with Bates'.

                            Just my 2 cents.
                            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                              I'm still coming to this thread, regardless of its content. And that's all I'm gonna say because I have too many friends on both sides of this arguement.

                              Still... let's get back to seige 1.... right? We are on Seige 1, right?

                              Let's go back to Sgt. Bates. Notice how when Teyla hits him, Shep comes to the rescue. Some would say it was anger as to his emotions in that scene. Yeah he was angry. Probably at both of them... at Bates for provoking it and for Teyla rising to it.

                              However... listen carefully to his tone of voice. With Bates he is full out yelling, using his voice to its fullest... yet he doesn't use the same tone with Teyla. And he addresses her after Bates has already 'walked away.' His voice loses alot of the volume and a bit of the edge.

                              In the end he doesn't give her a direct order... just asks her what the hell she was doing rising to that kind of childish challenge and to just stay away from Bates. Thats the limit of his agression. He frustrated... at both of them. He expects more from Teyla... and he doesn't want to deal with Bates'.

                              Just my 2 cents.
                              Exactly Ritter, that's why I'm not taking sides.

                              As for Bates and Teyla I don't even remember that scene. I'lll have to go back and read the transcipt. Time to catch the bus home.
                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                I think the discussion has been quieter lately and it was really the picture posting and the artwork that kept the thread busy. Now that it is gone I knew the posting would slow down.

                                I do think the discussion aspect will pick up once the show airs again but I was wondering, if so many people complained about not being able to join in the discussion because of so much artwork and pictures, where are all these people now that it has gone.

                                At the end of the day we are all fans of John and Teyla so we should try to enjoy this wonderful pairing whether we are here or in the other thread. Can anyone post a nice John and Teyla picture to cheer us all up. I will really have to find out how to post pictures.

                                I don't know what episode we are ment to be discussing at the moment but I watched LFP last night and I was really impressed with this episode. I don't know why I wasn't all that impressed when I watched it first time.

                                There were some wonderful moments between John and Teyla but I was a bit surprised that John refused to wait for Teylas friends. When he asked her what else she wanted from him, I loved when she answered , too much I fear.

                                I thought that John didn't leave anyone behind so his commet to Teyla when she asked him if it was his family or friends would he abandon them and he answered, yes if it effected the mission. I found this to a bit out of character and a bit harsh.

                                Any commnets or views on how John and Teyla acted around each other in this ep - sorry if this has been discussed before. But any new insights would be welcome.

