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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Just to say that, i wont be posting agian in here today and its been a slow day as far as the South Park Mckays are concerned but i will have more tommorow i promise

    Also this is my 1000th Post!!!!!!


      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
      I think he wants to be close to Sheppard but in reality he would say Beckett, if only because he gets to bully him. Well I never said it was a healthy choice. Weir no I don't see her as being close to anyone on Atlantis (the writer's fault IMO).
      I don't know who McKay is closest to its a toss up between the 3 Zelenka/Beckett/Shep. He obviously trusts Shep with his life in the field, treats Radek as his not quite intellectual inferior and hangs out with Beckett.

      McKay and Weir though they obviously know and trust eachother - he stood infront of a gun for her, she wants to protect him from himself but like all Weirs relationships in Atlantis she trys to maintain a professional distance and MCKAy isn't the kind of person to actively try to break down those kinds of barriers


        Like I said, she isn't exactly the type you can invite over just to hang out. She has to be Feerless Leader- benevolent, but one step removed from everyone around her. Rodney-wise, I think he holds her on a bit of a pedestal. Of course, I think he does that with Sheppard, too, but whereas he can feel a sort of connection/kinship/camaraderie with Shep, Weir is unapproachable. That's why he asked for Shep's help in convincing Weir in Trinity- because he knew that he, himself, wasn't "good enough" to do it. Not that he'd put it that way, of course.


          Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
          Who do you think Rodney feels he is closest to? (Not who do you think he's closest to, but who he would say.)
          Out of the men, I'd say he gets along best with Zelenka. If I picture Rodney eating in the mess hall I can see him sitting with Zelenka. They've been through a lot together and have that implicit geek-bond. Plus it's nice to gab hardcore science with someone who actually understands it.

          His interactions with Carson have been more one-sided, with Carson worrying about him but none of the reverse. I don't think he'd say he's close to Carson (even after what happened in Duet )

          Shep? I'm still unsure about what Rodney thinks of their friendship. Sometimes they get along like old buds, and sometimes Shep seems to be barely tolerating Rodney (see the end of Intruder). I think deep down Rodney would like to be better friends with Shep, but there seems to be lots of tension in that relationship, even more so after Trinity. I'm interested in seeing where the writers take it.

          Out of the women, he'd probably say he was closest to Elizabeth (but I don't see him openly admitting it). They seem to respect each other and she reads him well and brushes aside a lot of his ranting, complaining, whathaveyou. It's certainly possible that he's put her on a pedestal, but at the same time I think he wouldn't have a problem telling her when she was wrong. (And do you
          casually wear your boxers around someone you've put on a pedestal?
          ) Overall though, I think he's currently closer to one of the guys than to Weir. Look at the end of Trinity; he seemed to be more concerned about his relationship with Shep rather that with her.

          He may feel a bond with Teyla; they are teammates, but they don't seem to talk or spend any time together at all. He does seem to respect her at least.

          Originally posted by ShadowMaat
          Of course, I think he does that with Sheppard, too, but whereas he can feel a sort of connection/kinship/camaraderie with Shep, Weir is unapproachable. That's why he asked for Shep's help in convincing Weir in Trinity- because he knew that he, himself, wasn't "good enough" to do it. Not that he'd put it that way, of course.
          I actually found that scene quite odd. After all, Rodney had no problem going to Weir to detail his plans before. Heck, he even put forth a convincing argument to her in Sanctuary, when no one else seemed to be listening to his concerns. Their friendship seemed pretty open; he could go to her, she'd listen to him, and they seemed to be able to confirm plans or reach a resolution.
          And then Trinity sort of turned things on their head when, instead of going to Weir and trying to convince her like he's done successfully all these times before, he gets Shep to do it for him. Why the change here? Was the situation different? Has their relationship become more strained?


            Maybe he knew that the situation in Trinity was a lot more questionable than the one in Sanctuary. And Trinity, despite Rodney's lofty claims, was really more about personal gain than in benefitting all of Atlantis.

            I do remember being a bit surprised that Rodney thought he needed Shep's help, but I figured it was because the situation was a lot more dangerous this time around.


              i like that mcay is always referencing other sci-fi shows it shows how much of a geek he is and i love that about his character


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                Maybe he knew that the situation in Trinity was a lot more questionable than the one in Sanctuary. And Trinity, despite Rodney's lofty claims, was really more about personal gain than in benefitting all of Atlantis.

                I do remember being a bit surprised that Rodney thought he needed Shep's help, but I figured it was because the situation was a lot more dangerous this time around.
                My personal take was that McKay knew he couldn't convince Weir (the whole 'I have to protect him from himself' deal) because she knows how confident he can get, how blinded by science he can be (and he knows she knows? ), but Shep's not a scientist, so I'm thinking it's not she trusts Shep more specifically but she trusts Shep more here because Shep is objective, or at least more objective than geekgasming Rodney is over the prospect of a Nobel Prize etc. It's almost the reverse of Sanctuary I suppose where Sheppard was the one who wasn't being nearly enough objective on the matter at hand.


                  Originally posted by S.G.C
                  Heres another!!There was a problem with Image Shack and it didnt want to work so see attachment
                  I love this one! Sweet - literally! And the caption is just great!

                  Oh, and congrats on 1000 posts, S.G.C!!!

                  Bye, A.
                  ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                  ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                    I'm rather surprised... 8 hours without a post here?

                    ETA: Should have known as soon as I went to post.... someone would beat me to it.

                    There would be more pics... but PSP has decided to eat my jpgs even with the patch to correct a file save problem. The .png files I have are a bit too big to post here. So, I must wait til I get home to my nice non .jpg corrupting PSP before I can post any newly cleaned up Rodney 'caps.

                    Anyway something cute that fits DH.... a new 'love' smilie: It's from an LJ moodtheme found here:
                    Last edited by strivaria; 08 September 2005, 03:44 PM. Reason: I is slow


                      Hey, is there anymore info on the upcoming ep, "Grace Under Pressure?"


                        I think that McKay would say that he is closest to either Sheppard, because they are on a team together and they've been in most situations together, or Zelenka, just bc they work together alot in the lab and they usually come up with the same idea and they do fight as if they were close friends.

                        McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                        Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

                        Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
                        Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

                        McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

                        McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


                          Hey Guys!!

                          I just took the Duck quiz and it turns out that i'm a TrendSetter Duck.

                          Anyways great pictures, i love them all.

                          Plus, Brand new epsiode tomorrow, I cannot wait for it.

                          McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                          Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

                          Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
                          Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

                          McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

                          McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


                            Hey all! I found a fun way of thunking:
                            McKay as a puzzle!

                            Check it out

                            See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
                            Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick


                              Originally posted by strivaria
                              Anyway something cute that fits DH.... a new 'love' smilie: It's from an LJ moodtheme found here:
                              Aw It's so cute..the Dalek, hehe, Rodney is cute too. I want to put it in my sig. Haha. I love the K9 one. Thanks strivaria.

                              S.G.C Love the Sth Park Rodney and Congrats on making 1000! Posts. I am glad some of them are in here.

                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                              Hey, is there anymore info on the upcoming ep, "Grace Under Pressure?"
                              Well I haven't heard anything more I would like to know if Amanda will be in the episode, that is in/on Atlantis.

                              Originally posted by *AtlantisFan*
                              Plus, Brand new epsiode tomorrow, I cannot wait for it.
                              We don't all get to see it.


                                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                                Oh God! You are too much man. Alright I did it. I got Inventive Duck - I make other Ducks wonder!! Wonder what I am doing these stupid quizzes for.
                                I took the quiz and got the same thing! I wonder how I make others wonder! It was a fun little quiz to take, and I like the fact that it didn't take too long!! So I can go back to drooling over... I mean I'm just looking (I'm married so all I can do is look) at Mckay.

                                I did tell my husband that I thought that Rodney was cute. His response was "the scientist guy?!?" Husbands... I was trying to say something sarcastic, but I couldn't come up with anything.

                                Have a good night everyone!! Catharine
                                Just sitting here at the computer..typing my life away!

