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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Sneaking back in with gift, a recommendation of a lovely David wallpaper.

    See it here - made from pics of him at Comic Con 2005
    Last edited by Purpleyin; 14 October 2005, 08:19 PM.


      ooooooooooooooh....very cool

      *snurches wallpaper*


        The wallpaper was very nice. *loves*

        I found a good pic of trippy!hands McKay...

        They call them fingers, but I've never seen them fing....oh...there they go...

        *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

        "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


          Here's normal!hands McKay...

          *~S.T.A.K.S.~*~LiveJournal Leik Woah~*

          "Dosmrti, dosmrti na to nezapomenu."


   birthday is one week from today...october 21 i am waiting to see what rodney has in store for me


              Okay, only vaguely related to McKay but since MG had the wraithbusters thing I felt I should point out the vid by mamoru22... who did a Ghostbusters/SGA crossover (sorry if this has already been pointed out).

              Plus, er, there's lot of McKay/Sheppard vids so plenty of Rodney in there to stare at too.
              Last edited by Purpleyin; 14 October 2005, 01:05 PM.


                OMG! i watched it and it was hilarious


                  hehehehe...i found this site that has a very hilarious McKay vid...and since it mainly has Duet caps in it, i thought it even has the infamous quote from Duet in the beginning

                  linky: scroll down until you see the title Basket Case and that's the vid

                  and another one...titled Canadian Man found here:
                  Last edited by SlytherinGal; 14 October 2005, 12:43 PM.


                    Originally posted by Potions Mistress
           birthday is one week from today...october 21 i am waiting to see what rodney has in store for me
                    We'll see!
                    Oh, and Rose is supposed to give Rodney to you on your birthday, right? Any plans?

                    Purpleyin - thanks for the wallpaper link!

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      yes she is and no plans as of yet...i like to be surprised


                        Originally posted by McKay's girl
                        I'm getting kinda used to it, I'm not as hungry as I used to be at the beginning but right now I'm starved
                        And yeah, it does end on the 3rd Atleast after that we get to celebrate! With FOOD!!
                        Aw, I didn't forget I just didn't think you were gonna be around. I did post something that even you could *sink your teeth into* Come on that doesn't count does it!?! *Sorry my head is so in the gutter these days*

                        *really hating time zones*

                        Love the pics though. So many nice pics, so many not so nice. *gutter*


                          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                          yes she is and no plans as of yet...i like to be surprised
                          You will be *Insert Evil Laugh*


                            Boy's it quiet here these days

                            I wanted to say, love the wallpaper Purpleyin.

                            I've been lurking but most of my time has been spent in the LJ - someone offered to make icons of my Rodney caps so I was a very happy little vegemite!

                            BTW, I really liked all the Rodney eating pics - he's so adorable all the time.

                            The other part of my time (besides RL) has been spent not just capping old S1 epis but correcting the lighting. I hate pics where it's so dark you can't see a thing. So with my limited photoshop skills, I unmask some caps:

                            Rodney blue eyes - one of my fave with Radek... the both look so cute!

                            Here's one from Before I Sleep - the original was pretty dark, but I wanted a glimpse of those lashes:

                            In this scene from Before I sleep, the camera does a 360 turn of Rodney's face so we got to see his left side, front and right side profiles. Here, you can see his mole - sorry Rose, can't remember if you named it ! And then there's that crooked Rodney lips...

                            Then we ended with his right side, chatising Sheppard for a bedroom with a den...

                            I really need to study for my exam so I will go back to lurking.

                            So take care all,


                              Originally posted by mcalex22
                              Boy's it quiet here these days

                              I wanted to say, love the wallpaper Purpleyin.[
                              I bet the artist would love to hear that. I forget her name, as I got the link from a mailing list but if you follow the homepage link it has contact details for her.

                              Oh and I just finished a vid (though it'll take yonks to encode and upload...) called Rodney McKay's Sunscreen.


                                Originally posted by mcalex22
                                Boy's it quiet here these days

                                I've been lurking but most of my time has been spent in the LJ - someone offered to make icons of my Rodney caps so I was a very happy little vegemite!
                                As bright as bright can be? Have you read this thread? Don't mention Vegemite! Haha, not going there again.

                                The other part of my time (besides RL) has been spent not just capping old S1 epis but correcting the lighting. I hate pics where it's so dark you can't see a thing. So with my limited photoshop skills, I unmask some caps:
                                Ooh! Love the pics.

                                In this scene from Before I sleep, the camera does a 360 turn of Rodney's face so we got to see his left side, front and right side profiles. Here, you can see his mole - sorry Rose, can't remember if you named it !
                                Oh, I am still working on it! I am calling it 'Moley' at the moment.

