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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Yes, I was thinking about the promo pics...they're really droolworthy...So, ok, a promo-shot, "I'm with genius", a point pic, and a pic where he grins that cute smug little grin of his. My friend is SO going to hate me
    Do you remember? Hopping for our lives. Yeah? All that hopping? Remember hopping for your life? Yeah?! Hop? ... No?


      Originally posted by grashopper
      Yes, I was thinking about the promo pics...they're really droolworthy...So, ok, a promo-shot, "I'm with genius", a point pic, and a pic where he grins that cute smug little grin of his. My friend is SO going to hate me
      If the pictures do their job correctly she wont hate you, she'll love you for introducing her to the world of McKay thunking! hehe

      Oh add one of the many arm porn pictures! If that can't hook her I don't know what will lol


        No trust me, she is going to be fuming.

        Actually, this not-love for Rodney has become some sort of defence mechanism for me - she got herself a boyfriend recently and is constantly talking about him, which is kinda going on my nerves, so I started to mention The Greatness That Is McKay everytime she starts again and - oh wonder - the babbling started to stop.

        So the pictures in the car are there soley for self preservation and for preventing me have a headache the size of Mordor by the end of the drive. *g* And not because I actually like to look at them...really...ahem...
        Do you remember? Hopping for our lives. Yeah? All that hopping? Remember hopping for your life? Yeah?! Hop? ... No?


          Originally posted by strivaria
          LOL, I knew someone would remind me of things I forgot.

          Originally posted by strivaria
          I was just trying to come up with some things that are uniquely ours.
          And I especially love that teapot!

          I was just watching Condemned. Overall I didn't really like that episode, but it had its moments. And of course Rodney. Dirty Rodney. Dirty and stressed Rodney. Dirty, stressed and tired Rodney who needs some TLC back home, I'm sure. I'd volunteer.

          Oh my, I just noticed that I'm over 300 posts. I'm thunking faster than I ever expected. Well, since I don't know how long I can carry on like that I better enjoy the thunking time I have now. On this note:

          Bye, A.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by Arlessiar
            Squinty eyed!Rodney, yay!

            Never have I been more sad that I can't make screen caps and share with the rest of the class.

            And even more sad ( ), by the time I get home from work and am ready to thunk, everyone else is all thunked out.

            Well, here's a question for you:
            What would Rodney teach if he were a teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

            I say...transfiguration. Because it's the hardest magic to learn and Rodney is a genius. If anyone can do it, he can.

            (And somehow I've managed to mix two of my obsessions together...)

            --imagine cute picture of rodney/david here--


              Originally posted by rankBunnie

              Well, here's a question for you:
              What would Rodney teach if he were a teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

              I say...transfiguration. Because it's the hardest magic to learn and Rodney is a genius. If anyone can do it, he can.

              (And somehow I've managed to mix two of my obsessions together...)

              I'm thinking Arithmancy...math and magic.

              See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
              Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick


                I think arithmancy too. Though now I have this idea of McKay as a squib in my head....with the not having the ancient gene and all and having to get the artificial one.

                And I'd love to see Rodney on a broom
                Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                  Yeah, arithmancy is good.

                  But transfiguration has lots and lots of complicated charts and graphs that Rodney could expound upon.

                  And wouldn't you love to see Rodney turn all his enemies into small, slimy creatures that can be easily stepped on?

                  And yeah, Rodney on a broom would be hilarious.


                    Arlessiar, my "President" (hehe, that ain't going to get old anytime soon.) Little Rondey porn in sheet and spoilery url. To congratulate you on your #300!


                    I loved the bit at the end just sort of fitted in "Don't you Look!" Aw, bashful Rodney. *Squee*


                    Oh and for all those other McKay *Thunk* gals who have reach there own little milestones of *Thunk* worthiness keep up the good work, not that it is a hardship to love the DH/RM *thunk*. Behold the hands and the ZEDPM.

                    Space for one little pic "My all time fave pic of Rodney which is why it is in my sig.

                    *Thunk* and *Squee* and have to lay down.

                    Oh to the gal who asked, as many here at the *Thunk* know David Hewlett was born in England on the 18th April 1968. Moved to Canada when he was, well he's a bit sketchy on how old he was, but he was young. That is why I said I think he still has a slight English tone to his voice, then again could just be wishful thinking on my part gotta love that Brit accent and the Scottish and the Irish and the Welsh, ah you lucky UK gals.


                      I think if Rodney would teach at Hogwarts he would teach either Transfiguration, Arithmacy (all the math) or Potions because it's closest to science. Rodney on a broom would be hilarious.

                      McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                      Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

                      Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
                      Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

                      McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

                      McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


                        Originally posted by sparklegem
                        In Condemned
                        I also felt the whole commentary on McKay's character was kind of weird. To be that involved in the crime world I guess you have to have a pretty good sense of character, but it felt too much like "In case you haven't gotten it yet, this is why McKay actually is a good character, not just an annoying dead weight." The exchange between Gaul and Rodney was nice, and much more plausible between colleagues, but I can't help but notice it was the same type of thing. He's not that cryptic a character that we need a running commentary on him, as compared to the other characters.

                        I thought the same was a bit much coming from such a random character.

                        But on viewing it agian, I found that all his dialogue was actually quite well-spoken and intelligent, so it was obivously a pre-conceived aspect to his character.

                        The Rodney stuff still did grate though, for exactly the reasons you stated.

                        I have kind of a specific question. Torrell tells Rodney that he makes tasks seem impossible so he seems even greater when he completes them, then Rodney says that may be true sometimes but not now, the PJ is definitely broken, and while Rodney says that, there's a close up shot of Sheppard with a kind of startled/interested/thinking expression. Why was the point in showing Sheppard's reaction and what was he thinking? I don't think this interpretation of Rodney's character would come as any surprise to him. Do you think he's surprised that Rodney admitted it? Or is he realizing that maybe the PJ isn't completely broken? Any thoughts? Oops, I just realized this turned more into a Sheppard question than a Rodney one, it just bloomed off of the analyzing Rodney thing.
                        Well, as an avid poster on the Shep-Mckay thread....

                        I interpreted that as Shep getting rather angry at the things being said to Rodney.

                        It was kind of like "Yeah, we know it's true...but you can't say that to our Rodney!" Because they were actually quite hurtful things for someone like Rodney to hear...

                        And I don't think it's just Shep who is that way around Rodney. Ronan and Teyla also react quite a lot to Rodney being threatened/verbally put down.

                        I think they secretly all feel the need to protect him heh.


                          Okay all of my fellow thunkers, I have a request:

                          I'm trying to put together a wallpaper with all sleeping McKays. I only have 3 pics (the horror! ) and I really need more!

                          I promise to share said wallpaper when done

                          See the Clips | IMDB site | Official Site
                          Proud Rodney McKay Thunker | Proud Jayne Cobb Thunker | Keeper of the M.A.L.P.-on-a-Stick


                            Originally posted by Tracker
                            Okay all of my fellow thunkers, I have a request:

                            I'm trying to put together a wallpaper with all sleeping McKays. I only have 3 pics (the horror! ) and I really need more!

                            I promise to share said wallpaper when done
                            OOh! A sleeping!Rodney wallpaper. Can't wait to see the finished product I'm assuming you have the great Home 'sleeping mckay in boxers' and Sheet!Rodney from Duet already, cause who doesn't?

                            So here are some more:

                            Ok, so not really sleeping but stunned in suspicion....

                            Ummm...also not really sleeping, but collapsed from exhaustion in Siege3.

                            Really sleeping!!! Waiting/watching old Weir in Before I Sleep.
                            Remixed old sig...cause I wanted the pretty again!
                            :.*.:My Live Journal:.*.:


                              Originally posted by mcalex22
                              Not being from the North America region, I've always wondered - does Rodney speak with a Canadian accent? It's just that I notice sometimes when he talks, the end of his sentences go up (kinda like an Aussie soapie star... no insult intended - I just think it's cute). Couldn't figure out if it's just Rodney being excited
                              I'm an American. I actually don't hear an Canadian accent from David. And he's a Canadian playing a Canadian.

                              Canada is a big place and I'm sure there are regional accents like there are regional accents in the United States. But I don't hear them from David. He only does 2 things that I think are "Canadian." He says Zed instead of the American Zee. But other countries also do that. And he says "bean" instead of "bin" for the word "been". I think he's actually exaggerating that a bit because I've seen him in movies where he doesn't do that. I've seen him in things where he's supposed to be Canadian and he doesn't say "bean" so pronounced. Other than that, the rhythm of his speaking style doesn't catch my ear as an accent. I don't hear that "up" sound you seem to be hearing.

                              The word that everyone thinks Canadians pronounce differently fom Americans is "out" or words with that sound. David doesn't use that sound, at least I don't hear it. Interestingly, I had a boss who was from West Virginia that used that sound. He said that he always had to explain that he wasn't Canadian. Some areas of West Virgina just happen to say "out" like Canadians.

                              Torri, on the other hand, is a Canadian playing an American. Torri sounds Canadian to me, in both the way she says the "out" sound and the rhythm of her speaking style. But, I've met people from the state of Minnesota that also have that same speaking style. Minnesota is on the Canadian border, so it makes sense they would speak in a similar style.

                              Rainbow and Rachel are also Canadian, yet they didn't sound that way on the show. I don't recall Rainbow having any "Canadian-isms" when he spoke on the Behind the Scenes special last season. Rachel sounded slightly English to me.

                              My kind of guy:
                              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                                I don't think these are spoiler-ish from Duet. Let me know if you think they are and I'll hide them.

                                Peek-a-boo, Rodney!

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

