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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    That's something we're never going to agree on (and by we I mean myself and every other sparky fan, apparently). Spoilered coz I've said it before in some fashion

    I've never thought that Franibeth was Dr Weir - too OOC and it didn't really make sense how she ended up that way. It made the replicators look pretty stupid to allow a known security risk wander around Asuras, even after Oberoth had said that he was going to kill her (he only said reprogramme in Weir's fake out, afterwards she had pissed him off too much).

    I could believe that they copied the replicator side of her, and that was Franibeth, but not Elizabeth.

    I've always thought that they either killed her outright in Lifeline (offscreen) or made some controllable copies and put her in stasis (from which she either escaped/was kidnapped or died when they blew up Asuras). I had some ideas for stories related to that, but as you know, I can't write worth a damn.
    See I would believe that to a point. Like if they said that's what happened I'd buy it. But right now as far as canon is concerned it was Elizabeth and even though canon sucks I stick to it, I don't know why.
    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


      It's a slow day on the sparky thread

      From Tao Of Rodney

      (gently): Rodney, you’re a good person. Know that we love you.

      I love you too Elizabeth

      John, this is not the time
      s***! I mean, yeah, we love you Rodney, in a way a friend feels about another friend
      Last edited by gateraid; 19 January 2009, 10:40 PM.


        Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
        See I would believe that to a point. Like if they said that's what happened I'd buy it. But right now as far as canon is concerned it was Elizabeth and even though canon sucks I stick to it, I don't know why.
        Because you posess something I don't any more - hope


          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Because you posess something I don't any more - hope
          Do I? Damn I try to squash that emotion all the time. lol.

          Also I love that scene in ... I'm blanking out on the episodes name. John oh John way to be obvious. He had to correct Rodney after he said "you" when he was talking to Elizabeth.
          My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


            Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
            Do I? Damn I try to squash that emotion all the time. lol.

            Also I love that scene in ... I'm blanking out on the episodes name. John oh John way to be obvious. He had to correct Rodney after he said "you" when he was talking to Elizabeth.
            You know, I'd never thought of it that way. I'd always got the McWeir vibe from Elizabeth and McShep from John (if we're gonna assign ship to those comments, although I see them as purely platonic towards Rodney) but that actually makes a lot more sense in the way it is worded

            WEIR (gently): Rodney, you’re a good person. Know that we love you.

            McKAY (smiling, his eyes still closed): You love me? Really? All of you?

            SHEPPARD (awkwardly): In a way a friend feels about another friend.

            McKAY: You’re just saying that because I’m gonna die. (Quietly, plaintively) Oh, God. I can’t believe I’m gonna die.


              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
              See I would believe that to a point. Like if they said that's what happened I'd buy it. But right now as far as canon is concerned it was Elizabeth and even though canon sucks I stick to it, I don't know why.
              I have love - hate relationship with that bit of the canon; because canon - vise, she's alive, just in another body and cold - induced stasis, just like Niam was. Yet they left her behind! I mean WTF? That's their freaking leader, the person who made most sacrifices for the whole expedition, let herself be captured so the city could live, and then in GitM walked through the gate because (it feels like that to me) she wasn't welcome there any more.

              And then Rodney says something about not being able to doubt that was the real Elizabeth.

              Then, Atlantis goes back to.... okay, that's still illegal to mention until the final ep airs, but the bottom line here is, how can they leave her behind, real body or not? Sorry dear producers, that sucks, and that story shouldn't be left there.
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Fic rec time.

                Ice cream

                So angsty but so good. I totally believe this happened.
                My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                  Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                  Fic rec time.

                  Ice cream

                  So angsty but so good. I totally believe this happened.
                  Oh, thanx for reccing! That was heartbreaking, but awesome.
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                    Fic rec time.

                    Ice cream

                    So angsty but so good. I totally believe this happened.
                    Waw!! This left me with tears in my eyes. Truly amazing fic and totally believable.

                    Sig by me


                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      I have love - hate relationship with that bit of the canon; because canon - vise, she's alive, just in another body and cold - induced stasis, just like Niam was. Yet they left her behind! I mean WTF? That's their freaking leader, the person who made most sacrifices for the whole expedition, let herself be captured so the city could live, and then in GitM walked through the gate because (it feels like that to me) she wasn't welcome there any more.

                      And then Rodney says something about not being able to doubt that was the real Elizabeth.

                      Then, Atlantis goes back to.... okay, that's still illegal to mention until the final ep airs, but the bottom line here is, how can they leave her behind, real body or not? Sorry dear producers, that sucks, and that story shouldn't be left there.
                      Yep, its stuuupid. If those were all the remaining replicators, there was no reason why they couldn't just go through the gate, blast the other ones into little pieces, and pick her up. Even if she were still a replicator, there'd be no other replicators left to link to, so hardly a threat.

                      I justify them leaving her there because they think it isn't really her, merely a copy of her. Similar, but not the real thing.

                      Of course, she didn't need to die in the first place but that's another issue


                        Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                        Yep, its stuuupid. If those were all the remaining replicators, there was no reason why they couldn't just go through the gate, blast the other ones into little pieces, and pick her up. Even if she were still a replicator, there'd be no other replicators left to link to, so hardly a threat.

                        I justify them leaving her there because they think it isn't really her, merely a copy of her. Similar, but not the real thing.

                        Of course, she didn't need to die in the first place but that's another issue
                        Either way you put it, it's stupid and unfair, and sad Shep was the only thing worth seeing. IMO of course. Period.

                        OT - there's annoying news about yet another female character being kicked out of Stargate. This time its Vala; they won't have her in the new movie. Stupid.
                        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          That's something we're never going to agree on (and by we I mean myself and every other sparky fan, apparently). Spoilered coz I've said it before in some fashion

                          I've never thought that Franibeth was Dr Weir - too OOC and it didn't really make sense how she ended up that way. It made the replicators look pretty stupid to allow a known security risk wander around Asuras, even after Oberoth had said that he was going to kill her (he only said reprogramme in Weir's fake out, afterwards she had pissed him off too much).

                          I could believe that they copied the replicator side of her, and that was Franibeth, but not Elizabeth.

                          I've always thought that they either killed her outright in Lifeline (offscreen) or made some controllable copies and put her in stasis (from which she either escaped/was kidnapped or died when they blew up Asuras). I had some ideas for stories related to that, but as you know, I can't write worth a damn.
                          I liked Franibeth too, but I'm open to your other ideas.
                          If they indeed did make several copies of her, then there are others out there. Maybe they didn't all get destroyed along with the Asuran planet. Franibeth's copy was just one of many.

                          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                          See I would believe that to a point. Like if they said that's what happened I'd buy it. But right now as far as canon is concerned it was Elizabeth and even though canon sucks I stick to it, I don't know why.
                          I do too and I hate that about myself. I think that's why I get so exercised when people get things wrong. Canon is canon, dammit.

                          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                          Yep, its stuuupid. If those were all the remaining replicators, there was no reason why they couldn't just go through the gate, blast the other ones into little pieces, and pick her up. Even if she were still a replicator, there'd be no other replicators left to link to, so hardly a threat.

                          I justify them leaving her there because they think it isn't really her, merely a copy of her. Similar, but not the real thing.

                          Of course, she didn't need to die in the first place but that's another issue
                          They could have done that, but you're forgetting who the writers are. Getting rid of her was more important than being rational.

                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            I liked Franibeth too, but I'm open to your other ideas.
                            If they indeed did make several copies of her, then there are others out there. Maybe they didn't all get destroyed along with the Asuran planet. Franibeth's copy was just one of many.

                            I do too and I hate that about myself. I think that's why I get so exercised when people get things wrong. Canon is canon, dammit.

                            They could have done that, but you're forgetting who the writers are. Getting rid of her was more important than being rational.
                            I liked MM/Franibeth too, it just didn't sit right with me that it was really our Elizabeth, even with all the stuff she went through.

                            There were many other ways they could have brought her back, even if only for a few eps here and there. Anuna's big bang fic is a good example. She could have interfaced with the replicator tech and taken a jumper herself and been intercepted by another race - Genii, Travellers, whoever.

                            It's all pie in the sky now though, the series is done and dusted

                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            Either way you put it, it's stupid and unfair, and sad Shep was the only thing worth seeing. IMO of course. Period.

                            OT - there's annoying news about yet another female character being kicked out of Stargate. This time its Vala; they won't have her in the new movie. Stupid.
                            Depends how much hope you have. BW said that Vala won't be in SG1 III. I'm assuming he meant Claudia, but you never know, she could be there in some other capacity. It's supposed to be O'Neill heavy, so it could be set earlier in the timeline, like when he was a Colonel or something (I doubt it).

                            Vala was barely in the last movie too - most of Claudia's screentime was as Quetesh

                            Hmm, this is all very down this morning. We need something to lighten the mood


                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              Hmm, this is all very down this morning. We need something to lighten the mood
                              Something to lighten the mood: A short, cute little fic
                              Yeah... I know it's one of mine... I need to promote my fics somewhere, right

                              Sig by me


                                Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                                Something to lighten the mood: A short, cute little fic
                                Yeah... I know it's one of mine... I need to promote my fics somewhere, right


