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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    You all realise...(s4)
    Now that Elizabeth has super repli powers, John should just leave Atlantis and join forces with her and put his ancient gene to good use. They could have super babies and take over the galaxy! XD

    livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
    ~You are who you choose to be~


      Originally posted by SazZat View Post
      You all realise...(s4)
      Now that Elizabeth has super repli powers, John should just leave Atlantis and join forces with her and put his ancient gene to good use. They could have super babies and take over the galaxy! XD

      Ooooh I love the way you put it. That would really be a good use of said... trait! ahem.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
        Turbo- in terms of season four
        Yeah, I can't wait to actually see Lizzie putting Oberoth in the hot spot.

        That's good to know.... so I can be prepared

        EH????? WHAT???? Are you sure SR? Are you sure about that little Doppleganger spoiler? And as for 'The Last Man' er- that doesn't sound like a promising title, you're right.

        Oh yeah- talk about TPTB totally stealing and rehashing plot points- only replicarter was a copy our dear replizzie is our lizzie replified so totally cooler- more angst potential.
        Not Doppelganger. But I've read in several places that I can't bother to look up now that DH has said
        that Rodney's lovelife doesn't turn out so well. I think something bad happens to Katie. Maybe in Quarantine.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          I find this very sad, SR. As I said on numerous occasions, tragedy isn't my kind of romance. I'm a sucker for happy endings. But whatever happens, I'm still all for those happy endings, especially if I can write them myself (which is what I'm working on just about now)

          And reading some of those comments I sometimes have this feeling that it's some other show they're talking about, not my Atlantis

          Oh by the way SR, I thought of you today when I saw Emmylou 4 CD box in CD store earlier today. I can't wait for my paycheck to get my hands on that.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Turbo View Post

            And John/Elizabeth is the only logical ship on SG:A.
            *wave* 'ello Turbo! As to that statement, I definately agree. My roommate...who loaths shipping of all kinds... once noted to me ((as I begged her to be a fresh pair of eyes for a vid I was working on)) that while she doesn't like shipping, she could see John/'Lizbeth. As in the sense of it made some sense, and noted that it definately would work more than John/Teyla. I resisted smushing her.

            As for storage and videos. Lemme put it this way. I have a lil over 50 gigs just for footage for (A)MVs on my com. Zalpizus (com name) hates me for it. ;.;

            To the carnage and rumors of:

            ...if they kill Katie I think we're going to have to have words. I mean come ON! They've already taken out three of my favorite characters! ((Carson and 'Lizbeth are my two top favorites. Kate is/was tied for first in minor charris...with Kleinman.))

            Has anyone else noticed how dangerous it is to be a civilian?

            Ooo! You guys might like this. For my final two papers in my media crit class, I want to do them on SGA. My first thought was to rationalize sparky through various elements and code of cinema...but then I decided that it wouldn't be quite as..up to par? Still considering taking a feministic approach (because it's so much fun to write XD) and basically speak of the treatment of civilians/women XD. Either way, I'm sneaking sparky in there in some way! Even if it's encoded >.>

            I think there's a separate thread to discuss how season 4 will affect sparky! but, I think it's valid here. It occured to me that Weir's situation could be very GOOD for our pairing, actually.


            When (yes, when) we get 'Lizbeth back, the chances of the military/IOA letting her back in charge soon is...rare. However due to possible medical complications that could arise were she away too long they might keep her on atlantis as a co-administrator type person. Why is this awesome? If she's no longer the boss and there, there goes her: "I don't date those I'm in charge of" excuse!

            So by the time she gets reinstated, it will be too late to call it a quits with John! ^.^ Hehe..

            "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


              SoulSpinder I love the way your mind works!

              excuse me folks, I'm finishing up a chapter!!

              EDIT: it's done - 11th chapter of "The Secret Marriage". Read, enjoy and comment! (be sure to read the warnings first!)

              A huge thank you to Anjirika for reading & correcting my grammar. You are great, sweetie!!!
              Last edited by Anuna; 05 October 2007, 07:30 AM.
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                I find this very sad, SR. As I said on numerous occasions, tragedy isn't my kind of romance. I'm a sucker for happy endings. But whatever happens, I'm still all for those happy endings, especially if I can write them myself (which is what I'm working on just about now)

                And reading some of those comments I sometimes have this feeling that it's some other show they're talking about, not my Atlantis

                Oh by the way SR, I thought of you today when I saw Emmylou 4 CD box in CD store earlier today. I can't wait for my paycheck to get my hands on that.
                Emmmyyylllooouuu! Squee!!! Love her. But now I have a favorite new CD by another old favorite girl singer. One of the songs is begging to be a video.

                *runs off to read TSM with my lunch*

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  I want your review woman! Did you hear me!

                  I'm currently hooked to Emmylou and Mark Knopfler's duets (All the roadrunning album?) and there are several songs begging to be videos. And there's that idea that keeps haunting me for months now.... I might do some translating too because the song is croatian. But it fits perfectly with S4. So I might just do that one too!
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    I want your review woman! Did you hear me!

                    I'm currently hooked to Emmylou and Mark Knopfler's duets (All the roadrunning album?) and there are several songs begging to be videos. And there's that idea that keeps haunting me for months now.... I might do some translating too because the song is croatian. But it fits perfectly with S4. So I might just do that one too!
                    The review is in. Fabulous as usual. You're making me feel a little sorry for Sam. As for Sparky, they are so totally married. And now almost everybody knows it. BTW in Adrift
                    I think Keller can be added to our list of Sparky shippers. She treated John the same way Carson treated Elizabeth in Conversion. She informs Rodney about what is happening with her, but she apologizes to John. And puts her hand on his arm in comfort, just like she might do with a family member.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                      The review is in. Fabulous as usual. You're making me feel a little sorry for Sam. As for Sparky, they are so totally married. And now almost everybody knows it. BTW in Adrift
                      I think Keller can be added to our list of Sparky shippers. She treated John the same way Carson treated Elizabeth in Conversion. She informs Rodney about what is happening with her, but she apologizes to John. And puts her hand on his arm in comfort, just like she might do with a family member.
                      ACK! When I saw

                      Keller putting her arm on Shep's shoulder in such comforting manner my heart went SQUEEEEEEE!!!! That was an amazing detail, but my favorite thing about Adrift - and probably whole S4 - is John's face while Keller was telling him the news. That guy is sooo head over heels.

                      Glad you liked new chapter. I think you'll like the next one even more.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        ACK! When I saw

                        Keller putting her arm on Shep's shoulder in such comforting manner my heart went SQUEEEEEEE!!!! That was an amazing detail, but my favorite thing about Adrift - and probably whole S4 - is John's face while Keller was telling him the news. That guy is sooo head over heels.

                        Glad you liked new chapter. I think you'll like the next one even more.
                        I liked that moment in Adrift too, but I think the one when
                        John was standing in her door just looking forlornly into her office just about stopped my heart.
                        Sigh. I can't wait for Lifeline.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          You'll love and hate LL. But JF was amazing. Mark my words! It's a SPARKY! episode!!!

                          I watched both and still

                          Sheppard almost crying over her and the ending scene in Lifeline - and Shep's last like ther - are my fav parts about this AU of Atlantis.
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Hey guys! Just wanted to drop in and say I love your forum--you make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

                            I've been burned in ship wars before, so I tend to support one character rather than a set, but I love both Weir and Shep (and Torri and JF, respectively) so I have a soft spot for Sparky. Good luck with all the pro-Sparky pro-Torri campaigning and such. I'll be dropping by to show love when I can, and I'm sorta considering writing a fanfic about it (I don't do them much, but when I do they tend to be long and complicated).

                            But I do have a question--can someone let me know how you guys came up with the name Sparky? I think its adorable.
                            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                              *waves at playground*

                              So, I know this question's been asked a million times but why did you guys fell in love with Sparky instead of any other possible pairing? I remember shipping McKay with the cute nurses at first but then changed my mind to hotness personified, lol

                              Also, I want a HS/BSG/SGA ( sparky ) SUPER MEGA FIC? WHO in the world could write me that? Ahahahaha *g*

                              Irrelevant bit :

                              Yeah,the end of this post ist just here to claim my love for the most delicious ( and under prozac and who has a frakking hot son ) gateau in the world and it's mine!

                              this profiteroles gateau's son is :

                              I sure hope being conceived as we speak ( YOU GO BeAtch! ) bc I'm frakking drunk, lol and that image is qute disturbing!! Am I talking about cakes or sex here? ZOMG!!!! I dunno!!!!! ROFLMAO!

                              Last edited by Blower'sGate; 06 October 2007, 04:46 PM.


                                CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and Sparky!!!!!!!!!!!! what a great combo!

