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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red

    Again quoting from the Official Stargate Magazine, RL says, speaking of Ronon: "There is a kind of brother/sister play going on between them. I don't know if there is going to continue to be that, or if it will become anything else." She also talks about the growing understanding between Teyla and Ronon and how they keep a secret from everyone else. And so as not to be accused of editing for this ship only, she also says "She's also had a kiss." I don't remember that episode, but I do recall her being attacked. Okay, I'm prejudiced. Never said otherwise. If I can't be snarky, I'll die. But,yes, RL used to positively gush over the Sheyla thing. Now she never mentions it unless it's brought up, and in a recent interview seemed to bristle when the interviewer mentioned JF in a personal contest, taking pains to say he's married, has kids, and she's friends with his wife. I think she' tired of some people trying to hook them up in RL.
    The entire real-life hookup thing that a few fans wrongly push is flat out GROSS and I don't blame Rachel one iota for being upset about some lame fan saying something like that. It's disrespectful to Joe and his family. As for Teyla/Ronon, guys let me just say that you never get a second chance to make a first impression nor do you get a second chance to set a 'tone'. The Ronon/Teyla 'tone' was set from the very beginning when they immediately clashed in
    'Runner' and then later had that little Teyla candle-lit bedroom/ spread-eagle on the bed leering session. Ever seen Teyla act flustered with John? No. A little coy? yeah. A little smart? yeah. A little interested? yeah. But flustered in a female awareness way like she was when Ronon popped by and caught her on the bed? No. The only other scene that I can compare to that one in female/male awareness-recognition was the moment immediately following the hug between Sparky.
    *That* couple of seconds of mutual flusteredness from John and 'Lizabeth was pure sexual awareness hitting them up the side of the head for the first time. Spanky realized theirs quicker than Sparky did but all parties are very aware of it though neither is ready to act on it yet.


      Originally posted by Bama
      I think tptb *have* bought into the SWR as one that has enormous potential to be extraordinary in *every* way eventually. What tptb have built-let no man, woman or red herring put asunder.
      *snort* Bama, you're a caution. Have a pic.

      Yes, John I know you never see it coming. You don't see a lot of things.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Yeah, anything that's said in interviews should be taken with a grain of salt. Amanda Tapping, after all, never seemed to know what she wanted out of Sam and Jack's relationship. If you'd believed everything she said about Carter, you'd think the character was schizophrenic.

        And no, I'm not trying to bash Amanda Tapping. Just saying that it's got to be really easy to say something to an interviewer that doesn't come out right, or is taken totally out of context.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Yeah, anything that's said in interviews should be taken with a grain of salt. Amanda Tapping, after all, never seemed to know what she wanted out of Sam and Jack's relationship. If you'd believed everything she said about Carter, you'd think the character was schizophrenic.

          And no, I'm not trying to bash Amanda Tapping. Just saying that it's got to be really easy to say something to an interviewer that doesn't come out right, or is taken totally out of context.
          I was (and still kinda am) a S/J shipper. AT cahnged her mind more than her hairstyles... Really annoying.
          I've taken to not really listening to the actors interviews because I think they just say what the interviewer wants to hear. Or what they think the fans want at the moment.

          Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


            sheyla TV- guide was released before Siege III eh? Talking about Conversion? Well now I don't remember seeing any articles about The Long Goodbye!!.. Was there any? If not then TV-Guide people need some brainwashing..
            And I wish they stopped making huge articles about Lost! I love that show but for goodness sake! There are other shows to talk about..
            uh...staying on topic...

            shall we start a balcony debate?


              The TV Guide interview came out shortly before the season premiere. That's why the article was there. Conversion came up because that was the episode they had just finished filming when the interviews were conducted. But The Long Goodbye was in the middle of the season, so there wouldn't be mainstream publicity in all likelihood.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                oooh they have so got to get to gather and lets not wait 9 years either.......... i mean she is his boss but she is also a civilian which as i interpret the rules there is some leadway there.
                I'm a doctor.. a medical doctor. I break things like this.. "beckett season one episode one of atlantis"


                  Okay, now that I've finally caught up on all that's being discussed around here, I can finally post.

                  First things first: Mely, I also just finished reading the first two parts of International Relations and I was completely blown away! The story is amazing! *loves fluffy Sparky* We all know that they're both so pretty inside and out, and you write them that way! Beautiful work! Let me know when you start writing pro-stuff for Stargate!

                  Second, I'm also one of those people who've learned to be wary of the TPTB on various shows, especially when it comes to ships. I, along with many others, learned that particular lesson the hard way on Star Trek Voyager. *sighs sadly* I still remember that show and want to cry. I look back and actually wonder if it was the same people who wrote Tom and B'Elanna's relationship so wonderfully, and yet still managed to utterly destroy the dynamic of Janeway and Chakotay. It was set up in the early seasons, played upon big time, and starting around Season 4, the deconstruction had begun. *sob* It was buried under other ships that made absolutely no sense, and distorted the characters so much that I believe even the actors grew somewhat frustrated with the whole thing.

                  But I'm not going to harp on that the entire time, no matter how much it still grieves me. I do feel somewhat better that the TPTB have recognized that there is definitely something between John and Elizabeth that wasn't there intentionally, thanks to the chemestry of the actors. I really think that's the mark of a good, well-rounded show. Not only do TPTB throw us curve-balls in the show, but it throws them new elements that they hadn't seen before. If handled correctly, it can only improve the story.


                  *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                  In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                    For the tv guide covers I think they just wanted hot people. It was boy/girl. Amanda Tapping is the only female in SG1 so naturally it had to be her. BSG has Tricia who is an ex model, and Atlantis has two females however Weir doesn't dress like Teyla so of course they weren't going to put her on the cover. It was just for sex appeal, I mean AT is in her uniform but they really had no choice with that. With Atlantis they had a choice and they chose to appeal to the shallow side. Weir in my opinion is just as hot as the rest of them but I guess they wanted skin. Of course they had to interview RL she was on the cover, it would have been funny if they had interviewed Torri instead. Wait did they interview the whole cast?
                    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                      I really don't care what TPTB say or actors say about ship. I enjoy John and Elizabeth's relationship as it is and am just going along for the ride.


                        *tries to catch up with thread*....Gives up*..

                        Mel...Just finished reading your new fic...International Relations ll...Wonderful!
                        All I ask is for you not to let me read these things while I'm at work! *lol*... I can't sit in the chair reading your lovely fics while I'm being matter how much I want to... *sighs*

                        TLG here in the UK tonight...for those who haven't looked ahead *eyes*

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          I just had a wonderful lunch of Valentine candy and The Long Goodbye, and I noticed something new.
                          John is walking around the first pod. Carson sees Elizabeth and Caldwell enter behind John and says "Dr Weir." John whirls around so quickly you can almost hear his neck snap, and his eyes go right to her, ignoring Caldwell. Shippy? Maybe not, but I still went "awww."


                          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                            Originally posted by SGLAB
                            I really don't care what TPTB say or actors say about ship. I enjoy John and Elizabeth's relationship as it is and am just going along for the ride.
                            Ditto, i remember clearly CC saying that Mulder and Scully had a beautiful platonic relationship, and having them romanticaly involved would damage it. And that he would never *EVAH!* hook them up. DBP treated all of us shippers like we were a bother, and said that JAG wasn't a soap, when asked about Harm and Mac (ironic since the last seasons JAG was more of a soap than anything). tptb like to tease, play and bother the shippers, if there is something we want to see, they won't show us, if there is something we want to know, then they won't tell us. And if they tell us something it'll be convoluted, a lie hidden between two truths, or a truth hidden between two lies.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red
                              I just had a wonderful lunch of Valentine candy and The Long Goodbye, and I noticed something new.
                              John is walking around the first pod. Carson sees Elizabeth and Caldwell enter behind John and says "Dr Weir." John whirls around so quickly you can almost hear his neck snap, and his eyes go right to her, ignoring Caldwell. Shippy? Maybe not, but I still went "awww."

                              OMG you're right. I just rewatched it paying attention to only John and
                              that was the quickest head turn I have ever seen. He was studying the pod but as soon as Weir is mentioned he completely forgets about it. Rodney is still down there but John has to see Elizabeth. It's so funny, you guys need to watch.
                              Thanks for that.
                              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                I just had a wonderful lunch of Valentine candy and The Long Goodbye, and I noticed something new.
                                John is walking around the first pod. Carson sees Elizabeth and Caldwell enter behind John and says "Dr Weir." John whirls around so quickly you can almost hear his neck snap, and his eyes go right to her, ignoring Caldwell. Shippy? Maybe not, but I still went "awww."

                                Very, very shippy. I squee every time I watch that scene. And they also
                                share a nice, long look afterwards.
                                When there is a will, there is a way.

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