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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    hey sally!! Yes that wraith is named college application process haha!! Missed you all!

    I'm pretty sure Teyla said she sent a note through but he didn't find that stuff until later. So I think after a while they assumed he might know. But they seemed very understanding Ronon was all "well for us it was only a couple of hours" and Teyla was all "STFU Plebe!" But those are my words, not theirs!
    Citizen of Braneville


      I have read so many conflicting reports about Epiphany that I am just going to wait and see.

      Although, Epiphany
      I am looking forward to the bit at the end

      Lovebar made by natz099
      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


        Originally posted by wizengamot
        I'm pretty sure Teyla said she sent a note through but he didn't find that stuff until later. So I think after a while they assumed he might know. But they seemed very understanding Ronon was all "well for us it was only a couple of hours" and Teyla was all "STFU Plebe!" But those are my words, not theirs!
        Hee! Ain't heard that in ages You should SO write for Atlantis

        ..and omg she actually teased him about his appearance which means she took the time to look yo! okay, so a beard is pretty hard to miss but still....*pushes up rose-tinted glasses*


          Well don't have much to say as I have not seen any of the new eps, and I am still staying away from spoilers. (We will see how long that lasts )

          I just wanted to say :

          Hello and welcome to Lumiere,, and Evenstar! We have a very United Nations feeling here.

          Thank you gooner dive for the pics.

          Everyone keep the fanfic links a coming!!
          "We'll name it later!"
          - - - -
          Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
          Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


            Originally posted by xfkirsten
            On John's reaction...
            EDIT: Forgot the other question!
            As far as the signs of his abandonment problems... well, he was repeatedly bringing up the subject of "You all abandoned me" when he faced the beast and the other villagers ran. And he also makes reference on more than one occasion to his team abandoning him when they weren't showing up to rescue him.
            As far as backstory, that certainly sounds like the best John angle right there. We've all hypothesized that he may have not had a great upbringing but it also could be that he made a bad decision in his younger days to leave someone behind in battle -or was left behind himself- and considers such to be the worst possible thing a friend or friends can do to another. I certainly like the 'family' angle myself more as it lends more personal and deep rooted hurt to his personality and would have affected the way he looked at the world, friends, women and himself. I also think that it gives Elizabeth a real 'in' to help him and to bond with him on that special level we all know they have. It also makes the question relevant-Did she abandon Simon? And would she abandon John? For the right return/reason?
            Just something to chew on...


              Originally posted by Bladefanatic
              Everyone keep the fanfic links a coming!!

              48 Hours by rhin_ariel


                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                Hee! Ain't heard that in ages You should SO write for Atlantis

                ..and omg she actually teased him about his appearance which means she took the time to look yo!
                Whoo...honey, the woman checks him out quite often. If there's one thing I'm certain of in regard to Elizabeth in relation to John it's that she's noticed how pretty and charming he is.

                Oh! And one quick inquiry for those that have watched the ep...what is it that
                Teer tells him in her 'goodbye' just before she accends? I found the framing on that shot a bit interesting...actually, I found the framing and cuts in this entire ep to be interesting. Nothing really too different from what we've been getting but the continued use of certain shots is certainly worth noting.

                Oh (again) more quick thought...I don't know how you guys feel about it but I'm a bit leery of the idea of
                John being some kind of special 'one' for some specific alien purpose.
                I guess it's just the ex X-filer in me that feels that such sub-plots can become very convoluted and far too uneven and nonsensical if the writers are not extremely careful to be ultra consistant. I can still hear a terrific xfile reviewer saying about the movie: 'well, it had some terrific action scenes and the characterization was fun and emotional and...something about oil and bees.' If you watched that series, you'll know how spot on that statement was. *g* The point being...I hope the SGA writers keep it simple enough for us to follow logically. I just don't know if I'm smart enough or patient enough to tread thru another
                'the chosen one' storyline.

                I also sort of like the idea that the crew has a full plate with this incredible city and all that revolves around her and I enjoy the stories best that the ol girl herself creates. JM (useless) opinon. ; )
                Last edited by Bama; 29 November 2005, 06:01 PM.


                  Hey y'all, Lust and Fame has been updated (chapter 2) over at ffn


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    I can still hear a terrific xfile reviewer saying about the movie: 'well, it had some terrific action scenes and the characterization was fun and emotional and...something about oil and bees.' If you watched that series, you'll know how spot on that statement was. *g*
                    I couldn't get past the near-kiss in the movie for a long time... then about the fourth time I saw it in theaters (okay... I'll admit... that was by the second day of its run... ) I was like, "Oh! There's a alien virus?"

                    Originally posted by Bama
                    I just don't know if I'm smart enough or patient enough to tread thru another
                    'the chosen one' storyline.
                    "The Chosen One" feels like an overdone plot to me these days. Especially something here, where it came out feeling so trivial - why do it?
                    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                    My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                      Every time I see the words, "Chosen One", I think of that nutty film "Kung Pow".

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie

                        48 Hours by rhin_ariel

                        Oh! Cool! I was just about to post a message saying "please wonderful SallyLizzie, supreme finder of fanfic, find me something to read", but you already did! You're the best!


                          Originally posted by xfkirsten
                          "The Chosen One" feels like an overdone plot to me these days. Especially something here, where it came out feeling so trivial - why do it?
                          One of my husband's small agitations with SG-1-which he's always been a huge fan of- is what he perceives as numerous dangling threads that haven't been picked up on or resolved properly. Heck, we even have Sam/Jack as a dangling relationshipper thread. Perhaps, that might yellowlight us a bit in regard to how well this bunch does resolutions. *shrug* I chose to hope they've learned a bit more how to slowly develop a ship...

                          Let's see though...we've got several 'dangling character threads' out there for SGA right now...


                          *John as 'the one'?
                          *Carson as an ex junkie?
                          *Ronon and Teyla on a 'most wanted in the galaxy' poster?
                          *Caldwell's veiled threats?

                          I know I'm missing some...


                            Originally posted by Elinor
                            Ms Pooh has put up her quick thoughts on 'Epiphany' here Hee hee!
                            Anything posted by Ms. Pooh is worth a look. Now we just have to get Red settled into her new home so she can start writing again.

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by xfkirsten
                              "The Chosen One" feels like an overdone plot to me these days. Especially something here, where it came out feeling so trivial - why do it?
                              I didn't really pick up on the whole "chosen one" thing, actually. I just thought that since what's-her-name had some precognitive and clairvoyant abilities, she'd somehow sensed that John was present when they destroyed the beast, and it was her own assumptions and preconceived feelings for him that made her declare that he would be the one to destroy the beast. Her abilities told her that his presence heralded the destruction of the beast, so she just figured that he would destroy it. Make sense?

                              But now I'm wondering if she'd spread some kind of prophetic statements about him, and if all the people thought of him in that way...

                              Yeah, don't know where I was headed with that. But on the plus side, by virtue of typing all this, I managed to find a pen I'd misplaced - stupid black keyboard and black pen. How could I not notice it on the space bar?

                              And so I don't drift too far from Shep/Weir - Sally, thanks for the fic recs, as always. I'm going to have to make some crowns one of these days. "Fic Finding Queen" for you, "Spoiler Queen" for Mel...
                              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Oddly enough, he really likes Elizabeth as a leader. Using him as my 'everyday male fan' barometer, I prodded him to know why he didn't "mind" her when so many fans enjoy critiquing her every move. He told me that she doesn't try to do things she can't do and doesn't try to be a superwoman but instead, uses her strengths such as her intellect and people skills to get things accomplished. I liked his answer because to me, it made sense. He really doesn't have a terrible 'bone' with Teyla's role either as long as they keep her fighting believable from a sheer physical stature aspect. I can understand that and agree with it too.
                                I agree with your husband completely... smart man! What he says encapsulates the reasons why I like Weir... because she is believable as a woman... She's tough, she's vulnerable, she's maternal, she doesn't do everything, she delegates, she cares and she's learning more about her position every time. She's growing.To me believability is everything. I'm not interested in "role models"... women who are put in a show for equal opportunity and to show young women that "they can do it too". While I don't like to see women portrayed as screamers and complete fools over men, I don't think they should be emotionless creatures either.

                                She's a woman and she's all woman. Personally, it's something I love about her. She's not ashamed to be afraid or to show emotion that seems to come more natural to women than it does men. She also has a mothering instinct about her that comes out when she deals with the crew at times. She feels their needs and trusts her instincts to know what bandaid to put on the booboo. But, and it's a big but, she also has a female stubbornness that-like so many women I know-can be a strength for her at times and also a detriment. She's definitely flawed as we all are. I think part of the problem is that on television and film too many times, women are shown as either perfect sex symbols or they're shown as tough as nails, take no bull-make no error types. There's not much 'in-between'.
                                Well, that's pretty much what I think too. I suppose you and I are a little bit older and we tend to look for believability rather than archetypes. That is my biggest problem with Sam Carter... She was set up as a kind of role model. Doc Frasier was terrific because she had all the elements that I just described.
                                Still, I really don't understand why Weir gets criticised for being maternal and for demonstrating some emotion. Most women I know are not afraid to show emotions when they are moved or anxious, so why is it Weir gets so much flak for it? Could it be that they just don't like her... Just an idea...
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

