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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
    I bet he would even leave a bitter aftertaste.
    They should have just cut out the middleman at the end of Critical Mass and shot him

    I haven't seen Kavanaugh lately - any idea what happened to him?

    He tried to nark on me when we sent that message to SGC last year, then he implied I was too weak to lead. I showed him though, I had him transferred

    I wasn't aware of any gate activations today - where did he go?

    There wouldn't have been. I had him transferred to the morgue

    I guess I'm in the minority in that I didn't like Midway.

    1) I find fight sequences dull unless they involve lightsabers or swords.

    2) There's also a scene with Teal'c telling Sam how wonderful she was doing as leader and how everyone loved her that annoyed me. It was just another "see how Sam is wonderful" tricks by TPTW.

    3) They bring back Kavanagh but have no mention of Elizabeth. Don't you think he would have said something snide about her? But then to TPTW, once someone is gone they are forgotten.

    4) Way too much SG-1 crossover - Sam, Teal'c, Lee, Walter. Yeah, we get it Mallozzi - you really loved SG-1 and want to be shooting that instead.
    I probably like Sam more than anyone on this thread, but the Teal'C/Sam scene in Midway (and the one in Reunion) pissed me off royally. It was so forced. Then they follow it up with two dumb decisions in the control room - not trying to at least attempt to dial Earth directly to either block any wormhole from the midway station, and Carter not going with them (it made it seem like an attack on EARTH is less important than rescuing Ronon from a handful of wraith). Also, since we were just talking about Trio, it grated me no end that one of the deleted scenes allegedly confirmed (I say allegedly because it is so vague it could easily have been Hammond) a Sam/Jack relationship. Geez, if they couldn't get them together on SG-1 then surely that's the end of the matter. Don't give me this wink wink bull**** and pretend they're together now.

    Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
    [I]Hi. Haven't been here for a long, long, looooooooong time, and I didn't post very long before Life threw some train wrecks my way. (Plus I wanted to finish my fanfic story, which is still not done, but it's closer. Plus this *&(% computer has the twitchiest keyboard in history and I lost more posts than I can count.) Just testing to see if I remembered my password. Shocked to find out I did.
    Question: how do you do that hide-show thing? And it looks like you can copy from other posts to yours - is that right?
    If I might throw in about two cents worth - keep in mind that S4-5 of SGA were right in the middle of Battlestar fever. It was winning Peabodys, it was getting all the buzz, it was SciFi's baby. And the Stargate franchise was just the shows that saved the network.
    (I know I'm in the minority, but I thought the Battlestar was funny. Really funny. And when it was rocking and rolling, it was hysterically funny.)
    If you look at actions, it's easy to see that Stargate's ptw were green, even purple, with envy. Universe was their Stargate:Battlestar. It was slightly better written, so it was just boring. I could almost feel sorry for them if they hadn't ruined SGA in the meantime. I didn't mind the harder edge in S4-5, but there was so much bad writing (especially S4) there are some episodes that should merit hazardous duty pay to watch.
    If we're counting episodes that merit hazardous duty pay, Trio and Brain Storm are at the top of that list, but another one is the S5 one where Keller switches bodies with some bad girl on another planet.
    I do wonder sometimes how much difference it made that all the writers were men. I don't think the staff needed to be half women or anything, but some of that stuff never would've made it the screen if they had just run it by any woman, anywhere, even the barista at the coffee shop.
    The bolded bit sums it up for me. I liked s5, even though it didn't have Elizabeth. The good eps were great, but the bad eps were just stinkers. And my criticism of Trio isn't so much the characters, it's the writing.

    The bit in Trio where Rodney asks Carter to show those kids her boobs. I don't find it offensive, and I don't think it's something that someone in his position wouldn't say (I certainly think that a 'real' Carter would have heard something like that before - and far worse - but she would either shut that down or have a much better comeback), but given the character that we saw on the show, a comment like that from him was OOC.

    I agree that a female writer would have made a difference on the show. In much the same way that they needed input from the Air Force (they took their advice on SG-1, and on early SGA, but they just stopped listening to them lol) to write military characters, they needed advice on how to write women.


      Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Canon Monday!

      Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
      Kavanaugh. *shakes head* Watched Critical Mass not too long ago and the whole time I was just wishing the Wraith would come and take care of him. Of course, they'd probably end up just throwing him back, so... But hey, maybe Atlantis could have used that as a bargaining chip.
      Leave right now or I'll give the order to transport Dr. Kavanaugh back onto your ship. No please, anything but that! See, we're leaving! Just keep that one away... *horrified whisper* He wouldn't stop talking long enough to feed on him... he called us stupid and incompetent... We'renevercominghereagaingoodbye! *ship jets into hyperspace*
      Poor Kavanaugh, nobody wants him.

      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      I guess I'm in the minority in that I didn't like Midway.

      1) I find fight sequences dull unless they involve lightsabers or swords.

      2) There's also a scene with Teal'c telling Sam how wonderful she was doing as leader and how everyone loved her that annoyed me. It was just another "see how Sam is wonderful" tricks by TPTW.

      3) They bring back Kavanagh but have no mention of Elizabeth. Don't you think he would have said something snide about her? But then to TPTW, once someone is gone they are forgotten.

      4) Way too much SG-1 crossover - Sam, Teal'c, Lee, Walter. Yeah, we get it Mallozzi - you really loved SG-1 and want to be shooting that instead.
      I like Midway as a whole, but there are certain parts of it that annoy me. That scene with Teal'c telling Sam how wonderful she's doing as leader, when we've never really been shown that, is a big one.

      As for Kavanaugh, maybe someone threatened him to keep his mouth shut about Elizabeth and it actually sunk into his dense head this time?

      Originally posted by smalltowngirl View Post
      [I]Hi. Haven't been here for a long, long, looooooooong time, and I didn't post very long before Life threw some train wrecks my way. (Plus I wanted to finish my fanfic story, which is still not done, but it's closer. Plus this *&(% computer has the twitchiest keyboard in history and I lost more posts than I can count.) Just testing to see if I remembered my password. Shocked to find out I did.
      Question: how do you do that hide-show thing? And it looks like you can copy from other posts to yours - is that right?
      If I might throw in about two cents worth - keep in mind that S4-5 of SGA were right in the middle of Battlestar fever. It was winning Peabodys, it was getting all the buzz, it was SciFi's baby. And the Stargate franchise was just the shows that saved the network.
      (I know I'm in the minority, but I thought the Battlestar was funny. Really funny. And when it was rocking and rolling, it was hysterically funny.)
      If you look at actions, it's easy to see that Stargate's ptw were green, even purple, with envy. Universe was their Stargate:Battlestar. It was slightly better written, so it was just boring. I could almost feel sorry for them if they hadn't ruined SGA in the meantime. I didn't mind the harder edge in S4-5, but there was so much bad writing (especially S4) there are some episodes that should merit hazardous duty pay to watch.
      If we're counting episodes that merit hazardous duty pay, Trio and Brain Storm are at the top of that list, but another one is the S5 one where Keller switches bodies with some bad girl on another planet.
      I do wonder sometimes how much difference it made that all the writers were men. I don't think the staff needed to be half women or anything, but some of that stuff never would've made it the screen if they had just run it by any woman, anywhere, even the barista at the coffee shop.
      Welcome back! Oh, the BSG influence is definitely a factor, there's no denying it, and I think it's even more pronounced on SGU. I believe they actually did add a female writer to the staff on SGU, but I never got the sense that it helped matters any.

      LOL at the "hazardous duty pay" line. Why else do you think we watch all these bad episodes together?
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.




          Love it, Nola *virtual green*


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Canon Monday!

            Poor Kavanaugh, nobody wants him.

            I like Midway as a whole, but there are certain parts of it that annoy me. That scene with Teal'c telling Sam how wonderful she's doing as leader, when we've never really been shown that, is a big one.
            Or the deleted scene in BAMSR with Carter and Caldwell, where Caldwell is waxing lyrical about how great thine wench art. I don't recall what MG said about cutting it - I believe it was partly for time, and because it came across a bit like Caldwell was hitting on her (to which I say "huh? If you saw ship in that, then surely you must've seen accidental ship in some of the sparky scenes you wrote")

            Caldwell: You're Sam Carter, you can do anything

            Carter: I wouldn't go that far, but thanks!

            Caldwell: Anytime, Sam. Later on, when this mission is over, I may need to park my ship inside your ship for the night

            Carter: Um, what??

            Caldwell: I may need to park the Deadalus in Atlantis overnight - or even longer - for repairs

            Carter: Phew. I thought...nevermind. Sure thing Stephen!

            Caldwell: I also want to have sex with you while that is happening

            Carter: ...........?? *scratches head*

            As for Kavanaugh, maybe someone threatened him to keep his mouth shut about Elizabeth and it actually sunk into his dense head this time?
            I have it on good authority that he snuck back to Earth in disgrace, hooked up with Dr Lee, which spawned a love child. Proof you say? Check out the dude on the right - looks like their love child to me


            Welcome back! Oh, the BSG influence is definitely a factor, there's no denying it, and I think it's even more pronounced on SGU. I believe they actually did add a female writer to the staff on SGU, but I never got the sense that it helped matters any.
            They did? Amazing. I guess you really can teach old dogs new tricks


              Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
              I bet he would even leave a bitter aftertaste.

              I guess I'm in the minority in that I didn't like Midway.

              1) I find fight sequences dull unless they involve lightsabers or swords.

              2) There's also a scene with Teal'c telling Sam how wonderful she was doing as leader and how everyone loved her that annoyed me. It was just another "see how Sam is wonderful" tricks by TPTW.

              3) They bring back Kavanagh but have no mention of Elizabeth. Don't you think he would have said something snide about her? But then to TPTW, once someone is gone they are forgotten.

              4) Way too much SG-1 crossover - Sam, Teal'c, Lee, Walter. Yeah, we get it Mallozzi - you really loved SG-1 and want to be shooting that instead.
              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              I like Midway as a whole, but there are certain parts of it that annoy me. That scene with Teal'c telling Sam how wonderful she's doing as leader, when we've never really been shown that, is a big one.
              Eek. I'd forgotten that scene too. The advantage of not seeing the latter seasons in a long time: my brain has blocked out most of the bad stuff, lol.

              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              the hide/show thing - that's called spoilers. type [spoiler][/ spoiler] (without spaces) on either side of your text to hide that portion. Long ago, we had a button for it, but that was a forum hack, and Greg got tired of doing it every time there was a forum update.
              Ah-ha! I'd wondered what had happened to the button. It's a shame; it was so convenient...

              Gah, now that is adorable.
              Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                Hi Erin87. How's it going?
                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                  Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                  I'm not sure. I remember it being talked about but I'm not sure if anyone ever actually did it.
                  Thank you. I guess I will have to keep looking for it.

                  Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                  I can definitely see where you're coming from with that. Leaving all the dialogue and everything the way it is would be terrible. But to me that's the beauty of the idea of swapping the characters – it would basically mean an entire rewrite of the episode, taking the basic premise and making it so much better and non-stupid. I don't think there's anyway the combined common sense of Elizabeth and John would allow things to devolve into such ridiculous shenanigans. There would have been an opportunity for actual character development a la Grace Under Pressure – the return of Smart John, Lizzie's cool head under crisis/diplomatic skills with those dumb kids on the surface and getting a chance to show off her practical smarts as well (or maybe getting frustrated by her lack of field skills?), Rodney stepping up (even through his constant whining) b/c he doesn't want to disappoint both Elizabeth and John (and b/c they totally wouldn't put up with it for very long) – instead of just an excuse to build huge set pieces for stunts and beat up on Rodney as a character. (Disclaimer: I haven't seen Trio in a really long time, so if I sound uninformed/way off about the goings on in the episode, that's why.)
                  I agree! The dialogues, would have to fit John and Elizabeth, and therefore Rodney would also have to be more like the Rodney that we always saw interacting with Elizabeth and John (and not the Rodney that we see on this episode). The dialogues, as they were written for the “original” Trio, would not work for “this” Trio.

                  Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                  If they had inserted a couple of scenes that depicted the situation back in Atlantis and John deciding to launch a rescue op, for example, they could have filled up some time. By not having the entire episode take place in one setting, it also would have made the episode less exhausting to watch.
                  I totally agree with you! If they would have showed John in Atlantis, preparing to rescue the “Trio”, who were overdue, (something similar to what happened to Teyla, when she was overdue in “Missing”), this episode could probably have had something of interest to watch. Now this episode, apart from the beginning, has no interest at all (at least to me).

                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  Happy Pretty Friday - Lizzeh got a new picture for her office
                  So cute!!!

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                  If it had been them, Rodney wouldn't have been trying to show off to Elizabeth and would have just let John throw the grappling hook up (which still wouldn't have worked), Elizabeth wouldn't have started to take her top off (the facial expression would have been along the lines of "are you ****ing kidding me"), Rodney wouldn't have said "show them your boobs"
                  I believe Rodney wouldn’t dare to say something like that to Elizabeth, and specially not with John around.

                  Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                  However, John probably would have had to have done the "I can make it" moment and broken his leg instead of Carter so that Rodney could still do the rope thing (and to make you fangirls squee, it could have been a compound fracture, meaning lizzie might have to take his pants off. To check for further injury. Or something).
                  I think I would have liked it this way!

                  Originally posted by It's A Paradox View Post
                  Thank you for posting them up.
                  You’re welcome.

                  Originally posted by It's A Paradox View Post
                  I missed the post-a-thon this week, but I'm not too disappointed that I did. You brave, brave souls.
                  Thank you for your words and for the lovely photo.

                  Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                  Ah yes, Midway was one of the better S4 eps. Ronon/Teal'c smackdown and then that hilarious/adorkable scene when Ronon rescues John from the jumper .
                  I absolutely love that scene!!!!

                  In spite of it being a season 4's episode, I like Midway, and the only thing that actually bothers me there (besides not having Elizabeth, of course!), is indeed the remark of Teal’C when he says that the expedition embraced Carter as their new leader. I hate that part!

                  Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                  Kavanaugh. *shakes head* Watched Critical Mass not too long ago and the whole time I was just wishing the Wraith would come and take care of him. Of course, they'd probably end up just throwing him back, so... But hey, maybe Atlantis could have used that as a bargaining chip.
                  Leave right now or I'll give the order to transport Dr. Kavanaugh back onto your ship. No please, anything but that! See, we're leaving! Just keep that one away... *horrified whisper* He wouldn't stop talking long enough to feed on him... he called us stupid and incompetent... We'renevercominghereagaingoodbye! *ship jets into hyperspace*
                  I think, not even the Wraith will ever want to have anything to do with Kavanaugh

                  Originally posted by Luz View Post
                  Something they never got, that fans of SGA actually loved SGA and were watching the show for its characters and not for the (unfortunately) not so occasional crossovers. They couldn't allow SGA to grow on its own and actually smothered any chances this show had, first to keep SG1 alive and later to sacrifice it to the altar of the youngest Stargate sibling. This poor show got so little love from tptb, it never stood a chance.
                  I am guessing they were really afraid that SGA would end up being better than SG1, so they decided to end it, before it reached that point, and by ending it, I am not exactly referring to the end of season 5.
                  sig by Erin Atlantis Rising: The Virtual series Thank you so much for "Primum Movens"


                    I got my Sparky Con (aka Halfway Con Oct 2001) DVDs in the mail today!!

                    I tried to play them but the region thingy blocked me. I remember when I ordered them I had found some ways around that. I'll just have to do the research again.

                    But YAY!!!!


                      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                      I got my Sparky Con (aka Halfway Con Oct 2001) DVDs in the mail today!!

                      I tried to play them but the region thingy blocked me. I remember when I ordered them I had found some ways around that. I'll just have to do the research again.

                      But YAY!!!!

                      On the DVD region thing, just remember to make sure that whatever you do doesn't permanently change the region code on your DVD player, otherwise you won't be able to play your DVDs from here in the US.
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Well, turns out I can watch it fine on my computer but not my DVD player. Hey, that works too. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!


                          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                          Well, turns out I can watch it fine on my computer but not my DVD player. Hey, that works too. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
                          Yay! Still though, be careful about changing the region code settings. As I understand it, most DVD software only lets you change the region a very limited number of times (like 5 or 6) before it locks and you're stuck with whatever region you last set it on.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Yay! Still though, be careful about changing the region code settings. As I understand it, most DVD software only lets you change the region a very limited number of times (like 5 or 6) before it locks and you're stuck with whatever region you last set it on.
                            I'll be careful. When I put the DVD into the computer, it didn't even ask me about the region. It just started playing.

                            I have no clue. I'm not going to watch it tonight because knowing me, I'll end up watching both DVDs tonight and get no sleep. I'll save them for the weekend. Maybe I can get some pretty screen shots. Although Kris really got awesome pictures already.


                              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                              something to take your mind off of it?

                              Wow, Nola,

                              Of all the pics you have done I think I love this one the most. Beautiful!


                                Hi guys,

                                Been AWOL the last few days - sorry. I was working the end of the week which seemed to translate as falling asleep on the sofa with the laptop. Then I was at London Film and Comic Con over the weekend. It was a busy time, but a lot of fun.

                                Saw the postathon for Trio - funny. I have to be honest, there are whole bits of that I don't remember, which given I have done two full re-runs since January kind of says a lot about how much I liked this episode. The husband likes it a lot more than I do and says Keller's whining was that of someone who felt she was out of her depth. I agreed but am glad she got less moany as it went into the fifth season. But, hey, Midway is a much better episode and the fight between Ronon and Teal'c is cool. There's also the part where John does the self-sacrifice thing AGAIN (a symptom I feel of his growing apathy since Elizabeth went).

                                The low point is obviously Kavanagh - I hate that guy. The most annoying thing about him though is not the character himself but the fact that he actually managed to get an appearance in the series finale - there were characters a lot more deserving of an appearance or at least a mention! AGGGHHHHH!!

                                Anyway, rant over. I am off out. I'll probably pop back on tonight.

