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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by drewandian View Post

    geez i have a sick sense of humor!
    It all depends on someone's point of view. I found it to be *quite* amusing!
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

      And even though I've already rec'd it once this week, I'm gonna do it again, because chronologically speaking, it's the right time. Plus I'm trying to brainwash everybody into thinking this story is canon.

      "Decaf on the Balcony"

      Cleaning up some stuff on my computer, and then I'm settling down and working on Sparky fic.
      Awww... ShipperWriter, I loved this fic!

      Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
      This is what I have accomplished on my AU HS story. Not the original one I was working on. Let's call this 2.0.

      Elizabeth Weir shook her head as the two juniors stared awkwardly at each other during the audition. Perhaps they weren't the best choice as the inseparable star crossed lovers, considering they could barely look each other in the eye.

      "Okay, Mr. Giles, let's try that again, why don't we?"

      He nodded timidly and went back to his mark on the floor.

      Elizabeth leaned back in her theater seat and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

      "Not as easy as it looked, huh?" a voice spoke from behind her.

      She smiled as John Sheppard leaned his crossed arms on the seat back next to her.

      "I suppose this wasn't the best decision of my life," she admitted as she slowly twisted in her seat, trying to work the kinks out of her back. "We only have one week to prepare. Most of the sets from previous productions are still standing, so that doesn't pose a problem. But so far, none of the male students trying out for Romeo or Mercutio have tested well."

      John peeked over her shoulder at the list in her lap. "Who's the best person you got for lover boy right now?"

      Elizabeth tried her best to hide a smirk. "Martin Giles."

      "The nerd who's never had a date in his life. Uh-huh."

      "I'm not a drama teacher," she replied in defense. "I only took this because of Teyla's family emergency. It will be a miracle if I pull this off."

      John glanced up at the assortment of kids on stage, then looked back to the government teacher who was looking a little overwhelmed. "I got an idea. But I don't know if you're gonna like it."

      She narrowed her green eyes. "Go ahead."

      "There's this senior on the football team. Taylor Christianson. his grades are a little low, and I've been working with his teachers to pull them up so I don't have to kick him off the team."

      "What are you getting at, Coach?"

      "He is, and I am paraphrasing loosely here, 'the hottest guy on campus' and oh my God, I can't believe I just said that," he said, burying his head in his hands.

      Elizabeth laughed. "You want to bring him in to see if he can play Romeo?"

      "Yeah." John nodded to the students on stage. "If he gets it, I wanted to see if any of his teachers would accept it as extra credit."

      "Can he act?"

      John shrugged. "No clue."

      Elizabeth sighed.

      "But he's a good kid. And he tries hard. At least give him a chance?" John asked, even though his knowing smirk seemed to indicate that he already thought she would say yes.

      Elizabeth looked towards the stage, and saw Martin Giles try to lean in to kiss the girl playing Juliet at the moment. Between her leaning backwards to escape him and him leaning forward rapidly, they fell to the stage amid a cloud of giggles.

      Elizabeth turned her head back to John and smiled.



      “Are you insane?”

      John had just inserted a French fry in his mouth when the wrestling coach sitting across from him asked his question.

      “Wha -- why do you say that?” John asked back, chewing the fry and swallowing it with his Coke.

      Ronan shrugged, crossing his arms. “I’ve known you for a while, Sheppard. I’ve never seen you stick your neck out for a student, not like this, at least.”

      “Well, Weir’s stuck, and Taylor needs the break. It seems like a win-win.”

      “And you’ll get on Weir’s good side.”

      John smiled, raising an eyebrow. “I’m already on her good side.”

      “Sorry, let me rephrase. You’ll get in her bed.”

      “Okay, not cool, and no. I have a ton of respect for Elizabeth.”

      Ronan paused. “Which translates to, you really wanna get in bed with her.”

      “Geez, you’re such a frat boy,” John responded, throwing a fry at Ronan.

      “Hey, what’s going on?” Rodney McKay asked as he set his tray down on the table next to John.

      “Sheppard’s got a crush on Weir.”

      “Tell me something I don’t know. Which you can’t. Cause I’m the one with the PhD at this table.”

      John rolled his eyes. Ronan pulled the French fry off his shoulder and ate it.

      “So listen. I’ve got a field trip coming up in a couple of weeks, and I can’t stand the sycophants I’m stuck going with.”

      “They’re called students, Rodney. Say it with me.”

      McKay grimaced at him. “Hardy har har. I need some more chaperones to come with us. For some reason, the parents are bailing left and right.”

      Ronan stared at him. “I can’t imagine why,” he dead-panned, causing Sheppard to almost snort his soda through his nose.

      The comment seemed to go right over McKay's head. "Yeah, neither can I."

      John buried his head in his shoulder to stifle a laugh. They could be the Three Stooges.

      "So either one of you interested?" Rodney asked.

      "As much as I would love to, I'm helping Elizabeth with a project," John replied, bringing the turkey sandwich to his mouth.

      "Okay, fair enough. Ronan, what about you?"

      The dreadlocked coach stared back with a glare. "Don't want to."

      "Why don't you ask Zelenka?" John suggested in between bites.

      McKay groaned. "Because he is often wrong, and I don't wish to spend the entirety of the field trip correcting him."

      "Maybe it's not that he's wrong, but he has a different way to explain it," John reasoned, waving a fry emphatically at the physics teacher. "Because he has a doctorate too. What are the chances he's actually wrong?"

      Ronan chuckled at the flushed look that reddened McKay's face. He and John made a habit of teasing him, sometimes to excess. But considering the Messiah complex that he had, it was surprisingly easy to annoy him.

      "Look, it doesn't matter why you can't get along most of the time. You two are the best physics teachers at the school. And since it's a physics field trip, he would be the best person to have along." When McKay started to open his mouth, John pointed a finger at him. "And that is final."

      Even though they taught in different departments, John easily slipped into a leadership role when they were together. I must have been in the military in another life, he mused humorously to himself.

      The bell rang in the corridor outside the staff cafeteria. McKay and Sheppard both had planning next period, but Ronan had a weight lifting class. So he swallowed the remainder of his burger and slid the chair back. "See ya later."

      "Okay. Text me when you're done." John extended his fist, and Ronan returned the gesture with a casual fist bump.

      Rodney stuck his hand out. Ronan looked at it like it had just come from picking the scientist's nose, then walked away.

      Sheppard chuckled, causing McKay to scowl. "Maybe next time, little buddy."
      This was great!
      I like the part where John wonders if he had been in the military in another life. And him suggesting Zelenka to be a chaperone make me smirk. I'm sure the students will have a wonderful time. *being sarcastic*
      Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
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      (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


        Hey Sparks of Atlantis, how're you doing?
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          Originally posted by gateraid View Post
          Turns out it was me. Falcon Horus, here's my present to you. Unbeta'd, of course.


          Pausing for a moment whilst preparing for her first client, Kate took a moment to breathe in the view from her office window. Atlantis truly was a wondrous place, and with the sunrise hitting it just right, her beauty was something to behold. Not that the view from her quarters wasn’t impressive too, but her office had that something ‘extra’.

          A knock on the door jolted her back to reality. A quick glance at her watch confirmed she still had nearly thirty minutes before her first scheduled appointment. What the.......? She thought as she headed to the door controls. Who is this early for a session? She ran her hand over the Ancient controls to reveal her guest.

          Major Sheppard! She exclaimed, not containing her surprise quite as well as she’d hoped. He waited for her to continue, with an amused look on his face.

          Did you have something you wanted to discuss with me? All expedition members were required to have a minimum number of sessions with her per year, but some people were better at coming up with ‘excuses’ for avoiding sessions than others.

          Not exactly, Doc
          . Sheppard said a little apprehensively. Kate raised an eyebrow with intrigue, which seemed to put him at ease for some reason. I have a “friend” who might need to see you. “Friend” was accentuated with air quotes, for which Kate did a better job of suppressing her amusement.

          A lot of my patients have “friends”. She said knowingly. They’re all welcome here, if that’s the way you want to play it

          No, an actual friend with a problem. It’s Teyla.

          Oh. Come in, she gestured. Is there an issue specifically that has you worried, or is this something of an ongoing nature?

          A little bit of both actually, The Major replied as he sat down. She’s been on edge for a few weeks now. I don’t really know why, it’s not like anything has changed that much. The Wraith are coming, but that’s nothing new. If anything, she should be a little more used to that than the rest of us. I don’t know, she’s been biting people’s heads off all over the show. It’s like she’s in a permanent state of PMS or something.

          Whilst her mask had failed her moments ago, she kept an almost blank expression after that remark, and resisted the urge to smack the Major on the side of the head. How do you mean...exactly?

          We had a bit of a barney the other week. She seemed to take it pretty personally. The Major exhaled deeply. It all worked out the way she wanted in the end, but I don’t know what she expected at the time. We were on a recon mission in a cloaked jumper, investigating a planet the wraith were attacking. She wanted to pick up some people that she knew, I didn’t want to risk compromising our position. Hell, I’m all for saving as many people as possible, but if we end up dead too, then it’s a pretty ineffective rescue, eh?

          He shook his head and stared at the floor as he continued. We ended up by getting a few of them out with us. We only had one jumper, so its not like we saved a village or anything. He paused, scratching at his wristband a little. She was sooo.....disappointed with me earlier though. I don’t think she quite got that it wasn’t personal, I wasn’t making a value judgement on their lives. At the time, I deemed it to be an unacceptable risk to abandon our position. She should have respected my judgement as team leader

          I see. Has she questioned your judgement before?

          Sheppard sounded surprised by the question. We work together pretty well on a mission. She’s given up a lot in order to help us, we all owe her a debt of gratitude.

          You’re talking about her position with the Athosians?

          It’s more than a position, she’s their leader. She doesn’t talk about it much, at least not to me, but I don’t think it sits too well with them. You know, her being here on Atlantis.

          That might be what’s causing her some stress.

          I don’t think so, it seems to have come on suddenly. Maybe she’ll open up to you. I hope so.

          Me too. Well, I’ll schedule a session for her.

          That might be a bit of a problem, Doc.

          Oh yes?

          I was kinda hoping you could casually bump into her, so it wouldn’t seem like this was an order or anything.

          Ah. I’m not very comfortable with that Major. Its usually best to be up front about these sorts of things.

          I know. But if I suggest it to her, she’ll just blow off the idea.

          Like you would?

          Sheppard snorted. Yeah, I guess so. Perhaps you could bump into her in the mess hall? I could arrange it so that she’s there around a certain time, you could introduce yourself, and see what happens?

          You make it sound more like a blind date than a session.

          Hey, if that’s the way you want to play it, go right ahead. I just need Teyla back to her old self.

          All right. But my objection to this stands. Don’t be surprised if this blows up in your face.

          Sheppard shrugged. It’s worth a shot.

          So, when are
          you coming in for a session? Kate said pointedly

          Oh, ummm, I’m not really very good at this sort of thing. How about after we deal with the fleet of wraith heading our way?

          Kate rolled her eyes. Sooner than that. Or someone may ask me to gatecrash your lunch


          SR, if you have any pointers, the floor is yours. I don't write very often, so the next opportunity will probably be....2015?
          gateraid, this was excellent!
          I've never thought much about how John asked Kate to meet with Teyla in "The Gift," but this was a very nice missing scene! I especially liked how John was kind of sly and wanted Kate to act as if she accidentally bumped into Teyla and how Kate insisted it was only appropriate if they scheduled a proper meeting. Great contrast in terms of characterizations here! You really should write more often!

          Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
          Aww, thanks! Appreciate your patronage! I had a ton of fun writing M51-936.
          I stumbled across that fic a while back and followed you when you were publishing it. It was a great, original story and a lot of fun to read!
          Last edited by Sequoia Hope; 03 December 2012, 07:55 PM. Reason: Always mess up on spoiler tags... grrr...
          Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
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          (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


            I'm doing fine, thank you. How are you?
            Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
            View my projects on || AO3 || YouTube

            (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


              Not bad. Could be doing better. Could be doing *a lot* worse. Glad its December, school will be over soon!
              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                I stumbled across that fic a while back and followed you when you were publishing it. It was a great, original story and a lot of fun to read!

                And golly gosh darn it, I made another one.

                Now I really am going to bed. Good night, everybody!


                  Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

                  And golly gosh darn it, I made another one.

                  Now I really am going to bed. Good night, everybody!
                  Oh, my gosh, this has to be my favorite one that you have made! I love the arrangement of the pictures and the text... and is that Atlantis I see in the background? You seem to have new signatures all the time - how long does it take for you to make one?
                  Please visit for a Season 6 of Stargate: Atlantis
                  View my projects on || AO3 || YouTube

                  (Formerly known as Sparks of Atlantis)


                    Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

                    And golly gosh darn it, I made another one.


                    Now I really am going to bed. Good night, everybody!
                    Brilliant. I love it


                      Loving the new sigs, ShipperWriter! If you have some extra creative energy, there's a free spot on the Sparky Advent calendar today. No, I'm not shameless. Not at all. Actually, I should have done something last night but could not think of an idea for the life of me.

                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      They made a hash with both of their introductions. Carter's should have been more like Woolsey's (putting her foot down, but unlike him, keeping it down), and Keller's should have been 'less'
                      I would have thought they'd include more disagreements with Carter. *shrug* Would have made it more realistic.

                      That's pretty much what I understood the situation to be too. They had an 'option' to keep her on for another year (year 11 of SG-1, or s4 of SGA), which they took. Her SGA screentime was reduced to accommodate the movie they filmed that year (AoT I think, unless it was Continuum), as well as her Sanctuary commitments (which at that stage consisted of webisodes)
                      They could have included both Sam and Elizabeth in S4 and made it awesome. Gives TPTW the stink eye.

                      Originally posted by drewandian View Post
                      love the sig, SW!

                      and I enjoyed getting the Lemming explanation...I never really got it but never bothered to ask LOL (I'm lazy like that )

                      Had an amazing night to follow up my amazing day...very relaxed and happy right now

                      OH! AND! during my massage I pretty much wrote my Sparky Advent fic (in my head)...just gotta get it down on paper and find someone to beta it for me...
                      YAY! FIC! Glad you had such a good day. You deserve it.

                      Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                      Lil bit inappropriate, but all that lemming/cliff talk reminded me off..


                      Ugh, gotta get going to work. Damn, why didn't I win the lottery? Maybe not playing had something to do with it?


                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post

                        And golly gosh darn it, I made another one.


                        Now I really am going to bed. Good night, everybody!
                        Wow, you are on a roll with Gimp. Nice one.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Smutty Tuesday!

                          Loving the new sig, SW!

                          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                          I would have thought they'd include more disagreements with Carter. *shrug* Would have made it more realistic.

                          They could have included both Sam and Elizabeth in S4 and made it awesome. Gives TPTW the stink eye.
                          Yes to both of these. Would've added so much more in the way of conflict and emotional moments for all the characters. Instead, we got lumpy porridge.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                            Oh, my gosh, this has to be my favorite one that you have made! I love the arrangement of the pictures and the text... and is that Atlantis I see in the background? You seem to have new signatures all the time - how long does it take for you to make one?
                            Yes, I used a screen cap of Atlantis for the background, and quite a few textures in between! How long it takes to make depends on if I already know what pictures I want to use, fonts, words... Sometimes the time flies! It was past midnight before I realized I was still working on it.

                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            Wow, you are on a roll with Gimp. Nice one.
                            Thanks, Auntie!

                            Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                            Loving the new sigs, ShipperWriter! If you have some extra creative energy, there's a free spot on the Sparky Advent calendar today. No, I'm not shameless. Not at all. Actually, I should have done something last night but could not think of an idea for the life of me.
                            Thanks! I'm going to be at work all day, and have errands to run tonight, so I won't even be back on my computer until 6ish. And by that point, I may just be a pile of drool.

                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Loving the new sig, SW!

                            Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                            Brilliant. I love it
                            Much obliged.


                              Originally posted by Sparks of Atlantis View Post
                              Awww... ShipperWriter, I loved this fic!

                              This was great!
                              I like the part where John wonders if he had been in the military in another life. And him suggesting Zelenka to be a chaperone make me smirk. I'm sure the students will have a wonderful time. *being sarcastic*
                              Thank you on both counts! I've like that quote about "I must've done ...... in another life" ever since I heard Jack quote it on SG-1.

                              When writing AU, I endeavor to make my characters behave as canon as possible. It makes me feel good to see that I did it!


                                RL rant:

                                So the last class of the day has a sub. *headdesk* And I told her that telling me ahead of time all the things that the class is doing today is redundant as I will be interpreting the instructions when she actually tells the class. And yet she tells me anyway. *eyeroll*

                                The teacher assigned two good students to hand out the worksheet and workbooks. The sub tells one of them to do the attendance. *headwall* Pretty sure students aren't supposed to do that, but I digress. At least the one student gave the list to me to double check.

                                The other student is calling out assigned numbers for workbooks, and as no one is listening he asks me to use my authoritative voice to tell kids to get their books. So I do. Then the sub jumps in and starts shouting out numbers too, but refuses to let me remind the kids about their numbers (and it's understandable that they wouldn't remember - the class numbers have changed and they only use them, maybe, once a week). Then she gets all frustrated because no one's getting their books, and she gives up.

                                So I got out my iPad to spite her. Hasn't said anything yet.

                                *runs into a wall repeatedly* So getting Starbucks when today is over.

