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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gooner_diva
    Eh, another lifetime lurker here. Luckily, I've been reading the thread since it started or I'd have to take a vacation to catch up. Sheppard/Weir is just irresistible!
    Welcome to the thread!
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      I found GW in April, and joined immediately, never lurked before that but I went straight into posting, then decided I should try to read entire threads, let's say I haven't read even half of this one. I just searched under Stargate Atlantis and found it, this also has been my first forum too, and I've liked my time here, gotten to chat with quite a few people, this thread would be one of my favorites too.
      McKay: I'm invulnerable!
      Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
      McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

      McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

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        Originally posted by gooner_diva
        Eh, another lifetime lurker here. Luckily, I've been reading the thread since it started or I'd have to take a vacation to catch up. Sheppard/Weir is just irresistible!
        At this point, you really would. It wasn't so bad nine months ago, but this place has really exploded!

        I'm a lurker everywhere but GW - this is the only place I post... and even as I write this, I realize that it isn't true. I lurked on LJ for a long long time, too, and only recently started one. But, still, I'm practically a professional online lurker, and that's for all my interests (including professional ones).

        So that just goes to show what pull/power/chemistry Shep/Weir had - to drag me out of lurkerdom so much that I've posted more that 350 times!

        (Just trying to keep this slightly on topic.)
        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


          I was a lurker here for a while... like La. I guess I decided to pop in when I found that I needed someone (or people) to talk to instead of boring my friends with my obsession.

          And Welcome Gooner_Diva!!!!

          Oh and btw, Truely, Madly Deeply has been updated! I don't know if Sally already posted the link but if you haven't read it, read it! It's really well written. Beware of Conversion spoilers though.


            Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
            It just sounded something like a husband would say to a wife, just was charming.


              Originally posted by xkawaiix
              I was a lurker here for a while... like La. I guess I decided to pop in when I found that I needed someone (or people) to talk to instead of boring my friends with my obsession.

              And Welcome Gooner_Diva!!!!

              Oh and btw, Truely, Madly Deeply has been updated! I don't know if Sally already posted the link but if you haven't read it, read it! It's really well written. Beware of Conversion spoilers though.
              Oh yeah i love that fic!

              Lovebar made by natz099
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                Originally posted by Whistler84
                Anyway, I know the anniversary was on the 9th, but better late than never, right?

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                The Value of One Years Worth of Squeeing . . . . . PRICELESS

                Sheppard/Weir . . . It's everything you want it to be.

                LOL!! That's excellent Whistler! I'd green ya if I could gal. And oh, is it EVER so true!


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Yeah, that line surprised me so much when I first saw the episode that I think I ran it back to make sure I wasn't hearing things. I would have expected him to say it the way you phrased it.

                  I don't think I'd say that his phrasing is exclusive to someone already in a relationship, but I'd say it's pretty strong proof that John is fully aware of how close he and Elizabeth are. And just the way he phrased it said to me that he knew it was far beyond having been through a lot – that, at the least, this is the deepest friendship he has in Atlantis. And possibly the deepest friendship he'd had for a long time before that.
                  I have to agree there. John could have said that many different ways. The voice inflection also seemed to be saying a lot beyond the words. It seemed to me, thorughout the entire ep, that the two were trying to communicate something, but it was all under the radar. Also the way she had difficulty telling the others to say their final goodbye's to Shep--she was truly in pain. She obviously wants to tell Shep something.

                  Side note--did nayone else get the impression taht Shep and Weir spoend alot more time together than we see on screen? They seem to be very comfortable with one another, and confident. There were also a couple of references that made it seem that way. I think this episode also showed one of the reasons why Elizabeth Weir is in charge--she is not willing to sacrifice the safety of Atlantis and its in habitants for anything. I found it inetresting how she let the deteriorating Shep be short with her and defy her in front of others, but when it came down to matters of life and death she did not give an inch.

                  Frankly, I was surprised how little we saw of the team. I was dissappointed by that to an extent, but trhe character advancements made for both Shep and Weir were worth the limited focus.

                  Finally, since we have all been commenting on this lol, here is my (brief) take on the other ships:

                  Shep/Weir: Really saw it from the irst ep I watched (which was "Suspicion" I believe). The disparate qualities of the characters really play off of each other well. The two actors seem to have great chemistry on screen and it has a very deep potential. Obviously my fave ship

                  Shep/Teyla: I think Teyla's character is interesting and seems to be a good teamate for Shep, but I can only see them as good friends. She seems uncomfortable with him outside of combat/joke situations. I think it would be a refreshing change to let the two team mems be firends as well.

                  Ronan/Teyla: I see this one. The actors and characters really paly off one another well. I think Teyla, being a spiritual person, would be the best individual to help Ronan recover as well.

                  Ronan/Weir: It's hilarious and interesting, but I don't see this one really going anywhere. I won't put it past TPTB to add a touch of it, but I think there needs to be a ot more development between them.

                  McKay/Weir: This one is interesting and the characters are great together. There are moments throught the seasons where I can see it. I think it's more of a friendship situation (maybe a bit of idolization on teh part of Rodney--I know sounds ridiculous considering his arrogant nature, but seems so concerned for Liz at times, and eager for her admiration). I think it will develop as a firendship though.

                  I won't go into any more--too long!

                  Great "Conversion" discussion.

                  Mel, any info from north of the border yet?



                  Signature By Amber Moon


                    I'd been lurking here since mid season 7 of sg-1. Sheppard and Sheppard/Weir had me signing up.

                    The first half of the first season I would have to watch Atlantis separate from sg-1 because I was too attached to sg-1 to be objective, but when the Eye aired it had my attention. I rewatched the first half in reruns and really liked what I saw particularly with the Sheppard/Weir dynamic. Atlantis threads are really the only ones I post in.


                      Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                      Mel, any info from north of the border yet?
                      The Hive airs a week from tomorrow. There are a few Canadians around the forum (MartoufMarty comes to mind) who usually give really good episode synopses in the episode discussion threads immediately after the episode airs. Then those who, um, acquire the episodes through other means should have information sometime the next day.

                      Oh, and La, West Wing won't be airing new episodes till December 4 for some reason. But we're coming up on Danny Concannon's return. How sparks should fly.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
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                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        The Hive airs a week from tomorrow. There are a few Canadians around the forum (MartoufMarty comes to mind) who usually give really good episode synopses in the episode discussion threads immediately after the episode airs. Then those who, um, acquire the episodes through other means should have information sometime the next day.

                        Oh, and La, West Wing won't be airing new episodes till December 4 for some reason. But we're coming up on Danny Concannon's return. How sparks should fly.
                        Thanks for the info--no West Wing until Dec. 4th! Maybe the live debate really took it out of the actors lol.

                        One more question. I'm working on a Philosophy final project on the paradox of fictional characters. Part of this study will be looking at why we have emotional interest in these characters and their level of "existence". If anyone would like to contribute a quote of osme kind on the topic--I'd appreciate it. I'll be taking a few quotes (anonymous) to give the general public's impression on the topic. If you have any thoughts--just PM me.



                        Signature By Amber Moon


                          i cant wait to read the Hive... a week tomoz eh???ooohhh so excited... just saw jungleground.... so so good..... Torri rocks!!!!!!
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            where are you guys???? 3 hours inbetween posts here.... come on L/J Shippers!!!!!!!
                            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                              We're here, just not posting.

                              Now, I know we did a wishlist a while back for the rest of the season, but anyone have anything in particular for The Hive, seeing as how it is airing next week?

                              Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                                Originally posted by ubiquitous
                                We're here, just not posting.

                                Now, I know we did a wishlist a while back for the rest of the season, but anyone have anything in particular for The Hive, seeing as how it is airing next week?
                                i am not sure... i just hope for a little ship scene at the end... maybe the balcony.... maybe in the quarters (thats a long shot i know)
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

